山田 美穂

MODE's Lead Dancer, Vocal, Rap
FACECLAIM : 90 x 90

NAME : Yamada Miho

BIRTHDAY & AGE : December 1, 1999 (19)


【 Mi-OW 】: This works 2 ways: she has 2 cats she adores and video chats with when she can and loves cats things. So the sound is "Meow". 2: you will hear her say "OW!" so frequently from running into something. 

【 Dizzy 】: After her moment caught on video the fans start calling her this as a term of endearment.

ETHNICITY : Japanese


BIRTHTOWN : Shimonoseki, Japan

HOMETOWN : Shimonoseki, Japan

FACECLAIM : Sakura - IZ*ONE (Juri - Rocket Punch, Sana - Twice)

HEIGHT & WEIGHT : 163cm & 47kg

APPEARANCE : Best thought of as willowly if only she were taller, Miho has a soft, sometimes delicate appearance. Round, sometimes a big doe-like, eyes looking around curiously and in awe of the world around her, Miho exudes some level of doll-like looks that pairs with her softness. However, more often than not, Miho walks around with a far less delicate and refined aura than her looks would lead one to believe. Off stage, she is happy and eager, probably just before clumsily running into something that makes her go "OW!", matching her slightly larger ears more than her stage presence. But on stage, when the concept calls for it, she is able to turn on a more spohisticated air that lends itself to her physical features...before going off stage and reverting back to the awkward, silly dork she actually is.

STYLE : If Miho had her way, everything she wears would be oversized and comfortable. Preferably purchased at a thrift store (because back in Japan, that was what she and her mother often did on days off: go raid thrift shops). Nothing beats a soft, well worn pullover honestly. Alas, in Korea her outfits are far more "fashionable", falling on the so called feminine side of the spectrum: beautful blouses, skirts, well fitting leggings or pants, sometimes a more casual dress on the latest trend. While she would like nothing more than to just throw on whatever in her closet, she is aware that appearance does matter a litte. So for more public appearances it's back to her so called "idol" fashion versus her preferred. 



❝My dad was Korean too, you know? People tend to forget that...❞

/ / /


Effervescent, Naive, Amiable, Guileless, Reticent, Optimistic, Complacent, Considerate, Introspective, ENFJ - The Giver, A Peacekeeper


PERSONALITY : Sweet as sugar with none of the calories. Miho is known for her happy, effervescent type of personality. B with youthful energy and optimism, Miho is usually one of the first to bounce back from something harsh or bleak, and is often the one trying to cheer up the people around her if they too haven't bounced back. Swanning around, humming a song to herself just while doing the most normal of things, Miho is the type you would think is simply happy to just be around. Have a new task, choreography, or even need to simply redo it all over again? "I'm on it!" will be the eager response from Yamada Miho. Eager to get along with those around her, Miho tends to go with the flow of things around her. If you want a companion to go on a late night adventure, Miho will happily join you to keep you company. Likewise, she's equally happy with helping out around with the most menial things. She's not out to pick a fight, prove her point, or show that she is the person in the right. She's just happy if everyone is getting along, and is happy to be peacemaker and give in during a disagreement because its better than letting the conflict continue. Winning isn't important.

But is it? Being willing to bow out of an argument just because she doesn't want their to be disharmony means she doesn't really get what she wants in the long run. Miho avoids most conflicts even if she is the person that's right. Harmony is something she loves: chaos is not. Her optimism puts her chaos into something of a positive control, as delusional as it might seem. Miho reflects a lot on these conflict when they do happen however, and becomes increasingly careful not to repeat the "mistakes" that lef up to it. Truly, this child needs to learn that not all conflict is bad. She's too ready to adjust her own behaviors instead of expecting others to change theirs. While good in some cases, it means that Miho can fluster herself in instances where she doesn't seem to know who or what she is or should be or...it's all very frustrating to this all to eager people pleaser.

It is far too easy to take advantage of Miho. She's not dumb per se. Instead, she's just gullible, and also incapable of being entirely sly herself. Her emotions are open and easily read. Miho likes to think most people aren't out there to take advantage of you, and even if they did, they surely had a good reason. She's not capable of being deceptive either even when she wants to. Don't ask this child to lie. She will fail. Surprise party? Just don't ask her to lie plainly to someone's face, and you'll be fine. If it's a silly thing, Miho will end up smiling or giggling as she realizes she can't keep a straight face. But if it's something more serious, or otherwise worse? Much like how she avoids conflict, Miho will try to avoid the situation. And if confronted with it? She'll break down, and tell the truth. 

While conflict averse, peacekeeping, and overall too trusting for her own good, as she grows older and experiences more of the real world, outside of her happy rose colored bubble: maybe she'll start growing a backbone, and start fighting for what she wants more. She'll need to stop falling silent and apologizing when people question her intentions or her motivations. She is apt to concede and "fix" herself to the expectations of others. Who cares if she is actually upset or sad? Everyone expects her to be happy and gentle all the time. She isn't...but right now, she is having a hard time voicing that she isn't in the mood to be sweet, cute, effervescent Miho today. 

Deep down, Miho knows how she must come off. A silly thing that must be equal parts foolish and naive. She knows she has had advantage in life in not experiencing the same hardships of some others. But is it so wrong to want good things to happen? To not see everything as bleak, tiresome, and hopeless? It's not delusion so much as choosing to see the silver lining. She is not as helpless as people think she is, especially as she experiences the world around her. Absent-minded, yes. But not entirely helpless and foolish. One day, someone might finally push Miho too far. The day Miho loses her temper and screams and shouts her frustrations and grievances will be a dark one indeed.

/ / /


【 ✕ 】: Her favorite food/meal is bossam, and she really enjoys the entire ritual of eating it together with her family and friends.

【 ✕ 】: Exceedingly clumsy. She runs into things daily and generally has a new bruise the make-up team ends up having to cover up. Most idols have bruises from training or falling during practice. Miho ran into a coffee table.

【 ✕ 】: She absolutely loves cats. At her shared apartment with Misun, they have 2 cats she named: Yuzu (a red tabby) and Momo (a calico). They're a little over 2 years old, and their old neighbor watches them when either of them have schedules. (Thanks Granny Kim!)

【 ✕ 】: Ever since watching Stranger Things, Miho has been really interested in Dungeons and Dragons. 

【 ✕ 】: Her Korean is extremely good. Reading and writing it can be tricky sometimes, but Miho comprehends much more than some would assume a foreigner would. Thank you Papa Lee.

【 ✕ 】: She was part of dance club all through high school for fun, and it has definitely helped her immensely in transitioning to idol training. 

【 ✕ 】: The moment that garnered her some viral fame was a video of Miho trying to leave a stage, but her pausing to allow somoeone else to go first, bowing to them deeply. And then a nother person went, so she bowed. And another with another bow. And again. And again. And again. It wasn't until someone from her company collects her that she stopped, and she even stumbled a little from being dizzy. It became a hit because of "awwwwe" factor, thus sparking some new interest in her.



❝Oh I'm quite certain they had a good reason!❞

/ / /

As far as she remembers, it was always Miho and her mother Akane. Apparently, shortly after Miho was born, her biological father just...sort of vanished. To this day, no one really knows what happened to him. Her mom tells her he went out to buy cigarettes, and then never came home. He has been declared legally dead since not even his family knows where he is. 

And that's where the tragedy ends really. Miho never knew him, and her mom always said her biological father wasn't a good man.

But now Miho is three years old, and her mother meets a Korean man named Lee Junghoon; and he makes everything better. Not deterred by her already having a child, they marry and for all intents and purposes, Junghoon is her dad through and through. They lived in a subdivision where mostly Koreans resided in Japan, and Miho grew up with a mix of Korean and Japanese culture. She herself never faced persectuion or encountered nationalists who didn't like Koreans: the perk of being fully Japanese. Within their community though, they were accepted and they never knew realy, terrible hardships again. Miho got to grow up in a warm home with two supportive, happily married parents. She's living the dream really.

Skip ahead some more to mid 2017 when Miho has just completed highschool in Japan. She is considering studying in Korea for a year or two, aiming to focus on business as it seems like a logical and pragmatic choice. Apparently her father has some connections with some fellows inthe tech wordl who could help her get a job when the time comes. While visiting her aunt and her "famous" cousin for the first time in Korea, Miho was introduced to Korean idols. She was familiar with Japanese Idols, and that never appealed to her even though she'd been approached as early as 12 to consider it. Her cousin is Lee Misun, lead vocalist in Aleis. Misun made time from her schedules to spend with her visiting family, and got to chatting with Miho about her interests in life and what she planned to do for university. This leads to them visiting DM's offices, and then actually having Misun teach Miho one of her group's dances. 

Not only does she get the attention of the CEO and a trainer who were passing by, but Misun gets an idea into her head for her cousin from another father. DM needs more trainees, and even Miho acknowledges she is only studying business because it's practical. Plus, Miho is pretty and already spoke Korean near fluently.  

That's how Miho auditioned for DM and joined their trainees.

/ / /

TALENTS :  (up for random changes at any given moment on a whim without notice)

【 vocal 】: Olivia Hye - Loona (Choerry - Loona)

【 rap 】: Olivia Hye - Loona (Choerry - Loona)

【 dance 】: Olivia Hye - Loona (Olivia Hye - Loona)


TRAINING YEARS :  roughly 1 year.

TRAINING : Training is hard for Miho at first. She was not prepared for the amount of ramp up she would need. Unlike other trainees or those who wanted to be trainees, Miho has little besides dance to back her up. Even then, her dance experience is so miniscule. Also, being a foreigner, even if she has been exposed to Korean culture, still requires her to adjust. They make her take language lessons, even though her spoken Korean is probably better than most native speakers, and she has to drop some weight along with it. It's all very hard. To add to it, she discovers some of the scandals and issues DM is having, and her parents aren't too pleased with Misun for dragging Miho into the company and putting her potential career on hold.

But Miho finds she enjoys it all the same. It's hard, but she's also training with others, and socializing well within the company. She is ecstatic to be immersed in her father's culture. She even loves being able to help other trainees when she can. 

It isn't always like that though. Sometimes questions on her future in kpop come into question due to her nationality. Some people like to corner her and try to get her to give her opinion on the issues between their countries. The company coaches her on these sorts of questions: better to remain sweet and neutral than to answer directly. Don't worry: the company will field these questions and divert if needed. It is perhaps the one thing that casts a gloom on her experiences. Realizing that, no matter what, she will never be anything but Japanese to some people. So she learns to smile, keep her head up, and to mask her confusion and hurt. She doesn't want to have these discussions.

How does she really feel? It's complicated. She acknowledges there's bad history. She tries to keep up with international issues. There are problems. However, she can't answer for them, and even if she did she knows there are just escalating issues. While she wants to advocate for atonement for past misdeeds, she doesn't want the present to suffer for it as well. She sees both sides. Siding with one side puts her at odds with her motherland, while the other puts her at odds with the only father she's known and the new life she has ahead of her.

Per DM: maintain composure, hold your head high, and refrain from engaging in the discourse. 


/ / /



【 EVENT 】: None. She was set to be in one of Axiz's MVs but a door to the face ruined that.

/ / /



【 EVENT 】: None prior to her debut! Please add any you would like to include as the story progresses. I could see a later scandal dealing with either her parentage or her nationality coming about.


2 parts awe and 1 part intimidation is the first feeling Miho had towards Jangmi. In mant ways, Jangmi is very similar to Misun: the kind of perosn who can command a room with her sheer presence. Miho can only hope to one day hold the same quiet confidence Jangmi seems to exude.

Without meaning to, Miho does tend to look to Jangmi (both literally and figuratively) when she's lost and unsure of her next action. Part of it is because of her respect for Jangmi; the other part is this feeling in the back of her head that if she were to mess up, she'd upset or annoy Jangmi somehow. But it only is harder because despite how kind Jangmi is towards Miho, Miho really knows very little about Jangmi, and she knows Jangmi sees her as a little hopeless (she wishes she wouldn't though...)

Miho could learn a lot from Jangmi, and vice versa. There's definitely a happy medium between the pair that could be had if they tried to understand the other.

Song Jangmi
98 liner
RELATION : 90x90

VP of the Miho protection Squad - while Jooa might come off as childish and tempermental, her mood swings and outbursts do little to deter Miho from her. Miho is ever patient and usually the first to attempt to soothe and divert Jooa's attention elsewhere if needed.

There is never a dull moment with Jooa though, and Miho finds her free spirtiedness refreshing and ability to just not care and be openwith her inner feelings something she sort of envies. Miho wishes she had the bravery to just fling her emotions out into the world like Jooa does sometimes, so her outbursts often don't both Miho as much as they might bother others.

Lee Jooa
99 liner
RELATION : 90x90


When Miho met Somyeong, she wanted Somyeong to like her. Somyeong was a far more senior trainee afterall. But things don't seem to go well at all for them at first. It feels like that Miho can only do wrong around Somyeong, even when she tries to befriend her. Its awkward and difficult. But Miho tries regardless, having both Hanzo and Kwangho assure her Somyeong is a good person.

So Miho tries. She doesn't stop trying to befriend her. She wants Somyeong to like her. 

But the two of them share something inspite of their differences. As Miho and Somyeong get to know each other, Miho is having the realization that life is not fair, and especially to Somyeong. Its something that Miho understands and makes her want to do better. While Somyeong assumes thats Miho has had it easy, Miho has also had to struggle with her own. But because of this, Miho doesn't want to fail Somyeong. She has to do well so somyeong won't have regrets anymore.

They're both lost girls in different ways.

Kim Somyeong
97 liner
RELATION : 90x90

TRAITS : TBA (From Jooa's app)

(more tba) To Miho, he is the coolest. The absolute coolest. The best. Miho might have a small *Read: BIG* crush on him. Aside from Misun and the CEO and employees, he was the first person she really got to know in DM. It's also nice to have someone to converse with in Japanese.

It's, sadly, very obvious that Miho likes Hanzo. But it's equally obvious that he doesn't seem to think of her that way, and has eyes for someone else. He still treats her well, and it's still nice for them to converse together comfortably. 

Yamamoto Hanzo
Sunbae, Axiz
RELATION : 90x90

Faling at near opposite sides of the emotional spectrum, Miho just...gets a feeling that Gireon doesn't like her very much. Which is odd as they could arguably share so many things in common if they could sit and actually talk intimately on their worries. But much like with Jangmi, Gireon is an enigma to Miho. 

Miho finds ahe tries to reach out and befriend Gireon often, but never seems to quite make a connection due to how closed off Gireon is. Miho, like with Jangmi, gets a sense that Gireon might see Miho as some helples little bird with her head in the clouds (again, she really wishes people had more faith in her), but Miho wants to connect with their very talented main vocal with a uniquely pretty face. Gireon seems far stronger than how Miho views herself, and she respects her for that. 

Heon Gireon
97 liner
RELATION : 90x90

TRAITS : Assertive, Loving, Sassy, Crass

Face: Lee Mijoo (Lovelyz)

The lead vocal and dancer of Aleis, and a veteran in the idol industry by now, Misun can be heard around the company scolding or otherwise chiding Miho for not sticking up for herself more. Just as much, she is offering words of wisdom and encouragement. In Aleis, she is a delight in variety for her outgoing and lively personality. 

She has her own apartment, though she also spends a good deal of time with the restof Aleis if anyone still stays at a dorm. As such, she shares her apartment with her "cousin from anothet father", Miho, and their 2 cats.

Lee Misun
Cousin, Sunbae, Aleis
RELATION : 90x90

They start hitting it off rather quickly. Both are easy going and usually accomodating each other with little fuss. It's an easy friendship: the kind you make where you can share silly cat memes one moment and then huddle together around a phone or tablet to try and catch up on the latest episode of Stranger Things. Unlike with Jangmi or Gireon, Miho doesn't feel intimidated or unsure around Harin, or have the explisiuve sponteneity around Jooa. Arguably, Harin is her favorite dongsaeng in this foreign land. Harin doesn't see her as the Japanese trainee, and Miho loves her for it.


But then things change. Slwoly but surely they change. Harin isn;t rushing to drag her off to a trip to convenince stores, or excited to share a video together with her. It stings as Miho has to watch her former favorite just pull away. They once seemed to share a same mind on oppoiste ends; Harin was that balance of intelligence and charisma, adventourous and outgoing, that Miho wishes she could be more like and less thought of as foolish. There was a time when Miho thought Harin understood...she misses it.


Seeing Harin pull away, maybe it's Miho who finally decides to be more open with her and vulnerable about her deeper fears and anxieties. In Miho's mind, maybe she did something tp push Harin away, so now Miho needs to fix something about herself. But maybe in doing so, she is helping Harin as much as herself.

Choi Harin
00 liner
RELATION : 90x90

Initially, there is an awkwardness between Aera and miho. This stems from a bizarre dynamic where Aera seems to be the older in their relationship, personality-wise and even with height. Their pretty giraffe practically looms over Miho. They just seem to have very different perosnalities, so there doesn't seem to be too much communicating at first. Sometimes, Aera really does seem more lke the elder and its assumed she takes on more of the guiding role. Miho sometimes just doesn't know how to act around Aera: does she treat her as a dongsaeng or not? Does Aera even want that??

That is, until there start to be qhispers that the pair don't like each other, or are distant. It stems from an incident where, Aera standing behind Miho, happens to move at the sime time Miho does. This, from a certain angle, makes it look like Aera shoved or pushed Miho. This is not th case, but it does make the company believe they should start interacting more on a friendly basis regularly to alleviate these worries.

From there, they realize they aren't actually that different. They can relate to each other in that they come from similar origins to DM and to appreciate how they balance each other. They just start GETTING each other. In the end, when the day has been bad or when they need to vent, they often sit and confide with each other. Aera is one of the first to really hear miho air her grievances, and  Miho becomes okay with Aera not seeing her as "happy" Miho al lthe time.

Seo Aera
03 Liner
RELATION : 90x90

!!WARNING!! Written while listening to fromis_9 Miracle. So. Much. Fluff. Ahead.
!!WARNING!! Written more while listening to SS501 Crazy 4 U. I'ts an oldie but goodie damnit.

 Lee Kwangho, Idol (Main Dancer, Vocal, Rap of AXIZ)

FACECLAIM : Lee Chan / Dino (SVT)

BIRTHDAY & AGE : August 27, 1998 (21)

PERSONALITY Traits : Outspoken, Humorous, Shameless, Tempermental, Fiery, Protective, Bold, Sensitive. 

PERSONALITY : Kwangho often finds himself being told to stop exposing his fellow Axiz members. Meaning that without prompt, he is willing to totally toss them under the bus with an embarassing story or memory. Heck, he'll even share similar stories of himself. There's no shame in this boy, and it's compounded that he really doesn't feel like there's any reason to be ashamed. In all honesty, Kwangho enjoys a jovial atmosphere, often acting as an ice breaker or funny man in his circle. Plus, he is confident in himself, flaws included, and sees no harm in being confident outwardly. He's the chatterbox, eager to talk to anyone and everyone if they are willing to listen. And unfortunately, sometimes he shares too much and embarasses everyone. 

Watch out. Kwangho, more so than many of the other members and maybe even in DM in general, is quick with a snappy comeback. His humor tends to be full of sass and onthe nose commentary. The thrill of a good-natured banter and trading words is something he lives for...though sometimes, if you don't know him well, his comments may come off as too foreward or smartass. He has little patience for people who do things mean spiritedly, and is apt to tell people off just as easily a he is to be playful with them. He's gotten in trouble more than once for mouthing off at someone he thought was being disrespectful or rude. One memorable moment was when a fan was overly aggressive towards a groupmate and he told them to bakc off with an angry glare. For Kwangho, you have to protect those close to you, and that includes supporting them in any way he can.

However, as he is a creature of emotions and usually lacking filter, sometimes Kwangho is a little too quick to shift his temperment. He can go from moody and brooding to full on excitement with very little prompt. Makes him easy to please under most circumstances, but just as easily to get his feelings hurt or to sulk boyishly over something. But he is also fiery and feisty, ready to jump up and fight at a moments notice if needed. 

BEFORE : Miho knows about AXIZ, though she wouldn't tell you she's their biggest fan. She's heard a song or two, but didn't learn more about them until she joined DM, and even then her only meeting was with Hanzo when he came to see the new Japanese trainee and how she was adjusting to life in Korea. It was very sweet. They'd spent a little too long conversing apparently. But all Miho could think about was how cool Hanzo was. How handsome he was. How kind and attentive he was being by-

"YO! HanZO! We gotta get back to the dorm!" Hanzo apologized for Kwangho, bowed, and left to join him.

And that's story of how Miho technically met Kwangho for the first time. Also, technically, they met during the shooting of their MV she was the female lead for, but most of her time was spent with being directed on how to act and such. She only really spoke with Hanzo, who once again often checked on her.  And then he literally smacked her in the face. To be fair, it was her trying to hurry out the door. And to be more fair, he had no way of knowing there was a Miho behind the door when he opened it quickly.  There was blood. In pain and in panic, Miho ended up backing up into a set piece, knocking over everything on it, tripped on her own foot when she tried to recover from this, and ended up on the floor a crying mess because everything just HURT gosh darnit and that was scary as frick. Panicking too, Kwangho ended up using the sleeve of his shirt to stop the blood.

After she'd finally stopped crying, and while they were waiting for some help, Miho just started laughing and wincing at the pain in her face.

"Oh my god. Why are you even laughing you klutz?"

"Because only me, Miho, would end up in a situation like this on day 1 of shooting. I'm sorry about your shirt." Kwangho was ready to scold her for apologizing for a shirt when he'd basically broken her nose, but he didn't get a chance to.

She was then collected and ushered away. Sadly, her nose was very bruised from that, and she had to be replaced for filming. Hanzo gave Kwangho an earful for that incident.  And Kwangho decided he liked Miho. They both ended up taking Miho out for food for recomppence after that. Which ended up becoming something of a regular thing when they weren't busy with schedules. It's during this time that their trio dynamic was established. Their outings were usually getting a meal together at Hanzo's invitation, and the traditon continues to the present. 

LOVE STORY : By now, the friendship between them is pretty solid. Kwangho has been pleasantly surprised by Miho's ability to just roll with his teasing and to even banter back with him. He teases her all the time that around Hanzo, she just looks like "an adoring puppy", coos at how cute she is, and usually ends up with her just giggling and sharing whatever she's eating with Kwangho. The friendship between the three of them is something the fandom knows well, so seeing her with either one does little to anger the fans thankfully. 

But slowly, it becomes less the three of them. Hanzo appears less and less available, which makes Miho sad honestly. So Kwangho doubles down to make up for it because sad Miho is just...not something he likes to see. When schedules are hectic, he makes it a point to check on her, and vice versa for her. He usually to tell her to be more assertive on what she wants and to not let the others "bully" her; and she usually tells him to not worry so much, and to be more concerned about looking like a smartass on variety and vlive. Outside of their respective groupmates, and even sometimes more so, they contact each other the most. When out of the country, they always bring souveneirs back for the other. As a joke, he even got them matching shirts on a trip. Miho wore it proudly.

They watch out and offer emotional support for each other, with a good does of teasing and banter. One time, during a recording, he had to call a celeb friend and ask them for help and to come save him under false pretenses. The person had to say a specific phrase. He called Miho. Miho listened, paused, and just said flatly, "Oppa, I know you're filming right now. Don't lie. Have a nice time." and hung up. Laughs were had all around. If they are next to each other, even when Hanzo is on her other side, she will clutch onto his arm, or he'll have a hand on her should or small of her back. They are genuinely comfortable in their physical space together.

In private, Kwangho tries to make Hanzo look at Miho romatically. He's gotta help a girl friend out after all! She's, to him, quite literally the best girl. So why doesn't Hanzo like her? It's not like there's a dating ban, and they had a solid enough friendship.

"You look like an adoring puppy," is the comment Hanzo makes about that to him. Kwangho denies this while somewhere else, Miho is denying something similar to a groupmate.

Kwangho finds himself increasingly worried over Miho, especially during the times when her nationality comes into play. Everytime he sees an interview or hears someone ask about it, sees her look uncomfortable, he wants to punch the person who did it. Miho has to remind him she can handle herself, but his response is that he KNOWS she can. It doesn't stop him from feeling protective. To which she smiles and tells him thank you for trusting in her ability to take care of herself. They understand each other.

All the while, everyone around them question will they or won't they? Is there something there? They're dating, right? Even fans speculate they might be dating, while others vehemently deny it. 

(Idea? It takes a scandal of Kwangho supposedly dating a well known idol he'd become friends with recently during a show filming to bring the truth of their feelings to light. Basically: Miho is devestated, and has to admit to herself she loves him. He has to finally come clean himself to make things right between them. Or maybe Miho will be the one who takes the initiative this time?)

Kwangho = best friend of Hanzo. 
Kwangho = teases and pesters Miho over her crush.
Kwangho = president of the Miho protection squad.
Kwangho = been secretly pining over Miho but ain't got the balls to admit it.
Miho = sees through any of Kwangho-sass.
Miho = thinks Kwangho is a better dancer than Taemin (he's really not).
Miho = president of the Kwangho is all bark and no bite club.
Miho = Likes Kwangho more than Hanzo honestly.
Kwangho + Miho = eat together, laugh with each other, practice together, call each other constantly, read each other easily...
Kwangho + Miho = the reality that they've probably been dating this entire time without realizing it and are the dumb.


Conversations that probably happened:

Misun: We've got to talk. Since you're dating you should be careful. I'm not saying you should stop, but you should definitely tell the CEO so just in case you get caught she can-

Miho: But we're...not???

Misun:...the ery is this?


Kwangho: I don't get it. You're so intent on Jooa you're not seeing the perfect one right there! Miho is-

Hanzo: Bro, we're close and all, but why would I ever date your girl?


ENDING : I will never not ask for a happy ending, damnit. >.< But ideally they'd both realize the perosn they want has been each other the whole time. Their relationsjip wouldn't really change much except there is now security in knowing the other's feelings and being open about it.


ManDewIt (a/B/o.)

❝...I don't want to smile right now.❞

/ / /

COMMENTS : So as some collabs I was working with complete, I'll be adding them here. You'll notice that there are probably more collabs than actual members (eventually). Figured it would give you lots of options and insights! Please let me know if I missed anything or got anything horribly wrong. I feel like I might have gone off on a few too many tangents at times (I apologize for the novel LI section...I blame music...) I hope the twins are okay. I know Olivia Hye and Choerry aren't lnown for rapping, but they do sometimes and I didn't want her to have a strong rapping twin.


【1】: First photo of Kwangho and Miho together and sparking the shipping: Miho got lost from her group and managers when she got distracted briefly at the airport. Unfortunately she ended up amongst some rather pushy fans. And Kwangho swoops in, takes her arm in his, and leads her back to everyone else. 

【2】: Miho finally just losing her temper and some poor person baring the brunt of her anger and rage. Maybe it's a turning point in her development to being more assertive and less of a pushover?

【3】: GIRL BONDING. Let's make them go bungee jumping or go through a haunted house!

PASSWORD: non-title: Airplane, Rosy, Show, Highlight; Title Track: Remember Me (their debut holds a soft spot with her)




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"miho ran into a coffee table" LKJASDLFJ could she be any cuter
Everyone’s on the bandwagon already but I’m still at work...lmao