Ha Bada is Reaching for the Sky!

HA Bada

username — Urangutang

nickname — Shay

activity rate — 


name — Ha Bada

birthdate — 02-03-1997

birthplace — A town near Busan, SK

hometown — Seoul, SK

ethnicity — Korean

language — Just Korean, she really doesn't know any other languages.

What I look like

face claim — Nayeon (Twice)

backup face claim — Zuny (Ladies' Code)


appearance — Not the biggest beauty but not ugly either, Bada is comfortably averate. She's got a very round face and big eyes which give her a very cute appearance, and she's naturally smiling and bright and optimistic which tend to draw people to her. It's no wonder she endears herself to many people by simply being a chatty friendly cute-looking girl (who also happens to have an influential and well-liked dad to back her up).

fashion style — Bada always wears clothes from her dad's fashion brand Hanov Fashion, it feels wrong to wear other brands, like she's betraying the company. It's a good thing that Hanov has anything he might want (and if it doesn't then it would soon, she's such a daddy's girl, she'd only have to ask). She has a very good eye for fashion, she used to visit the company and watch the designers at work, and sometimes they'd ask for her opinion or she'd ask them to explain why they did certain things. She learned. Now nobody knows how to put together a colour combination like Bada does. Her statements outfits are usually just about in line with the trends to be current while just a little deviant to be a possible trend setter, the girl knows what she's doing, and her instagram is filled with fashion shots and outfits of the day. She's really looking forward to the audience she'll be able to reach once the idol group takes off! 

Who I am


plotline — Lead Vocalist, Center

traits — Priviledged, thoughtless, kind, lazy, ditzy, stubborn, gullible, a little simple, very selectively ambitious and business minded, self-centered, casually discriminatory, superficial


personality — 

At first, second, and third glance, Bada is your average rich kid. Spoiled, effortlessly priviledged, hasn't had to work for anything in her life. Bada honesty isn't even aware of her own priviledge, it's just is. She just gets opportunities, ah well isn't that nice? And if she has it like this then doesn't anyone? She couldn't conceive of a situation where people might resent her for it, after all she's always gone to school with similarly priviledged people and it's always just kind of been normal. She gets things for free, like it's hard? She doesn't mean badly, she just doesn't think about any of that stuff.

Bada is a thoughtless and ditzy thing too. She doesn't usually think about things too hard, with some exceptions. She coasted through high school and doesn't like thinking about unpleasant things too much. If she doesn't think about them then they don't exist, right? The exception is her passion for fashion. She loves fashion and she spends most of her days surrounding herself with it. She's very selectively ambitious and business-minded. Bada knows how to create succesful fashion line marketing campaigns (thanks daddy!), she knows how to put together an outfit that will make people turn their heads (in a good way!), she's ambitious with what she wants to achieve for herself with fashion and works hard to achieve it. She's stubborn in that if she gets an idea then she will work hard to go after it. It can be hard to motivate her for somethings, she's usually fine with coasting on mediocrity, but if the fire is lit under her then she will go through hell to achieve it.

Overall Bada is a good egg. She's kind and treats most people with an open mind and friendly attitude. She wants to be friendly acquaintainces! It's a bit harder to really befriend her, especially with her mood going from chill coasting to lasersharp focus within a second if that fire is lit, or the fact that she's definitely self-centered and she would only pull you into her own gravitational field. She's fun and loud and super friendly but it's all just kind of superficial.

She also does have some... unfortunately... conservative Korean qualities. Casual racism and xenophobia is strong in her, mostly because she's so selfcentered that she never really stopped and consider things, she just knows the casual xenophobia that permeates Korean culture. Isn't blackface funny? What do you mean it's offense, it's just funny! Etc. She's simply never been exposed to any different streams of thought. She's also very superficial, outward appearances mean a lot to her since her passion is filled with it. She judges constantly on appearance, and she's forever looking at how people are dressing themselves and everything that's wrong with it and going in to fix things without their consent. She can't control herself around an accidentally upturned collar or a misbuttoned shirt, it's too awful!



background — Bada only vaguely remembers a time before they lived in the bustling city of Seoul, she doesn't even remember the name of the town, only that it was somewhere near Busan and gave them all their dialect. Her dad has told her a lot about the seaside village on many an occasion when she'd sit on his lap in the evening next to the big glass window overlooking Gangnam. How small the house was that they lived in, how it was right on the sea so that every day and every night you'd hear the lapping of the sea (the same sea she was named after), how the seagulls always left little presents in their yard (after which her mother would scold him for being inappropriate). She loved those moments late in the evening when her dad had come back from work and he'd ask for his little butterfly and if he didn't have more work to do then she'd listen to him tell stories until her mother shooed her to bed.

Her family's story is one straight from a drama, an unlikely success story. Her dad had been a small time marketing director, one with a fresh college degree and a fresher outlook on the world but no opportunities to see them through. One night, about 15 years ago, they get a call, some distant relative has died, a second uncle they'd never even met, and he was the closest male relative (and women weren't fit to own a business in the uncle's eyes, of course), he inherited a decently running fashion company. Ha Handong didn't know a thing about fashion, but he did know a thing about business and marketing. He made connection everywhere, especially in the entertainment industry, and hired fashion designers straight from college to use their fresh ideas and low starting salary. Within 15 years he made quite a name for himself by strategically sponsoring actors or idols here, making design deals for idols there, and focusing almost exclusively on getting the brand out there with the help of celebrities so they can sell highly priced clothes to those wishiing to emulate their role models, and it was a strategy that worked! His business sense with his jovial personality and simple roots made him a great many good friends, and his sponsorship and strategic purchasing of stock in a smaller entertainment company with potential certainly helped. Hanov Fashion, or 하노프, became a popular label in the industry, especially once BTS started picking up.

That small company with potential, you see, had been Big Hit Entertainment. They had launched with quite a few Hanov threads (ugly as some of it was, hey, Handong wasn't one to judge. Even after 15 years he still didn't know much about fashion) and even when the company had grown, the stock as well as Handong's very good relationship with the CEO Bang Sihyuk ensured continuous brand loyalty, there was always at least some Hanov Fashion to be seen in MVs and performances, the fashion brand rose alongside the idol group, profiting off their crazy success like a Remora coasting along with a Manta Ray.

This is how Bada went from a nobody living in a small town by Busan to the daughter and heir to a successful fashion label in the big city. Not that not being born with a silver spoon gave her any humility, she hardly remembers not having all the things that she has now. She's so spoiled, honesty, she's the biggest daddy's girl in the world and he's such trash for her, it's a good thing she never turned into a monster. Instead she's just used to essentially getting what she wants with very little resistance and always getting opportunities left and right. Other girls would probably murder for the chance to see BTS, it's ain't no biggie for Bada. She's seen them every once in a while whenever her dad took her to events or when he thought it'd be nice for her to tag along to go see Big Hit, teenage girls love idols right, would't you like to see this boygroup perform, Bada? She likes their music but everything else is nothing special for her. They're nice, she guesses. She's more of a SEVENTEEN girl, you always want what you can't have after all.

Bada has always enjoyed her priviledged rich girl life immensely. She got to go to fashion shows, she got to meet cool awesome people that most only saw on TV (and secretly giggle behind their backs when their fashion sense was awful, there's fun out there and then there's the flame-printed boxing jacket Seojin wore last year), she got to go to concerts whenever she wanted, she got great clothes and she got to influence said great clothes, she got popular instagram and twitter accounts where she could share her fashion advice and outfits, life was great! She even knew exactly what she wanted to do with her life: be a fashion icon! Somewhere a little over a year ago, after another visit at Big Hit with her dad, she decided that being an idol would be the next best step for her on the ladder. It would truly cement her as a fashion icon and extend her reach, and it's not like it would be that hard? She was pretty good at singing and she'd danced a few times during a school festival and it had gone well enough. It would be glamorous and fun! And glamorous and fun it was! Since Bada was already a familiar face at Big Hit and her dad was influential at the company as well as a good friend of the CEO, everyone went easy on her. She coasted through everything, and she was naturally quite good at singing and okay enough at dancing. Things were just never really hard on her and she got opportunities left and right simply out of obvious bias and favouritism, bias and favouritism that she didn't see herself because she'd always been treated like this! What, like it's hard to get opportunities? 

likes — 

- Fashion, especially anything with sequins or bright colours and patterns. Loves things that are just slightly toeing the line of out there.
- Social media, she has to keep up!
- Seventeen <333 Bias is Hoshi, she has taste thank you.
- Skirts! The more twirlable, the better.
- Short hair, despite the fact that you can't do as many things with it, it makes an even bolder statement. 
- Makeup, it finishes a look!
- Being in the spotlight or center. She likes singing well enough, but she looooves being in the center.



- School, she always waited until it was over so she could go back to her glamorous life (and out of those uniforms)

- Uniforms! They kill creativity and style! Down! With! Uniforms!

- Shopping. Why would she go to another store when she could just go to Hanov's headquarters and chill with the designers and find the perfect clothes in the magazine?

- Lack of colour, neutrals are so boring, she only wears them combined with a pop! of colour.

- Any kind of house work, she wouldn't even be able to operate a laundry machine honestly, she's never had to do house work in her life.
- Obviously smart people, it makes her feel a little inferior.

hobbies — 

- Being an instagram/twitter style icon is a part time job at least

- She loooooves makeovers!

habits — 


- She judges people's outward appearance around her. Constantly. 
- She will just reach out and fix that collar for you, or tuck that blouse into the front of your pants because it just looks awful like this no it just won't do, no need to thank her, she's doing the world a service!


- She still wants to study fashion design and actually become a designer, but that plan was put on the backburner for the immediacy of her new idol dream. Once that one starts wearing off its sparkle she'll find out that it was fashion design she really wanted to do all along, no be only an icon.

- Would actually love awful stage costumes though because of how novel it is. Like they're ugly as sin but it's so much fuuuun. But only if they're ridiculous, not if they're just ugly kinda normal clothes. There's a difference.

- Bada knows countless of people dotting throughout the industry from attending fashion weeks or other opportunities. Feel free to use that as you wish, she very well could have met SHINee's Key here, that photographer there, etc. And since she's usually sincerely friendly, favouritism doesn't have to end with Big Hit.


— Ha Handong | Father | 44 | 

Bada is the biggest daddy's girl you'll meet, honestly. She loves her dad so much and really looks up to him too, and he's weak when it comes to her as well. She just has to ask something of him and he'd do it for her, honestly. He had his reservations about allowing her to go into the entertainment industry but all she had to do was look at him with those wide eyes and tell him how much she really really wants it and there he is on the phone with Bang Shihyuk asking him if he has room for one more in that new girl group thing he started. He couldn't be prouder of her when it comes to her love for fashion though, and how much she's picked up from him about marketing and business strategies and how actually interested she is in it all, and he has hopes to one day she'll take over the company and give his designers a boss who actually knows what she's doing when it comes to fashion!


— Jim Minjung | Mother | 46  |

Bada and her mum aren't very close, probably because of how disproportionate Bada's love for her dad s. Minjung has always had to be the one who enforced rules on Bada and tried to teach her responsibility, and as such she's always been the bad cop of the two. She does love Bada of course, but she's concerned about where she's going and how serious she is about the whole idol thing. Still, it can be impossible once Bada and her father come to an agreement, and Minjung often feels left out.


— Min Narin | Close friend | 25 | 


Narin is one of the designers at Hanov Fashion. She started tehre as an intern where she met Bada, as everyone knows Bada at the company. Narin tolerated Bada the most when she came barging in to look at the designs and ask questions and sometiems suggest modifications. Some of the desingers thought it annoying when Bada started interfering, especially when she started questioning their designs or, worse, thinking she knew enough to give input. Narin just thought it was a nice change of pace on the work floor and she liked being challenged and, honestly, sometimes Bada had good ideas. So Bada went to Narin the most often and they actually sprung up an unlikely friendship. It's no coincidence that Narin quickly advanced through the company after her internship, getting along well with The Daughter does that to you, but to Narin it was just a fortunate side effect honestly. Bada often goes to Narin for advice when she needs it and calls her often to just ask how things are. She doesn't have as much time to barge into the company HQ anymore after all.


— BTS | "They're alright I guess" |

She likes them well enough, some more than others. She gets along well with V's weirdness, J-Hope's fun loudness (#same), and Jin's love for, well, himself (#samesamesame). She gets along less well with Namjoon's smartness, Suga's fierceness, and Jungkook's shyness. She's not super close with them but she has met them on numerous occassions after their debut, enough times to feel casual around them. Another side of her priviledge, honestly. Casually friendly with ur faves since 2k13.

Last Words

comments/suggestions — Here you go, one dose of Legally Blonde (replace law with a passion for fashion) with a healthy dose of rich priviledge. She's honestly primed for you to explore her priviledge and knock her down some pegs.

scene requests — Idk man I'm bad at these.

password — 



turn in — back to the story


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