? [°▥° ԅ ] ☇ KIM HANA wip collab????????

name include special characters !!
other names
include nicknames, names used in other countries, etc.
birthdate month / day (age)
birthplace ...
ethnicity no racebending pls
uality ...
pronouns ...
face claim ...
backup fc max 3, min 1
this is optional if ur chara matches ur fc but if u want a specific look, go ham
fashion sense
this takes place in the city during winter !! does ur chara bundle up? do they bear with it and go w/o a jacket for the sake of having more room in their bag? do they just get bare in the middle of the snow????
stature cm & kg
about us
how do u feel about a robot apocalypse & if we were all defending a shelter, what would your role be?
"my role.... would be.... the cutie?" hana's tongue pokes out before she giggles with her hands in front of her face, "but honestly i would be the one who dies first and inspire everyone to carry on in my stead! or y'know, trip and impale myself on my own weapon."
what's in your backpack right now & how much money do you have in your wallet?
"um um um~!" she pulls items out of her kanken backpack one by one. "books, notebooks, pens... ooh, here's a mirror that's really cute. and my makeup bag!" she shows it off to yulyeong, covered in overly-cute cartoon characters. "and here's my phone, charger, headphones, and house keys! and here's my " hana pulls out her cardcaptor sakura coin purse, "as for money, i have.... seventeen cents and old recepits. i used up all my allowance on plush toys, haha."
rate your experience with technology on a scale from 1-10
aka can you design a computer (10), google how to fix a computer and fix it by going through those instructions (5), or destroy a computer by touching it with your pinky finger (1)
what do you want to be when you grow up?
how do you feel about more people joining the iota club?
what is your favorite video game?
"my favorite game is tokimeki memorial girls side third story! i love visual novels and dating sims especially! but if that's not acceptable then.... i really love harvest moon!"
if you were a plant, what kind of plant would you be?
quickfire question time! if you fail to answer within whatever time limit i deem appropriate, i get to hit you on the head with a flip flop, understand the rules?
"don't hit your beloved hana!" she whines, "i can't save in this section to go back and fix my answers!"
hot showers or cold showers?
mario or sonic? (alternatively: apple or samsung?)
"mario because i love princess peach but did anyone else notice how like.... hot shadow the hedgehog is?"
air, water, earth, or fire bender?
xiaodan, sodam, or zelda?
"xiaodan-ie!" hana cheers, "we should always make an effort to properly pronounce names foreign to us because they're such a large part of that person!"
3 things you would bring to a deserted island?
"um... a guide, all my romance stories, and veggie plants so i can take cuttings and plant more of them!"
thank you for unintentionally sharing your deepest, darkest secrets with me! im glad i know you better than i have before!
"me too!
about you
- pisces
- enfp
- sanguine

meet the iota club's self-proclaimed resident cutie. she's sweet and always giggling with a smile almost permanently glued to her face. hana is excitable and always screaming for some reason. she has an endless amount of energy and is always moving around and fidgeting. is easily excited and often babbles on and on with a sparkle in her eyes. hana is the type of person who can talk with basically everyone. she'll go to the bathroom and walk out with like 20 new friends because she's always compliementing people and striking up the most random conversations about them. she's super good at speaking and has been known to weasle her way out of trouble with teachers by talking around them. she's very affectionate and loves hanging off of people and kissing everyone everywhere, but she also loves spoiling her friends and doing "grand romantic gestures" for them like making the cookies or taking them out on "dates". she remembers birthdates and anniversaries and other accomplishments in order to celebrate her pals.

she's a self-proclaimed ert too but she apparently doesn't know what ert means because she thinks biceps and noses and elbows are "" and "lewd" and all she ever talks about. hana honestly has no clue what's going on 98% of the time. the girl is so dense she can't even tell when someone is upset with her. she has a hard time discerning information and reading body language so odds are unless its clearly stated she won't Get It. hana is super duper mawkish like if you think she cries a lot regularly wait till she starts getting all sappy and sentimental on you. kim hana can and will cry over literally anything. show her a picture of her dog? now she's crying. flamingos can be gay and in love with their human herder? she's sobbing. hold her hand or pat her hair? she's bawling. on top of that, she's a whole fool. like, she is boo-boo the fool. she isn't smart at all like calling a turtle a bird or proudly declaring a circle has eight sides. and who could forget the whole fourteen hours she spent arguing with people because she insisted an elevator was an escelator. be cautious around her because this girl is a walking hazard. she has less dexterity than a newborn and is always tripping over air and running into things and falling down. its gotten to the point where most of yulyeong's first aid supplies were obtained specifically for her.
background + lifestyle; background isnt so important unless u think writing their background will build character,,, lifestyle is a bit more important ! what do they do after school? any sports (even tho its winter)?? hobbies?? do they just ...like,, , keep gaming??
habits ! likes ! dislikes ! pets u have ! uh what they do in the middle of the night when they hear something bump in their closet ! include quotes pls !! i love quotes !!!
uses guides whenever she plays a dating sim because she doesn't wanna make anyone mad and she wants them all to love her.

insists everyone is in love with her.

once got a concussion because she stood up too fast and hit her head on her steel bedframe.

"i'm very cutie!!!!!"
"i'm a naughty grandma"
"let this be a world where we can spread love through chicken"
"your nostrils are so "
format this however you like, please don't go overboard on r/s though; include love int here if you want one! also this thing scrolls down as far as the earth's core write as much as you need to ♡´・ᴗ・`♡ [include yulyeong (esp how u guys met) & xiaodan!]
final words if you have any(´・` )♡
scenes, songs, etc.
intelligentsia by cifika i feel fits the story / xiaodan
alias & activity rate


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bro i cant even start this app i havent done one in so long
im a naughty 👵