아이오아이 : IOI | Jiyoo | Yoojung

replace with face claim or anything you want 500*240

ioi : lee jiyeon

replace with face claim 80*80replace with face claim 80*80

BIRTHNAME : Lee, Jiyeon.

▸ Little Ji — an annoying nickname used to tease or piss her off - usually used by  the Seventeen members (Jihoon and Jiyeon).

▸ Aerobics teacher — a funny alias that's used by fellow trainees and the teachers that refers to her attitude towards practice - it could be 3 am yet she'd still be enthusiastically yelling "POW!" "WHOOP!" "LET'S GO!" while doing the choreography, getting really into it.

▸ Blackhole belly — this girl eats - and it's a lot! She can finish an entire pizza by herself in 4 minutes flat yet is one of the thinest trainees? Must be all that excessive practice

▸ Human Megaphone — need to find a lost person? Need to catch the attention of someone down the hall? Need someone in Denmark to hear you? Just call for Jiyeon. Earned the nickname during her trainee days when people realised just hwo loud this girl can be. Her voice is now recognisable to almost every idol while waiting backstage a music show.

DATE OF BIRTH : February 14, 1998 (18 years old).
BIRTHPLACE : Busan, South Korea.
HOMETOWN : Seoul, South Korea.
NATIONALITY : South Korean.

▸ Korean — fluent; native and first language.
▸ Sarcasm — extremly fluent.

FACE CLAIM : YooA (Oh My Girl).
HEIGHT & WEIGHT : 159 cm and 44 kg

With her small frame, sweet features and killer smile, Jiyeon may seem quiet and adorable but don’t let her cute looks fool you. Jiyeon and Woozi have been told countless times how they resemble each other a lot. Bearing the same eye shape, smile and even bangs, the siblings are often mistaken for twins. Jiyeon has a slim figure, which doesn't make sense considering the amount of pizza she consumes daily. Her hair is dyed a light brown, cut in bangs and reaches her lower-back. On her 18th birthday, Jiyeon got a small tattoo on her ankle as a reminder of her passion and roots of dance.

Jiyeon’s style is trendy and fashionable. She hates anything pink, frilly or girly. On the other end of the spectrum, she loves distressed jeans, high-waisted bottoms, flannels and sneakers. A simplistic style that mostly incorporates black, white, grey, maroon/red colours. Indie, tumblr, hipster style. However, like her brother, Jiyeon has a love for oversized sweatshirts and hoodies but only wears them on lazy days or when she's truly not bothered since she's very camera conscious. Highly confident in her own skin and doesn't mind showing a skin. More of a western-inspired style instead of cute Korean fashion.

Casual: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6.
Formal: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6.
Practice: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6.
Airport: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6.
Dorms: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6.
Lazy days: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6.
Onstage: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6.




Positive: hardworking, adaptable, fast learner, dedicated, confident and creative.
Negative: overly competitive, stubborn, impatient, impulsive, patronising and argumentative.
Neutral: perfectionist, loud, good liar, composed facial expressions, realistic and sassy.

Positive: Lee Jiyeon is a very determined and driven girl that won't just follow her dreams; she'll chase them. Jiyeon is also very hardworking and driven. She always strives to do her best and is very persistent. She can pick things up quickly and adapts to new people, environments and cultures easily.  She is known throughout Pledis to be a very fast choreography learner as she can easily grasp a dance just by watching the choreography once if it's easy, 2-3 times if it's medium and 4-5 times if it's a difficult dance usually. She hates leaving things undone and once she starts something, it becomes her life mission to complete it. Jiyeon practically radiates confidence and that becomes an advantage whenever she’s performing or under scrutiny. Jiyeon loves what she does and excels in her interests. Since her mind is wired to be creative, she struggles in theoretical work like maths and science but excels in subjects that require you to think outside the box like dance and music.

Negative: If there’s one word to describe Jiyeon, it’s loud. She. Doesn’t. Shut. Up. EVER! This girl honestly doesn't have a filter and moves until the end of time. Jiyeon is practically the opposite of her older brother; Woozi. He is quiet and reserved, only showing his true self to the people he is close to. While his sister doesn’t shut up, he rarely opens his mouth - his glares are enough to voice his thoughts. Woozi is a shy, introverted bub who is more on the awkward side. On the other hand, Jiyeon is a loud, boisterous, rambunctious girl who isn't afraid to voice her opinions or argue back. Jiyeon is overly competitive - never backs down from a challenge and hates losing, even if it's something stupid like who can lace up their shoes the quickest. This kid is seriously the most headstrong person you will ever meet. Once her decision is made, she will not change it. One of her biggest pet peeves is just slow things in general; slow eaters, slow talkers, slow walkers and especially slow learners. She thinks that they waste her time and since she has a very short-temper she will most likely rage at you (the members are helping her with her fuse though). Jiyeon will often say things straightforwardly without considering your feelings. And frankly, even if she does realise that she’s hurt you, she doesn’t care unless you’re very close. it up. She often looks down upon others who aren't as talented as her, claiming that they aren't worth her time. She's not a complete 24/7 but she sure as hell can be.

Neutral: Jiyeon is a perfectionist. She rarely feels accomplished or proud of herself. She’s one of those annoying people that get a 99 out of 100 and still sulk. Her energy and bubbliness can end up motivating people around her but sometimes, Jiyeon just doesn’t know her limits. It could be 2 am and she’d be clanging pots together yelling “I AIN’T GET NO SLEEP CUZ OF Y’ALL, SO Y’ALL NEVER GONNA SLEEP CUZ OF ME” just because she was bored. The Lee siblings often tagged along with their dad to work. When at her dad’s theatre, she would observe the actors and actresses during their scenes. From this, Jiyeon learnt from a young age how to hide emotions and how to portray herself a certain way that the camera wants. Her ability to lie and improvise on the spot is amazing. Jiyeon has long ago mastered the art of lying and how to keep her facial expressions neutral. Jiyeon knows how to respond to questions perfectly and how to act in front of a camera/audience (the fact that everyone is talking about her just feeds her ego more). She never says the wrong thing and doesn’t get flustered. Is talented with her words and knows what someone wants to hear to get her way. However, this also means that you can never tell whether or not she’s lying to you. Jiyeon is realistic and that helps her set goals but her bluntness can turn her tongue into a knife. Her sarcastic and sassy attitude is a humorous relief among her friends but sometimes, Jiyeon doesn't understand boundaries and might end up hurting someone if she’s not careful.

BACKGROUND : Coming from a very performance and music-oriented family, Jiyeon was performing as soon as she could walk. While Woozi had been encouraged into the world of classical music, their parents urged Jiyeon into dance. She started dancing ballet at the ripe age of 2. Throughout her years at her dance studio and Pledis, she has studied ballet, hip hop, contemporary, tap, jazz, lyrical, freestyle, popping, locking, waacking and b-girling. Jiyeon is also an accomplished choreographer. As of 2016, she's been dancing ballet for 16 years and hip hop for 5.

Becoming interested in music wasn’t exactly a choice for her seeing as though her father was the director of a musical theatre while her mother was the director of the Universal Ballet company.Jiyeon continued her ballet studies and went en pointe at 9 years old. In 2008, her father was offered the position of director at a theatre so her family moved to Seoul.

When Jiyeon was 12 (2010), her brother and her auditioned for Pledis Entertainment with Woozi singing You And I, while Jiyeon audition as a dancer and performed a self-choreographed routine to Stronger. Both Lee siblings passed with Woozi joining the lineup for Tempest and Jiyeon joining the Pledis Girlz officially in September 2010.

Since hiphop was more applicable to kpop's dance style, Jiyeon focused on hiphop rather than ballet at Pledis. She has been studying extensive hip-hop at 1MILLION Dance Studio since 2011 thus, making her very close to the instructors there as well as appearing in their videos sometimes.


Coffee; needs at least 3-4 cups daily.
- Fashion and hairstyling; often styles her members (usually it's against their will but meh).
- The beach and bonfires.
- Watermelon flavoured anything.
- Pizza; will choose it over everything...and anyone.
- High School Musical series.
- DEAN's music.
- Winning duh.

- Aegyo; like her brother, despite looking the part, aegyo doesn't come naturally to them. Always cringes after being forced to show aegyo.
- Being woken up early; if Jiyeon needs to wake up at 4am for training then she can do it herself.
- Being stared at while eating; yes, she can finish an entire pizza by herself, is there a problem?
- Being compared to her oh-so-perfect brother.
- Any form of physical activity aside from dance; that one friend that gets out of breath from walking up a flight of stairs - yet she can dance for 5 hours straight without breaking a sweat?
- Running; pft actually does that willingly? Unless there's food on the line because in that case, I suggest you move out of the way before Jiyeon bulldozers you down.
- Being poked on the sides of her waist; just a pre-warning, her reflexes might end up punching you in the face accidentally.
- The sounds of knuckes cracking.
- Celery, capsicum and paw paw/papaya.

Choreographing in her head when she listens to music.
- Running her hand through her hair.
- Hitting the people next to her when she's laughing or excited.
- Making hand gestures when she raps (x).
- Ending up on the floor where she claps or smacks the ground whenever she's laughing hysterically (x).
- Stealing everyone's sweatshirts and hoodies; EVERYONE HIDE YO CLOTHES!

- Throwing shade.
Choreographing and dancing duh.
- Covering kpop dances; literally knows every song's choreography.
- Mixing/mashing up music.

- Spitting fire and writing rap lyrics; can only write lyrics for rap. One time tried writing a vocal verse but ending up ranting about how cool melted cheese is.
- Playing piano and guitar - Woozi and Jiyeon were taught by their dad.
- Making mash ups of songs on her laptop (x).
- Eating; ah what a joy in life.

▸ Fun Facts:
Is known for her freestyle dance battle against Chungha on Produce 101 (Feein).
- Thanks to her years of ballet, Jiyeon is extremely flexible.
- Talks, sings, raps and dances in her sleep almost every night.
- Is the trainee with the 2nd longest training time in Pledis Girlz (2nd to Siyeon who trained 9 months longer).
- Currently a 3rd grader at SOPA; sits next to BTS' Jungkook in class.
- Is a proud Slytherin.
- Has severe coulrophobia; will break down crying if she sees a clown (even just a picture).
- Can't cook; even if she's the only person left in the dorms, don't ask her to make a meal unless you want a death wish. Once burnt ramen so bad that the noodles disintergrated when she poked them with chopsticks.
- Doesn't fall for hidden cameras; can detect what's going on within the first 2 minutes. Many have tried to trick her but none have returned successful.
- Has earned a special role in I.O.I because she's always able to take over smoothly without missing a beat when another member gets uncomfortable or flustered during interviews.
- Can recite every line, lyric and dance from the High School Musical series.
- Knows about every Harry Potter spell there is.
- Would have been the most likely leader after Nayoung plotline since she's never flustered on camera but her childish loudless made her less fitting for the role.
- Is a very meticulous and observant person; nothing gets past her eyes. Nothing.

Quotes Jiyeon says:
- "Wake me up when the cafeteria serves pizza instead of meatloaf."
- "Happy? Eat pizza. Sad? Eat pizza. Angry? Eat pizza. Just eat pizza."
- "Y'all should stan talent; I can finish a slice of pizza in 11 seconds flat."
- "You know what the difference between pizza and your opinion is? I actually asked for pizza."
- "I hope karma slaps you in the face really hard before I do."
- "Can we go the convenience store? I'm running low on repellent."
- "I like my coffee how I like myself; dark, bitter and too hot for you."
- "Am I likely to die early from caffiene overdose? Yeah, probably. Now hand me my coffee."
- "Code red! Code red! DEAN just released a new teaser! EVERYBODY STAY CALM!"
- "Ugh it's so hot in this room" *smirks then winks* "that's because I'm here."
- "Come on guys, one more practice!" "but it's 3 am alreadyyy" *Jiyeon glares* "I said; one more time, now let's go!"

▸ Quotes about/with Seventeen:
- "S.Coups oppa, I know you ate Jihoon oppa's brownies without asking" "WHAT EVEN HOW DO YOU SEE EVERYTHING?!" "buy me pizza for the remainder of the year and I won't tell" "DEAL!"
- "Flip your hair one more time and I'll go sharpen my scissors now Jeonghan oppa."
- "Joshua oppa, it's really hot today" "uh thanks for sharing?" "remember to DRINK WATER!"
- "Jun oppa put your hand down, they were asking for the real visual of Seventeen not the member that looks most like an ape."
- Hoshi: "WHAT TIME IS IT?!" "time for you to take a shower."
- "Hey Jiyeon have you seen Wonwoo hyung?" *Jiyeon shurgs nonchalantly* "he's probably being emo in a corner somewhere."
- *Lee siblings arguing over which bubble tea flavour is the best* "Oi, I'm the older sibling so listen to me; I like mango more than taro so that's what we're getting" "yeah well mum likes me better but you're still here aren't you."
- "I swear to god DK oppa, if you crack your knuckles one more god damn time, I'll personally crack your face."
- Mingyu: "Hey babe, did it hurt when you fell from heaven?" "nah bro but do you have a band aid? I think I scraped my knees while crawling up from hell."
- "Pine trees are better!" "ARE YOU BLIND? CLEARLY OAK TREES ARE THE BEST!" "Listen up The8, you may be my oppa but; PINE. TREES. ARE. THE. BEST. KIND. OF. TREE!"
- "Hey Seungkwan, is today rubbish collection day?" "yeah? what of it?" "aww how sweet, they made a day just for you!"
"Hey Jiyeon have you seen Vernon?" *Jiyeon smirks before making excessive hand gestures while hardcore rapping* "PULL UP ON YOUR WACKS WITH YOUR MAC FULLY LOADED AH".
- "Dino I'm not ever letting you out the Pledis building. You're not allowed to date" "you know that I'm only younger than you by a year right?" "shhhh, you're forever my small child" "JIYEON I'M TALLER THAN YOU!
- "Hey do you listen to Seventeen?" "Pft no, why would I listen to those idiots"
- *Someone talks about Seventeen* "Oi, who do you think you are? Only I'm allowed to diss them like that."

▸ Quotes said by others about Jiyeon:
- "Don't they call her little Ji?"
- "Yah, she's not pretty nor talented enough to be related to my beloved Woozi oppa."
- "How does she fit all that talent in such a small body?"
- "Aww she's so cute!" *witnesses her loud yelling* "Wait...nevermind..."
- *A sunbaenim hears someone yelling gibberish backstage in the distance * "Ah, I guess I.O.I and Jiyeon are here. "
- "I heard that if you get double roasted by her and Seungkwan together, you never return."
- "Damn that small thing can spit fire!"
- "Don't touch her pizza. Seriously, don't touch it unless you want to die..."

the people in my life


Father — Lee Jiwook (50) / Head of theatre / flamboyant, eccentric, extrovert / Jiyeon's personality is most reflective of her father's. They are both loud, exuberant people with lots of opinions. He takes pride in his theatrical works and his booming "BRAVO!" and claps are the most noticeable at the end of every curtain call. Jiyeon's father is a man of work - very in love with music and entertainment. Like most of the dad population, Jiwook grew a little awkward around Jiyeon once she hit her teen years. Is unsure how to express himself so he shows his love by endlessly saying dad jokes and puns.

▸ Mother — Lee Jisoo (48) / Director of the Universal Ballet / caring, quiet, gentle / While Jiyeon took after her father, it seems like Woozi inherited their mother's quietness. Jisoo is a very soft-spoken and tender person who shows compassion towards everyone. She frequent calls Jiyeon to check up on her and how her training at Pledis is going. Is the cool mum that all members of  I.O.I and Seventeen love or frequently bring up.

▸ Older brother — Lee 'Woozi' Jihoon (19) / Idol; Seventeen / reserved, hard-working, passionate / Seeing as though both their parents were constantly working, Woozi and Jiyeon fiercely depend on each other even till this day. She loves her brother, but there are moments where she feels burdened by being related to him and his talents (although, her confident act hides this). She had to work her off to reach this level of triple threat just so that no one would be able to make comments about how Woozi was more talented in a specific skill that Jiyeon didn’t possess. Immensely protective of one another but since both of them share the same fiery, hard-working personality, the siblings are extremely competitive and hate losing - especially to one another.


▸ Best friend — Boo Seungkwan (18) / Idol; Seventeen / sassy, extroverted, shameless / Being practically the same person, Jiyeon didn't find it hard at all to start a conversation with Seungkwan when he first joined Pledis in June 2012. Constantly in sass or roast battles so strangers usually think that they hate each other. Seungkwan could be playfully dissing Jiyeon one minute but as soon as someone bad mouths her, expect an endless fire of sass directed at them.

▸ Main hoes — Seventeen (17-21) / Idols / stupid, idiotic, fun / These boys are Jiyeon's closest friends who she’s treats like family. At first, the boys only looked out for her when Jihoon wasn't around but eventually, they all grew fond of her. Strangely enough, all of Seventeen admit that they grew close to Jiyeon faster than they did with Woozi despite him being their member. Her loud, extroverted personality made it easy for them to feel casual around her. Cares for Jiyeon a lot like their own blood sister and will act like she was hit by a car when she simply tripped or something (or laugh and take photos...depends on the member). May treat her like a jewel, but also loves teasing the heck out of Jiyeon. Used to create a barrier and walk around her when they used to go out in public with her. Closest to Seungkwan and Hoshi as friends.

▸ Sister from another mister — Zhou 'Pinky' Jieqiong (17) / Pledis trainee / beagle, bright, bubbly / When Jiyeon joined Pledis, Park Siyeon was the only female trainee there that was around her age. However, since she was only 9, her priorities were with family and school. Thus, Siyeon didn’t spend much time at Pledis training, only interacting with Jiyeon for 3 hours every day at most. Jiyeon spent most of her early years as a trainee with the males, until Zhou Jieqiong joined in December 2010, 3 months after Jiyeon did. Since Jieqiong’s life was in China, from 2010 to 2013, she went to South Korea every summer to train. In 2013, she moved to South Korea to continue her training in Pledis with Jiyeon, Siyeon and the newer trainees; Nayoung and Yebin.

▸ Squad — Pledis Girlz (14-20) / Pledis' pre-debut group / hard-working, loving, close / Jiyeon has known her group members for around 6 years now; starting with Siyeon, Pledis Girlz grew in numbers as the years went by with; Pinky, Nayoung, Yebin, Kyla, Shannon, Yewon, Eunwoo, Minkyeong and Kyungwon joining the team. Although I.O.I is an amazing opportunity that will benefit Jiyeon later on in her idol life, she'd be lying if she said she didn't miss training with Pledis Girlz. Jiyeon has grown accostumed to the same lifestyle every day; being woken up by Nayoung leader early in the morning, making a ruckus with Eunwoo to wake up the others, eating Minkyeong's cooking for breakfast, picking out the day's outfit with Yebin and Siyeon, have a who-can-tie-their-shoe-laces-the-quickest competition with Kyungwon, being last to leave the dorm with Shannon since both girls aren't a fan of running, holding Kyla's hand while crossing the road since she's the precious '01 liner maknae, going to buy ice cream from the convenience store with Yewon during break and stayiing back late at the Pledis building with Pinky to practice dancing. 

▸ Therapist  — Yoon Sarang (20) / Idol; I.O.I / optimistic, affectionate, good listener / They were randomly paried together for one of the last episodes of Produce 101 where they had to confide to each other about their problems or worries since the last episode was approaching soon. While Sarang confessed the burden she felt about being from SM, Jiyeon told the girl about her brother and how reading comments about "not being good enough" hurt a lot. Even till this day, Sarang will be the member that Jiyeon goes to when she needs to get things off her chest.

▸ Human Diary — Lee Jooyeon (19) / Idol; I.O.I / personality traits / this duo is seriously talented beyond belief - able to cause headaches in less than 6 minutes when together? Dang, that's gotta be a new record. With Jooyeon's motor mouth and Jiyeon's megaphone mouth, let's just say there's never a dull moment in I.O.I with these two around. On Produce 101, the girls would often get confused when the other's name was called, thinking it was their own (Lee Jiyeon and Lee Jooyeon). Didn't offically meet until the position evalution mission, so they only knew each other as 'the other dance threat'. Now, every time they see each other, they run up and bump chests while yelling "YEON-YEON CROSS!!" loudly (x). And when I say every time, I seriously mean Every. Single. Time. Since Jooyeon knows about everything, Jiyeon often goes for advice or the best solution. If Jiyeon and Jooyeon are still missing by 3 am, there's a 90% chance that they're together practicing dance or choreographing together.

▸ Frenemy — Somi plotline (?) / Idol; I.O.I / ??? / Saying that Jiyeon hated losing it was definitely an understatement; she feared it. But that's exactly what happened on the last episode of Produce 101; she lost to 1st place to 'Somi'. Off camera, Jiyeon will throw low-key shade towards 'Somi' while on camera, the two are best friends. Jiyeon is well aware that the fans shipped her with Jooyeon (dance power couple), 'Doyeon' and 'Somi' most in I.O.I so she did as the fans pleased.

▸ Mentors — Mina Myoung and Bongyoung Park (22 and 25 respectively) / dancers and  teachers at 1MILLION / easy going, wise, supportive / Jiyeon could decide to be a garbage collector and her teachers at 1MILLION could still encourage her endlessly. Treats them like her biological older siblings. When Jiyeon first started attending 1MILLION lessons, she definitely stood out from the crowd; such a young girl with immense talent so big, it matched her personality. When Jiyeon's lacking creativity or inspiration for choreography, she'll visit 1MILLION Dance Studio. Mina is always there to protect her precious Jiyeon baby from Bongyoung's endless teasing.

all about my stardom

STAGE NAME :  Jiyoo - 'Ji' meaning ambition while 'Yoo' meaning 'to have' so her stage name means that she has the ambition to make it big in the entertainment industry (plus, Jiyeon didn't want to get stuck with something stupid like her brother did). The name was chosen by Pledis' CEO but the majority of Korea just call her Jiyeon (even on variety shows).

PERSONA :  Phoenix - known as the 'bird of fire', it is symbolic of Jiyeon's charisma onstage since she can easily catch attention with her fire-spitting rhymes and powerful dance moves.
POSITION :  Yoojung.

TRAINING YEAR(S) :  6 years (ever since September 2010). 
TRAINEE LIFE :  Joined Pledis in 2010 at 12 years old. Seeing as though the judges present at her auditions spoke very highly of her, the company as well as the other trainees had very high expectations for Jiyeon and her dance skills. However, she didn’t meet those expectations; she completely exceeded them. Despite being being one of the younger trainees, Jiyeon quickly moved up the ranks and gained a name for herself in Pledis.


It was a well-known fact throughout Pledis that despite only being a trainee, Jiyeon was definitely one of the company’s top dancers. Trainees would fight each other just to end up in her group for dance evaluations. She was an amazing choreographer and dancer but damn did this girl have a temper. Being in Jiyeon’s group meant putting in 110% of effort and be prepared to stay back late because being the perfectionist she is, she'd rather stab herself in the eye with a nail rather than perform something she isn’t happy with. She likes getting things done quickly and slow learners are her biggest pet peeve - either keep up, or get out. However, on Produce 101, she was one of the contestants that helped Sohye the most since she knew that would make her more likable. Isn’t afraid yell or be blunt when she’s the choreography leader “Wonwoo oppa this is the 3rd time I’ve told you now. The spin only lasts for a third of a beat not half, get with it”, “Pinky your arm movements are slacking off again. SHAR-PER MO-VE-MENTS LET'S GO!”. Really scary when she’s in the dance-zone. Strives for perfection.


Usually ignores newer trainees since they just whisper about her brother and how she was probably only accepted into Pledis because of her visuals (gets the shock of their life when they see her dance). Newer trainees just assume that she's a snobbish .


Jiyeon was a very dedicated trainee, waking up at 5:30 am every morning then returning to the dorms at 1 am every day just to get in extra practice hours. In class, she picked things up quickly and her hard-working behavior was often praised by trainers, although she was continuously nagged at by health teachers about the 'unhealthy' nutritional values of pizza. Pft as if that would stop her from stuffing her face.


On Produce 101, she was portrayed as a very hard-working, selfless and talented contestant who was liked by all the other girls and had many friends. She was voted #1 for having an appearance that didn't match her personality the most.

Before Produce 101:
▸ 2010 - current: Pledis Girlz member.
▸ 2013: Like17 Show 3 Mannequin and Call Me Maybe performances.
▸ 2013: Seventeen Unit Mission: Sun Team's choreography.

▸ 2014: San E's and Raina's live performances for A Midsummer Night's Sweetness with Mingyu and Wonwoo.
▸ 2015: Wrote the rap lyrics for Seventeen's O.M.G and Fronting.
▸ 2015: Choreographed Seventeen's NO F.U.N and Performance Unit's version of Adore U.
▸ 2015: Worked with Hoshi for Seventeen's MAMA 2015 stage.
▸ 2016: Penned the rap lyrics and co-choreographed (with Hoshi) for Seventeen's 
▸ 2016: Upon finding out that their junior would be on a survival show soon, thus leaving them for a while, the instructors at 1MILLION gifted Jiyeon with a parting present of uploading her own choreography to their YouTube channel - BBHMM.


During Produce 101:

▸ First individual audition: How That Taste.
▸ Aired company audition: rearranged Pledis Girlz's version of Bang.

▸ Individual skill mission: Like A Boy.
▸ Position Evaluation (Dance): Leader, centre and choreographer of DEAN's Bonnie & Clyde.
▸ 2016: Re-arranged and mixed Seventeen's 30th GDA stage; 'Mansae + Adore U'.

▸ 2016: Was the mystery girl who performed with Hoshi on his solo stage at Seventeen's Encore Concert.
▸ 2016: Worked with Hoshi and Hyelim to rechoreograph and GaonChart Awards.
▸ 2016: Produced and featured as the female vocal on Sickness with Seventeen's Vernon.


After Produce 101:
▸ 2016: Mixed the music and choreographed with Hoshi for Seventeen's Girl Group Stage.
▸ 2016: Whatta Man - choreographed the dance with Jooyeon and wrote the rap lyrics.
▸ 2016: 1MILLION YouTube videos;

- Bonnie & Clyde (as instructor): returned to the studio to teach her choreography from Produce 101.
- We Don't Talk Anymore (as a cameo): on one of her free days, Jiyeon visited 1MILLION and performed with one of her old friends Bongyoung Park. 
- Can't Stop Dancing (as a cameo): helped another friend Mina Myoung with her YouTube video.

▸ 2016: [Practice Video] 지연 (PLEDIS Girlz) - If I Ain't Got You.
▸ 2017: Debut in Pledis Girlz.


▸ This Seventeen member's sister is joining MNET's survival show? (true - before PD101); when Jiyeon's PD101 teasers were released, Pledis stans went crazy since they've been waiting centuries for Jiyeon to be freed from the trainee dungeon. Since she was one of the longest and most recogniable Pledis trainees with heaps of pre-debut works, fans were anticipating her talent and whether or not it met her brother's.
▸ Pledis' Jiyeon's intriguing past (true - during PD101); some eagle-eyed fans recognised Jiyeon in some of 1MILLION's videos on YouTube. Pledis also released an official statement on Jiyeon's contribution to many of Seventeen's choreography and lyrics in the past which netizens highly praised.
▸ Seventeen's Vernon dating labelmate? (false - during PD101); when Pledis shared that Vernon will release a track featuring Produce 101's Jiyeon, netizens instantly assumed that the two '98 liners were a thing and that this was Pledis' way of announcing it. Because recording a song together obviously means that they're totally dating pft duh.
▸ Seventeen's Mingyu and I.O.I's Jiyeon dating? (true - after PD101); when Jiyeon arrived at Music Bank with her I.O.I members, netizens noticed that she was coincidentally wearing a sweatshirt that Mingyu owns. Fans started to freak out with they noticed a couple necklace that slipped out from underneath Mingyu's shirt a week before Jiyeon was spotted with a silver necklace from afar. Once again, Jiyeon was seen wearing a sweatshirt that look eerily similar to Mingyu's customised one from Mansae era. Even before their company released a public statement, netizens had already concluded that the pair were dating once someone pointed out that recently, Mingyu changed his ideal type from 'relaxed and tall" to "lively and small".

▸ Seventeen's Woozi and Mingyu fighting? (false - after PD101); Seungkwan revealed that the reason why Woozi was chasing Mingyu around with a  guitar during their trainee days was because that was the exact day Woozi found out about Jiyeon and Mingyu dating. Woozi made it seem like he was playing around since there were cameras around but when they shut off, the protective older brother was unleashed and S.Coups, Jun and Seungkwan had to legitimately hold him back from ripping Mingyu in half with his bare hands.


replace with love interest 80*80replace with love interest 80*80

LOVE INTEREST : Kim, Mingyu.
BIRTHDAY : 6th April 1997.


Positive: caring, passionate, bright, loyal.
Negative: cocky, arrogant, possessive, stupid.

Upon first glance, people think that Mingyu is some charismatic, chic guy when in reality he’s just a clumsy puppy. He is very protective of the people he loves and won’t think twice about defending them. Mingyu is a passionate person who isn’t afraid to show his feelings. He is a bright, happy puppy with a smile that can cure cancer. Now real talk, Mingyu is a very good looking young man, and he sure as hell knows it. Despite his clumsy acts, there can be times where his lips curve into a confident smirk and says something so smooth that leaves everyone speechless. As much as he is protective, he is possessive as well. Mingyu is very hesitant to share the people that he loves with others. Even though he placed first in his school after graduation, he’s plain stupid. The kid has moments that can make Joshua judge him, and that’s saying a lot


The pair met on Mingyu's first day as a Pledis trainee in 2013. Still new to the whole experience, he stood at the doorway of a practice room, gaping like an idiot. To his surprise, a sudden voice laced with irritation called out "you're in the way, idiot". Looking around the area, Mingyu saw no one much to his confusion. "Ok just because you’re a tree...down here", and that was his oh-so-lovely first encounter with Lee Jiyein. Mind you, puberty hit Jiyeon used to be (and still is) the shortest girl in the class when she was 15, standing at 152 cm.

Even at 16 years old, Mingyu stood at the whopping height of 180 cm (now he’s 187 great). However, with height comes long legs and lets just say that Mingyu was not exactly graceful. While he was an natural rapper and a very handsome face, the guy was flunking dance class. The teacher had just about given up on Mingyu's clumsiness but she then assigned him a tutor; Jiyeon. Teaching a giraffe with 2 left feet was not easy and Jiyeon wanted to pull out her hair way too often but eventually, she did it - she succeeded. Mingyu quickly went up the dance ranking and was able to keep up with the rest of the class, without a problem.

Starting dating in February 2014 when Mingyu finally gained thr guts to ask Jiyeon out on her 16th birthday.

Fans began to overly ship them at the beginning of 2016 when Mingyu mentioned Jiyeon after being asked about his ideal type during an interview. Since then, TV broadcasts, radio show, music shows have been trying to get I.O.I x Seventeen interactions to please fans who ship 'Minnie', 'cat and dog couple' because of their opposite heights or 'coffee couple' since they're both coffee obsessed.


▸ Bickers over the stupidest things like the best kind of tree or the nicest shade of blue - "obviously periwinkle is better than cobalt”, “ARE YOU BLIND?!". Annoying pet names like princess, kitty, shortie etc. Aside from annoying antics, Mingyu has some sweet moments like buying Jiyeon coffee, saving her a pizza slice every time Seventeen has some in their dressing room, 'coincidently' being backstage once she finishes her stage to hand her a towel. Their relationship is built upon piggy back rides (x), coffee, back hugs, epic rap battles and Jiyeon stealing his clothes is a normal occurance now.

RELATIONSHIP STATUS :  Dating for 2 years now (since Feb 2014).

ENDING :  Publicly confirmed and happily married with 12 kids dating.

say_the_name : jenny

LAST WORDS : I hope you like Jiyeon!!


▸ Yeon-Yeon cross greetings.
▸ Seventeen x I.O.I interactions.
▸ Seventeen x I.O.I on Weekly Idol or After School Club where Seungkwan and Jiyeon get to act naturally and be extra sassy.
▸ Weekly Idol ep; hosts ask Jiyeon to show her ballet.

▸ After School Club ep; for ASC's Got Talent segment, Jooyeon and Jiyeon dancing Sweat.
▸ I.O.I attending KCON + sharing a private plane and hotel floor with SVT (aka chaos).
▸ I.O.I meeting DEAN backstage and Jiyeon completely dying when he says that he's a fan.
▸ The other members forgetting about Jiyeon's skill (or lack of it) in the cooking department so they ask her to make dinner since their busy and all leave the house.
▸ 'Somi' x Jiyeon shade throwing.
▸ A music show (Inkigayo, M Countdown etc.) try an I.O.I hidden camera.
▸ I.O.I watching High School Musical with Jiyeon getting wayyy too into it...
▸ I.O.I at MAMA 2016 + winning awards.
▸ I.O.I members fangirling over SVT with Jiyeon not knowing whether to be proud or disgusted lol.
▸ Jiyeon styling the other members (sometimes against their will).

▸ I.O.I going to the beach at night with a bonfire and they all confess their feelings and worries.

turn in : story : cheatsheet


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