♦ Baby Basket | Peach | Kim Yona ♦

Baby Basket's : kim yona
CHANGE TO FC  Width 120  Height 180
OTHER NAME(S) : 金约拿 (jīn, yuē ná)
DATE OF BIRTH : december 30, 2002
ETHNICITY : korean
 native mandarin  it's her first and native language as she was born and raised in taiwan, a mandarin speaking country, and only moved to south korea on late 2013
  advanced english  since her korean wasn't that good when she first moved to south korea, her parents enrolled her to an international school while she was improving
  fluent korean  despite of being a full korean, she hadn't been taught korean before, however, they started to enrol her for a korean lesson 2 year before moving. she also keep getting lesson for about 2 years after moving
faceclaim : kim saeron
back up : lee jinsol
height & weight  : 169cm & 48kg.
appearance : standing tall at 169cm and weighing 48kg, yona is considered as underweight for her age. not because she has eating problem, but it's just that she is not the type who like to eat. especially whenever she is focusing on something. she might miss meals for a whole day if she is busy. she has a stitches on her right hand, also some other scars on her right temple, and left back leg. her long hair is currently dyed brown, since she doesn't really like bright colors as it's attract attention. her doe-like eyes are in contrast with her cold aura, yet it makes her looks lovely when she smiles widely.
style : she isn't really picky to clothing style. instead, she has some colors and kinds of clothing she prefers to not wear. bright colors like orange and yellow. even if she is told to wear such, she will combine bright/blinding colored clothes with something like half length jacket or such. she doesn't like cramped skirts also. she isn't comfortable to wear high heels for long, especially the ones that are more than 7cm. so she prefers sneakers or such. in dorm, she usually wears a short sleeved or a sleeveless shirt with a shorts. while for outdoor everyday attire and airport fashion might differs, but she usually wears something not far from shirt, shorts, denim, jeans, and leggings. she doesn't really picky about formal attire since she won't be wearing them frequently
"how you doin?"
sweet. mature, independent, intelligent, fast learner, strong-willed, keen
observant, secretive, decisive, reserved, honest 
hot. cold, stubborn, sceptical, grudge-holder, apathetic, artificial
if you compare her with a fruit, yona will be a ripe granny smith apple. its color makes it looks like an unripe apple, but it actually is fully ripen. she looks young in appearance, but she actually has matured inside. the way she talks, the way she thinks, and the way she behave. gifted by a high iq of 154, she does well in school and she learns things faster than average people. along with her observant trait, she is able to see and understand unspoken things. telling apart lies and truth is a piece of cake, catch on hidden intention or hidden meanings between words, also understanding the thing behind one's action is not a difficult thing for her. due to that ability of her, she knows when is she being deceived or being lied to. that's why she tends to be honest. it might sounds positive, but sometimes it makes her seems impudent
she feels like she gets betrayed when someone do so, it makes her can't trust someone easily. in some case, the people she is close to aren't an exception to get suspected from her. but well, let's just say that it's her way of being objective. probably because of that reason too, she rarely seek someone else's help and do most things by herself. but well, it can be that she doesn't want to burden someone even though the actual reason is the first one. in first impression, people see her as a cold and unapproachable girl, and the truth is she is. due to her sceptical trait too, it kinda difficult for her to open up to someone. she is reserved and tends to keep things by herself. she also is the type of person who finds it difficult to express herself whether it's by words or actions. because of that, she tends to hold grudges as she is not the type who can speak her feels out
yona actually is an apathetic person. well, it's not that she doesn't actually interested with her surroundings, it's just that she is the type who could care less about the things happened around her if she wants. she actually is also a person who can't really empathize with others. however sometimes, especially when she is on camera, she fakes it out. using her impressive acting skill to fake such things like reactions, expressions, etc. despite of her young age, she is a strong-willed girl. she won't do things she doesn't like or things that don't appeal to her. such as things she doesn't see as something that bring impact or benefit to her. however, once she has set a target or plan, she would do it earnestly, and would put her all to that. she is clear to the things she likes and dislikes, and usually is hard to be led far from her own will
BACKGROUND : kim yona was born on december 30th 2002, in taiwan due to both of her parents' businesses. being in the condition where she was born with a golden spoon in , her parents see works as the most priority. she also rarely get their attentions so she mostly sided up with her siblings, seeking their attentions in her parents' attention stead. she grew up pretty much like children her age. well, at least before the traffic accident that killed her older brother and sister on 2011, in which she was the sole survivor in the accident. that was the thing that changed her. she even suffered from selective mutism for a little over 6 months. for those long time, it actually became slightly harder for her to catch on her lessons. she rarely socialize and used to always write down things whenever she needed to say something. and once she recovered from it, she became quiet and aloof. while her parents turned their backs about it.
after building her grandfather's trust for long, yona's father finally got to get the ceo position in his father's headquarter company in south korea. so her father moved to south korea on 2012. followed by her mother who moved there on 2013 because of her company new branch in opening in south korea. however, since her mother moved when it was just a few months until the second semester ended, her mother then handed her to her maternal grandparents who lived there, before finally followed her parents to south korea on september 2013. there wasn't much difference of her life there and her life back in taiwan. until on the early 2014, she got scouted by her schoolmate's mother who was in the production team of the movie 'a girl at my door'. it wasn't intentional. just when that woman was going to pick her child up from school, then that woman had a feel that she would fit a specific character in the movie, sun dohee.
she hesitated at first, since she was really young back then. but she actually also saw it as an interesting thing. so she told her cousin who lived in her house, lee sejeong, since she didn't really know how do auditions work. sejeong gladly explain her about it. she even helped her to practice for her audition, as sejeong was in the theater club in her high school. she even accompanied her to her audition. fortunately, she passed the audition as the judges felt that she has the aura and stare that suit dohee's character well. that was how she began her acting career. just like that, her life changed from school-cram school-home, to school - work - home. until one day, she got scouted by her father's acquaintance, who was the staff of angel house entertainment. she was supposed to be an actress under the company, however the ceo, jung insuk, offered her to get a training to be an idol. as she thought that it was quite an interesting offer, she accepted it and started to receive training since july 2015
close friend; kang chanhee; 17; actor / fnc trainee
despite of the two years , this boy miraculously got close with yona. both of his parents were friends with her parents. and coincidentally, they were classmates in middle school. once, both of his parents had to go overseas due to works. as they didn't have maid, they made a favor to her parents to take care of him while they go, since yona's houshold had butlers and chauffeurs. so chanhee stayed in her house for almost a month and they ended up went to school and went home back together for those periods. they became close friends since then.
maternal cousin; han sejeong; 21; university sophomore
unfortunate for sejeong, her parents divorced when she was 15. she lived with her mother since then. however unfortunately, her mother died in a traffic accident two years later. as her mother had cut connection with her father, yona's mother decided to take her in, as sejeong is her sister's daughter. even though yona built barrier between them, they eventually grew closer as time goes by. sejeong even sometimes brings her for shopping, even though it will ended up with sejeong picking things for her, as yona doesn't really like to go shopping. if not shopping, they would usually go for delicious things or such.
dongsaeng-like unnie; jeon hyunjae; 18; idol (baby basket)
no one really sure whether hyunjae is being protective, or she is just being clingy to yona. this older fellow probably treat her like a cute younger sister, but when you see it from the wrong point of view, she might seen as a little child who seeks for her sister's attention. yona is used to the nickname 'baby' as many people call her by that, but as for hyunjae, she actually treats her as one. such scenes as hyunjae dolls her, pinches her cheeks, combs her hair, pats her, hugs her, etc. are not a strange scene anymore for the company staffs and fellow members.
— she is ambidextrous
— she only use make up during schedule
— she likes to walk around han river at night
— despite of her young age, she actually is a coffee lover
— she would like to get a villian role and a 20s role in drama
— she has never went through diet as she can't really eat much
— she doesn't usually bring her phone, but she always brings ipod with her
— she skipped 2 years of middle school, so now she is a high school freshman

— she has an interest in pshychology and science, that's why she likes to read
— in the group, she always be the first one to memorizes her lines completely
— she never watched the movies she starred in due to the audience restriction
— she doesn't really like pizza because she ate it frequently before she trained. now she gets sick of it
— her parents didn't even know about her acting debut, training, and such. they only found out from their close acquaintances
"we were on a break!"
PLOTLINE : peach
BACKUP : strawberry
SINGING TWIN : chou tzuyu
DANCING TWIN : kwon eunbin
VARIETY TWIN : f(krystal)
MC-ING TWIN : kim saeron
ACTING TWIN : kim saeron
TRAINING LIFE : compared to the other members in the group, she sure has trained the least as she also was the last one to be added. she only trained for six months, and then catch her spot on baby basket not long after, and then debuted after trained for another 6 months as a group. so well, she didn't really feel the actual hardship average trainees had. however, she did feel difficult to balance her education with training and acting. it was hard to attend school for the first 6 months of training since she still had to shoot dramas too. mantaining her health was not an easy thing either. she often forgot to eat while she didn't get much rest as she used to always go straight to training right after finishing her drama shoot or sometimes went straight after school when she got the time to attend school

— 2014 movie 'a girl at my door' as sun dohee
— 2014 movie 'manhole' as soo jung

— 2014 drama 'secret door' as young seo jidam
— 2015 drama 'who are you: school 2015' as lee eunbi + go eunbyul

— 2015 drama 'glamorous temptation' as young shin eunsoo
"i don't even have a place"
COMMENTS : just in case you're confused, all of the age i wrote in this app are in korean age. because i think it's easier to use korean age as you can know one's birthday year accurately. also, if you don't mind, made her kinda similar to nine muses' kyungri. she isn't the face of the group but is arguably popular. so probably the face of the group can be the one who slips into both acting and variety shows, while she mostly focus on acting and only appear on variety shows when she is with the other members.  i might probably add more trivias or scene suggestion. but well.. for now, i'll be waiting for your review. ><
— variety show appearance
— hidden camera / prank on the leader
— taiyō's jealousy towards yona×chanhee moments
— yona gets in trouble because sneaks out of dorm late at night
"Hello, I'm Baby Basket's yoNa" 
*REPLACE WITH FC: height must be 120!! width must be 125!! *REPLACE WITH FC: height must be 120!! width must be 125!!
introducing baby basket's real 'baby', kim yona. born on december 30th 2002, this 15 years old girl doesn't act like a 15 years old girl at all. she might be seen as the useless one in the group, yet she actually can rock pretty much any concept, and honestly speaking, she arguably is the most popular member in the group. it's just that the company pointed the lime as the 'face' since lime matches variety shows and that can bring some more fame to both the group and herself, while yona did appear on numerous works, however the popularity seems like leaning more to her own than to the group's. she even is better known as an actress instead of idol
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