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lee jiyeon
//// it's who we are ////
nicknames / 
► Little Ji: an annoying name originating from Pledis that constantly reminds Jiyeon that she is always 2nd to her brother (Jihoon and Jiyeon).
Dancing Machine: known through out Big Hit to be an amazing dancer and a fast choreography learner - can master a dance by simply watching it twice if easy, 3-4 times if medium and max 5 times if it's a difficult routine.
 Aerobics teacher: the other members and trainees jokingly call Jiyeon this because even after hours of training at 3 am, she'd still be energetic and hyper while enthusiastically yelling "POW!" "WHOOP!" "LETS GO GUYS!" "WOW UNNIE WORK IT!" as she dances to motivate the tired mood during practices and training sessions.

birthdate / 21 August 1998 + 18 y.o.
BIRTHPLACE / Busan, South Korea.
hometown / Busan + Seoul.
ethnicity / Korean.
nationality / South Korean.
languages / 
► Korean; fluent - first language.
English; semi-fluent - picks things up quickly and took every opportunity to learn - Joshua, Vernon, Chaeyeon, Rap Monster, staff, etc. No Korean accent and has perfect pronunciation. Although, lacks the complex/technical vocabulary that native speakers possess.
//// divas, queens ////
face claim / YooA (Oh My Girl).
backup / Yoojung (I.O.I).
appearance / 
► Yes, she may seem adorable but don’t let her cute looks fool you. Jiyeon and Jihoon have been told countless times how the resemble each other a lot. Bearing the same eye shape, smile, small face shape and even bangs, the siblings are often mistaken for twins. Jiyeon, like her brother, is a small bean standing at 159 cm. She has a slim figure weighing at 44 kg, which doesn't make sense considering the amount of pizza she consumes (must be all that dancing). Jiyeon has been constantly told by nosy relatives that her small face and long legs make her 'decent-looking'. Her hair is dyed a light brown, cut in bangs and reaches her lower-back. Really wants to get a small tattoo on her ankle on her 18th birthday, in a month.
fashion sense / 
► Jiyeon’s style is trendy and fashionable. She hates anything pink, frilly or girly. On the other end of the spectrum, she loves distressed jeans, high-waisted bottoms, flannels and sneakers. A simplistic style that mostly incorporates black, white, grey, maroon/red colours. Indie, tumblr, hipster style. On chill days or around the dorms, she loves wearing oversized sweatshirts and hoodies. Highly confident in her own skin and doesn't mind showing a skin. More of a western-inspired style instead of cute Korean fashion.
Casual: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6.
Formal: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6.
Practice: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6.
Airport: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6.
Dorms: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6.
Onstage: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6.
//// individuals, originals ////
character traits /
Positive: optimistic, cheerful, bubbly, helpful, hard working, natural adapter and fast learner.
Negative: loud, impulsive, inconsiderate, stubborn, argumentative, competitive and apathetic.
Neutral: perfectionist, confident, hyper, good liar, realistic and sassy.


personality / 
► Positive: Lee Jiyeon is a very happy-go-lucky, optimistic kind of girl that finds joy in the smallest things in life like; getting the last piece of beef at dinner or having a butterfly land on her at the park. She views the world as a cheerful, rainbows and unicorn type of place. Jiyeon tries her best to spread hope and happiness during dull times. She loves making the people around her laugh but will often end up laughing too hard to finish telling the joke. Jiyeon is a carefree and easygoing soul. She is energetic and lively 24/7. She is always seen skipping down the corridor while whistling a cheerful tune or wearing a smile that reaches her ears. Jiyeon is willing to do anything to help out (often the first person to volunteer to stack chairs or clean up). She determined and driven girl that won't just follow her dreams; she'll chase them. Jiyeon is also very hardworking and driven. She always strives to do her best and is very persistent. Jiyeon loves what she does and excels in her interests. She can pick things up quickly and adapts to new people, environments and cultures easily. She is known throughout Big Hit Entertainment to be a very fast choreography learner. Jiyeon can easily grasp a dance just by studying/watching the choreography twice if it's easy, 3-4 times if it's a little harder and 5 times if it's a difficult dance usually.
However, there is more than what meets the eye. Often people let their guard down and assume that what they see is the truth. Jiyeon has been in the media industry even before she was born and she’s been training longest out of all the girls. She’s met and interacted with quite a lot of celebrities by now. From this, she knows every nook and cranny there is in media and how to act in front of a camera. She knows exactly what fans want to see and what pleases them. To put it bluntly, it’s an act. It’s all an act, always has been to be honest. As soon as the cameras start rolling, her personality instinctively switches on. She turns into a lovable, 4D, beagle that is adored by everyone. Jiyeon entered the entertainment industry knowing what to expect. Be kind, be generous, be selfless. Be all that and you’ll be instantly liked. It’s all simple really, just act like you’re an innocent 7 year old. In reality, she’s cunning, sly and manipulative. Sure, there are times when her act drops but do you genuinely think that any normal person would actually volunteer to do another’s dishes pft.
Negative: However, there are some traits that she has strategically selected to display to the public. If there’s one word to describe Jiyeon, it’s loud. She. Doesn’t. Shut. Up. EVER! This girl honestly doesn't have a filter and moves until the end of time. On the rare occasion that she does shut , she’ll find other ways to deafen others. Whether it be screeching the lyrics to some trot song, blasting music through the speakers or just plain yelling. Not even real words! She just sits there yelling gibberish and no one ever questions her (everyone’s used to it by now). She will often say things straightforwardly without considering your feelings. And frankly, even if she does realise that she’s hurt you, she’ll pull the dumb blonde act; put on a bright smile and skip happily away. This kid is seriously the most headstrong person you will ever meet. Once her decision is made, she will not change it. Whether you like it or not, she’s made up her mind  and it’ll stay that way. Jiyeon is a loud, over-the-top, rambunctious girl who isn't afraid to voice her opinions or argue back. She never backs down from a challenge and hates losing, even if it's something stupid like who can lace up their shoes the quickest. Her solution to most problems is go to the practice room and dance until she feels better. But for real, does this chick ever SHUT UP?!
Neutral: Jiyeon is a perfectionist. She hates leaving things undone and once she starts something, it becomes her life mission to complete it. She practically radiates confidence and that becomes an advantage when she’s performing but many interpret her confidence as cockiness (after all, there's only a thin line separating the 2 characteristics). Jiyeon is always seen bouncing around or yelling obnoxiously. Her energy and bubbliness can be contagious and end up motivating people around her but sometimes, Jiyeon just doesn’t know her limits. It could be 2 am and she’d be clanging pots together yelling “I AIN’T GET NO SLEEP CUZ OF Y’ALL, SO Y’ALL NEVER GONNA SLEEP CUZ OF ME” just because she was bored. Her ability to lie and improvise on the spot is amazing. Jiyeon has long ago mastered the art of lying and how to keep her facial expressions neutral. She never loses her cool and remains calm even under stressful situations. Jiyeon knows how to respond to questions perfectly and how to act in front of a camera/audience. She never says the wrong thing and doesn’t get flustered. However, this also means that you can never tell whether or not she’s lying to you. Jiyeon is realistic and that helps her set goals but her bluntness can turn her tongue into a knife. Her sassy attitude is a humorous relief among the trainees but sometimes, Jiyeon doesn't understand boundaries and might end up hurting someone (not she she cares to be honest).
background /

► Coming from a very performance and music-oriented family, Jiyeon was performing as soon as she could walk. While Jihoon had been encouraged into the world of classical music, their parents urged Jiyeon into dance. She started dancing ballet at the ripe age of 2 and started hip-hop later on at 4 years old. Throughout her years at her dance studio and Pledis, she has studied ballet, hip hop, contemporary, jazz, lyrical, freestyle, popping, locking and b-girling. Jiyeon is also an accomplished choreographer. As of 2016, she's been dancing ballet for 15 years and hip hop for 13 years. Becoming interested in music wasn’t a choice for her seeing as though her father was the director of a musical theatre while her mother was the director of the Universal Ballet company.

Jiyeon continued her ballet studies and went en pointe at 9 years old. Jihoon and Jiyeon often tagged along with her parents to work. When at her dad’s theatre, she would observe the actors and actresses during their scenes. From this, Jiyeon learnt at a young age how to hide emotions and how to portray herself a certain way. In 2008, her father was offered the position of director at a theatre so her family moved to Seoul.

When Jiyeon was 12 (2010), her brother and her auditioned for Pledis Entertainment with Jihoon performing You And I, while Jiyeon audition as a dancer and performed a self-choreographed dance to iKON's My Type. Both Lee siblings passed with Jihoon joining the lineup for Tempest and Jiyeon joining the Pledis Girlz officially in September 2010.

Pledis mostly focused on training the boys in Tempest so the Pledis Girlz were neglected and none of their skills improved despite spending years under the company. Sick and tired, Jiyeon left Pledis in September 2014 after spending exactly 4 years with them.

Even after she quit Pledis, Jiyeon still continued to train herself everyday. She began to study hip-hop at 1MILLION Dance Studio. Then in April 2015, a Big Hit Entertainment representative was at the studio scouting for young trainees. He was guided to Jiyeon by the owner of 1MILLION. She auditioned with a self-choreographed routine to Like a Boy. Subsequently, Jiyeon was accepted as a dance specializing trainee under Big Hit Entertainment in May 2015.

relationships / 
► Older brother — Lee Jihoon AKA Woozi // 19 // Idol; Seventeen // hard working, reserved, passionate // Seeing as though both their parents were always working, Jihoon and Jiyeon fiercely depend on each other even till this day. She loves her brother, she really does, but there are moments where she feels burdened by being related to him and his talents, constantly living in his shadow (although, her confident act hides this). With Jiyeon's competitive nature, it's hard for the 2 to see eye-to-eye sometimes. Immensely protective of one another.
Brothers from another mother — Seventeen // 17-20 // Idols // ranges from gentleman to a sassy roasting machine // These boys are Jiyeon's main hoes who she’s treats like family. At first, the boys only looked out for her when Jihoon wasn't around but eventually, they all grew fond of her. Cares for her a lot like their own blood sister and will act like she was hit by a car when she simply tripped or something. May treat her like a jewel, but also loves teasing the heck out of Jiyeon. Used to create a barrier and walk around her when they used to go out in public with her. But ever since the news that Big Hit are forming a girl group got out, Jiyeon hasn't left the building and has been practicing every minute she came. They haven't seen each other in person since late 2015.
► Sister from another mister  — Kim Chaeyeon AKA Vita // 19 // Trainee/idol // blunt, sarcastic, confident // Since they have almost exact personalities, Chaeyeon and Jiyeon get into petty fights over stupid things frequently (like the best type of tree). Every time they see each other, they run up and bump chests while yelling "YEON-YEON CROSS!!" loudly (x). And when I say every time, I seriosuly mean every single time. Upon finding out that Chaeyeon liked her brother, Jiyeon tried everything in her power to stop them from getting together. From telling her friend that her brother had a nasty foot fungus to telling Jihoon that Chaeyeon liked tall guys. Eventually though, her efforts went to waste and when the couple started dating, Jiyeon grew distant from Chaeyeon and would throw lots of shade her way - she didn't mean it though, she just wanted to look out for her brother since it was his first relationship after all. After talking to both Chaeyeon and Jihoon seperately, she learned to accept their relationship (but not without giving Chaeyeon a very clear warning of what would happen if she hurt Jihoon in anyway).
► Best friend — Kwon Soonyoung AKA Hoshi // 20 // Idol; Seventeen // bright, funny, diligent // As the sister of Jihoon, being friends with the members of Seventeen was pretty much inevitable. Being a part of Seventeen’s 3-piece Gag Trio means that Soonyoung is obviously hilarious and fun to be around but he is also very hardworking. Bonded over their mutual passion for dance when Soonyoung first joined Pledis a year after Jiyeon did. Within the first 2 minutes of talking to this kid, Jiyeon would be doubled over, in pain from laughing too hard. As much as Soonyoung can lift the mood of a room, he also knows when to work hard. Both trainees used to stay up late practicing and choreographing routines together.
► Mentor — Jung Hoseok AKA J-Hope // 22 // Idol; BTS // kind, optimistic, passionate // his happy, sunshine, smiley personality made him very easy to get along with when Jiyeon first met him. He looks after juniors well and is a very genuine person. He loves goofing around and being crazy with Jiyeon. Much like with Soonyoung, Jiyeon and J-hope bonded over dance and are often seen practicing or choreographing together. J-hope acts as her performance mentor and gives her lots of good advice like 'how to follow cameras', 'onstage spacing', 'facial expressions' etc.
► Rival — Jeon Jungkook // 18 // Idol; BTS // competitive, dedicated, talented // it’s not as if they aren't at each other's throats 24/7 but there is an undeniable tension between these two whenever performance or skill is mentioned. Now, everyone knows how competitive the Golden Maknae can get, so naturally, when he overheard that trainers called Jiyeon Big Hit’s next ‘Golden Member', he set out to prove to everyone that she was definitely not on his level. At first it was nothing personal; just Kookie being competitive. But eventually, he viewed Jiyeon's constant but worthy​ match against his talents frustrating and deemed her his rival. They are competitive in literally everything possible; dancing, rapping (usually gag in Jiyeon's case), singing, grades, who can eat the pizza slice quicker, etc.

triva / 
  • Coffee - way too addicted for her own good. Needs at least 3-4 cups to function a day.
  • Hair styling and fashion - frequently styles her members.
  • Drama between people - sits back with popcorn and laughs at other's stupidity.
  • Winning duh.
  • Pizza - will choose pizza over everything. Everything.
  • DEAN - loves his music.
► Dislikes:
  • People waking her up early - if Jiyeon needs to wake up at 4 am for practice then she can do it herself, thank you very much rude person.
  • Being stared at while eating - yes, she can finish an entire pizza herself, is there a problem?
  • Capsicum and celery - claims and I quote; "sent by Satan to punish the world".
  • Any form of physical activity aside from dancing - she's that one friend that gets out of breath from walking up a set of stairs. Unless there's food on the line, because in that case, get out of the way before she bulldozers you down.
  • Slow learners - think they waste her time, but will act helpful and motivating on camera.
  • Choreographing and dancing.
  • Covering kpop dances.
  • Throwing shade - area of expertise.
  • Low-key starting beef between people.
  • Shopping.
  • Writing rap lyrics - Jiyeon can only write good rap lyrics. Once, she tried writing a vocal verse but ended up ranting about how much she loved melted cheese.
  • Plays with/touches/run her hand through her hair frequently.
  • Bursting out into High School Musical songs randomly.
  • Hitting the people next to her when she's excited or laughing.
  • Stealing people's sweaters and hoodies (anyone with oversized clothes, just hide your wardrobe now!).
Pet peeves:
  • Getting asked the same question repeatitively over and over again.
  • When people chew their gum obnoxiously loud.
  • Slow learners.
  • Getting compared to her brother.
  • Clowns - her fear is so serious that everyone knows not to use it even in a prank.
  • Dolls.
  • Losing.
  • Falling over in front of a larger crowd.
Fun facts:
  • Was one of the most anticipated Pledis Girlz for debut.
  • Cant cook - no seriously, even if she's the only one left in the dorms, don't ask to cook unless you want to die from food poisoning. One time, she burnt ramen - the noodles disintergrated when her chopsticks touched it...
  • Literally knows the dance to every kpop song.
  • Currently in her 3rd (and last) year at SOPA - sits next to Jungkook in class where it gets pretty competitive.
  • After her kpop idol career, wants to become a dance teacher either at Juilliard in New York or 1MILLION Dance Studio in Seoul.

//// get your killer heels ////
stage name / Jiyeon (didn't want to get stuck with some stupid name like her brother did).
persona / Phoenix - refers to ability to be graceful like a swan yet powerful and fiery when dancing or performing.
INTROmost likely eating pizza when the interview commences so this happens (x). "Oh sorry!" *bows 90 degrees so fast that every one is pretty sure that she snapped her spine* "Annyeonghaseyo!" *starts singing major scale* "Do-Re-Mi-Fa-So-La-Ji-Yeon. It's Salute's Phoenix; Jiyeon imnida!" *claps enthusiastically for her while grinning happily* "I'm in charge of dance, noise and mood making in the group. I hope you can show us lots of support since we're still rookies" *shoots heart at camera*.

FANCLUB NAME / Jiselle/Jiselles (Giselle) - the first live ballet that Jiyeon watched.
FANCLUB COLOR / Desert Sand (#EDC9AF) - the colour of her first pair of pointe shoes.

POSITION / Main dancer, choreographer (backup: Triple threat).

SINGING TWIN / GFriend's Yerin (I.O.I's Pinky).
DANCING TWIN / 1MILLION's Mina (SNSD's Hyoyeon - white shirt).
RAPPING TWIN / Apink's Bomi (EXID's Hani).

5 years and 2 months (4 years at Pledis and then 1 year and 2 months at Big Hit). 

Jiyeon transitioned back into trainee life easily since it hadn’t been that different of a process from Pledis. She was fully aware of the hardships and cruel nature that came with training.

At first, none of the other trainees approached Jiyeon - it wasn’t anything personal, just the usual competitive trainee life. Expecting that there was fresh bait to mock for starting on the bottom ranks, the other trainees were (to say the least) not happy to discover that their new fellow trainee didn't sound like a dying walrus when she attempted something musical or trip over her 2 left feet. Most of the trainees whispered about how she probably wasn’t good enough for Pledis but frankly, Jiyeon couldn't care any less about what they thought of her. Honestly, it didn’t help her position so much that she joined Big Hit at the exact time of Seventeen’s debut. She loved her brother, she really did but being associated with a member of a rising idol group wasn’t ideal at the time. She resisted the urge to roll her eyes every 2 minutes and continued on with a bright fake smile.

When she first joined Big Hit, Jiyeon was distant from everyone and didn't try making any friends. Honestly, she missed her all her Pledis friends. She missed having S.Coups sneak her pizza when she was meant to be dieting (not that it was needed), or having sass battles with Seungkwan, or choreographing late-night with Hoshi. However to keep up her act, she tried to be friendly and help everyone she could.

Jiyeon was a very dedicated trainee, waking up at 5:30 am every morning then returning to the dorms at 12:30 am every day just to get in extra practice hours. In class, she picked things up fast and her hard-working behavior was often praised by trainers, although she was continuously nagged at by health teachers about the 'unhealthy' nutritional values of pizza. Pft as if that would stop her from stuffing her face.

After a month in Big Hit, Jiyeon had managed to win over most of the trainees and brainwashed them into thinking that she was always a bright, cheerful friend that was essentially a living megaphone. However, there was that one time she ‘accidently’ stepped on some girl's foot right after she said something about Jihoon being about as talented as he was tall.

There had always been an unofficially-official rivalry between Jungkook and Jiyeon. Even though she had to be respectful and refer to Jungkook as sunbaenim, that didn’t stop her from retaliating his battles. Dance and ‘who can sing louder’ battles occurred between the two.

After Jiyeon moved into the Salute dorm a few months before their official debut, she decided that if there was anyone that she needed to be truthful to, it would be her group members. So in the dorms she eventually dropped the act and started acting her sassy, sarcastic, shade-throwing, roasting machine, impatient self to her members who loved her whoever she was.


Sibling imposter: it was a little perculiar wasn't it? That one sibling was an amazing composer and singer while another excelled in the opposite spectrum of dance and rap writing? Well, netizens seem to think so. They came up with all kinds of ridiculous theories like Pledis and Big Hit teaming up to get both their groups more fame or how Jiyeon was really Hoshi's sister.
Dating rumours: fans started to notice how Jiyeon's oversized shirts were the same as Mingyu's old ones that he hadn't worn in a while. Fans weren't really bothered by it, in fact, the news made Carats and Empowers go crazy since 80% of the fandom shipped the pair already. After Mingyu responded to the question of "how much do you love Jiyeon?", at an interview, with "more than meat", everyone knew in that moment that he was whipped.


2012-2014: Pledis Girlz member.
► 2013: Like 17 Show 3 Mannequin and Call Me Maybe performances with Mingyu as dance partner.
► 2014: San E's & Raina's live performances for A Midsummer Night's Sweetness with Mingyu and Wonwoo on music shows.
► 2015: For BTS' 2nd birthday, J-Hope gifted fans with his Ballet Meets Hip Hop [1] and [2] projects featuring Jiyeon.

2015: Upon finding out that their junior would be training at Big Hit and leaving them, the instructors at 1MILLION gifted Jiyeon with the chance to upload a self choreographed dance to their YouTube channel - Yonce.
► 2016: Choreographed BTS' new dance break for No More Dream.
//// we don't need no man ////
love interest #1 / Mingyu (Seventeen).
backup / Wonwoo (Seventeen).
personality /
► Upon first glance, people think that Mingyu is some charismatic, chic guy when in reality he’s just a clumsy puppy. He is very protective of the people he loves and won’t think twice about defending them. Mingyu is a passionate person who isn’t afraid to show his feelings. He is a bright, happy puppy with a smile that can cure cancer. Now real talk, Mingyu is a very good looking young man, and he sure as hell knows it. Despite his clumsy acts, there can be times where his lips curve into a confident smirk and says something so smooth that leaves everyone speechless. As much as he is protective, he is possessive as well. Mingyu is very hesitant to share the people that he loves with others. Even though he placed first in his school after graduation, he’s plain stupid. The kid has moments that can make Joshua judge him, and that’s saying a lot.
first meeting / 
Mingyu and Jiyeon met on Mingyu's first day as a Pledis trainee. Still new to the whole experience, he stood at the doorway of a practice room, gaping like an idiot. To his surprise, a sudden voice laced with irritation called out "you're in the way, idiot". Looking around the area, Mingyu saw no one much to his confusion. "Down here you tree", and that was his oh-so-lovely first encounter with Lee Jiyeon. 
Even at 14 years old, Mingyu stood at the whopping height of 180 cm (while Jiyeon barely hit the 152 mark despite only being a year younger). However, with height comes long legs and lets just say that Mingyu is not exactly grafeful. While he was an natural rapper, the guy was flunking dance class. The teacher had just about given up on Mingyu's clumsiness but she then assigned him a tutor; Jiyeon. Teaching a giraffe with 2 left feet was not easy and Jiyeon wanted to pull out her hair way too often but she did it, she succeeded. Mingyu quickly went up the dance ranking and was able to keep up with the rest of the class, without a problem.
► Since they were already friends before dating, skinship is an ordinary thing and basically everyone at Pledis ships them. Back hugs play a big role in their friendship and Jiyeon stealing his clothes is a normal occurance now. Bicker over the smallest things that usually gets them both unnecessarily reeled up. Their relationship is mostly built upon coffee, cuddles, piggy back rides, and epic english rap battles where Mingyu just gives up and ends up spouting nonsense "BANURNUR! YEAH OCTOPUSEU! YEA CHEZER BURGUR! MC GYU IS OUT!". Fans refer to them as the 'Coffee Couple' since it they're both coffee obsessed or 'Height Couple' since they just look plan cute standing next to each other at 187 and 159 cm.
trivia / 
Started dating in December 2013.
Couple necklace that Mingyu got her after they went public. Fans still go crazy till this day whenever they see the pair wearing it.
► Plan to adopt a husky puppy together and name it Artemis.
outcome / Idk, surprise me. Have them be a happy couple that's still dating or have a teary break up where they both agree that dating as idols is too hard (which leaves the entire kpop world devastated since they were like OTP man).
//// let us stand ////
final words / I hope you liked Jiyeon!!
scene requests / 
► Weekly idol episode - hosts ask Jiyeon to show her ballet skills + Jiyeon slaying kpop dance covers and either miserably failing or excelling at Random Play Dance.
After School Club episode - for ASC's Got Talent segment, Jiyeon performs her self choreographed audition Like A Boy.
► Salute + Seventeen interactions.
► Salute running into DEAN backstage and Jiyeon practically dying when he says that he's a fan of their group.
► Salute attending KCON + sharing a plane and hotel with Seventeen + BTS.
► Salute + BTS reality show.
► "YEON-YEON CROSS!" greetings.
► M Countdown pair up Hoshi and Jiyeon for special dance stage where they perform a medley of Dear No One, It Won't Stop and Bubblegum.
► Jiyeon being really y when she finds out that Chaeyeon is dating her brother.
► (If Mingyu and Jiyeon break up) Jiyeon only being sad and crying for a day before going into robot mode where all she does is vigorously practice 24/7. The members worry for her since she's barely eating or sleeping but this was her coping mechanism. Then, upon finding out from Chaeyoung that Jiyeon was acting like this, Jihoon chases Mingyu around with a guitar while yelling angry threats.
Song suggestions:
► Rollercoaster - Pledis Girlz.
► Crush -I.O.I.
► No Oh Oh - CLC.
► Like Ooh Ahh - Twice.
► At The Same Place - Produce 101.
► Yum Yum - Produce 101.


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