Youth :: Lee Jiyeon :: The Overshadowed Talent

Lee jiyeon

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BIRTHNAME : Lee, Jiyeon.

▸ Little Ji — an annoying reminder that she lives in her brother's shadow (Jihoon and Jiyeon).
▸ Odette — alludes her dance abilities.

DATE OF BIRTH : August 21, 1999.
BIRTHPLACE : Busan, South Korea.

▸ Korean — fluent; first language.

▸ English — conversational; compulsory language class at SM. 

FACE CLAIM : YooA (Oh My Girl).
BACK-UP FACE CLAIM : Kei (Lovelyz).
HEIGHT & WEIGHT : 160 cm and 44-45 kg (depends on how much pizza she's had that week).

▸ Yes, she may seem adorable but don’t let her cute looks fool you. Jiyeon and Woozi have been told countless times how the resemble each other a lot. Bearing the same eye shape, smile and even bangs, the siblings are often mistaken for twins. Jiyeon may not be the best looking student in terms of facial features but she has an unique charm to her that people can't deny. She has a slim figure, which doesn't make sense considering the amount of pizza she consumes. Her hair is dyed a light brown, cut in bangs and reaches her lower-back.  



Positive: hardworking, adaptable, fast learner, dedicated, confident and creative.

Negative: competitive, stubborn, impatient, impulsive, critical, condescending and argumentative.

Neutral: perfectionist, loud, good liar, composed facial expressions, realistic and sassy.

Positive: Lee Jiyeon is a very determined and driven girl that won't just follow her dreams; she'll chase them. Jiyeon is also very hardworking and driven. She always strives to do her best and is very persistent. She can pick things up quickly and adapts to new people, environments and cultures easily.  She is known throughout Pledis High and SM to be a very fast choreography learner. Jiyeon can grasp a dance just by watching the choreography twice if it's easy, 3-4 times if it's a little harder and 5 times if it's a difficult dance usually. She hates leaving things undone and once she starts something, it becomes her life mission to complete it. Jiyeon practically radiates confidence and that becomes an advantage whenever she’s performing or under scrutiny. Jiyeon loves what she does and excels in her interests. Her mind is wired to be creative, she struggles in theoretical work like maths and science but excels in subjects that require you to think outside the box like drama or visual arts.
Negative: Jiyeon is a leader, not a follower. She never backs down from a challenge and hates losing, even if it's something stupid like who can lace up their shoes the quickest. This kid is seriously the most headstrong person you will ever meet. Once her decision is made, she will not change it. Whether you like it or not, she’s made up her mind  and it’ll stay that way. One of her biggest pet peeves is just slow things in general; slow eaters, slow talkers, slow walkers and especially slow learners. She thinks that they waste her time and since she has a short-temper she will most likely rage at you if you’re taking your time at your locker “HOW LONG DOES IT TAKE TO FRIKIN PUT IN A 3-NUMBER CODE?! COULD YOU BE ANY SLOWER? EVEN THE SLOTHS ARE TIRED OF WAITING FOR YOU MATE”. Jiyeon will often say things straightforwardly without considering your feelings. And frankly, even if she does realise that she’s hurt you, she doesn’t care. it up. She often looks down upon others who aren't as talented as her, claiming that they aren't worth her time. Unlike her brother who usually stays in the shadows and minds his own business, Jiyeon is an over-the-top, rambunctious girl who isn't afraid to voice her opinions or argue back.
Neutral: Jiyeon is a perfectionist. She rarely feels accomplished or proud of herself. She’s one of those annoying people that get a 99 out of 100 and still sulk. If there’s one word to describe Jiyeon, it’s loud. She. Doesn’t. Shut. Up. EVER! This girl honestly doesn't have a filter and moves until the end of time. On the rare occasion that she does shut , she’ll find other ways to deafen others. Whether it be screeching the lyrics to some trot song, blasting music through the speakers or just plain yelling. Not even real words! She just sits there yelling gibberish and no one ever questions her (everyone’s used to it by now). Jiyeon is always seen rolling her eyes or yelling obnoxiously. Her energy and bubbliness can be contagious and end up motivating people around her but sometimes, Jiyeon just doesn’t know her limits. It could be 2 am and she’d be clanging pots together yelling “I AIN’T GET NO SLEEP CUZ OF Y’ALL, SO Y’ALL NEVER GONNA SLEEP CUZ OF ME” just because she was bored. Her ability to lie and improvise on the spot is amazing. Jiyeon has long ago mastered the art of lying and how to keep her facial expressions neutral. Jiyeon knows how to respond to questions perfectly and how to act in front of a camera/audience. She never says the wrong thing and doesn’t get flustered. However, this also means that you can never tell whether or not she’s lying to you. Jiyeon is realistic and that helps her set goals but her bluntness can turn her tongue into a knife. Her sassy attitude is a humorous relief among her friends but sometimes, Jiyeon doesn't understand boundaries and might end up hurting someone (not she she cares to be honest).

BACKGROUND : Coming from a very performance and music-orientated family, Jiyeon was performing as soon as she could walk. While Woozi had been encouraged into the world of classical music, their parents urged Jiyeon into dance. She started dancing ballet at the ripe age of 2 and started hip-hop later on at 4 years old. Throughout her years at her dance studio, SM and Pledis High, she has studied ballet, hip hop, contemporary, lyrical, freestyle, popping and b-girling. Jiyeon is also an accomplished choreographer. As of 2016, she's been dancing ballet for 13 years and hip hop for 11 years. When dancing, she becomes one with the music, which is what sparked her interest in music (as well as Woozi doing something musical all the goddamn time).

Jiyeon continued her ballet studies and went en pointe at 9 years old. Jihoon and Jiyeon often tagged along with her parents to work. When at her dad’s theatre, she would observe the actors and actresses during their scenes. From this, Jiyeon learnt at a young age how to hide emotions and how to portray herself a certain way. When she turned 10, her dad was offered the director position for a broadway series in Seoul so her family moved.

In 2013 when Jiyeon was 12, she was scouted by an SM representative while on the way home from hip-hop class. She attended the audition as a dancer and performed a self-choreographed dance to iKON's My Type. Jiyeon passed and trained in the normal trainee class for about a month before being emitted into the SM Rookies class after the trainers classified her talent beyond average. As a trainee, Jiyeon learnt how to rap since the trainers told her that her vocal tone didn’t suit singing.



▸ Loves coffee wayyy too much for her own good.

▸ Macaroons.
▸ Hairstyling, fashion, trends.
▸ Drama between people.
▸ Surprises - but she's too impatient for them.
▸ Winning.

▸ People waking her up early - if Jiyeon needs to wake up 4 am for practice, she can do it herself thank you very much rude person.
▸ People watching her eat. Yes, she can finish an entire pizza, is there a problem?
▸ Capsicum - claims that they're 'vegetables sent from Satan'.
▸ Any form of physical activity aside from dancing - what kind of normal person actually runs pft
▸ Slow learners - think they waste her time.

▸ Choreographing and dancing duh.
▸ Throwing shade - area of expertise.
▸ Procrastinating - also area of expertise.
▸ Low-key starting beef between people.
▸ Shopping.
▸ Writing rap lyrics - even though some people think that writing rap and vocal lyrics are the same process, Jiyeon can only write good rap lyrics for some reason. Once, she tried writing a vocal verse and ended ranting about how much she loved cheese.

▸ Plays with/touches/runs her hand through her hair often.
▸ Arguing back.
▸ Scrunching her eyebrows together when she's annoyed or mad.
▸ Hitting the people around her when she's excited or laughing.
▸ Stealing people’s jumpers and hoodies (LITERALLY ANYONE WITH OVERSIZED JUMPERS, HIDE YO CLOTHES).

▸ Nosy people that ask too many questions.
▸ When people chew their gum loudly.
▸ Getting compared to her brother.

▸ Clowns - no seriously, she WILL breakdown and cry if she sees a clown.
▸ Dolls.
▸ Losing.
▸ Embarassing herself in front of a large crowd.

Fun Facts:
▸ A puclicly released member of SM Rookies.
▸ Can't read maps - "what's that squiggly line?" "hold up, that's a road?!"
▸ Can't sleep without music playing.
▸ Jiyeon can’t cook. No seriously, even if she's the only one left in the dorms with you, don’t ever ask her to cook unless you want to die from food poisoning. One time she burnt ramyeon…it disintegrated when the chopsticks touch it…
▸ Literally knows the dance to every kpop song. Dominates Random Play Dance and kpop dance covers.
▸ After her idol career, Jiyeon wishes to become a dance teacher at either Juilliard in New York or 1MILLION Dance Studio in Seoul.



▸ Father — Lee Youngho (50) / Director of a musical theatre / perfectionist, stern, flamboyant Jiyeon's personality is most reflective of her father's. They are both loud, exuberant people with lots of opinions. He takes pride in his theatrical works and his booming "BRAVO!" and claps are the most noticeable at the end of every curtain call. Jiyeon's father is a man of work. He is always seen writing a new song for his upcoming musical or yelling stage directions to his actors/actresses. Richard supports Jiyeon and her decision to join the entertainment industry. Hell, he plans to use her to promote his shows later on in the future.

▸ Mother — Lee Kyunghee (47) / Director of Universal Ballet company / caring, quiet, gentle / While Jiyeon took after her father, it seems like Woozi inherited their mother's quietness. Kyunghee is a very soft-spoken and tender person who shows compassion towards everyone. She frequent calls Jiyeon to check up on her and how her training at SM is going. 

▸ Older brother (low-key rival) — Lee Jihoon AKA Woozi (17) / Pledis High student / reserved, hard-working, passionate / Jiyeon and Woozi love each other, they really do. But with Jiyeon's competitive nature, it's hard for them to see eye-to-eye sometimes. Woozi has no interest in competing against anyone, much less his own sister. The poor boy who happens to effortlessly excel at everything just wants to make music.

▸ Best friends — NCT + SM Rookies (ranges from 20-12) / Idols and trainees / ranges from fluffy baby who needs protection to savage roasting machine / Jiyeon started training with the male SM Rookies when the trainers noted that her dance abilities were more advanced than the core classes that the girl Rookies were taking. She spent 4 years training with these boys, growing close to each one of them. Whether it be sharing pizza with Jaehyun, roasting Doyoung's Vroom Vroom Talk Show or helping WinWin with Korean, Jiyeon always feels at home when she's around them. Closest to her fellow 99-liner; Mark.

▸ Best friend — Lee Chan AKA Dino (15) / Pledis High student / dedicated, bright, diligent / seeing as though everyone else in her class were either stuck up or straight-up untalented, partnering with Dino was by default. Turns out the kid's got killer moves. Ever since that first lesson, all their classmates have basically given up on scoring 1st whenever they pair up. Along with Mark, Jiyeon and Chan are known as the 'Lee Squad'.

▸ Rival — Kwon Soonyoung AKA Hoshi (17) / Pledis High student / competitive, funny, bubbly / this idiot is only dancer that Jiyeon is truly intimidated by. His smooth but precise moves easily branded Hoshi as Jiyeon's rival and her, his. Around Jiyeon, Hoshi is a happy, smiley person but as soon as they are  competing in dance, they both change. Sharing the same fiery, ambitious personality makes them heads sometimes but off the stage or without any mention of dance, they mutually respect one another. 


STYLE/FASHION : Jiyeon’s style is trendy and fashionable. She hates pink, girly things. On the other hand, she loves distressed jeans, flannels and her timberland boots or converses. Indie, tumblr, hipster style. On chill days or around the dorms, she loves wearing oversized sweatshirts and hoodies. Highly confident in her own skin and doesn't mind showing a little skin.

Casual: 1 / 2 / 3 / 4.
Formal: 1 / 2 / 3 / 4.
Onstage: 1 / 2 / 3 / 4.
Practice: 1 / 2 / 3 / 4.




Seoul; SM Dorms - a decently facilitated and invested living area. Equipped with 4 bedrooms (5 people in each room), 2 bathrooms (one for each gender), 1 kitchen, a living room, a laundry room and a spare room. Since the SM Rookies are a large group with a not-as-big impact on the company, all male (10) and female (5) trainees live in the same dorm. Jiyeon moved into the dorms in November 2014.

Dorm building.
Jiyeon's bedroom.
▸ Bathrooms: male and female.
Living room.
Laundry room.
Spare room (meant for new arrivals but the trainees are currently using it as a bin essentially).


PLOTLINE : The Overshadowed Talent -


Do you know how hard it is to be the younger sister of a musical prodigy? So what if Jiyeon has been ranking 1st in dance since her first day at Pledis High? Woozi excels in singing, rapping, dancing, composing, producing, grades and basically everything in life. Everyone at school thinks that Jiyeon's life is perfect yet why is it so hard for her to be noticed whenever Woozi's around?



School life & questions:


▸ To beat Jihoon oppa. Just once. To be recognised as Lee Jiyeon, not Woozi's little sister. Also to debut and leave a long-term impression on the dance world.

HOW DID YOU GET INTO PLEDIS HIGH? (if you're an elite student that is in for reasons other than a rich family then include the program you're in or scholarship and information about your oc in that program) : 

▸ Since I'm a trainee at SM, I am required to attend a performing arts school obviously. PD-nim gave me the choice between Hanlim, SOPA and Pledis High. At first I was going to enrol into SOPA since most of my fellow trainees are going there, but after Jihoon oppa came home with another award, I wanted to prove that I can beat him so here I am. For my audition, PD-nim didn't wan't me wasting precious time when I could be practicing so he digitally sent Pledis High an audition tape that featured me dancing and rapping. I was accepted into the school on an extracurricular scholarship since the principal understands that trainee is my main priority. I specialise in dance but I also rap and play the guitar and piano.

What do you think about pledis high and the socialite/high-class lifestyle of all of the students? are you apart of that lifestyle? : 

▸ I don't really care for it, let them do what they want. None of the kids that get in thanks to money are a threat to me anyways. Scratch that, the only slight competition I have in this entire school is Jihoon oppa and Hoshi. 

How long have you been attending pledis high? And what are your best subjects in school? : 

▸ Technically, 2016 is my first year as an official student but throughout 2015, I had attended monthly mini-lessons to see if I prefered Pledis High over SOPA. My best subjects are dance, drama and visual arts.

Do you already know any of the other ocs or svt? If so, who and how do you feel about them? : 

▸ Obviously I know Jihoon oppa and I'm close to Chan. Jihoon oppa is my rival but I still love him as my brother. Chan is a very good friend of mine who is the only person I agree to pair up with for dance evaluations. Everyone else is either a try hard or have 2 left feet. Hoshi is an oppa that I respect but at the same time feel the constant need to beat. Oh and Mingyu...don't even get me started on him.

(IF A PART OF THE MUSIC AND ARTS PROGRAM ONLY) What part of the program are you in (dancer, singer, musician, rapper, etc.)? And what's your music genre/style preference? : 

▸ I mainly specialise in dance but rap is my 2nd skill. As for genre, I have a soft spot for ballet but throw any style my way and I can slay it. I can also play the guitar and piano thanks to my dad. I don't specialise in Visual Arts nor is it my focus but the teachers do ask to me to enter my work every once in a while - I've also won a few art competitions.


▸ Dance twin: Mina Myoung (1MILLION).
▸ Rap twin: Son Chaeyoung (Twice).


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LOVE INTEREST : Kim, Mingyu.


Upon first glance, everyone thinks he's some cool, chic guy but in reality he's just an idiot. Mingyu is a bright and happy boy that is essentially a 8 year old child stuck in a 16 year old’s body. Frankly he’s too happy for Jiyeon’s liking. Pretty oblivious and confused most of the time but he means well. A caring person that won’t hesitate to help you out. However, there can be times when he surprises everyone by having ‘flirty and y Mingyu’ make an appearance.


▸ Mingyu and Jiyeon have seen each other around school prior to their real first meeting. I mean it's kind of hard to miss someone that's a head taller than everyone else and someone who constantly performs in front of the school. Their first meeting however was not exactly 'love at first sight' per say. Mingyu stands at the whopping height of 187 cm, which make people often question why he isn't a model. However, with height comes long legs and lets just say that Mingyu is not exactly grafeful. While he was an amazing rapper, the guy was flunking dance class. The teacher had just about given up on Mingyu's clumsiness but she then assigned him a tutor; Jiyeon. Teaching a giraffe with 2 left feet was not easy and Jiyeon wanted to pull out her hair way too often but she did it, she succeeded. Mingyu is now ranked 6th in dance within the males of Pledis High (after Hoshi, Dino, Woozi, The8 and Jun respectively).

RELATIONSHIP STATUS :  Despite Jiyeon claiming that Mingyu was just an annoying pest, they are both crushing on each other (and badly too).

ENDING :  Jiyeon finally stops being stubborn while Mingyu finally gets the guts the ask her out just before their performance in front of the school. Happily dating.

say_the_name : jenny

LAST WORDS : Hey fam I hope you liked Jiyeon and sorry it took so long !!

SCENE REQUESTS (At least two ideas for either just your oc or all of the characters) : 

▸ Like that one episode in Victorious where all students are required to 're-audition'. I think this would add drama and panic to the story.
▸ Hoshi and Jiyeon dance battle.
▸ Jiyeon and Mingyu's dance lessons; extremely frustrating and Jiyeon just about loses it.
▸ Jiyeon and Mingyu performing in front of the school after his improvements (x).
▸ Woozi chasing Mingyu around when he found out that Jiyeon and him were dating.
▸ The SM Rookies + NCT turning up to Pledis High for an exchange day/week.

turn in : story : cheatsheet


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