Re-Play - Park Sol - The Composer [C]

grandma • it's me • anastasia turn in

Park Sol

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birthnamePark Sol

nicknames/Other Names 


birthday 05-12-1988
birthplace Daegu,  SK
hometown Daegu, SK
ethnicity Korean
languages spoken

— Korean 
— English - barely enough to pronounce the few English words in their songs without stumbling too much, but her accent is thick..

face claim Sojin (Girl's Day)
back up face claim Dahye (BESTie)
height & weight  167cm & 45kg

— Sol isn't exactly visual material but she's pretty enough for girl group standards. Eager to please the company and netizens alike, at the peak of her admitedly short career Sol was stick thin, the result of what was probably borderline an eating disorder. Sol has always striven for the idea beaty, the ideal weight, the ideal looks, the ideal everything, and her looks showed that. She always had a thick mane of hair, something she took great pride in. Personal style-wise Sol always stuck to what she was expected to wear. Feminine clothing, skirts, shorts, bits of fanservice but innocent enough to not get branded, that sort of thing.

Now, in 2016, it's been years since she's stood on stage. She's finally regained a healthy weight, still thin but no longer scarily so. She also cut her hair to a short bob, something that would have been unthinkable for 2013 Sol. Her style is much more practical, long pants and simple shirts and tanktops and jackets. Comfort over beauty. She feels so much more herself like this than when she was trying to appease everyone's idea of who she should be, and it'll be interesting how she'd react to finding herself back in that old body.


personality traits Dreamer, pushover, conformist, compliant, optimistic, hopeful, needs approval, hopeless romantic, forever in denial about everything


— Back in 2013:

Sol has always been a dreamer. She used to always have her head in the clouds, thinking about what life would be like being an idol. Sol walked on clouds, on dreams, endured whatever was thrown at her because it would only be a stepping stone to whatever came next, keep your head up and do what they ask and before you know it you will have reached your dreams. It was like that when she was just putting covers and original songs on youtube dreaming of becoming a composer, it was like that when she was a trainee dreaming of becoming an idol, and it was like that when she was a nugu idol dreaming of making it big. Dreams are what sustained Sol, what kept her going even when the going got tough, and when the tough got , and when the got hopeless.

It's this constant sense of hope and optimism that got her elected leader in the first place. Well that and her naturaly ability to take charge and her compliance in the eyes of the company. Sol had the ability to make something good out of every situation, to see things in a positive light. Okay they didn't get any sleep, but think about how great the MV will be! Okay the y concept isn't the best, but it's just going to help us get big and then we can do concepts we actually like! Okay yeah it's not great to go out in the rain, but the fans will think we're super dedicated and maybe a fancam will go viral! She never let anything get her down, whatever the company threw at them she'd spin it into some sort of positive light. If they endured today they would take one step closer to their dreams. She had to believe that, it's was what kept her going.

And then there's her compliance, the other reason she was chosen as leader. Sol listened to authority, she always did what the company wanted her to do and got the other girls to do so as well. Almost naively trusted, she assumed that the company wanted them to do well and knew what was best, so she never doubted them. At the same time she also always conformed to what society thought she should be. Sol took the whole ideal beauty and ideal personalty and ideal everything very seriously. Sol wanted to be loved by absolutely everyone. She had this need to be accepted, to be loved, and any negativity toward her always hit her hard.

She was awful when it came to criticism from either netizens and the company, but was too stubbornly optimistic to let it appear that they kept her down. She was the queen of holding her head high and saying this is fine, everthing is fine even though nothing was fine and the criticism and comments were eating her up inside. An MC on a show said she could stand to lose some weight and Sol practically stopped eating. Netizens criticized her singing and Sol agonized over every note. Whatever comments or criticism was levied against her, Sol would obsess over it, and all the while if anyone asked if something was wrong she'd say no everything is fine, absolutely fine, no need to worry I'm fine

— And now the present:

Sol has both changed a lot and very little. Sol has had her dreams crushed over and over again, her positivity challenged and swept aside like it was nothing. She feels jaded and empty much of the time. She still makes music, that's the only thing she knows how to do, but it no longer has that spark that it used to have. That spark of hope has never left her though, even if she'd rather it would. Her songs are still uplifting and positive much of the time even when she has trouble feeling that herself. Most importantly she still feels that pull to be positive, to keep dreaming and not give up. That's just so fundamentally a part of her. When she'll wake up back in 2013 she will be so conflicted between being afraid to hope and dream again and needing to hope and dream again. It's simply in her nature to. Will she snap back to her previous toxically hopeful and compliant attitiude or will she learn from her previous mistakes?

2013 Sol always took the side of the company and not that of her members. She always let herself be pushed around and accepted everything she was dealt, only to then justify it when relaying it to the girls or to her parents or her friends. She regrets that so much now, she wishes she stood up for the other girls more, and for herself. She feels like she betrayed them, especially since she justified the decision to perform in the rain which destroyed their careers. She can hardly look the Actress in the eye now, not after all that.

Her biggest conflict is just that, she wants so bad to believe that everthing will turn out fine this time. Endure and survive, work towards that better day. But she also doesn't want to be let down again, and she certainly doesn't want to let those who relied on her down this time. She is very conflicted when it comes to most of the people in her old life. Going from internally forgiving them for pushing around last time to blaming them for everything that went wrong, back and forth and back and forth. She just can't make up her mind, does she blame them or not? Does she hold a grudge or not? Will she be hopeful this time or not? She doesn't know, she doesn't know how she should feel or act. Should she act like she did before? Should she show her new her/ How much does her new her differ from her old one? Was she not better off without the pressure? Sol is filled with questions and existential crises, nobody ever prepared her for anything like this. 




— Sol hails from D-town, growing up in a lower middle class household with 3 siblings was tough. Sol always knew she wanted to make music, she'd been making silly songs since she was 7. She taught herself how to play piano with the help of her mom since there was no money for lessons. She started working when she was 15 and used that money to get vocal lessons and piano lessons and guitar lessons. She wanted to make music.

It was really tough for her to juggle all that and also school, and she didn't manage very well honestly. She graduated with very average grades and went on to take a course in composition at an average university, not having the right grades for the big ones. In 2009, and that was fine. 2 years into her course, she started up her youtube account. At first she did mostly coverers, but then she slowly started putting out some original content too, mostly class assignmetns and the like. It wasn't huge but it was her channel and she loved doing it. 

When she graduated she found finding a job in the entertainment industry a lot harder than anticipated. She started working as a waitress to afford her room in Seoul and trying to get a job anywhere. She still wrote songs and lyrics and tried to get them picked up but that wasn't working. And then as she went to work she saw an advert for auditions for Sunday and it felt like a sign, honestly. Ever the positive one Sol just figured that it would be her entry to getting her music out there. She'd become an idol and then she'd do more composing. Endure and wait to get one step closer to the dream.

Enfin, she became a trainee, then an idol, then The Event happened and she became an afterthought to Cube as her group was benched indefinitely. For the first time ever Sol was angry, she was resisting the lot she'd been given No, this wasn't right! All four of them had given their all for this company, hadn't Sol herself done everything that was asked of her? Had she not always justified the company's decisions, done whatever they told her? And then this is how they treated them? It wasn't right. For the first time ever she wanted to fight this. She found herself a lawyer and set out to fight their treatment in the courts. It was a long and exhausting court case and in the end she lost. For once she had stood up and fought for her lot but she'd lost. 

After that she just went back to composing and actually got some work as a shadow composer for others. Those writing credits of your oppas or unnies? Some of those are actually Sol's. There's a few B-sides here and there ethat are under her own name that she gets actual royalties for, but the majority of her work is shadow work. Things weren't all bad, that lawyer who worked with her on the court case? He was a cutie and they ended up going on a few dates and then dating. It was a rough patch but it wasn't completely dark, and Sol always kept going at it and though some of her hope had soured, she still beleived that if she just persevered through this rough patch she'd emerge on the other side one step closer to fulfilling her dream.



— She used to have a bit of an eating disorder, where she went with as little food as she could get away with. Some days she'd eat only lettuce, it was bad. But she was fine.

— She works part time as a waitress and the rest of her time she works on music. She hardly even has time for her boyfriend, if it weren't for Yeonwoo's death she probably wouldn't've met up with the others at all. Also because of her crushing guilt. But she's fine.

— She's been thinking of her dream in the abstract for so long, honestly she doesn't even really know what it is. Is it to be a succesful composer? A succesful idol? She has no idea, the only thing she knows is that it's better than the lot she has now.

—  Her songs are either really hopeful and optimistic and bright and lovey-dovey, or really introspective and dark, there's very little inbetween.

— She really really loves dramas, she's such a hopeless romantic she's so trash for any kind of romance or lovelines.



— Uncertain • Park Yeonwoo / 23 / manager / Diligent, Pushover, Kindhearted / 3

Sol and Yeonwoo never really got along great. She always thought he was too lenient to the other girls while Sol wanted to do things by the book. Ironically Sol was more in the pocket of the company than Yeonwoo was. And then he continued with his life while the girls were benched and part of Sol hasn't really forgiven him for that. She regrets freezing him out now though, a sudden death will do that. When they get sent back it's even more conflicted for Sol. Does she remained angry at him for what he would hypothetically do in another timeline?? She honestly just doesn't have the intelligence to deal with all of this and it ends up with her treating him warmly one second and cold another as she can't figure out how she's supposed to feel about him.

— Uncertain • Im Sunkyu / 25 / Stylist & Coordinator / Vivacious, Outspoken, Emotional / 2

Sol didn't always get along with Sunkyu. The latter probably thought she was in part to blame for the mismanagement of Re-Play, not standing up enough for themselves and just taking all the ty hands they were dealt. In her turn Sol was deeply hurt when Sunkyu distanced herself from them too after the merger, as hypocritical as that is since Sol herself froze out Yeonwoo. Sunkyu's fate is much the same as Yeonwoo, Sol has no idea how to feel and changes her mind every second in the new timeline.

— Uncertain • Lee Myungjun / 28 / PR Coordinator / Calm, Composed, Protective / 3

Myungjun was usually the one Sol got her orders from in terms of the group and she used to really respect him and do anything he told her to. She honestly isn't aware of the that happened to Myungjun after the merger, for all she knows he still works in the industry somewhere coordinating some other group. Because she doesn't know she also feels wronged by him, feels like he abandoned them, and she'll feel pretty guilty when she finds out he was one of the very few who actually stood up for them.



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Plotline The Composer

Prior Experience 

— Sol got a bachelor's degree in composition at a middle-tier university and then worked as a waitress while trying to get a foot into the industry. 

Why do they want to be an idol?

— "It seemed like a good idea at the time," Sol says, keeping a strained smile on her face. "I was struggling getting work as a composer and, while I knew I'd get my break someday, I thought becoming an idol might be a good step towards my dreams. I do love singing after all."

If they could change anything, what would they choose?

— "I would stand up more for the members and maybe not do everything the company wanted us to do. Maybe it's okay to stand our ground every now and then.  The company didn't care enough about us as people to support us in our darkest time and that just doesn't feel right." 

What price are they willing to pay for this chance?

— "Price?" She frowns. "I'm not sure," she shakes her head. "I want to try again, yes." Just don't think about the price. It'll be fine. I mean what price you're just getting a chance right? An opportunity to try again and maybe catch that dream this time. Everything is going to be fine.


love interest Kim Minjoon (FC: Park Haejin )

back up FACE CLAIM Junjin (Shinhwa)


— Spontaneous, sweet, kind, romantic, dismissive, impatient, conservative, ambitious, talkative, nerdy, exciteable

Minjoon is an absolute sweetheart. He's kind and sweet and romantic to an idiotic extend. Definitely one for big romantic gestures and uncontrollable cheesyness, honestly he's everything Sol could have ever wanted in a man.

A talkative nerd, don't get him started on anything astronomyn or that awesome science thing he's read about, he'll excitedly talk your ear off. Sol doesn't always follow what he's trying to tell her but she loves listening to him ramble anyway if only to see his face light up. Honestly sometimes she thinks he should've become a scientist or physicist instead of a layer.

Honestly this guy is as vanilla as it gets and every Korean parent's dream son in law. A lawyer, a sweetheart, the right amount of conservative to uphold traditional values, but modern enough not to drive Sol mad. By all accounts he's perfect, isn't he?

Sure he can be a bit too dismissive of those not in his general circle or those he could benefit from, but that's not a capital offense is it? And he can be a bit impatient but Sol can live with that, after all he's been patient enough with her. He's probably the best guy she'll ever have the chance to date. 

love story

— Minjoon was the lawyer she employed for her court case, and at first their relationship had been purely professional, but there was definitely something there. When the case had finally after over a year of hearings been concluded he asked her out on a date. They started dating a year and a half ago and by all accounts they're doing well.

Honestly Sol feels lucky that she got the chance to meet him, that something good came out of all of that. She really truly loves this guy, and why shouldn't she, he's basically perfect? But then why does she dodge every question about moving in together, and god forbid marriage. Why does he not have a place in that ever vague dream of hers? 

The truth is, he bores her. Of course she's never one to actually face the truth, she refuses to even stop and think about the reason why she's been avoiding it. If it were up to her she wouldn't even acknowledge the fact that she has been avoiding all his attempts to bring up the topic. Her brain says he's the one but her heart isn't in it. 

Moving back to the past is going to her up in this regard. For all she's willing to think, she loves Minjoon unconditinoally and definitely wants to spend the rest of her life with him, and now in this new timeline that chance doesn't exist anymore. She's unwilling to stop and acknowledge the fact that she actually feels relieved

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last comment I did the personality section a little different than usual to highlight what parts of her changed and how this crazy would affect her, hope it still makes sense I'm usually really chaotic with my thoughts unless I structe things by trait.

Woah I resisted lesbians I'm still stunned- okay nvm they're not happy heteros all is well with the world. Feel free to do whatever you like with that whole Minjoon situation. I originally wanted to do something more happy where there'd be the actual question of oh this whole time shift thing means I won't meet my love interest well is it career or is it love? But then this happened instead. Whoops.

scene requets We'll see what I can do.

— here
— here

password I did. It doesn't fit 100% cause she's still with like 3/4th foot in denial, but maybe after development??



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You finished already I totally didn't see that coming o.o
Oh man I need to start working on mine soon~ I can't believe someone applied already !
Oh no I was gonna do the composer ;; I guess I'll look at the other plotlines again!