서줄얀 v.s wifi for husband

julian seo
BIRTH NAMEjulian seo, 서줄얀 
// ace. most of her former classmates and friends used to call her for the mere fact that she was considered an ace, an all-rounder. if you wanted to play soccer or tennis or basketball but didn't have enough players, she's the one you need. maybe you need a person to help man the cashier for the bake sale, she can do it (just don't let her in the kitchen)!
// little rascal. with her being petite compared to her husband and her tendency to be reckless earned her this nickname and her husband usually calls her this affectionately when they run into trouble or when they play around.
// juju. this nickname is usually used by her friends and basically everyone when they want to piss her off.
BIRTH PLCEnew york, usa (technically not, but
HOMETOWN   . seoul, south korea
ETHNICITY  . half-australian, half-korean
BIRTH DATEtwenty-seventh of november, twenty-one
FACECLAIM  . son seungwan, wendy
BACKUP FC  . moon byul yi, moonbyul
1,2, and oh, hello folks! this is julian speaking from seoul. ever heard of aceofspades? no? surely you lie! meet julian, the youtuber behind aceofspades, a reknown vlog especially in korea. with a grin, she lives life recklessly and to the fullest with her husband... before. now, she's all alone while her man pours all his attention to gaming. she's getting tired of it and she's started preferring locking him outside the house than scolding him. let's see who's the boss now.
love, pass me the salt please? adventurous, lively, happy-go-lucky
i swear to god, if you don't pass me the ing salt, you're sleeping outside!  short-tempered, easily distracted, reckless
julian was synonymous to change. she's constantly dye-ing her hair to various colors, constantly doing various challenges in public for her vlog, constantly trying out new things and going to different places because she wants to and she could. she's living her life to the fullest and she isn't afraid to broadcast who she was to the entire world. however, despite the fact that she's always smiling and is easily approachable (it's rare that she doesn't know at least one person inside the room wherever she goes), she has a short temper and she isn't afraid to go to drastic measures when she gets pissed (e.g. locking her husband outside of the house) i locked you out once, i'm not afraid to do it again! she's not really that kind, but she's not that bad either. she just has princples she follows and everything goes from there (like when she contemplates if she should jaywalk or not). aside from that, she's also a bit reckless and easily distracted get your toge-- oh, look! it's a cute bunny. that's why you can say she's kind of dependent on her husband when it comes to securing her safety (but that was in the past, he's been busy lately). despite her shortcomings, she's a lively person and always has the right mood to cheer up the room.
notes: purple-ish is julian, green is the husband, gray are random strangers, and violet are friends
november twenty-seventh was the day julian seo graced the world with her perfection (read: a cry so loud everyone nearly cried as well). she could remember it still of course, i couldn't. mother just never fails to tell her story over and over again. she was born on an airplane heading back to seoul since her mother was on a business trip in new york at that time. jesus woman, would it have hurt to just stay in seoul three weeks before your expected labor? she cried so loudly that her mother swears she was grateful they weren't thrown out of the plane. the endjust kidding. 
julian was a daughter to none, her father was an aussie, "you don't even look aussie!" i know i'm not! what do you want me to do about it? who she never got to meet and never really bothered meeting.  since her mother was a business woman, she spent her life traveling everywhere and being homeschooled until she was in middle school. in middle school, she was sent to a private boarding school in seoul until she graduated from highschool. she grew up to be quite alright, she had good grades but was mostly an athlete and was involved in a lot of orgs. and she was relatively known by everyone just because she was literally everywhere. wasn't she one of the hosts of the fun run yesterday? she's a cashier in this bake sale too? 
she meets him in university, it wasn't a spur of the moment thing, she swears. because he didn't even want to be her partner in their english project when the teacher clearly said the person next to them was their partner and they didn't have a choice and she was unfortunately the one seated next to him. she had to follow him around and miss org hours for a few days until one day, he laughed at her and said he was just kidding. she swears she's never wanted to strangle anyone as much as she wanted to strangle him that day. because of her anger, they ended up cramming the project a day before it was due and that was after he bought her a cookie pie (which according to her friends would melt her cute, little angry kokoro) and stayed in front of her dorm room for 2 hours apologizing before she let him in. they become friends after that, eventually best friends. it was only until her friends pointed it out that she realized how they acted less of best friends and more as lovers. dude, just friends don't kiss a girl's forehead just because he was going to the comfort room. it still took quite a long time until she realized that , i think i'm in love. sTOP, HEART, STOP. so everything changed like this, on a starry night. hey, i think i love you. "jesus, julian, you better make sure you love me too, because i'm sure as hell that i love you." and they married each other and lived not-so-happily ever after because her husband is an idiot in love with wifi.
julian is a reknown (read: she gets paid) vlogger (her husband used to be in a lot of her videos, recently he hasn't been in it) named aceofspades and she's everywhere and has stamps all over her passport, may it be inside korea or outside (since she's a lowkey travel vlogger). she also part-times as a dance instructor near the flat she lives in. practically a free-lancer, she spends her time in swimming pools, training as if she was someday gonna qualify as an olympian just as she aspired to be before, that didn't happen but she still swims. she usually eats outside when her husband doesn't cook for her (which is often) and when she stays in the house, she stays next to him and makes sure she nags him while he's playing, in hopes that maybe he'd put his console down once and finally look at her again. but recently, it's been getting tiring, and instead of staying next to him when she gets home, she walks straight towards their room and does her own thing. sometimes she feels as if they weren't even in a relationship at all, but she doesn't say that to him because she's still got a little hope in him somehow.
TRIVIAS     . 
// her name isn't korean (she's well aware of that!) and she was named julian because "you're awesome and was born in new york air (since we were on the plane) and it's only reasonable we name you with an american name, okay?" and lowkey probably because her dad was named julian (julian saw his name behind one of the few photos her mom had of them both) and her mom was (maybe, sort of) emo at that time
// her korean name is junah (which she hated) and not a lot of people know about it
// she once dreamt of being an olympic swimmer, michael phelps is her idol
// she likes travelling a lot
// she once played video games like League of Legends and CrossFire because her husband did and he got her to play for quite a while (she was quite good at it, too) since it was a new thing and she liked doing new things but she eventually quit because she couldn't sit in one place for too long
// she's always walking around and just generally moving around
// she loves wearing her husband's clothes, chocolates, too
// she doesn't eat pizza and strawberries
// she likes the shades black and white, their flat is covered in black and white
// her husband cooks for her because she doesn't know how to (recently, he hasn't been cooking at all)
// she knows how to speak english because her mother and her traveled everywhere until she was eleven or so
// she's allergic to fur but loves dogs so her husband has to restrain her from coming close to the furries despite her love because she'll be sneezing and red for days
// she gets anxious all day when she drinks coffee so there shouldn't be any coffee near her in the morning since she's usually not in her right mind in the morning (almost like she's drunk) and would take anything given to her
// she's prone to cursing
// they live in a flat because they initially saw themselves as people who'd travel more than stay in the house (she was wrong because... wifi)
// lee kangjoon. 23. half-brother. surgeon. protective, lively, passionate.
her mother remarrying when julian was in high school came with a package called kangjoon. he was the poster older brother, openly adopting her as his little sister. they became instantly close since they had a similar personality, but he lives in jeju now and only occasionally visits her. he's not very happy of the predicament she's currently in, with her husband neglecting her and all, especially when he considers julian to be his most precious baby.
he does! i swear to god, if i knew he'd be like this i wouldn't have married him in the first place. she sighs, frustrated. you know what? he just has to say the magic words and i'll leave, send the divorce papers to him, and he could go marry his pc or his wii or whoever he wants.
well, i wake up at nine am or earlier,  he's using the pc. i take a bath and leave at one, and he wouldn't be using the pc because he'd go to work or something, we don't even say goodbye anymore. she shakes her head disappointedly. then i'll be back around nine and he'll be there playing either his console or his pc. i don't think we've ever slept at the same time for a long while now.
she chuckles fondly, almost like she was recounting a vivid memory. we used to be a pretty dynamic duo. we'd go everywhere, he'd drive us to daegu in the morning and we'd be back to seoul by the evening, we'd go on random roadtrips and sing our lungs out to fantastic baby, he made a lot of cameos in my vlogs almost like he co-owned it, but now i can't remember the last time he was ever in the same vlog as me, my fans used to ship us a lot. julian smiles a little.  and you know, before, we didn't even have to go on roadtrips all the time, we'd just...  cuddle and sleep and we'd call that a date. i'm starting to think that maybe i'm the only one who misses those days.
i used to be one of the more mild ones, tried to calm the girls that the wifi wasn't so bad because the games were kind of admittedly fun. julian rolls her eyes. that was before my husband completely ditched me for it, i mean, i didn't understand before since he was still kind of attentive with me, but it's changed! how could he just hum in reply when i pretended to tell him i bought a dog on the phone?! hello! i'm allergic!!! she sighs tiredly, rubbing her eyes. recently though, i've changed as well, i go out or just lock myself in the room, i'm starting to care less and less about him and i'm afraid of what's happening. maybe i should just make an affair with the girls, she jokes weakly.
i used to nag at him a lot, wanting him to put his console down and look at me. hoping maybe he'd choose me over wifi. i mean it sounds petty, don't you think? that was an inanimate object so i was at least confident i was better than wifi to him, then she sighs. was wrong. 
she stays quiet for a while. no, i don't think so, not anymore. she tears up a bit but she wipes it clean and masks it with a grin. shouldn't be this affected, you know? i received this 6-month project to make a travel documentary in australia while helping the ones in need and i'll leave several months from now. i don't need a husband who would cling to me and won't let me leave, right? especially him, since he's... really clingy. i should be alright. she pauses. but i'm not. i'm in love with him, you know? but then, is being in love enough?
i mean, dude, okay, i get that the games are nice but would it kill you to look at me for once? i swear sometimes when you look at me i don't see my reflection anymore, only your video games. it's probably your life now.
hello, goodbye
hello, goodbye
COMMENTS   . ISTG I CAN'T EVEN, WHAT DID I DO OMG. ok i found this last night and it's just cute and idk and i like it, i wanna be part of it dhjsajahskdjl. ok, i'm sorry the app is kinda... long and this comment is a mess (exo just released ticketing prices in my country sazkdhskd). i hope you liked my app and have a good day!
// her husband finds out she's leaving for australia in a few months


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