say_the_name. jenny. 8.5. 積読本.
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Kim jangmi
"Hands off the pizza and nobody dies..."
FULL NAME — Kim, Jangmi.
• Little J + a annoying nickname that is often used to tease or piss her off easily (Jongin/Jangmi). Usually used by the EXO members or close SM sunbaes as a joke.
• Aerobics teacher + a name used by fellow trainees and trainers that alludes to her attitude towards practice - it could be 3 am yet she'd still enthusiastically yell "POW!" "WHOOP!" "LET'S GO!" while doing the choreography to motivate the others.
• Blooming Rose + a fan-given nickname that makes reference to the meaning of Jangmi; 'Rose' and her growing beauty.
DOB + AGE — 14 February, 1997 + 19.
BIRTHPLACE — Suncheon, South Korea.
HOMETOWN — Seoul, South Korea.
• Korean + fluent; first + native langauge.
• English + conversational; compulsory lessons at SM. A limited vocabulary but no Korean accent and perfect pronunciation when spoken.
FACE CLAIM — Kim Doyeon (I.O.I).
BACKUP — Lee Mijoo (Lovelyz).
• I guess visuals run in the Kim family since both the SM-signed siblings are able to turn heads effortlessly. Jangmi shares a few features with her older brother such as plump lips, tan skin tone and a similar eye smile. It seems that height is also heriditary seeing as though Jongin stands at 182 cm while Jangmi is 171 cm, which is quite tall compared to the other female SM trainees. She is a thin girl, burning away all the pizza fat with her excessive dancing. Got a small tattoo on her ankle when she turned 18 last year. With her charismatic facial features and her long legs, Jangmi can acknowledge the fact that she is a naturally good looking young woman, thank you very much rude person who's insinuated that she's had surgery done.
HEIGHT & WEIGHT — 171 cm + 50 kg.
Jangmi’s style is trendy and fashionable. She hates anything pink and girly. On the other end of the spectrum, she loves distressed jeans, high-waisted bottoms, flannels and sneakers. A simplistic style that mostly incorporates black, white, grey, maroon/red colours. Indie, tumblr, hipster style. On lazy days or around the dorms, she's mostly wearing oversized sweatshirts and hoodies. Highly confident in her own skin and doesn't mind showing her skin. More of a western-inspired style instead of cute Korean fashion.

Casual: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.
1, 2, 3, 4, 5.
Practice: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.
Airport: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.
Dorms: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.
Onstage: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.
Positive: hardworking, adaptable, fast learner, dedicated, confident and creative.
Negative: competitive, stubborn, impatient, impulsive, critical, condescending and argumentative.
Neutral: perfectionist, loud, good liar, composed facial expressions, realistic and sassy.
Positive: Kim Jangmi is a very determined and driven girl that won't just follow her dreams; she'll chase them. Jangmi is also very hardworking and driven. She always strives to do her best and is very persistent. She can pick things up quickly and adapts to new people, environments and cultures easily.  She is known throughout SM Entertainment to be a very fast choreography learner as she can easily grasp a dance just by studying/watching the choreography twice if it's easy, 3-4 times if it's a little harder and 5 times if it's a difficult dance usually (Lucifer by SHINee took her up to 7 times). She hates leaving things undone and once she starts something, it becomes her life mission to complete it. Jangmi practically radiates confidence and that becomes an advantage whenever she’s performing or under scrutiny. Jangmi loves what she does and excels in her interests. Her mind is wired to be creative, she struggles in theoretical work like maths and science but excels in subjects that require you to think outside the box like dance and music.
Negative: If there’s one word to describe Jangmi, it’s loud. She. Doesn’t. Shut. Up. EVER! This girl honestly doesn't have a filter and moves until the end of time. Jangmi is practically the opposite of her older brother; Jongin. Her brother is quiet and reserved, only showing his true self to the people he is close to. Jongin doesn't look for trouble and will try blend into the wall most of the time - unless onstage. On the other hand, Jangmi is a loud, over-the-top, rambunctious girl who isn't afraid to voice her opinions or argue back. Jangmi never backs down from a challenge and hates losing, even if it's something stupid like who can lace up their shoes the quickest. This kid is seriously the most headstrong person you will ever meet. Once her decision is made, she will not change it. Whether you like it or not, she’s made up her mind  and it’ll stay that way. One of her biggest pet peeves is just slow things in general; slow eaters, slow talkers, slow walkers and especially slow learners. She thinks that they waste her time and since she has a short-temper she will most likely rage at you if you’re taking your time at your locker “HOW LONG DOES IT TAKE TO FRIKIN PUT IN A 3-NUMBER CODE?! COULD YOU BE ANY SLOWER? EVEN THE SLOTHS ARE TIRED OF WAITING FOR YOU MATE”. Jangmi will often say things straightforwardly without considering your feelings. And frankly, even if she does realise that she’s hurt you, she doesn’t care unless you’re very close. it up. She often looks down upon others who aren't as talented as her, claiming that they aren't worth her time. She's not a complete 24/7 but she sure as hell can be.
Neutral: Jangmi is a perfectionist. She rarely feels accomplished or proud of herself. She’s one of those annoying people that get a 99 out of 100 and still sulk. Jangmi is always seen rolling her eyes or yelling obnoxiously. Her energy and bubbliness can be contagious and end up motivating people around her but sometimes, Jangmi just doesn’t know her limits. It could be 2 am and she’d be clanging pots together yelling “I AIN’T GET NO SLEEP CUZ OF Y’ALL, SO Y’ALL NEVER GONNA SLEEP CUZ OF ME” just because she was bored. Since her dad is the director of a theatre, Jangmi grew up observing actors and how they can present themselves a certain way that the camera wants. Her ability to lie and improvise on the spot is amazing. Jangmi has long ago mastered the art of lying and how to keep her facial expressions neutral. Jangmi knows how to respond to questions perfectly and how to act in front of a camera/audience. She never says the wrong thing and doesn’t get flustered. However, this also means that you can never tell whether or not she’s lying to you. Jangmi is realistic and that helps her set goals but her bluntness can turn her tongue into a knife. Her sassy attitude is a humorous relief among her friends but sometimes, Jangmi doesn't understand boundaries and might end up hurting someone (not she she cares to be honest).

• Coming from a very performance and music-oriented family, Jangmi was performing as soon as she could walk. While her 2 older sisters and Jongin had been encouraged into the world of instruments and music, their parents urged Jangmi into dance. She started dancing ballet at the ripe age of 2 and started hip-hop later on at 4 years old. After seeing his sister perform, Jongin also pursued a passion for dance.
The 4 Kim siblings often tagged along with their dad to work. When at her dad’s theatre, she would observe the actors and actresses during their scenes. From this, Jangmi learnt from a young age how to hide emotions and how to portray herself a certain way.
In 2005, both Jongin and Jangmi auditioned for SM Entertainment and were both told that while they displayed immense talent beyond their age, they were too young. So while her brother was encouraged to return in 2 years, Jangmi was recommended a span of 5 years. Jongin was finally accepted as an SM trainee in 2007 when she was only 10 but even then, Jangmi didn’t like the sinking feeling of losing, even at such a young age. Everyone in her family would constantly talk about how talented Jongin was and she didn’t like it one bit since she still had a solid 3 years to go.
At 12 years old while on the way home from a dance class, an SM representative scouted her for the company. She attended the audition, with a self-choreographed dance to Like A Boy and was accepted for showing excellent dance technique, despite being a year short of her recommended re-audition period. Officially became a trainee signed under SM Entertainment in June 2009.
As a trainee, Jangmi was taught how to sing and rap since her dance was already beyond the expected level. Quickly raised up the ranks and advanced to the SM Rookies after only a month of normal training (on average, it takes a trainee 2 years), however she stayed unreleased to the public. Since SM’s priorities for her were vocal and rap, Jangmi began to study hip-hop at 1MILLION Dance Studio in 2010 at 13 years old.
RELATIONSHIPS — Jangmi has a dad (musical theatre director), mum (piano teacher) and 2 older sisters but they aren't important to the story so I haven't added them in this section.
• Older brother - Kim 'Kai' Jongin (22) - Idol; EXO - competitive, passionate, introvert - the younger Kim siblings have always been competitive - especially with each other, ever since they were children. From dance competitions to who can eat dinner the quickest, Jongin and Jangmi are naturally ambitious people. Offstage, Jongin is usually quiet and only reserved around strangers. With the people that he cares about however, he is very protective towards them - especially his younger sister. Despite being 3 years older than her, Jongin feels threatened by his sister's talents (hell, everyone is) but of course he'd never admit to her face.
• Brother from another mother - Oh Sehun (22) - Idol; EXO - weird, dorky, carefree - honestly, some people think that Sehun and Jangmi are the real siblings in SM. They get along a lot better than Jongin and Jangmi do sometimes. Since he's the maknae in EXO, he uses Jangmi's age against her by constantly asking her to do things for him - "Jangmi-ah, get your loving Sehun oppa a drink would you?" "get off your fat and get it yourself". Often joins Jangmi's late-night dance practices - although, she kinda scares him whenever she's in her 'dance-zone'.
• Awkward oppa - Kim 'Xiumin' Minseok (26) - Idol; EXO - caring, father-like, kind - Awkward - plain awkward. Despite being an easy-going person around the Exact members, Minseok had always been different around Jangmi - even way back when she used to visit her brother at SM during his training. Trips over things, stumbles on his words and says questionable things a lot when he feels her gaze on him.
• Primary target to annoy - Do 'D.O' Kyungsoo (23) - Idol; EXO - serious, quiet, actually the devil - you don’t understand how fun it is to tease this guy. Jangmi was literally the only Exact member that wasn’t phased by Kyungsoo’s demeanor and glare. Since her brother is closest to him, Jangmi never found him intimidating but instead, would laugh whenever he glares at her. Despite stating himself that Jangmi is more annoying than Baekhyun, Chen and Chanyeol combined, he strangely has a soft spot for her - well I mean he doesn’t chase her around with a baseball bat whenever she squishes his cheeks.
• Mentor - Kim Hyoyeon (26) - Idol; SNSD - dedicated, compassionate, caring - first met when Jangmi was visiting her brother in 2008. Hyoyeon was amazed that such a small kid could hold such power in her dance. She looks after juniors well and is a very genuine person. Jangmi and Hyoyeon bonded over dance and are often seen practicing or choreographing together. Hyoyeon acts as her performance mentor and gives her lots of good advice like 'how to follow cameras', 'onstage spacing', 'facial expressions' etc.
• Best friend - Jung 'Jaehyun' Yoonoh (19) - Idol; NCT - bright, carefree, bubbly - when they first met on Jaehyun’s first day as an SM Rookie, the pair were strongly arguing over who was older - turns out they had the exact same birthdate (technically Jaehyun was 5 hours older but still). Bickers over the most stupidest things like the best kind or tree or the nicest shade of blue. Refuses to call him ‘Jaehyun oppa’ but no one really cares since they’re all used to a loud “WTF JAE, IS THIS WHAT YOU CALL A SMALL SIP OF MY COFFEE?! HALF THE CUP IS GONE YOU BABOON” every morning to greet them in the SM building now. Best friend goals tbh.
• Main hoes - NCT + SM Rookies (14-22) - Idols + SM trainees - ranges from a guy that never speaks to a sassy kid that doesn't shut up - Jangmi’s dance ability made the trainers place her in the male class as opposed to the core classes that the girls were taking. She grew up in the SM Rookies, surrounded by people who she would call family in an instant. Every new trainee was scared of Jangmi not gonna lie. I mean come on, that’s Kai’s younger sister mate. Over the years, they became her overprotective brothers and will act like she was run over by a car when she simply tripped or something or take photos and laugh at her - it depends on the member really). Used to create a barrier and walk around her when they used to go out in public with her. Closest to Jaehyun, Taeyong and Ten.

VOCAL: Twice's Mina.
RAP: I.O.I's Yoojung
You  Don't Know Love + 2013 + Starred as co-lead with Chanyeol for K.Will's MV.
• GrowlBang Bang, and Bonnie & Clyde + 2014 + Surprising fans who expected a cliche cover of a girl group, Jangmi choreographed and put together the SR14G's stage for SMTOWN in 2014. Gained alot of attention from netizens after it was released that she choreographed all three routines.
Ceci Magazine + 2014 + featured in a photo shoot for CeCi mag in December 2014 with Taeyong, Yuta, Johnny, Doyoung and Irene (Jangmi as Seulgi and dark-haired model).
• CeCi Magazine + 2015 + After their first photo shoot, Taeyong and Jangmi later starred together in Ceci Magazine's Valentine's Day special edition as a couple in February of 2015.
Bassbot and SR15B's 0701 + 2015 + Jangmi chorographed SR15B's routines for Bassbot aswell as their dance for SMTOWN 2015.
• NCT U - Without You MV + 2016 + the main female lead.
• Stages for Why and I Just Wanna Dance + 2016 + was a back-up dancer for Taeyeon and Tiffany.
• 1MILLION - BBHMM + 2016 + Upon finding out that their junior would soon be debuting and leaving them, the teachers at 1MILLION awarded Jangmi with a chance to upload a self choreograped dance to their YouTube channel.
STAGE NAME — Rose (the meaning behind her name Jangmi).
PERSONA — Phoenix - refers to her ability to be graceful like a swan yet powerful and fiery when dancing or performing.
POSITION — Main dancer,rapper, vocalist.
BACK-UP POSITION — Visual, FOTG, vocalist.

TRAINING YEARS — 7 years and 2 months.
TRAINEE HISTORYJoined SM in June 2009 at 12 years old. Seeing as though Jongin had been training for 2 years now, the company as well as the other trainees had very high expectations for Jangmi seeing as though she was related to their respective Dancing Machine. She didn’t meet those expectations, she completely exceeded them. Despite being being one of the younger trainees, Jangmi quickly moved up the ranks and advanced to the SM Rookies class in August of the same year.
It was a well-known fact throughout SM that despite only being a trainee, Jangmi was definitely one of the company’s top dancers. Trainees would fight each other just to end up in her group for dance evaluations. She was an amazing choreographer and dancer but damn did this girl have a temper. Being in Jangmi’s group meant putting in 110% of effort and be prepared to stay back late because being the perfectionist she is, she'd rather stab herself in the eye with a nail rather than perform something she isn’t happy with. She likes getting things done quickly and slow learners are her biggest pet peeve - either keep up, or get out. Isn’t afraid yell or be blunt when she’s the choreography leader “Yuta oppa this is the 3rd time I’ve told you now. The spin only lasts for a third of a beat not half, get with it”, “Mark your arm movements are slacking off again. SHAR-PER MO-VE-MENTS LET'S GO!”. Really scary when she’s in the dance-zone.
Usually ignores newer trainees since they just whisper about her brother and how she was probably only accepted into SM because of her visuals (gets the shock of their life when they see her dance). Don’t let her catch you saying those things though because if this girl was ready to deck a trainee that brought up Taeyong’s online scandal, she won’t be afraid to hand your words back to you about her. Also, you you really don't want a group of 15 (SM Rookies + NCT) and 9 grown men (EXO) hunting you down, do you?
Jangmi was a very dedicated trainee, waking up at 6 am every morning then returning to the dorms at 1 am every day just to get in extra practice hours. In class, she picked things up quickly and her hard-working behavior was often praised by trainers, although she was continuously nagged at by health teachers about the 'unhealthy' nutritional values of pizza. Pft as if that would stop her from stuffing her face.Throughout her years at her dance studio, SM and 1MILLION, Jangmi has studied and mastered ballet, hip hop, jazz, contemporary, lyrical, freestyle, popping, locking and b-girling. She is also an accomplished choreographer. As of 2016, she's been dancing ballet for 17 years and hip hop for 15 years.
Was finally supposed to be released as an official SM Rookie in August 2016 but the reveal was terminated once Jangmi was a contender for Exact's main dancer position since SM wanted 'fresh faces' for their new group.
• Coffee - needs at least 3-4 cups a day to function properly.
• Fashion and hair styling - frequently styles her members.
• Winning duh.
• Watermelon flavoured everything.
• Pizza - will choose it over everything...or everyone.
• DEAN - jams to him 23/7.

• Being woken up early - if Jangmi needs to wake up at 4am for an early practice, she can do it herself, thank you very much rude person.
• People staring at her while she eats - yes, she can finish an entire pizza, is there a problem?
• Celery, capsicum, cilantro - claims and I quote; "food sent by Satan to punish us"
• Any form of physical activity aside from dance - 
she's that one friend that gets out of breath from walking up a set of stairs. Unless there's food on the line, because in that case, I suggest you get out of the way before she bulldozers you down.
• Being poked on her sides - her reflexes might end up punching you in the face, prewarning.
• Papaya/pawpaw fruit: despises it. Can smell the treachery from 2 rooms away.

• Choreographing and dancing duh.
• Covering kpop dances.
• Throwing shade - area of expertise.
• Shopping.
• Eating - ah, what a joy in life.
• Writing rap lyrics - Jangmi 
can only write good rap lyrics. Once, she tried writing a vocal verse but ended up ranting about how much she loved melted cheese - very poetic.


• Plays with/touches/runs her hand through her hair very frequently.
• Bursting into song when parts of the lyric or song title are mentioned in a normal conversation - "oh my god, I'm so sorry!" "...IS IT TOO LATE NOW TO SAY SORRYYY".
• Hitting the people next to her when she's laughing or excited.
• Stealing people's sweatshirts and hoodies - anyone with oversized clothes, HIDE YO CLOTHES!!!

Pet peeves:
• Getting asked the same question repeatitively over and over again.
• When people chew their gum obnoxiously loud.
• Getting compared to her brother.
• Slow learners - think they waste her time.

• Clowns - has severe coulrophobia that will make her break down and cry if she sees a clown (even just a picture). The members used to try prank her with it but eventually realised how severe her condition was and now always tries to make sure that Jangmi doesn't encounter any clowns.
• Dolls - freaky as.
• Losing.
• Falling over in front of a big crowd.

Fun facts:
Cant cook - no seriously, even if she's the only one left in the dorms, don't ask to cook unless you want to die from food poisoning. One time, she burnt ramen - the noodles disintergrated when her chopsticks touched it...
• Knows the choreography to literally every kpop song,
• Graduated from SOPA in February 2016 as valedictorian as well as the highest ranker in the dance division - used to sit inbetween Jaehyun and Seventeen's DK in class.
• A
fter her kpop idol career, wants to become a dance teacher either at Juilliard in New York or 1MILLION Dance Studio in Seoul.
• Physically uncapable of sleep without music playing in her earbuds.
Can't read maps - "what's that squiggly line?" "hold up, that's a road?!"
• Doesn’t fall for hidden cameras anymore. Within the first 2 minutes, she can tell what’s going on and will act sweet or helpful.
• Her go-to when asked to perform on the spot are:
Dance: sticks to her audition - Like A Boy.
Vocal: Amber's Beautiful.
Rap: self-composed rap - Shower.

LOVE INTEREST — Lee, Taeyong.
BACKUP — Leechaiyakul, Chittaphon (Ten).
Back in 2012, Taeyong used to be a hyperactive, happy-go-lucky puppy that literally tried befriending everyone (even that weird guy that sold fish sticks at the Han River). However, Taeyong’s personality morphed into one of reticence when netizens dug up his online mistakes. By December 2014, every kpop tabloid had released an article about his past history as a cyber bully and scammer. He spent 18 hours of each day practicing non-stop and spent so much time in the practice room that he couldn't remember what the sun felt like anymore. As his best friend, Jangmi (among everyone else) was worried about Taeyong's dramatic change. The only people that Taeyong didn’t completely shut out were the SM Rookies. Ever since NCT's debut, Taeyong's old personality is slowly making a return.
Upon first glance, people think that Taeyong is some charismatic, chic guy when in reality he’s just a clumsy puppy. He is very protective of the people he loves and won’t think twice about defending them. Taeyong is a passionate person who isn’t afraid to show his feelings. He is a bright, happy puppy with a smile that can cure cancer. Now real talk, Taeyong is a very good looking young man, and he sure as hell knows it. Despite his clumsy acts, there can be times where his lips curve into a confident smirk and says something so smooth that leaves everyone speechless. As much as he is protective, he is possessive as well. Taeyong is very hesitant to share the people that he loves with others and can get jealous easily.
The pair met on Taeyong's first day as a SM Rookie in 2012. Still new to the whole experience, he stood at the doorway of a practice room, gaping like an idiot. To his surprise, a sudden voice laced with irritation called out "you're in the way, idiot". Looking around the area, Taeyong saw no one much to his confusion. "Down here you tree", and that was his oh-so-lovely first encounter with Kim Jangmi. Mind you, puberty hit Jangmi like a truck since she used to be the shortest girl in the class, standing at 155 cm.
Even at 16 years old, Taeyong stood at the whopping height of 175 cm (well it was whooping compared to her mere 155 ok?). However, with height comes long legs and lets just say that Taeyong is not exactly graceful. While he was an natural rapper, the guy was flunking dance class. The teacher had just about given up on Taeyong's clumsiness but she then assigned him a tutor; Jangmi. Teaching a semi-giraffe with 2 left feet was not easy and Jangmi wanted to pull out her hair way too often but eventually, she did it - she succeeded. Taeyong quickly went up the dance ranking and was able to keep up with the rest of the class, without a problem. Hell, Taeyong was known as one of the best dancers within the male SM Rookies thanks to Jangmi’s miracle work now.
They spent every moment together whether it be dancing, rapping, eating, or whatever it may be, the best friends was so close that basically everyone in SM shipped them too the max.
Refered to as ‘Taemi’ or the 'Coffee Couple' since it they're both coffee obsessed.
RELATIONSHIPEventually in February 2013 on Jangmi’s 16th birthday, Taeyong finally gained the guts to ask his best friend out (which drove everyone in SM to go crazy - OTP WAS FINALLY CANON MAN.
Since they were already friends before dating, skinship is an ordinary thing. Back hugs play a big role in their friendship and Jangmi stealing his clothes is a normal occurance now. Bicker over the smallest things that usually gets them both unnecessarily reeled up - “stop spraying febreze everywhere” “no, I like my febreze” “YOU’RE SUFFOCATING THE ENTIRE DORM”. Their relationship is mostly built upon coffee, piggy back rides, and epic rap battles where it eventually just ends up with them spouting nonsense - “Yo yo yo DJ TAE IN DA HOUSE” “shut up and go to hell, your face make turtles go back in their shell, you can’t even spell and uh...you...smell” “oh you wanna go Kim?! Bring it” “BOOMING SYSTEM UH UH TY TRACK, TY TRACK” “STOP BRINGING THAT UP!”.
STATUS — Been going strong for 3 years now.
I hope you like Jangmi!
• Jangmi performing DEAN's Bonnie & Clyde.
Jangmi styling the members - with all of them protesting but of course Jangmi ends up getting her way.
• All the other members being busy so they leave Jangmi to cook that night's dinner, not knowing about her skill in that department.
• When female trainees gang up against Jangmi and give her for being close to the SR16B, Exact come out of nowhere, sticking up for Jangmi and roasting everyone lol.
• Jangmi + NCT + SM Rookies scenes.
• Jangmi and Jongin dance battle.
• Having all four Exact members show each other their main skill as an introduction when they first meet each other.
• EXO giving Jangmi a dance assignment /mission where she is required to choreograph a routine to Yonce for Exact then needs to teach all the other members in a day.

After debut scenes:

• Weekly Idol - hosts ask Jangmi to show her ballet.
• After School Club - for the ASC's Got Talent segment, as a duo, Jangmi and Yu perform Sweat routine.
• M Countdown pairing up Taeyong and Jangmi for a special dance stage where they perform a medley made up of Dear No One, Boyfriend, Company and Bubblegum.
• Exact meeting DEAN and Jangmi freaking out when he says he's a fan of their group.
• Exact attending KCON + sharing a plane and hotel with SM seniors AKA chaos.
Gfriend or Twice? Tbh I.O.I lol jks. If I had to pick, I'd go for GFriend.
replace with l/ireplace with l/ireplace with l/i


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