S T E L L A R D R O P ┊SECOND CHANCE — Kang Seungah


stellar drop


Kang Seungah

NAME: Kang Seungah (강승아)
Seungie - A shortening of her name; despite the other members being younger, she allows them to call her that without honorifics
Seungri - She is known for being a Big Bang fangirl, so her fans jokingly gave her this nickname
BIRTHDATE: August 8, 1994
BIRTHPLACE: Seoul, South Korea
BACK-UP: Huihyun (DIA)

HEIGHT: 167 cm
WEIGHT: 48 kg

book's cover

APPEARANCE & LOOKS: Something freakish about Seungah is her complete lack of moles/freckles/acne and redness. It's really convenient when doing makeup, but some people find it creepy because she apparently looks like a dead body. Her hair is dyed brown, but she recently chopped it down to a bob cut because it's easier to maintain.

FASHION & STYLE: Aside, from stage outfits, Seungah's style is laidback and casual. Maybe too laidback. She doesn't really care much for matching colors or styles, known as a "fashion terrorist." Pairing a nice blouse with sweatpants, or wearing a hoodie over a dress, there's nothing she wouldn't wear, but it sometimes goes too far.


TRAITS: Ambitious, Stubborn, Stone-faced, Idealistic, Extrovert, Compassionate

Ambitious - Even when the odds are against her, she will stop at nothing to achieve her dreams.
Flexible - When she faces opposition, she will always find a way around it, then proceed on.
Stone-faced - Perhaps her Achilles' heel, she can't express herself properly, which gives her a cold aura to people who don't know her.
Idealistic - Her dreams are nearly impossible, but she has faith that if she takes her time, she will succeed.
Extrovert - Despite her cold aura, she loves being with other people and is actually pretty loud, which surprises a lot of people. She still doesn't have too many friends outside of her group because she looks mean, but she tries her best.
Compassionate - She looks mean at first, then loud and unconsiderate after you get to know her. Still, if someone is crying during the middle of the night, she'll know. She won't confront them, but remembers later to give extra food, or crack a joke to make them laugh.

flipping pages

BACKGROUND: She had a very normal childhood. She had a few friends and average grades, and she did not have any dreams in particular until she saw Big Bang's concert. That night, she decided she wanted to be like them, and become a singer.
She joined Global H Media in 2011 and debuted with Laboum. However, scandals broke out in 2017 when the maknae of the group got pregnant and married. The group's reputation was tarnished, and while the rest of the members decided to stay together, Seungah left the group to get a fresh start. She was referred to Big Hit Entertainment, where she became a trainee in 2018.
Despite being the newest trainee, Seungah is also the oldest and has the most experience in the entertainment industry. She got along fairly well with the other trainees even though she just joined. Therefore, with little opposition, she took on the role of the leader of the group.

PLOTLINE: Second Chance

VOCAL CLAIM: Sejeong (Gugudan)
RAP CLAIM: Sejeong (Gugudan) ((still lol))

- Her singing is good, but her dancing is average, and her rap...is terrible...
- When she first became a trainee in 2011, her dancing was worse, but years of training helped her keep up with her former members.
- She doesn't talk too much with her former members, despite being with them for years. Although there's no bad blood, the others kind of resent her for leaving the group.
- "It's been eight years, but it feels like the beginning again."

main character

- Singing: She's really lucky to have been a good singer even before training. Otherwise, her dancing would have eliminated her.
- Photography: She's the one that would always update the group's SNS with photos of her and her members.
- Flexibility: Even though she's not the best dancer, she's very flexible.
- Looking Dead: It's mostly unintentional, but it's part of her charm.

- She tends to space out at random times.
- When she thinks nobody is looking, she talks out loud to herself.

- Photography
- Singing
- Animals
- Chocolate
- Rapping

- Seafood
- Mangoes
- Bleaching hair
- Dancing
- Socks

- Variety shows like Seungah because of her loud personality despite her stone face.
- She often does look dead lol it's her character
- Seungah has some fans from when she was a member of Laboum.
- Her favorite color is pink.
- She's a big fan of Big Bang.
- She keeps trying to rap even though she really can't.
- Any dating rumors around her are always immediately shot down because of her stone face. Nobody can possible be dating that...
- She loves the rain.
- She is not good at speaking English, but she can read it with the help of online translators.
- Her guilty pleasure is reading fanfiction about herself.
- She's very aware about fans shipping the members and other idols.

important people

Kang Seungmin // father // 6
Lee Jooyeon // mother // 6 // When Seungah's parents heard she wanted to be a singer, they were both worried for their only daughter. Still, they allowed her to train, saying that if she did not debut in 3 years, she would have to give up her dream. Laboum debuted within those 3 years, but now, with Seungah gone from the group, they want her to quit trying to become an idol.

Kim Yulhee // Former Laboum member // 8 // Despite not being the closest while still in the group, Yulhee's the only one Seungah still regularly talks to. They don't have much time to hang out, with Yulhee having a baby to take care of, but Seungah appreciates her presence.
Bae Jinye // Laboum member // 4 // They were same-age friends, and while they don't talk much anymore, they're on friendly terms.
Jung Soyeon // Laboum member // 4 // They were same-age friends, and while they don't talk much anymore, they're on friendly terms.

love story

AGE: 24
Easygoing - He is a laid back person and able to easily break the ice when meeting someone for the first time.
Emotional - Easily moved to tears, his bandmates make fun of him, but it’s not a totally bad thing.
Overbearing - He’s outgoing and cheerful, but just too much for the particularly shy people.

STATUS: Friends(?)

- BTS frequently meets with the trainees. Trainees, although many are fans of BTS, will usually tend to avoid getting close to specific members to avoid dating rumors. Seungah isn't any different.
- In an act straight out of a fanfiction, Hoseok and Seungah met while practicing in Big Hit's practice room.
- Hoseok helps Seungah with rap and dance, Seungah helps with vocals.
- Their relationship is full of fake flirting, not taking anything seriously, but stopped after their managers reprimanded them ("What if the reporters find out?")
- It's honestly kind of ridiculous.
- Despite the flirting, they never really had any romantic feelings for each other.
- It is only after they stop the flirting when they begin to develop feelings for each other.
- They're both too scared to really talk about their feelings, but after reporters take pictures of them and write articles on them, they come clean.


SUGGESTIONS: Variety shows!! Um... Maybe traveling around to other countries?

COMMENTS: As you might be able to tell, I struggle a lot with writing long applications. If you need anything, feel free to ask me to add more. Also, I tried to write about Jiyeon but I couldn't find the example lol

PASSWORD: BTS, LOONA, LOVELYZ, IOI, ugh i can't choose


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