Kim Sunwoo is Apollo of Olympus

Kim Sunwoo
Apollo — Zeus — marshybleep — Annie — 9
the bare basics
FULL NAME — Kim Sunwoo
— Sunshine - Well, it goes without saying, am I right?
— Polly - Dalrim (Artemis) has called him that since they were children, so whenever they meet again in human form, she slips up and calls him that.
BIRTHDAY & AGE — May 30, 1995 (23)
BIRTHPLACE & HOMETOWN — Athens, Greece (explanation in trivia)
— Korean - Fluent: He can't really expect to pretend to be a Korean if he can't speak Korean lol Besides, he's the god of poetry, so he should know different languages (although many would probably not be relevant to this story)

— Greek - Fluent: Born and raised in Greece
FACE CLAIM & BACKUP — Jung Hoseok (backup: Kim Seokjin)
APPEARANCE — Standing at 177 cm, he's not the tallest guy, but respectable enough. He has tanned skin, which somehow manages to stay tanned even in the summer. His hair is dyed brown, and he has a mole over his lip. Sunwoo being Sunwoo, he made his human form have no scars or birthmarks.
STYLE — Sunwoo is the epitome representation of a Hawaiian tourist. T-shirts, shorts, and sandals 24/7. Only because he can't wear Hawaiian shirts. In the winter, he's always bundled up in way too much clothing because he's not used to the cold. 0bb89620e613ec20a26d78e0e8c86634--hoseok-bts-bts-j-hope.jpg37551eaedb41ceb403a0cdb207a1168e.jpg
character image
lift the veil

ESFJ;Gemini;Hufflepuff —
(+) Optimistic, Friendly, Adventurous, Confident, Honest
(~) Extroverted, Dominant, Sociable
(–) Impulsive, Promiscuous, Irresponsible, Short-tempered, Hedonistic
PERSONALITY — Sunwoo is optimistic, always looking at the bright side of a situation even when the situation is not in his favor. He's friendly and gets along with people easily, managing to slide his way into the people's favor. He's adventurous and confident, going for all opportunities that come to him, even when they may have negative repercussions. He is always honest. Despite maybe not doing the greatest things, he will always stay honest about his actions and intentions, making it very hard for him (and Dalrim) to hide his true identity because he's honestly a terrible liar.

Sunwoo is extroverted and sociable and always makes an effort to talk everyone, making him actually be quite the valuable asset in their investigation for Hades. He's a dominant person, always the assertive one in conversations, even when he is talking with someone of higher status.

He is impulsive, and does not think about the consequences of his actions before he does anything. Sunwoo's short-tempered and cannot hold in his anger whenever he feels it. Luckily, he doesn't get angry often anyways. He's hedonistic and promiscuous, seeking the material pleasures in life, quite to Dalmi's dismay. However, he's irresponsible, and does not accept the consequences of his actions, often leaving it to the responsibility of the other gods. In this sense, he may be considered one of the most immature gods. Despite his bad traits, he is more childlike than anything, and while he appears (and is) selfish a lot of the time, there are moments when people can tell that he genuinely doesn’t have bad intentions and that he cares for his loved ones, even though he can’t express it well.



— Music
— The occult
— Sunlight
— Soccer
— Poetry
— Plants
— Dogs
— Alcohol
— Being underground
— Reptiles
— Jeans
— Killing things
— Socks
— Fruit
— So, about the Athens thing, someone asked Sunwoo and Dalrim about their birthplace. Sunwoo blurted out "GREECE" before thinking, and Dalrim, thinking quick, explained that their parents were Korean ambassadors in Greece.
— Despite the whole "promiscuous" thing, he's actually quite innocent regarding life, unable to see why he has to have to accept responsibility for his actions.
— Sunwoo is a "literature major at SNU," and lives in the university dorms.
— He doesn't room with his sister despite going to the same university.
— He has commitment issues.
— In the 1700s, he came down to Earth and discovered tarot cards, which was totally up his alley, sparking an interest in the occult (god of prophecy, anyone?).
— In his dorm room, he has fairy-lights everywhere.
— His memory isn't great, but he can still remember every poem he's ever read.
— When he meets the other gods (human form) in his dorm, he puts up a sound barrier in his room to pretend they're doing the dirty in order to trick his roommate. His roommate thinks he's a boi bc of how frequent it happend.
— He was initially secretly kind of jealous of Hades for being able to just leave his responsibilities because he himself is irresponsible. However, he still follows his (godly) duties.
— To hide his identity from his roommate and friends, he does go to class, although he gains a reputation as a slacker since he's barely in class.
ZEUS — 5 / Once Zeus' favored son, their relationship became strained after Zeus killed Asclepius and all that mythology stuff blah blah blah. They eventually made up, abheit still having a strained relationship.
POSEIDON — 6 / Apollo and Poseidon have similarities, and they get along pretty well, despite Apollo thinking Poseidon is old and naggy at times.
HADES — 3 / As the god of the Sun, it's not really surprising that he doesn't get along well with Hades. Honestly, Apollo is unsettled by Hades.
ARES — 5 / A god just as impulsive as himself, Ares and Apollo actually don't get along as well. Ares is too violent for Apollo's taste, while Ares thinks Apollo focuses too much on "soft" things.
ARTEMIS — 10 / Artemis, his twin sister, is the god he is closest to. She's always exasperated by his recklessness, and is always the one to pick up after him when he messes up. Her human form is named Dalrim.
ATHENA — 7 / Athena, like Artemis, gets exasperated by Apollo sometimes. They're technically half-siblings, so really, Athena feels kind of obligated to watch over him.
APHRODITE — 6 / Aphrodite also tends to enjoy the material world, so Apollo and her see eye-to-eye. They don't tend to fight a lot.
DEMETER — 6  / Because Demeter is goddess of the harvest and he is god of the sun, their jobs are intertwined. She gets along with everyone, but Apollo and Demeter aren't especially close or anything.
love interest image
it's a love story
FULL NAME — Kang Junghwan
FACECLAIM — Kim Taehyung
BIRTHDAY & AGE — December 1, 1995
ENFP;SAGITTARIUS;HUFFLEPUFF — Optimistic, Outgoing, Perceptive, Possessive, Indecisive
PERSONALITY — Junghwan is an optimistic person. He tries his best to see the best in other people. He doesn't have issues with meeting new people, and has many friends. He's a perceptive person despite his ditzy persona. He can tell if something doesn't feel right, and most of the time, his thoughts are right. However, he's quite indecisive, making it difficult for him to act upon those feelings. Junghwan is a possessive person as well; when he loves a person, it's hard to keep them out of his sight since he always wants to be near them.
RELATIONSHIP — Junghwan met Sunwoo because they were assigned the same dorm at university; Junghwan was a photography major while Sunwoo was a lit major. From the beginning, Junghwan felt uneasy about Sunwoo despite the boy's friendly personality. Still, they got along quite fine, although Junghwan is still wary about his roommate.

All's well until a few weeks later, Sunwoo brings a short-looking guy to their dorm. Even though he closed the door, Junghwan could still hear the grunts and moans coming from Sunwoo's room. This became a common occurence, sometimes bringing in the same people, sometimes new faces. So much so that Junghwan wanted to hate the other boy, but he could never really find it within himself.

One day, Junghwan found Sunwoo and a girl sitting at their kitchen table, in a deep conversation. Seeing that the two didn't notice him, he stepped closer, listening in. "Hades isn't going to beat Zeus, right? I mean, we have eight and he has one--" Thinking they were talking about videogames, he steps in. Surprised, Sunwoo quickly introduces him to his sister. They don't do that much the rest of that day, but Junghwan's perception of Sunwoo changes. Number one, Sunwoo isn't just a boi; he cares about the ones he loves. Number two, there's definitely something strange about him, something Sunwoo isn't telling him.

Junghwan begins to warm up to Sunwoo over the next few weeks. Sunwoo begins to stop bringing people home, and they begin hanging out at night instead. Sunwoo actually begins to fall for the younger. Junghwan feels the same way, yet he doesn't let himself, remembering when he brought people home. Sunwoo boldly tries to woo Junghwan, but the other rejects his advances.

Around finals time, they make a mistake. Junghwan, exhausted by exams, goes to hug Sunwoo, like what he does often sans exams when he's stressed. Caught up in the moment, Junghwan kisses Sunwoo before he realizes what he did. The last thing he remembers before running away is Sunwoo's shocked face.

Sunwoo does love Junghwan, and he'd be damned if he let him get away. So, of course, he chased after him. A few hours later, he finds Junghwan in a nearby park. (*insert intense, emotional moment*) Junghwan confesses that he really can't trust Sunwoo, and Sunwoo, caught up in his emotions, confesses his real identity, and that "if he can tell the biggest secret he's ever kept, then he no longer has anything hidden from Junghwan."
STATUS — roommates to friends to boyfriends
ENDING — It would be ideal to say they got married and moved into a nice home and had five children, but Korea still hasn't legalized gay marriage, so they're technically just boyfriends for now. During his time on Earth, he passed his duties onto disciples. Luckily, Sunwoo's only real duty was as the sun god, so, much like a human's day job, he only works from morning to evening, leaving the rest of the time free.


Q1: How did you feel when Hades left his responsibility and went to Earth?
"Even I know my duties! Why does he get to leave when the rest of us need to stay?"

Q2: Are you and Hades close?
"Well... To be completely honest, I'm kind of scared of him. I'm just hoping some other god will be the one to confront him."

Q3: What would you say to Hades once you found him face to face?
"You can't just leave when all of us have to do! I want to do the same thing but even I know I can't just leave!"

Q4: It is stated that no God nor Goddess is allowed to stay on Earth just to be with their mortal lover. What would you do?
" the rules, mate. I only work during the daytime anyways."

Q5: Would you risk everything for your mortal lover?
"Of course, it's a given."

Q6: Would you tell your mortal lover the truth that you are an Olympian God/Goddess?
"I mean, they'll find out sooner or later. Might as well tell them."

Also, it was kind of hard to write relationships because some of the gods might have different personalities from what is commonly known, so I kind of just winged it? It's probably going to change so take it with a grain of salt lol
IN ADDITION, I kind of realized you might already kind of have something planned for the love interest, so like, feel free to screw around with it lol
SCENE SUGGESTIONS — Lowkey Junghwan and Sejin should interact bc vmin but it's okay if they dont!
Also, plenty of SunwooXDalrim sibling conflict!
PASSWORD — "I would do the same thing as Hades, but I'm not ing stupid!" ("Yes you are, shut up.")


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