name Lucy Lee
Lucifer People joke that Lucy is short for Lucifer, but it's really not used offensively.
birthdate (17) + 04/12/2001.
birthplace Tolstone, California
hometown Tolstone, California
ethnicity Korean-Chinese
nationality American
ENGLISH fluent - born and raised in the USA
CHINESE basic - mother is Chinese
KOREAN basic - father is Korean
faceclaim Song Yuqi, backup: Ahn Solbin
appearance (166cm+55kg) Lucy looks exactly like her twin sister, except her eyes are more downturned, making her look more like a puppy. She's also slightly shorter than her sister, but it's hard to tell when they're not standing next to each other.
style Lucy's notorious for being very adventurous with her clothing and hair styles. Her hair is very rarely just straight and down, and her clothes are always very colorful. Her style is just normal t-shirts and sweats at home, but she makes a conscious effort to stand out at school.
flashy colors and bright smiles constantly. a little too much at times, to be honest. surprisingly does pay a lot of attention in class but can't study. is the type of kid that would volunteer to present a project first. bubble tea and mint choco chip ice cream.

personality ENFJ/Slytherin - At a first glance, Lucy seems carefree and ditzy, and her outward appearance doesn't help with this impression. Her grades always come as a surprise to those who don't really know. She seems to always fall asleep or doodle in class but her memory is crazy good.

While she can get her together, this is actually pretty rare. She takes the lead when in group projects, but if she doesn't have to act serious, she won't. Lucy loves attention and she's popular among her peers, but it's in a "popular girl" way? Most of the things she says just come across as shallow, and people tend to dislike her for the way she just talks to everyone but can't be deep to any of them. She also tends to " up" to adults. She can and will everything in her ability to make people like her, but then again, some people can see through her superficiality.

Despite being a social butterfly, on the inside, she's actually very judgemental. She assumes and jumps to conclusions quickly, but she wouldn't dare say a lot of the things she thinks aloud mainly because she fears having people hate her. 

Honestly, she's very insecure with herself. Growing up with someone who was practically her mirror image caused her to be greedy for attention and do everything within her ability to be different. It gets to the point sometimes where she feels like she's spiraling out of control and being a fake, but she's too afraid to show weakness. She can't forge strong relationships with others while acting like a ditz and it's exhausting. She would like to shed her image, but she just doesn't have the willpower to change herself. She can't even tell her real feelings to Lucy or her family.


background  Lucy's parents were both raised in America and met at Summit High School. They got married quickly after they graduated and had Lucy and her twin sister, Luna, shortly after. As children, they were close, but as they got into middle school, they began drifting apart once their parents began comparing Luna to Lucy. Lucy was in the science club in middle school and high school and was in student council since freshman year. Lucy was elected as student council president for her senior year.
- Lucy is the student council president while Luna is the vice president.
- Lucy needs glasses but insists on wearing contacts.
- Lucy has a small black dog named Lucifer (after herself)
- Lucy can cook very well
- Lucy has an addiction to online shopping
- Lucy tends to only get scared by things that can't hurt her, like ghosts or vampires.
- Lucy can't listen to music or else her productivity plummets.
- Lucy is probably addicted to her phone and will text during class.
- Lucy can't stand the sound of bones popping.
SCHEDULE Lucy arrives to school early everyday. She and Luna share a car so they switch off sometimes, but Lucy drives more and likes to arrive early. She doesn't have many extracurriculars besides science club (every Tuesday) and student council (every Thursday). She doesn't study at all outside of class and often just stays up late because she just doesn't like to sleep early.
TRANSCRIPT  Lucy is currently enrolled in AP Biology (A), AP Calculus (B), Medical Interventions (A), and Forensics (A). She doesn't have many classes since she already has enough credits to graduate, so she has free periods.
LIFESTYLE Lucy wakes up at six, goes to school, comes back from school if she doesn't have extracurriculars, fools around either with friends or on the internet for twelve hours until she goes to sleep at three in the morning. To be honest, not much happens lol.
SCHOOL  Lucy kind of just sees school as a place to hang out with her friends. She doesn't take school to seriously since it's her senior year. She focuses more on school spirit and student life than actual academics. Of course, she can't let her grades drop since she is in student council and needs to set a good example, but her classes are easy anyways. She's the type to go way overboard during spirit week and pep rallies. Even though she doesn't take school too seriously, she's still popular with teachers (cause she's a up).

LUNA LEE: Luna is Lucy's (slightly younger) identical twin sister. Lucy likes to assert that she's older because she's secretly jealous that her identical twin ended up being taller than her. Lucy is somewhat embarrassed by Luna, who is more reserved and unpopular, which takes a toll on their relationship. Lucy feels guilty for this, since she feel like she shouldn't have a reason to resent Luna, especially when Luna doesn't seem aware of it.

SUMMER KANG: Lucy met Summer at summer camp (coincidentally) in middle school. They hit it off quite quickly, as neither of them were particularly shy. They've been friends ever since, but Lucy secretly unsettled by how Summer seems to genuinely like other people.

Justin Tian: A senior in her Forensics class. Lucy has had a crush on him ever since the first day of class when he caught her when she fainted from the sight of blood lmao. They're friends currently, but Lucy wants it to be more while Justin is clueless.

Cindy Nguyen: Lucy's favorite teacher. Lucy has a habit of up to teachers, but it's pretty natural with Ms. Nguyen since Lucy actually likes her.

hello, thank you for agreeing to meet me for an interview! i'm allie jeong from newspaper, and if you don't mind, please state your grade and name. "Hi! I'm Lucy and I'm a senior."
great! now, my story this issue will be about stress levels at summit high. would you say that you are stressed regularly because of schoolwork? "Not really? It was really bad when I was an underclassman but I've really let loose since them."
about how many hours a week do you spend studying on average? "Uh, can I be honest with you here? I really...don't."
what other factors in your life other than school gives you stress? "My sister haha... I'm joking, of course. Love life?"
do you have a message towards the faculty at summit high about students and stress levels? "If the students are making bad grades, of course it's the teacher's fault haha I'm joking. I think we all just need to step back and reassess our values."
thank you for your answers, and you're free to leave! please look forward to next month's issue of the summit gazette. "Thank you! I'll keep my eye out!"

comments I collabed with Finally_Home! I was thinking a lot about Lucy and Luna's relationship when writing this so it would be cool to see it in the story. I think the essence of Lucy's character is that she doesn't actually really like people that much, but she acts the way she does since she's still an attention ? She's not a mean girl tho pls don't bully her lol
scene requests I would like to see the one-sided romance be mutual lol.


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