❀B.GALAXY✿ Lead Rapper, Sub-Vocalist ❀ YONA (Kim Yona)

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OTHER NAMES : 김요나 (kim, yona)


 아가  means 'baby' in english. it's a nickname from her fellow groupmates and fans due to her young age. it also because of the fact that she actually is the youngest in almost all of the environment she is in

 마네킹  'mannequin' is a nickname given by fans because of her figure that is similar with a mannequin with a pale skin, slender and tall body, thin and pinkish lips. it also because of the fact that the other members like to doll her

  랩 요정   means 'rap fairy' in english. it's because of the contrast between her rap skill and appearance. she doesn't lok like someone who is good at rapping, since she looks rather cute and bubbly like a fairy. however, her rap skill can't be taken lightly

DATE OF BIRTH : december 30, 2002
BIRTHPLACE : seoul, south korea
HOMETOWN : taipei, taiwan
ETHNICITY : korean

 native mandarin  it's her second language as well as her native language as she moved to taiwan on june 2003 and lived there until late august 2013

 advanced english  after moving to taiwan, her mother enrolled her to an international school during her nursery period. she also is currently enrolled in an international school since her korean wasn't that good when she first moved to korea

  fluent korean   it was her first language but since she moved to taiwan before she can even talk, she was never been fluent in this language. but as her parents already planned to move back to south korea, her grandparents got her private lessons for exactly a year before moving. she also received it during her training period in yg entertainment

  intermediate japanese   as yg entertainment also swim into the japanese market, it has been a mandatory for the trainees to learn it, so she started to learn it during her training period in yg entertainment. she has a good pronounciation, and she also can read well, but she is still quite far from fluent

FACE CLAIM : lee sumin
BACK-UP FACE CLAIM : lee jinsol
HEIGHT & WEIGHT : 168cm and 50kg

compared to the first time she moved to south korea, she now is pretty much paler, as she naturally has a pale genes. yeah, she got quite tanned while she lived in taiwan, but became pale again after moving to south korea. different from average people who have a red dominance lips, her thin lips are naturally pale pink. her half moon eyes which have a tendency to disappear when she laughs gives a bubbly vibes to her, and with her pair of cheek bones that gives a cute impression to her.

for daily purposes, yona doesn't usually dress up. she usually wears a simple shirt and jeans for everyday attire. but she would usually wear a simple shirt, loose jeans, and jacket when she goes for a schedule location. well... she actually doesn't really have any style preference, however she does have a color and model preference. she prefers dark colors and she doesn't really like outfits with a too bright color. she also despises cramped skirts. other than that, she also is uncomfortable to wear high heels for a long time. so she prefers sneakers or such.




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SWEET bold, friendly, intelligent, fast learner, strong-willed, honest, keen

confident, observant, secretive, decisive, affectionate COOL

HOT stubborn, grudge-holder, moody, sceptical, leery, greedy, possesive

living with a young blood she is, she doesn't hesitate to come out of her comfort zone. she doesn't fear challenges, and likes to try new things. however she isn't an impulsive either. she doesn't do things that don't appeal to her. something that she's not interested to or something she doesn't see as a thing that bring benefit to her. however once she builds a determination, she will give her all. she will be firm and it won't be easy to shake her off. she's not the type who let go of something she chase for. giving up to something she does earnestly is not her type. she is always clear with her decision. and it's not an easy thing to lead her to another way when she was going to go on her way. her confidence keep her from holding back when she does something that she knows she is good at.

'don't because she is young'  yeah, it's a girl's generation's song. however, it's a sentence that represents herself well. she is highly intelligent and you can't look down to her. living with an iq of 157, it's not that hard for her to learn something. so, don't thing you can fool her just because she is in the innocent age. she is more knowledgeable than you think. she can notice when someone is lying or hiding something. her observant and keen traits can also help her to understand non-spoken things. that ability of her made her becomes sceptical, since she knows when she's deceived and when she is being lied to. she tends to feel betrayed when she's deceived or being lied to. so if you need to hide something from her, it's better to casually hide it rather than giving a deceitful statement.

her displeasure towards lie makes her became honest. she doesn't like to do something she doesn't like people to do. when someone ask something that she doesn't feel like saying something and prefers to hide it, she will just divert the topic of conversation, or just put on a fake wide smile then avoid the situation. being used to be alone made her not used to talk about herself. she true is friendly and treats anyone kindly, also she can converse with someone for long. but she will always take the lead and question many things to prevent the opposite party to throw back a question about herself. probably it also affected by her sceptical trait that doesnt trust someone easily. honestly sometimes, she can even distrust someone she is close with. but well, let's just say that she is being objective because in this crooked world you can be betrayed by anyone.

being a daughter of married couple who see works above anything, she lacked affection since she was younger, which made her becomes affectionate to people she is close with. her actions come first before words. she doesn't really say affectionate words, instead she often show it through actions. she clings, she hugs, she holds someone's hand, and such. she sometimes reminds you of a puppy who likes to jump to your lap to get your attention. however, dealing with her isn't that easy either. due to the fact that she does resent her parents (a bit) to think that she is not even equal with their works, yet she can never protest, she unintentionally became used to hold a grudge to someone. along with her secretive trait, it might lead her into a sudden explosion, even that she actually rarely explodes. it might be scarier than any other madness.

her moody trait especially lead her into a sudden explosion. when she is not in the good mood, then she gets something that make it even worse, it can remind her the other things that used to get into her nerves. when she explodes, she won't let out a rage only. she can change drastically from being mad, to burst into tears, then get angry again, and cry again when she gets calm. another thing that might annoys you, she is greedy and possessive at the same time. sometimes she still get envious to someone else even when she has pretty much everything already. but yeah, instead of being greedy of an object, she mostly get greedy because of someone's achievements, environment, or circumstances. also, being used to live with anything for herself, she is not used to share things with someone. she also dislikes it when someone touch or move her belongings toughtlessly

BACKGROUND : kim yona was born in taiwan due to her father's position which was changed to the bigger branch of the company his family raised for decades. yona was borrn as the youngest daughter of a conglomerate family. when she was much younger, she was raised by her maternal grandparents who also lived in taiwan. but then she moved to her own family's house when she started to enter primary school, because her parents were too busy with their works and rarely home. even after moving to her own family's house, she rarely see her parents home. even if they're home, probably just long enough to get a meal together. or probably no because they tend to appear(?) late at night. so she usually interact with her brother or her cousin. yeah... she used to live with her cousin, because her cousin studied in taiwan.

yona's interest towards music and kpop was influenced by her cousin, sejeong, who lived with her since yona was 8. she used to play with yona often, and she also played korean music as often while she plays with her. she even sometimes show her videos. sejeong also talks much about korean idols and artists too. since then, her interest towards hallyu and her dream to be an idol appear. because of that, she was excited when she knew that she was going to move to south korea. even though she was kinda disappointed too because sejeong won't move to korea too before graduating from high school. well, their immigration can be considered as rather sudden, so for a few months, yona and her brother lived with their grandparents before moving to south korea while her parents moved first, since her parents moved only a few months before the semester ends

just two weeks after moving to south korea, yona bravely auditioned for yg entertainment monthly audition. she sang 2ne1's falling in love, and miraculously passed the audition and officially became a yg trainee on late september 2013. however, after going through 2 years of training, she left the company due her health issue as she was not used to take care of herself well. she didn't know how to balance practice with resting due to her strong-willed trait. however, only one month after leaving her company and recovered completely, she coincidentally got scouted by her classmate's mother. one day, school was dismissed earlier, but unfortunately, she didn't bring her phone so she decided to stay in her class while waiting for her chauffer to come. to kill time, she decided to practice her rap and coincidentally, someone heard her rap.

it turned out that the person was her classmate's mother who was looking for her child, so that person ended up coming into her child's classroom. coincidentally, that woman was working in big hit entertainment as a talent agent. realizing that her dream hadn't disappear yet, she then decided to audition for it by rapping her own written rap. thanks to her training in yg entertainment, the judges were swoon by her rap skill, so they accept her and she became an official big hit trainee since november 2015. and not long after she entered, there comes the new girl group project. she didn't expect it herself, but she miraculously picked for the project. of course it provoked the other trainees that weren't chosen. she was still a baby and they didn't expect that big hit would choose to debut her first when there were bunch of older trainees. fortunately, she could care less


unintentionally pouting when she is hungry
playing with someone's hair when she is bored
ended up babbling whenever she tries to say something in a half asleep state
poking her fellow members to get their attention instead of calling their names


writing lyrics
reading books
writing literature
learning new things
take a walk at night around han river


she is ambidextrous
she likes to be soaked in rain
she is surprisingly good in acting
she has an interest in psychology
she is a fan of actor namgoong, min
she is the last member to be added in the group
her favorite idol groups are big bang, block b, ikon, bts, and winner
she skipped 2 years in middle school, so she now is a high school freshman
she has an mp3 file of a rain sound. it seems like she enjoys the sound of rain
she doesn't really fear dogs, but it seems like she does keep distance around them
she likes to watch dramas, sometimes. but she doesn't really like romance scenes in dramas
she claims herself as the aegyo queen in the group, but the thing is not even once she ever show her aegyo




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brother; kim chanhee; 17*; high school sophomore

chanhee is the only one who actually feels like her brother. well, if you understand it wrongly you might think that they aren't blood related, but they true are related by blood. it's just that as her family only consist of her, chanhee, and their parents who are always busy with their own works, make them look like a paper family(?). they are related by blood and are officially family in the law. however the family members who are actually close to each other are yona and chanhee. they like to tease each other, also they contact each other often. either it by messages or phone call. sometimes they even go on a sibling date(?)

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cousin; han sejeong; 21*; university sophomore

han sejeong is her maternal cousin who used to studied overseas, and coincidentally the country she went to was taiwan,  so sejeong ended up living in with her. sejeong is caring and optimistic, she also used to play often with yona since she was younger. she used to always play korean songs while playing with yona, and she sometimes also show her kpop videos. that what made yona began to dream to be an idol. they didn't meet often after yona moved, since sejeong stayed in taiwan until she graduates from high school. however they contact often. and now that sejeong is in korea too, they sometimes meet and hang out together.



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fellow groupmate; byun mariko; 21*; idol (b.galaxy)

mari is simply her mother figure in the group. don't really clear wether it's because of her pressure as the leader, or she bonds affection to yona, she doesn't treat her as her fellow member, but rather like her daughter. mari herself doesn't really realize it, but seems like some fans and netizens began to realize it since their first appearance on v app for bts' anniversary event. some viewers asked if they are related.



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rival; han dabin; 17*; high school freshman, sm trainee

not like another rival who despise each others, they are just slightly distanced due to the fact that the students and teachers often compare them. in school, they also are similar in popularity so they naturally become rivals. but actually they don't really need to be compared because they both are stronger at different things. dabin is absolutely prettier than yona, she also is good at arts. while yona isn't that good at art, yet she is good at academic. dabin also doesn't seem like someone who would hate someone because of such a trivial things like that

*korean age



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STAGE PERSONA : the raw diamond (raw diamond has different sides yet each of those sides shines equally. however, most people who don't know much about gemstones don't really recognize raw diamond's value. it sounds similar with her, since she can rock any concept given to her. and also because of her age, she often gets underestimated even though she actually is exceptionally talented)

POSITION : lead rapper, sub-vocalist

BACK-UP POSITION : main dancer, lead vocalist



 singing twin  jennie kim (back up : red velvet's seulgi)

 rapping twin  jennie kim (back up : n/a)

 dancing twin  twice's tzuyu (back up : glam's zinni)


TRAINING PERIOD: 2 years 8 months (2 years in YG Ent., 8 months in Big Hit)

TRAINEE LIFE: training at such a young age, sure is not a simple thing for her. furthermore, being raised as the youngest daughter of a conglomerate family, she is not used with hardships as she was always lived in ease. the training is already hard enough as it is, but she still had to balance with her education. right after school, she will go straight to the training building, with a pair of training outfits between her school books in her bag. during her training period, she used to always studies during her short breaks in training. sure there are some times when she has a thought of leaving. but she presevered as she became more matured day by day. until one day, she really left from her previous company due to health issue.

however, about a month after leaving her previous company, she coincidentally got scouted by a representative of big hit entertainment. after some time of deliberation, she eventually tried auditioning by rapping her own written rap. blown away by her surprising rap skill, with more surprising fact that she has that surprising skill on her age. she passed the audition right away and officially became a big hit trainee about two weeks afterwards. not long after she entered the company, there came the new girl group project. and well, due to her exceptional skills, she became a part of it. of course she was thankful and happy with it. both to bighit that was going to let her debut in a short period, also yg that have polished her well.


uploaded yg individual evaluation (2015)
cf pizza etang (2016)
co-writing bts' fire (2016)
co-writing bts' save me (2016)


bts' sister group, b.galaxy's member yona caught dating? — after debut; false. she was in a date with her beloved brother, chanhee as she promised him to treat him after she debuted. the company stays silent as not long after the article comes out, chanhee post a photo of him and yona in his personal account and gives a caption which says 'congrats on your debut, lil sis.'



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It seems that you are finally debuting? What are your thoughts about it?

i'm so happy >< it's like finding an open door with a shining light during a journey on a dark and long way. at first, you can slightly see that light from afar, yet you don't know how further should you go to reach it. but now, you can see that open door with a sparkling bright light in front of you

Why did you chose to start the training in order to become an idol? ANd how did you end up in Big hit entertainment?

i've dreamed to be an idol since i was younger. so i auditioned for a company. but because of a situation, i left that company. but not long after, i got scouted by a big hit staff, so because i can't still move on from my dream, i decided to audition for big hit entertainment

Many people has already started to compare your group with your sunbae, BTS . What do you think about them? Are you close with them?

well.. of course it's an honor even just to be compared to bts sunbae. they are talented and unique, so it's sure is an honor. but as big as our feel of being honored, of course we would like to show our own colors. so that people can recognize us as the 'female bts' instead of 'bts' sisters'. but, honestly speaking... i'm not really close with them *smiles bitterly*

A lot of new group has debuted recently ? Do you think your group will do well? ACCORDING TO YOU , WHAT IS B.GALAXY CHARM ?

won't it be more possibility for us to do well? *she laughs in embarrasment for her confidence* b.galaxy has a wide range of age, and we all have a different personality and color. also, we all are relatively young in age, but our talents can't be look down to also *smiles widely*


hehehe... aalll... *laughs* don't you think that it all fun? when the chance comes, can you let go of it just like that? *laughs* it's just like when you discovers a ten thousand won bill and fifty thousand bill at the same time. you can take it both, so why pick only one? *laughs*


please support and love b.galaxy! >< i love you all~



LAST WORDS : i'm kinda overwhelmed because the plotlines are all surprisingly talented, but i like the plot. i'll be waiting for your updates~ ><


a conflict in the group followed by yona's explosion
hidden camera on mari by bang sihyuk pd + some members so it can be worse than this
reality show with a hidden camera from bts for one (or probably some) of b.galaxy member
members do a reality / variety show and roleplay each other for fun (ex. yona becomes mari, mari becomes who, who becomes who, etc.)

turn in : story : cheatsheet



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Sorry for the late (but I've problems with my mouse and my keyboard ç_ç) .

You can see your character review her: http://www.asianfanfics.com/story/view/1138049/3

Anyway , thank you very much for applying!

Yona is a very lovable girl who , despite her age, could be really a good and professional artist .

I really like her character especially because , despite being a late 2002 liner , she is very wise and down to heart .

I'm sure that , if she is chosen , she will be a really lovable maknae for B.Galaxy! <3