❛ seoul cheer camp 2016ㅤㅤ 》audition ⋮ song hyeran milan ❜ (wip)


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elite audition : song hyeran milan

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BIRTHNAME : song hyeran milan

ㅤ  ✕   ranny — this is only used by her best friend, yura. milan hates being called by her korean name. she prefers to be called by her second name. so, yura calls her ranny.

ㅤ  ✕   milly — the whole team gave her that nickname. it is from her second name.

ㅤ  ✕   y kiddo — meet the worst dirty minded child of the squad. she is as worst as a boy. she makes jokes and along with her best friend she would just randomly creep on her ;; 

ㅤ  ✕   dumb dumb #2 — team nickname for the trio, jongup (dumb dumb #1) and yura (dumb dumb #3). the three are loud af and they are always so playful. that is how kyungri and bora calls her.

hyeran the couch potato — nickname given by none than jessica because milan is always being lazy during practices.


DATE OF BIRTH : may 2nd, 1998
BIRTHPLACE : gwangju, south korea
ETHNICITY : korean

ㅤ  ✕   korean — native; she was born and raised in south korea. 

ㅤ  ✕   french — fluent; her mother, who is french canadian, taught her french plus, she went to the french school of seoul's elementary school and she is currently going to their high school.

FACE CLAIM : hyejeong - aoa
HEIGHT & WEIGHT : 165 cm / 53kg


▸ milan is someone who is in the average height. she isn't super tall or super short. she is around 165 cm and she weight 53kg. her body is well toned thanks to gymnastic. she has been doing that sport for years until this year. her body type is quite similar to soyou from sistar average height, nice hips and a firm . milan has a mole right beside her left eyes. she also has her ears pierced twice and her left ear cartilage is pierced too. her hair is naturally dark brown and she recently dyed it light brown.


  ✕   casual;


  ✕   practice;


  ✕   dorm;


" thing that your character says "

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ㅤ  ✕   "positivity makes everything better"   friendly, outgoing, funny, caring, independant 

  ㅤ✕   " flaws makes everything real"    dirty minded/ert, blunt, possessive, y, lazy af 


ㅤ  ✕   first impression ayo! when y'all meet milan. what y'all think ? shorty? cute? yes. everyone thinks that when they see milan for the first time. they also expect her personality to be all shy, caring and sh*t. owh! hell nah! heart is not a fluffy butterfly [whut?!] milan is confident, outgoing and someone who's full of surprise. you don't even expect her personality to be the opposite of her look.

  ✕   confident and outgoing — this girl, is the person you see when you open the dictionnary and look up for the word confident. yass! she is there. she doesn't care what you think about her. she does what she wants. she feels good in her body and no one else is going to make her feel bad about it. she knows that she isn't perfect, but she is satisfied with her body. when you see her in action, you know that this girl is confident. it is no joke. heart is also a character. very outgoing. she is so ready to make friends. she wouldn't be scared to go to a stranger and say "you hot dude." a simple walk to starbucks and bring her 1000 friends if she wants. you can't be just be calm and with her. you'll always be running with her and laughing.

  ✕   funny and dirty minded/ert can we talk about how hilarious milan can be? her humor can go from twerking potatos to calling you a goldfish. she has the weirdess humor. she make up lame jokes, she plays on words all the time. someone you are wondering why you are even her friend because of her weird humor. it never fails to make people laugh around her. but, here's another thing that makes milan stand out. her y personality trait, yes you read right. milan isn't a heart. she is a dirty minded heart. this girl sings dirty minded songs, ual songs all the time. her phone is full of those songs. she doesn't care, she loves those songs. she makes dirty minded comments like it is something very normal. oh! did i told you that she can totally be poking her friends or teammates' to annoy them haha. sometimes, with her bestie, she can pull off a lesbian move that scares you the sh*t out of you.

  ✕   possessive and y possessive, yes and that's a reason why she can be jealous easily. do not touch what it's hers. she would totally flip your face. she doesn't like much to give away her things or share with her friends. don't give her things easily. you'll have to cry and roll on the floor then, she will give it to you. for example her love interest is one of the thing that she is even more possessive. do not dare to try to flirt with him or you are going to find a angry milan behind you, ready to make you eat some rude words. meeting the y milan is the probably the scariest moment ever. whenever she is in front of someone she doesn't like, her mood will turn in 180 degres. she'll speak her mind with no care of her language. her words can stab the out of you and have no mercy. she will do anything to protect herself and others that she loves around. she won't give a damn and she will do what ever she wants. even if hyorin is telling her no, she'll do it. oh and once you are on her blacklist, you are on it forever and she will come back at you over and over again.  

  ✕   independant and blunt milan is very independant. it can be a good thing or a bad thing. let's start with the good things of being independant. she's able to take care of herself well. since she has been "living alone" because of her trainee days. she took care of everything for her. she does things by herself and rarely ask help. which can turn into a problem. there's the bad side of being independant. when she is struggling to do something, she never ask help. she'll be struggling by herself and if someone is proposing help, milan would refuse totally and keep trying, trying and trying. milan can be a girl who can react easily to something. she can be pretty blunt by moment. everything is black or white for her nothing is in between. if she doesn't like something, she'll be straight up and say that she doesn't like it. when you ask for an opinion, do not be scaried to hear what she really thinks. when she's annoyed, she might hurt you because you are being too noisy or you are in her personal space. she might tell you harshly then, when she found out that you are hurt by her words, she's always the one who comes to say sorry. because of her bluntness, hyorin scold her that everytime that she's being too blunt.

  ✕    caring and lazy  milan is a caring girl. she's someone who tends to listen to people instead of talking a lot. she is there to listen to others and give her personal thought about the situations. she loves giving kisses on their cheek (even if they hate it). she also loves hugging them and taking care of them like her sisters. she treats them like her family. she is the laziest person of the team. she is probably the person who wakes up last and everyone has to shake her life out.  during practices, milan would do everything to not do every exercices. it drives jessica crazy. if jessica says, 150 pushups, milan will do 80 and lay on the floor everytime jessica looks away. falling asleep as soon she sits on the car. even in the dorm, she doesnt do chores and do everything to avoid it haha. 


  ✕   dear mom and dad, i still love you wherever you are   here 

  ✕   i am still a loved child   here 

  ✕   tumbling since i was a kid    here 

  ✕   then someone tried to take it off from me   here 


  ✕   likes
▸ food
— she is a real foodie.
▸ etc. — ▸ likes, dislikes, habits, hobbies
▸ etc. — ▸ likes, dislikes, habits, hobbies▸ likes, dislikes, habits, hobbies
▸ etc. — ▸ likes, dislikes, habits, hobbies
▸ etc. — here

  ✕   dislikes
▸ etc. — ▸ likes, dislikes, habits, hobbies
▸ etc. — ▸ likes, dislikes, habits, hobbies
▸ etc. — ▸ likes, dislikes, habits, hobbies
▸ etc. — ▸ likes, dislikes, habits, hobbies
▸ etc. — ▸ likes, dislikes, habits, hobbies
▸ etc. — ▸ likes, dislikes, habits, hobbies

  ✕   habits
▸ etc.▸ likes, dislikes, habits, hobbies▸ likes, dislikes, habits, hobbies
▸ etc.▸ likes, dislikes, habits, hobbies▸ habits, hobbies▸ likes, dislikes, habits, hobbies
▸ etc.▸ likes, dislikes, habits, hobbies▸ likes, dislikes, habits, hobbies

  ✕   hobbies
▸ etc.▸ likes, dislikes, habits, hobbies▸ likes, dislikes, habits, hobbies
▸ etc.▸ likes, dislikes, habits, hobbies▸ habits, hobbies▸ likes, dislikes, habits, hobbies
▸ etc.▸ likes, dislikes, habits, hobbies▸ likes, dislikes, habits, hobbies
▸ etc.▸ likes, dislikes, habits, hobbies▸ habits, hobbies▸ likes, dislikes, habits, hobbies
▸ etc.▸ likes, dislikes, habits, hobbies▸ likes, dislikes, habits, hobbies

  ✕    trivias
▸ she has shoes collection. it is no joke and she probably has to call her older brother at least every two weeks to bring her shoes.
▸ she was a gymnast until six months ago... she started when she was 4 years old.
▸ etc.▸ likes, dislikes, habits, hobbies▸ likes, dislikes, habits, hobbies
▸ etc.▸ likes, dislikes, habits, hobbies▸ etc.▸ likes, dislikes, habits, hobbies▸ likes, dislikes, habits,
▸ etc.▸ likes, dislikes, habits, hobbies▸ habits, hobbies▸ likes, dislikes, habits, hobbies
▸ etc.▸ likes, dislikes, habits, hobbies▸ likes, dislikes, habits, hobbies
▸ etc.▸ likes, dislikes, habits, hobbies



  ✕   father — song sunghyung (age) / occupation / personality traits / 6 out of 10

  ✕   mother — mélissa collin (age) / occupation / personality traits / 6 out of 10

  ✕   older brother — song kyung; mathieu (22) / gym trainer / personality traits / 7 out of 10


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  ✕   best friend — kim yura (18) / tumbling-spotting / loud, dirty minded, energetic / 9 out of 10 
yura have been cheering for years. she was telling milan to join a cheerleading team for years, but milan didn't listened her. yura and milan met back in middle school. along with jongup, they are part of the dumb dumb team. they play around so much. they joke in the class and play around during practices. you'll see them randomly dancing in the background and screaming like two random girls. yura is the one who made milan into a real dirty minded child and they are worse when they are together.

  ✕   close friends — moon jongup (18) / tumbling-base / awkward, funny, kind / 8 out of 10
jongup is a fellow member of the same cheerleading team as yura. he is the calmest member of the dumb dumb team. but, he can join in their crazy moments and dance with them in the background. he's always there to remind them to stay serious because the two best friends play too much.

  ✕   gymastic friend — hirai momo (19) / tumbling-spotting-base / outgoing, funny, hardworking / 7 out of 10
momo and milan met back at the seoul gymnastic gym three years ago when momo got transfered to south korea from japan for exchange student. they became close friends during those three years. even if momo is still in that gym, milan loves this girl. momo is one of the best dancers on the team. she dances well and tumbles well. she is a do everything member of the team. she prefers to stay on the low spot so, she does tumling and spotting, sometimes she is a base.  

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RIVAL(S) :  

  ✕   the gymnastic rival — song dahye (19) / tumbling-flyer / personality traits / -2001.9987...
the two girls met back in the seoul gymnastic gym when they were 4 years old. it was their first day at gymnastic and being cute kids, they became friends automatically. they used to be the two pranksters and gymnastic beast. as they were growing up, their personality changed and their friendship started to turn into a competition. being a jealous girl, dahye started to try to sabotage milan's performances. like oiling the materials before milan going on it or simply throwing shady comments there and there. milan isn't the type to let herself get thrown down so, she played along with it. she made dahye's life in the gym her nightmare. a secret that milan knew about dahye was out and as soon this secret was out, milan got kicked out of the gym, but milan simply packed her things and said off that gym. here they meet again, six months after their huge fight. their rivalry haven't changed that all. milan and dahye gives no fxck about it. if no one is there to hold on the two girls, it might end up pretty bad.

  ✕   the girlfriend of my ex — kim seolhyun (18) / flyer / personality traits / -2


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  ✕   oh hey! waves can you just call me milan? anyways, i've never been a cheerleader. i used to be a gymnast six months ago but, i got in trouble at the gym and got kicked out. that's why i am here. i know that cheerleading has some similaries with gymnastic. smiles yet, i've participated to gymnastic competitions and my speciality is mainly the uneven bars, trampoline and tumbling. laughs  i am a real machine on the blue mat.


  ✕   i want to be a tumbler obviously. laughs since it is quite similar to what i used to do back at the gymnastic.


  ✕   randomly speaks loud yeah!! i'm pretty sure i got everything  for it. i got experience in tumbling for about 14 years and i know that cheerleading isn't something easy. i'll do anything to be able to show everything i got in my sleeves. realize she speaks so loud sorry for your ears ladies. awkward laughs


  ✕   i personally want to learn this summer. i want to be able to join a team full of amazing athlete and grow a strong bond. smiles ohoh! i'm looking forward to kick some  cracks her knuckles i  am here to win too. let's get the trophies! screams wooh!  


  ✕    everyone seems nice. they look like they know what they are doing. i'm pretty sure that the team will be fire on the blue mat and we'll win the trophies like champions do. thumbs up


  ✕    thank you guys! have a nice day~~ waves i'm waiting for your letter stands up and trips you haven't seen me trip. this is your imagination... runs away.

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LOVE INTEREST : jung jaewon/ one


▸ start here


  ✕   jung jaewon and milan are going in the same high school.  they met back in middle school and they were in the same class for years.  they were not friends. they were simply classmates and they did few projects together. whenever he missed class because of a competition, he would ask for her notes and explain things to him. then, during the first year of high school, milan started to have feelings for him. 

yes, they were a couple for about a year and half. then, he dumped her by saying that he liked another girl more than her. the worst thing is that he broke up with her on text right after going on a date with her. it did broke her heart and jaewon was her first love. she got into a hate mode. she seriously hates him with all passion. why? milan and yura turned into a fbi duo and recently found out that he is going out with seolhyun, that girl he liked more than her. whenever he would try to ask her in class for her notes, she would refuse and walk away from him.

now, they meet again at the camp... she wasn't expecting to see his team present at a camp like this one. whenever they would meet, milan's face would go from happyland to y and emotionless face.  


add more later ;; 


ENDING :  here

missxox : ayana

LAST WORDS : questions? comments?


▸ here
▸ here

turn in : story : cheatsheet


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