assignments & future

I'm currently still writing my assignment that needs to be passed up at 5 pm. (now 1.47 pm) 

It's nearing finals week now & I have one more big presentation in 2 weeks. So tiring. I'm just pulling myself through to get this over with cause this is my last semester & I can't wait to go home. I haven't gone home for 2 months! That's like the longest I've been away from home and not meeting my parents. I was about to go back last week but changed plans. 

I'm afraid to think about my future especially cause after I finish my studies here  , I still need to continue my studies. I hope I'll get the course that I like. I don't know. Life is hard . I always thought how lucky rich people are. They don't have to worry about money. They can live a fun life. I know I sound like I'm generalizing but this is based on my acquantainces on instagram. I'm gonna quit instagram. It's bad for me. 

Well, I should get back to writing my assignment. 


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good luck with your writing assignment! life is hard, but i think you'll be suited (more or less) to face whenever lies ahead of you. cheers!