✪ Leah is solving a mystery!

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birthname. Kim Leah

— Leah - Her name is actually pronounced "Leia" (like from Star Wars), but it looks like its pronounced "Lee" to English speakers
— Lion - Her zodiac sign is a lion (Leo) and she actually looks a bit like a lion too.

birthdate. August 1, 1999
birthplace. New York, USA
ethnicity. Korean

— Korean (fluent)
— English (fluent)

faceclaim. Son Chaeyoung (TWICE)
backup fc. Yehana (PRISTIN)

— The first thing you think when you see Leah is "wow the animals escaped the zoo theres a lion right here" before you realize it's a girl and you just offended her and now she's crying oh god-
In all seriousness, she's freakishly short, like, some people don't even see her when they're walking and bump into her. Well, that's not too different from her face claim, is it?

fashion style.

— Her fashion sense is very "in your face." Nothing in her closet isn't a bold color. She has a bright, sporty style, but don't be fooled, she doesn't play sports.

LEO. ESFP. "She's creative, passionate, generous, and warm-hearted. But, she's arrogant, stubborn, self-centered, lazy, and inflexible."
She's such a stereotypical Leo oh my god. She's a loud person, and if people start to ignore her, she will always slide herself back into the center of attention. To summarize, she's through and through a complete attention-. She can act composed when times are serious, but most of the time, she prefers to joke her way out of the serious atmosphere. This can cause her to come off as inconsiderate at times. With school work, she's incredibly lazy and always finds a way to rope classmates or teachers to give her the answers to assignments.
Despite all this, she does genuinely care for the others. She won't hesitate to stand up against what she believes is wrong, even though she lacks the sensitivity of some of the other girls.

background. On a bright sunny day, Leah was born, and while it would interesting to say she suffered from bullying or some other sob story, her childhood was...surprisingly normal. She had supportive parents, a good older brother, and good grades. Then, she moved to Korea in seventh grade. Luckily, she already knew how to speak Korean, so adjusting to cultural differences wasn't that bad. The problem came as the school year went on, as she lost her reputation as the "new girl", and was significantly less interesting to the other students. We all know by now that she's an attention-, so obviously, she took initiative and began to actually work to make friends.

fun facts.

— Leah always keeps her hair in pigtails/ponytail/hat because it's actually very aerodynamic, like it might actually fly away.
— She has a lot of crushes on idols, boys or girls, especially Sana from Twice
— She has an accent when speaking Korean, which is understandable, except for some reason, she also has an accent when speaking English.
— Leah curses a lot
— She draws gay fanart of her friends, which they don't figure out about until later.
— There's quite a few rumors about her being lesbian because she loves skinship, but she likes boys too.
— Leah and Ai have the ultimate bromance (sismance?) and constantly talk about buying a mansion and adopting 50 cats.
— Leah's favorite vine is the one of the girl saying "Look at all those chickens" and literally nobody else finds it funny.
—She's a hypocrite, in that when her friends have an obsession, she gets sick of it, but expects others to listen to her when she has one


— Older Brother : Rian Kim / college student / estj / 9

Ah, the curse of Korean names that look too much like English names. Rian is about five years older than Leah, but they’re still really close. Still, the one complaint Leah has about Rian is that he’s too much like their father. (“I don’t need another parent!”)

— Friend : Kwon Vanessa / highschool student / intj / 9

They're close friends but DAMN she needs to stop talking about Harry Potter or Leah's gonna rip her head off. Vanessa forced her to take the Pottermore quiz (Gryffindor, what'd she expect?) and made her read the books (she already watched the movies). Still, the younger is pretty endearing to Leah, and she would do anything for her (except kill a man, that's too far).

— Best Friend : Cui Ai-lin / highschool student / infp / 10

Leah would never quite admit it, but she doesn't even remember when she met Ai. The two didn't even have a similar personality, but everything just kind of happened and now they're practically married. Solid plans to buy a house, name their first cat "Comet", second "Sparrow", "Asimov"...

So, what's your zodiac sign?

— I'm Leo the Lion I thought I did this before-

what were your initial thoughts when vanessa came up with the idea to investigate mirin's suicide?


what song do you think fits you the best?

— American pop, Fergalicious by Fergie lol; Kpop, A Girl Like Me by Gugudan

oof last question, what do you have that the other zodiac members don't?

—A life


replace with love intreplace with love intreplace with love int

birthname. Jung Hoseok
backup lv. Kim Namjoon


— esfj - Hoseok is extroverted and friendly, so many of the students like him. He can be serious when he needs to, so he's a lot calmer during lessons. However, none of the kids besides Leah knows he's actually a mischievous little that hasn't grown up.


— Hoseok was Rian's highschool classmate and friend so Leah already knew him before. After Rian graduated highschool, Leah never saw him until 5 years when he walked through the classroom doors and introduced himself as the new student teacher.
— Leah used to have the biggest crush on Hoseok, and seeing him again only rekindled it.
— The crush is literally so obvious its not even funny even Hoseok knows, but Leah keeps trying to deny it.
— She tells Ai about her crush ("Wait, did you think we didn't know?") and proceeds to whine about it until she gets annoyed.
— Hoseok teases her himself, but Leah's still convinced he doesn't know.

the ending. 

— (Completely unnecessary bc im fine with it being a one-sided thing) After the graduation ceremony, Hoseok gives her a hug and a kiss atop her head (fulfilling fan fantasies hahaha). Shocked, Leah, for once, can’t figure out what to say. Her friends (after taking a photo of her face) cackle, and drag her away to join the celebration.
— I’m perfectly satisfied with it ending there, but if you want an epilogue, married with two dogs would be nice lol

comments. I wrote Leah to be super loud and whiny lol. Also I collabed with Finally_Home!
password. Sagittarius

— Leah being clueless but still reckless
— Trips outside of school! This includes school outings!
— Im a for slow burn GOD



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