-sixthsense. ryu. 7. 積読本.
replace with fcreplace with fcreplace with fc
cha jia
"i didn't come here to listen to your bull"
FULL NAME — cha jia
• jagiya + used by the exacts she is close with, as her name, when said in a  fast pace, sounds like jagiya.
• pudding head + used by sehun as her blonde  hair often reminds him of the pudding served as their lunches.
DOB + AGE — 11 • 24 (21)
BIRTHPLACE — seoul, south korea
HOMETOWN — seoul, south korea
ETHNICITY — korean
• korean + her native language, growing up learning  korean, it doesn't take much to be fluent in it.
FACE CLAIM — red velvet's irene
BACKUP — soloist iu
• jia has pale skin along with large, brown, doe like  eyes. she has small, heart - shaped lips and an oval shaped face the frame all her features. she has long blonde hair, with natural waves curling down her body, her body is particularly long and lean, with minimum curvage around her body.
OTHER — jia has a small scar at the side if her stomach due to being stabbed with a knife,
HEIGHT & WEIGHT — 168cm // 49kg
PERSONALITY TRAITS — bright, loyal, determined, honest, aggresive, harsh, prideful, hot-tempered,
• jia is a very bright girl, she often excels in many of the intelligence-based experiments being performed on her due to her incredibly intelligent mind. her brain is very meticulous. she has a good ability to glance at something and remember it completely; she is also able to mentally calculate equations with incredible ease. jia has also been very loyal to other exacts, she has formed a bond with many of them and it's obvious she will do anything to protect them. jia often scans the room whenever the exacts have been gathered, she mentally counts the number of members inside, ensuring everyone is there. jia also never leaves any exact behind, making sure she is always at  the back to watch over the others.

jia often displays signs of determination. she is often given small objects that she has to turn into dust using her powers, but with low power control her ability is often not able to do as she pleases. but jia shows strong determination and often spends hours focusing on her project. it usually takes a few hours for large objects to break and up to a few weeks for smaller ones. she is also very honest, jia often expresses what is on her mind, she never sugar coats anything when talking to the other exacts and everyone else she comes into contact to. jis is also known to never lie about anything, causing her to get in trouble at the exodus labs when she confesses of a wrongdoing she has done.

but jia is known to be very aggresive. she has never layed a finger on the other exacts, but many professers have been a victim to her aggresiveness. she often has random outbursts of intense sound waves, effectively damaging their internal organs. jia is also very harsh, even on other exacts. she does not tolerate anyone being lazy. she gives a menacing glare at many of the exacts when they have passed below a certain standard the she has given them and proceeds to scold the exact member even if they are older, many of the exacts get annoyed of this and often lash out on jia out of annoyance.

jia is also very prideful, she takes good pride into things she excels in. such as her intelligence and strength. so when someone comes along and effectively does better than her. she will often have her pride hurt and have a sulky mood all day. she gets over it quickly, her sour moods tend to only last a few days. and due  to her pride, jia finds it nearly impossible to apologise, even when she knows she is in the wrong but she is also known to be very hot tempered, jia hardly has any patience in her and is easily irritated. when any of the exacts  have annoyed her she will often grow into a rampage, hardly anyone can stop her. this often happens a few times every month, but her rampage barely lasts a few minutes as she cools off very fast.

• jia's parents were not the best people in the world, they were once, powerful people. they had a company that had a powerful rule over the technology of seoul. but that all came crashing down in the fire. jia was a baby back then, barely 2 months old. her parents took her to their company to celebrate her birth (and basically show her off). when a fire had occured inside the building, up to this day, no one knows who started the fire, and why. while trying to escape, jia's mother (who was carrying her) had stumbled into the room where the fire had started, causing a tremendous amount of smoke and debris to be inhaled by jia. they were stuck there for nearly an hour before they were finally rescued. jia and her parents, were the only few that  survived. after a trip to the hospital, it was discovered that jia's  heart was permenantly damaged from all the smoke and debris getting into her lungs, it had travelleed through her body and all the way to her heart. causing her to be extremely weak in almost all aspects of her body. from that day, nothing was ever the same.

her parents company had gone bankrupt due to the fire
BONDS — include my character and as many of the boys as you can. only include the other exacts!
• relation - name (age) - occupation - personality - interactions w/ your character
• gimme something to work with fam like yo i need some important details about your character
• also i would like to be entertained
• refer to your character as subject in this section. check example app if help is needed.

GIVEN POWER — audiokensis also known as the sound manipulation
EXACT PARTNER — oh sehun
BACKUP — kim jongin
PERSONALITY — tbh it's up to you whether you wanna write traits or paragraphs
• start here jsy
• here is where you actually have to do some writing!! yay!! just tell me what their relationship is, how it started, interactions, all that  .
RELATIONSHIP STATEMENT — basically just describe to me their kind of love in a phrase of yours, or like a qoute or a song??? it can be anything really
questions? comments? concerns? anything at all?
• i mean i won't get them all done but i'll attempt it
replace with l/ireplace with l/ireplace with l/i


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