Maseol, Academy of Magic :: Ahn Iseul :: Girim :: The Brave Heart [W.I.P]



( ♚ — easel; ) an easel is a small little whiteboard that you had as a child, or one you have now, ain't judging. back in london, there were the typical bullies who called her an easel, comparing her to the little whiteboard. her younger brother used to call easel when he was a child as well, as her name had very similar pronounciations with the object,
( ♚ — christmas; ) her english name back in london, as her classmates could not pronounce her korean name and often made fun of it, she was given an english name. her english name is christmas as iseul was born on christmas morning and it is  definitely her favourite holiday
( ♚ — ms charmspeak; ) sehun likes calling her this as when they first met, iseul accidentally tried to convince him to help her find the way to class, although they were nearly 15 minutes late. sehun, surprisingly did not fall into her trap and refused. next time they meet he called her ms charmspeak due to his odd love for percy jackson and found  her 
similar to aphrodites children who have a power called charmspeak.

AGE — 11
BIRTHDAY — december 25

BIRTH PLACE — london, surrey
HOMETOWN — south korea, seoul

ETHNICITY — full korean
♚ — english; ) fluent / as iseul has lived in london for almost all her life, she is able to speak fluent and articulate english, and has an accent accompanied with it as well. 
♚ — korean; ) fluent(ish) /  iseul is also able to speak fluent korean due to her parents speaking it at home, but she often makes grammer mistakes that she doesn't realize and pronounces some words in the oddest ways due top being brought up in a bilingual house. for example her r's sometimes sound like L's when she speaks korean
— "bro, i thought i was a cat till i was 7, please don't ask me how you look."
FACE CLAIM — seo jisoo
BACK UP FACE CLAIM — lim nayoung

APPEARANCE — Isuel has a very long and petite body type, with double eyelids and a very chappy mouth. she has big round glasses that fram her face which she wears on occasion when she is feeling too lazy to put on contacts. her hair is a very light shade of caramel brown due to a mishap when she was younger. (aka her playing around with her parents wand)
11-12; 144cm-149cm
12-13; 149cm-156cm
13-14; 156cm-160cm
14-15; 160cm- 168cm
15-16; 168cm- 173cm
16-17; 173cm- 175cm
11-12; 38kg-40kg
12-13; 40kg-46kg
13-14: 46kg-50kg
14-15; 50kg
15-16; 50kg-48kg
16-17: 48kg- 44kg

STYLE — when not wearing her school uniform, iseul has horrible fashion taste. she chooses to wear baggy shirts and sweaters that hide her curves and put her hair up into a high ponytail or sometimes bun. her "up point"as she calls it, is that she likes wearing short shorts that expose her long milky legs. pair those up with bright pink converse and knee high socks, along with minimal jewellry, you've got yourself ahn iseul.

— "my personality is a shining disco ball- it knows exactly where to blind you."
 loyal "you are my friend idiot, i ain't leaving you behind! now get your sorry of the floor and run!"  iseul is fiercly loyal and would do nearly everything to protect her friends. she sees her friends as family, since hers' isn't so great. she would never leave anyone behind and will put her friends safety before hers' no matter what. even breaking the rules is not a problem if her friends get involved.

 charming "that's amazing! i would really like for you to show me how it works!" iseuls mother has many veela aquiantances that visit during her stay in london. due to being influenced by veela speech patterns since young (as veela's are known to be able to manipulate people's brains with their words) iseul has learnt to pick up their speech pattern and unconciously apply it to her words. of course, with thhe added benefit of her face, she is able to charm people into getting what she wants- most of the time that is.

 brave "don't be so afraid- nothing is going to hurt you, im here. trust me" iseul is definetely brave, she might have her weaknesses, but she is always looking for an adventure. sometimes, she can get a little hurt [ like because sliding down the stairs was such a good idea. "but it was fun!"] however iseul is always up to pushing herself to the limits. she is not scared of many things and when you are around  her she will try to influence you to do things out of your comfort zone. but she is a wonderful person to have when you want to cross your boundaries.

 blunt "no. it's nothing you did, it's what you can't do. and you? you can't do it." iseul is very blunt, and doesn't process her words before is comes flying out of . when she has to tell the truth, she is very straight to the point and does not like to beat around the bush. sometimes, this makes her seem insensitive or rude, but she just doesn't comprehend how to say the truth nicely sometimes, so it comes out without any filter.

 stubborn "no, i will sit here until you agree. don't you dare think i won't!" this is another one of iseuls "negative" traits. she is super stubborn, what she wantts, one way or another she will get. once she has set her mind to something, almost nothing can make her changeher mind. she will even sit outside the school building in the cold the whole night, or week if your stubborn as well. just to get you to accompany her to the nearby town for shopping. sometimes her stubborness can go overboard and anger some people, but they mostly find it cute as it shows how determined she really is if  she wants something. now only if she applied this to her studies...

 clingy "haha, nice try. you arent getting rid off me that easily." iseul can get extremely clingy with her friends. she honestly loves new people, and once these poor humans decide to get involved in iseuls life. she is not going to let them go. she will follow them nearly everywhere and not want to leave their side. maybe not so far as to follow them to the bathroom, but if they are going to take one step forward. iseul will take one aswell. she will also try to sit with them during lunch. in any case, it is not extreme clinginess but it can still get on peoples' nerves.
— "the past is boring. right now i kind of wanna think about my future."
PAST — let's start with her parent's. iseuls' father, ahn gaesung lived in korea all his life until he got sent to, london, surrey. there his own parents arranged him a marriage with one of the highest ranking purebloods in london. the kim family. he was then married to the youngest daughter, kim shin ah. and that, is their so called "love story". the two didn't actually love each other, but they had a mutual understanding of having to look like a powerful duo due to their statuses. and again, due to their statuses, they needed an heir. to them. all they needed was a boy. so iseul was definitely not expected.

as iseuls' parents wanted a male  child, the knowledge that iseul was a female enraged them. when she was born, they treated her like nuisance. they never really payed attention to her. they went to parties and kept up appearences, making up excuses why the little baby girl could not make it to such gatherings. but in reality she was stuck at home being cared for by the house elves, but her parents weren't that cruel, yet. they still gave her the best of things, like a gigantic room and tons of toys, so through materialistic privileges. iseul, at that time, was loved. 

but that all changed six years later when iseul got a brother. his name was ahn woori and their parents'loved him. they treated him with so much affection and care that iseul slowly began to realize that all those years. she was never really wanted. but she loved her parents'more than anything, so she didn't complain. but her parents started getting worse. they got paranoid that iseul would somehow "poison" their perfect woori. so they gave a strict warning to make sure iseul never got anywhere  near her younger brother.

but the younger absolutely adored iseul and woulsd always find a way to get near her and play with her. when her parents caught iseul, they  threw her into one of the kitchen cupboards and forced her to stay there for the night as a punishment. this caused her to have claustrophobia, a fear of small spaces. as it would remind her of the horrible times she spent in the cupboard, due to this iseul made it her mission to contniue on ignoring woori. as the boy  grew up he came to the conclusion that his older sister hated him and could care less for him. which caused him to hate her as well. and thus, iseul grew up with a family who didn't acknowledge her presence or even acted as if she existed,

PRESENT — iseul's family moved back to korea a few months before schools started as they wanted their children to attend maesol [ including iseul as they had appearances to keep up to the rest of the world ] iseul didn't really mind as she was never really given good memories of london in the first place. she spent her days helping the house elves with 

MASEOLnow you need to tell us about how your character lives at at maseol. basically clarify what they do there, how they act, what their studying is like, what house they were sorted into, their daily schedule, things like that. a minimum of 1 paragraph is encouraged but more is loved.

TRIVIA — this entire section is dedicated to the little quirks and fun facts about your character. there is no minimum requirement or limit to how much you write so go crazy and make your character stand out by telling us her likes, dislikes, habits, hobbies, special talents/skills, and other random tidbits about her.
— "it's okay, i have you guys. you're my family now. and i'm grateful for that."
father / ahn gaesung / 37 / personality traits
explain their relationship with your character here. are they close? how do they treat each other? etc. don't forget to replace 'relation' above with whether they're a parent, a sibling, etc.
♚ mother / ahn shin ah / 32 / personality traits
explain their relationship with your character here. are they close? how do they treat each other? etc. don't forget to replace 'relation' above with whether they're a parent, a sibling, etc.
♚ younger brother / ahn woori / 6 / personality traits
explain their relationship with your character here. are they close? how do they treat each other? etc. don't forget to replace 'relation' above with whether they're a parent, a sibling, etc.

FRIENDS — like above, this is for your character's friends and only those! if your character has enemies, rivals, acquaintances, etc that goes below. don't forget to copy and paste the format below as many times as you need to! there's no limit to how many friends you include but please only include those who you think are relevant and important.
relation / last name, first name / age / personality traits
explain their relationship with your character here. are they close? how do they treat each other? etc. don't forget to replace 'relation' above with whether they're a best friend or just a friend.

OTHERS — and now you can tell us about those who your character might not be particularly close enough to consider some sort of friend. don't forget to copy and paste the format below as many times as you need to! there's no limit to how many people you include but please only include those who you think are relevant and important.
relation / last name, first name / age / personality traits
explain their relationship with your character here. are they close? how do they treat each other? etc. don't forget to replace 'relation' above with whether they're a best friend or just a friend.

moonbin, lee minhyuk, kim taehyung
( ♚ — pretty boy; ) this nickname is used solely by iseul, as she thinks he looks like a male barbie doll, while she does find him attractive, iseul would never admit it and thus uses this nickname to make it seem like she's mocking him.
( ♚ — ace; ) this nickname is used by his teammates. as sehun plays quidditch, it is no secret he is one of the most talented members of the team and a precious asset. thus, his teamates like to by calling him this as they all know he really is an ace.
( ♚ — mr ow; ) another teasing nickname his close friends call him, as during the first year of his schooling a foreign teacher accidentally called his name wrongly "mr ow" and could not prnounce it properly even after being corrected. alas, the nickname stuck and all his close friends started calling him that.


SUMMARY — give us a rundown of who your character's love interest is. things to include can include but are not limited to: their background, likes, dislikes, hobbies, habits, other trivia. you can also replace this section with personality instead, if you'd like. this is a scroll box so don't worry if you write too much!
— "don't help others if you can't help yourself."
FIRST MEETING — how did your character and her love interest meet? was it love at first sight? hate at first sight? stuff like that!

RELATIONSHIP — explain here how your character and her love interest act around each other. how do they treat the other? how do others see them? things like that.

CONCLUSION — and now inform us of the ending you want for your character and her love interest to end up with. pretty self explanatory, i think.
FAMOUS LAST WORDS — if you have any comments, questions, or whatever, then put that all here. if there's anything you wanted to add about your app that wasn't ask for/include in this or just something else you want us to know about your character, you can do that here too.

SCENE SUGGESTIONS — there's no guarantee that they will all be used, if any at all, but they do help inspire other ideas so go crazy. you never know what might be used or what might help!

PASSWORD — riddikulus


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