that`s how mafia works ❣️ /// spy

replace with fc
replace with fc  replace with fc  replace with fc

birthname. 황보건/ hwangbo gun. 

— 박보검/ park bogum ; so much for having a normal undercover name. his place of employment got skeptical about it at first but they accepted his transfer. but he still got teased a lot by his seniors.

birthdate. december 26, 1990 ; 29.
birthplAce. jeju, south korea.
ethnicity. korean.

— korean ; bogum has been making a living in seoul for almost a decade so his korean is very natural. before at the police academy, he had trouble communicating because of his jeju dialect. there are a few times he talks like that when he's drunk but everyone dismisses it as gibberish.
— english ; he used to learn english during university. he can do simple conversations. he leaves weird search quieries in his google search history like "korean word for mercenaries" and "what does  mean".

faceclaim. 전성우/ actor jeon sungwoo.
backup fc. 김동영/ nct doyoung.

bogum is tall and distinctively pale. working as a police officer, his hair is neatly styled in a bowlcut and his eyes seem to look gentle but bored. on the contrary, when he appears before the family he wears emo make-up and a weird mullet wig that's supposed to make him look intimidating. his sharp eyes and pale skin amplifies the enigmatic air he gives off.

his inherent acting skills and well-made disguises make it easy for him to blend in. his demeanor changes and people can easily mistake him for a different person. styling his hair differently or using cosmetics helps a lot. despite still learning how to effectively apply prostethics, he's already very reliable for infiltration jobs. 


it's important for bogum to dress appropriately for a job. he dresses discreetly for his current job. the godfather jokingly warned him that his usual get-up is too expensive for a korean police officer to afford.

bogum expresses himself by wearing expensive and branded clothing whenever he appears before the family. but instead of looking good, it makes him look stupid. clashing patterns and too much accessorizing make it distasteful. however, broke police officer park bogum wearing a hideous gucci outfit wearing smudged eyeliner? it's the perfect disguise.

after taking a long hot bubble bath, he wears satin pajamas and dives under the covers of his soft duvet. he likes to feel expensive while going to sleep and being undercover won't stop him. 


amiable. selfish. shallow. cunning. 

hwangbo gun was a reserved boy growing up, with his twin sister being the more extroverted one. however, bogum was crazy good at acting and tried to use it to get what he wants, like when he pretended to have a stomachache to skip gym class or when he gave an oscar-worthy performance just to borrow money from his high school girlfriend -- he never paid her back, by the way. his acting would never be as effective if it wasn't for his ability to think fast under pressure. he stays confident and calm, but if anyone insults his mother or his sister, he gets really worked up.

gun is relatively friendly. he often cracks jokes and likes talking about superficial things like sports or tv dramas. he expertly segues to those exact topics when they start asking him personal questions. he's secretive about himself but only because he feels uncomfortable talking about personal things. this doesn't stop him from knowing just about anything about the person he's talking to. people tend to not be as tight-lipped around him because of a certain confidence he has -- he's good at dealing with people. connections are very important to him but he's not loyal to anyone.

confident. annoying. quiet. threatening.

when he appears before the family, he gives off an air of someone who isn't to be ed with. the last thing he needs is to let his weakness show and get bullied in a place like this -- he already stopped wearing meme shirts after the first time, okay? he is known for his silent and serious demeanor. the few words he lets out are few but to-the-point. despite all that, he's not the serious serious type. he's more of a stray bullet -- with his messy get-up and hair -- or a ticking time bomb. he definitely looks more like a common thug than a dignified mafia member. he gets on people's nerves because of his looks -- along with his disinterested-looking facial expressions -- in addition to being close to the godfather.

mafia members assume that he's someone who would lose his temper over a trivial matter and it wouldn't be far-fetched to think about him cramming a pair of scissors in someone's eyes. despite rumors and his threatening aura, he never acts up. never instigates any actual fighting mainly because he doesn't want to get in trouble with the godfather. he does fight back. otherwise he'll get a reputation for being all bark. still, he's more scared than he looks. he's hiding behind a confident persona he created beccause he needs to act tough. he's really scared of dying but at the same time he has to appear like he doesn't care.

lazy. shy. aloof. kinda dumb.

park bogum's not the most driven person in the workplace. his job requires him to work at a special drug task force. they rarely do drug busts at this time so he's often stuck at the office. if you keep an eye on him, you'll notice that he's just busy playing minesweeper and he only leaves his desk to eat jjampong -- gochu jjampong on special days ♡ -- at the break room. in a sense, bogum's persona is very similar to himself. when his work friends approach him, he is friendly and even talkative. but despite warming up to them, he still ends up being sort of secretive -- but contrary to his usual reason, this time it's because he's forgotten his fake information either from information overload, or his last brain cell is lapsing from lack of use.

bogum is known for being very shy. he gets flustered easily -- his ears get red (he practiced doing that for a long time) when he's embarassed or given praise. bogum is also known for being quite dense -- played up for maximum effect when he needs to clear up some information since most people would be quick to correct someone with the wrong information. he also enjoys arguing with byungho and provokimg him by purposely saying stupid things -- he enjoys annoying him in general. strangers to bogum would think that he would be hard to befriend because of this.

he pretends to be fine, but he's not fine.
conflicted. vulnerable. human.

when the drunkeness wears off, do you regret ever texting your ex? his hands shake awfully -- like he just drank a whole mug of espresso. it was worse than sending several embarrassing texts to someone who doesn't care. he replays stabbing a living, breathing person like a scene in a movie. he doesn't feel any remorse while he does it but afterwards, just before he sleeps, he is reminded that what happened was very very real. he killed someone. he feels guilty about it but he tries his best to forget it -- by taking long bubble baths and wearing comfortable pajamas. it was like believing using a pretty band-aid will help heal a deep wound.

bogum is in denial about a lot of things and he often finds himself trying to justify his actions. he's not selfish -- he's doing this for other people. he keeps this job thinking to himself that it's for his mom, but it's actually because he can't seem to get enough -- he wants the money for himself and to some extent, he enjoys doing his job. he tells himself that he has no other choice. but he has. he always has. but he doesn't want it. he doesn't want a boring life in prison. he would always prefer this thrilling but difficult life.

background. his father was a cop and his mother ran a shabby sea-side restaurant in jeju. however, a land redevelopment company pestered them to sell their restaurant. the company representatives bribed his parents but his mother never accepted the money since she had inherited the place from her parents. bogum's father got a job transfer in seoul -- he was demoted but his salary won't be hindered by the provincial rate so he would earn more. everything was fine until thugs sent by the redevelopment company ransacked the restaurant when he and his sister weren't around. his mom got injured badly and they managed to get her to sign a transfer of land agreement threatening her that her kids were next. it was a cruel world. his father died in the line of duty while his mother had to work odd jobs just to get them to school. filled with anger. he hated those thugs who did unspeakable things for money, and he hated the cops who did nothing but protect themselves. he didn't know back then that he would hate himself the most because he ended up being both.

bogum was a model student and aced his studies. he also had some connections -- he was the teacher's pet and all -- and he managed to get an application all the way to a police academy in gyeonggi-do along with a shiny recommendation. he chose that school because the school expenses would be paid for after working in the police force for six years. in yongin, he was only able to come home once a year so he often called to his family. bogum's salary had been meager so he took bribes to give more money to his mother. however, four years into his job, he got in trouble. he was framed for larceny and his dirty cop bribes got dug up because of it -- he should've just stole whatever it is he supposedly got framed for. the first thing that came to his mind was to run. he hid in another city. he didn't have a lot but since he was a wanted criminal in yongin he rented a place, a ty one-bedroom-- that was it, just a small bedroom. while he was surviving off instant noodles, he mulled over getting involved in the drugs. maybe joining the mafia was the only way for him to start over. he wouldn't really mind how dangerous it is. 

contacting a woman he'd been taking bribes from and who owed him a big favor, he asked to join her mafia family. bogum was given several missions to prove his loyalty. it wasn't easy. the most difficult part of the job was killing people. once or twice, he had to kill -- at the time, he wasn't entirely sure he made the right decision: he could have just gone to jail and served a totally unjust sentence instead of making his criminal record worse. but not every job was an assassination, some were track and report -- obtaining information. he was good at that. he had to work many small missions and after two years, he was formally introduced to the family. bogum was taught invaluable skills he had to master in the span of a year -- all in-between undercover jobs. after a while, he needed to infiltrate a certain special task force but he needed to be trusted by the police in order to get in. he worked for at least a year before he got permission to join the task force. he still did other undercover jobs for the family but the task force was his main priority. 

fun facts.

🐍 bogum has always been good at acting even when he was a kid. his sister would protect him from bullies -- teaching them a lesson for breaking her brother's ankle -- only to come home and find out that his ankle was perfectly fine.
🐍 he can't cook anything other than frozen tteokbokki. so bogum's main sustenance had been take-out food -- he had like 3,000 sweet & spicy fried chicken for the past ten years. he orders jjampong at work because it's easier to eat.
🐍 he is very comfortable with close combat and using meelee weapons -- anything that goes thump thump or stab stab is a go. even a stapler could be dangerous with bogum around.
🐍 bogum palpitates when he drinks coffee. his hands wouldn't stop shaking too so he avoids caffeine whenever possible.

🐍 bogum often falls asleep while taking a bubble bath. it's amazing he hasn't turned into one big raisin.
🐍 bogum splurges his leftover money on clothing and flexes his ridiculous outfits on his ig @y__hbg.
🐍 he looks up catalogs of foreign brands during work. "online shopping?" "i'm hoping to save up for shoes." "yeah, sure. it'll take you... about 6,250 years."
🐍 bogum watches a lot of cop and gangster dramas. the more bloody it is, the more he enjoys watching it. he likes that he can enjoy it without actually dirtying his hands.

🐍 "two hours of exercise and combat training a day will keep the other mafia members grim reaper at bay." 


— the godfather ; "gunnie, always remember that i trust you."
back when they first met, bogum had messy shoulder length hair and was wearing this shirt -- the godfather honestly found it kind of weird but it managed to leave a lasting impression on him. after gaining the trust of the godfather by doing several jobs satisfactorily, the godfather lessens his doubts about bogum. after a couple of years, they get along well. but instead of showing bogum favoritism, the godfather often picks on him. he even gives him unnecessary jobs -- "didn't we already have an informant in this convent?" "i think gun would make a decent nun." -- and ridiculous made-up names for his fake ids and paperwork -- "jin galbi? is my name supposed to be galbi-jjim (braised short ribs)??"  bogum readily reacts and shows his exasperation at him. they don't seem to take each other very seriously when they're by themselves. as much as bogum loves up to people in high positions 
(i know it sounds bad;;;;) the godfather has become an actual father figure for bogum.

  — mother : shin haera ; "you got injured? stop being so reckless. whose son are you?"
shin haera is the type of mother who will scold her son even if he got hurt. she's not an affectionate person but everything she did had always been for her children -- waking up early to make breakfast and working at the wet market for hours -- and bogum appreciates that. a resilient woman, haera protected her restaurant far longer than any of the other residents even when she constantly received threats. she's also a law-abiding citizen -- it's stupid. the same law-abiding police she believes in never did anything for her even when she was sent to the hospital for broken ribs. the money he sends her every month is higher than the usual police officer's salary but not big enough to raise her suspicion. she doesn't know that her son is involved in mafia -- if she did, she will definitely give him a huge scolding and drag him back to jeju. the only thing stopping bogum from sending her bags chock full of of 50 thousand bills is because he knows that she won't accept that kind of dirty money. she's too stubborn. bogum finds her naggy but knows that she cares.

  — twin sister : hwangbo eun ; "little kiddos, be quiet."
eun is a straighforward individual who can easily command the attention in a room. however, her rough actions have no room in a high school teaching environment so she tries her best to clean up her act even if she ends up being more than a little awkward. during their childhood, eun always came to bogum's rescue when he gets bullied for up to the teacher. she often skipped class and got herself a reputation for being a legendary delinquent in the neighborhood. she went to fights betting on being a ppang shuttle for a year if she lost but getting their monthly allowance if she won. she's only lost three times and won like more than 50 -- someone was really rich, so she never really had any difficulties paying for her schooling or her snacks because of this. however, her mother never liked the idea of her getting into fights. as apology to her mother, after finally graduating high school (she got held back a bit), eun got a teacher's degree and vowed never to fight. however, she proves to be a free spirit and her delinquent tendencies slip when she tries to make her insubordinate students submit -- but that's probably illegal. bogum is happy that she's trying to turn over a new leaf. he tells her to "go live that yankumi life." both bogum and her both yearn to make their mother happy and both have each other's backs no matter what.

  — church oppa : noh byungho ; "are you dumb?" 
byungho transferred from the forensics department. despite being religious, he swears that he hears voices whenever he's alone at the morgue. despite this, byungho is usually the team's brains and a voice of reason. when someone -- bogum -- proposes a stupid idea for a drug bust, byungho shoots him down quickly. he is quite sharp-tongued which is a contrast to his handsome and angelic face. they might not always agree on the same things -- bogum and byungho often engages in friendly banter -- but you can always expect them to be chatting away during work. byungho notices bogum's not-so-discreet on and off crush on the team leader. however, it turns out that byungho is surprisingly sensitive about that kind of thing and doesn't really mention it to bogum.

  — sunbae hoobae : seo nayoung ; "i'm sure if i close my eyes and open them again, the bad guys will turn themselves in." "yeah, and  their pants."
nayoung is in her mid-twenties and despite being younger than everyone else, she's a capable police officer and a judo black belter. nayoung is relentlessly cheerful -- something people don't usually notice when she's smacking a hardened criminal with a police baton, and threatening his whole family while she cuffs his wrists. she's very agressive and easy to annoy so most people from their department are scared of her. nayoung gets excited over idol groups and always buys vip tickets to monsta z's concerts. bogum often wonders where she gets the money from because the countless discount coupons littered on her desk imply something else. he also often sees nayoung sneakily take home rolls of toilet paper from the office.

  — the femme fetale : ahn hweji ; "anyone seen the eyeliner mullet guy lately?"
bogum has never been to mafia meetings much so he isn't really close with anyone from the mafia except for the godfather. even the middleman that introduced him to the mafia remained a stranger. he doesn't trust anyone in the mafia easily. but if they ever need to do a job together, they'll probably get along all right so long as bogum doesn't bother her during the job. she'll probably be pleasantly surprised at bogum for wearing better clothing


replace with fc  replace with fc  replace with fc

birthname. 고준/ go joon.
faceclaim. 김준호/ go joon.
backup fc. 박재범/ jay park.


joon was a sports athlete -- a boxer in particular. he was very good at it and he was supposed have a promising career. but he had to stop because of an injury. he fell off the roof of their house trying to catch a cat that got stuck and he broke his arm. he went to attend physical therapy but he couldn't box as well anymore. joon decided that he should pursue his dream job -- a job where he could help people. he didn't want to go back to a hospital, so he attended a police academy. as a police officer, he was assigned to the violent crimes division but he often got a stomachache -- he couldn't always poop at the crime scene's bathroom so he was transferred to the traffic division. his police comissioner uncle couldn't stand his nephew being treated this way so he put his nephew in charge of a special drug task force -- he knew that joon was more than capable for it. 

joon seems like a very serious detective (the serious serious type) at first. he can be menacing just by glaring at someone and his face typically looks like a villain's even when he's just wearing a neutral expression. he's also proves to be a very capable detective since he's bogum's superior and all. he's very attentive as well. 
he remembers if co-workers are visiting a friend in the hospital and gives them a small box of fruits to give as a get-well-soon present. it may seem like joon doesn't have any visible faults but he has a particularly big one. joon is a very timid person, and a total yes-man. he couldn't speak up about his chronic stomachaches that he developed after being assigned to the violent crimes division -- because aside from eating spicy food, gruesome dead bodies make him really nervous and it upsets his stomach. he also couldn't decline his uncle when he gave him a job to become the team captain of a drug task force.  

"always be thankful for what you have. if you have nothing, at least have kindness. others will appreciate it." those were his dad's last words. he keeps it near and dear to his heart. joon initially wanted to inspire others with his past experiences like how his dad used to do but along the way, he just became plain talkative. he tends to share a lot of things with people he isn't even close to. once, when they ordered fried chicken in the office, joon talked about a friend who was working multiple jobs. he would always be late for his next job so he asked joon if he could make a couple of deliveries for him until he could make the shift. joon refused to be paid for it so as thanks his friend would treat him out to eat during weekends -- but not everyone is like his friend. more often than not, people takes advantage of his kindness. but the worst part is, he lets them.


the first time bogum saw joon, his first thought was about how the man wasn't the traditionaly type of handsome -- his charm gives off a kind of dirty, y vibe. bogum noted that he could be an athlete from his height and build, and that he was a bit older than bogum. his eye-smile while handing bogum the chicken wings made bogum's heart skip a beat. after timidly taking the bag of chicken wings. he found it hard to even say thank you because he was trying his best not to choke or stammer. what was up with him? so bogum might have had a little crush on him-- okay, he still does. but the point is, besides the fact that he would never admit it himself, he ordered chicken wings frequently from that specific restaurant because of the delivery guy. he wasn't always the one who delivered, but when he did -- bogum's day was made.

joon has his own office but he often loitered around where everyone else was and sometimes, he even does his work in a desk nearby. bogum got attracted the serious manner he has while working -- not that he would ever admit it. but as he worked longer at the narcotics department, his attraction took a nosedive. joon regularly ate lunch with his team members. bogum starts to notice that the team captain often gets stomachaches -- since joon never forgets to mention that he's feeling really queasy a lot throughout lunchtime. bogum likes to think that it's because he keeps on eating food that's fallen off his plate -- the worst one might have been joon picking up a shrimp that fell on the floor and eating it like nothing happened. he's not dirty y anymore -- he's just dirty. despite the cringy things bogum discovered about joon, somehow, he reminds bogum of his mom. joon often doesn't say much to praise his co-workers or raise their morale -- on the contrary, he often talks about himself a lot -- but bogum knows that he cares a lot about them. he always remembers the smallest details about his co-workers even something they had mentioned in passing. he also does overtime work to help other people organize their unfinished reimbursements -- except he does all the work. okay, maybe he's really just a pushover.

their interactions at work often go like this: by accident, joon eats the gochu jjampong bogum ordered since it has the same color as his tangsuyuk. joon notices this during the first bite. he hesitates telling bogum since bogum has already eaten more than half of his tangsuyuk. actually, bogum felt that joon had been staring at his general direction and he tried to preoccupy himself with eating his dish, a bit faster than usual because he got nervous from possibly being stared at by joon. preoccupied with his thoughts, he failed to notice that the dish he was eating wasn't spicy or the fact that he was eating pork instead of noodles.


up to you. but honestly, i feel like it will forever be one-sided because bogum is very much in-denial about the fact that he even likes a guy. the only time he might accept what he truly feels is when he knows that he's really gonna die. like if he's in a very critical condition after being shot at work and joon is holding him -- that's the only time he's gonna confess. even in that situation, he wouldn't admit any mafia secrets -- but maybe he can spare his feelings some leeway.

comments. hewwo ;A; i used bogum as his name throughout the app cause i like the sound of it more than gun ?? but you can refer to him by gun in the story if chosen, if u want. also his department isn't that important. it's up to you if you wanna change it. i just want see joon work with him lmao. also idk if you watch knowing brothers but i watched the episode with the actor go joon in it and the love story just went all over the place lol
password. what's that? A KNIFE- no! using a knife is more intimate.

🐍 dramatic reveals and lots of gunfights @ U @
🐍 it's an emergency and he's forced to go out in his satin pajamas! or bohyung catches hin one of his ridiculous outfits

🐍 the eternal dilemma of choosing his lover (???¿¿) or his job
🐍 narcs team building activity and bogum being fLUSTERED over joon

🐍 joon and bogum on a stakeout and they share a gimbap bc they're both hungry and broke
🐍 someone from work realizes bogum is hwangbo gun and a wanted criminal

🐍 someone from the family -- they ask help from the hacker or it's the hacker -- changes his ig username to @ultimate__twink after they get into an argument.



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