CSI: Field Agent | Shin Sarang [w.i.p]

. remeber to delete all the ()
replace the csi gifs with your face claim & replace the anime couple with your love interest
remeber to follow the cheat sheet
delete this when done and have fun.

replace with fc




 ringrang  - taken from the last part of her name, rang. it is usually the noise made by a ringing telephone so her friend's call her ringrang to mimic the sound and
 love  - it is the english translation of her name which and sometimes uses to introduce herself as she thinks it's funny due to it contrasting greatly with her personality.


 korean  - she can speak koren fluently due to her living in korea all her life.
  french   - she can speak french at an intermediate level as she took it as a subject from high school till college.


✩ sarang is a very tall and tones girl, with cute dimples on both sides of her cheeks that show up when she smiles. she died her hair caramel brown but likes to switch between it and auburn hair every once and a while.


✩ work;
sarang likes wearing long and tight fitting pants washed blue to the field, as well as a plain white shirt that have the sleeves all the way up to the elbows, including a grey sleeveless cardigan to match. she doesn't wear any accesory at the field and prefers her hair up in a bun when she works. sometimes wearing a ponytail, she pairs the whole outfit together by wearing grey sneakers or combat boots. she also wears contacts as she hates wearing her glasses to work.

✩ out of work;
out of work sarang is a little more fashionable. during outings pale pastel skirts or short shorts topped with a stripped or plain black or white t shirt, with a cute pale pink shoulder purse to match. she lets her hair down and sometimes wears high heels but her go to shes are usually fashionable sandles. she also likes wearing a variety of hats to block the sun.

but at home, sarang is a different story. she loves wearing grey sweaters at home and having brightly one coloured short shorts (like really short). she also enjoys wearing knee-high socks at hope and often lets her hair down. she doesn''t wear any accesories and often puts on her glasses (which are clear plastic in "colour")

say hi to shin sarang, or love as she would prefer to be called. a grown woman with a fiesty attitude contraSting to her name, having a curiosity for criminology since young and has a small obsession towards watching the me's open up the dead bodies. she isn't sadistic ok, at least i don't think so. 

BIRTHPLACE: seoul, south korea
ETHNICITY: full korean

FACE CLAIM: park sungsin
BACK UP: jiwon
HEIGHT: 169cm
WEIGHT: 46kg

"every year we work with

the same bunch of idiots."

 [+] observant 
 [+] brave 
 [+] hard working
 [+] intelligent

 [-] blunt 
 [-] sarcastic 
 [-] proud 
 [-] stubborn 


"you are honestly the most disgusting human i have yet to encounter." sarang has a fiesty attitude, despite her looks and her name, she isn't as sweet as sugar. she is very blunt. and doesn't think before she speaks. often has no filter so she says the first thing that comes to her mind. and it almost always isn't very pleasant. due to this people think she's rude and insensitive, but she is just expressing her honest opinion.

"right, and we all love working overtime just to watch some old man's dead wife."  sarang is also very sarcastic. she often doesn't like expressing her feelings and hides it by being a sarcastic person. her acts annoy a lot of people as it seems like she doesn't take much stuff seriously, since she always makes fun of it. she also seems very unapproachable due to her sarcastic nature. if often scares the new interns and gives her a scary reputation.

"i'm not going to apologise, not to that scum." probably one of the worst traits in her personaliity is that sarang is very proud, of her work, her reputation, her intelligence and maybe even her looks. so when she gets proved wrong. sarang makes a big fuss out of it and refuses to aplogise. [she's a pure child like that] she can act like a brat when her pride is hurt. she also doesn't like people being better than her and being able to point out her mistakes, but she soon has to realize that this is life. and this is how it works.

"oh hell no, i am doing this. you ain't stopping me." another one of her negatuve traits, sarang is very stubborn. she will stop at nothing to get what she wants. once  she's set her mind to something almost nothing can make her change her mind. she will even camp outside the building just to make someone hear her report. or go on a solo mission to prove someone's innocence.

"look carefully, theres a long slash as the bottom of her hip, a weird place to choose if you wan't to kill yourself no?" but sarang isn't all that bad, one of the reasons shes actually a field agent is that she is very observant. she often notices things most don't.  she pays attention to little things rather than the whole picture and tries to make a conclusion about it. so due to this, sarang knows a lot of things she probably shouldn't. 

" get behind me if you want to live, you !" sarang is also very brave, she would nearly risk her life to protect a victim because that's how much she cares about her city and the innocent ones in it. she isn't afraid of putting herself in danger, aslong as it isn't for a stupid cause. which makes her reliable for undercover missions.

"i've got to work on my papers, but go ahead, i'm staying back." but sarang could most likely be the most hard working person you have ever met. she isn't lazy and would rather spend her days organising paper work due next month than be a couch potato for 4 hours. she often declines inbitations to the  bar after a happily solved case because she knows no one is going to report it till the next day, and she sould rather do it now then get scolded by the boss for having no paperwork.

"no, the answer is 3, how did you guys even get 72 as an answer?" the finish off her personality, sarang is intelligent. okay, maybe not up to genius level, but she's good enough for the csi, she is able to mentally calculate equations really fast and solve problems in a whim. which is very good for calculating the exact time a bomb might explode.

BACKGROUND: (doesn't have to be too long, just the important stuff)

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas ac libero et massa rhoncus efficitur in ut sapien. Morbi neque mauris, finibus a pulvinar ut, pharetra ut lectus. Vivamus vitae tellus fermentum lacus pharetra mattis. Cras finibus massa varius diam faucibus gravida. Vivamus at arcu est. Sed scelerisque ligula vitae erat pharetra, vitae tempor turpis commodo. Vestibulum posuere ligula at dolor placerat, id bibendum nulla laoreet. Fusce molestie leo urna, eu sagittis nisi semper aliquet. Phasellus maximus eu mi non semper. Mauris malesuada diam elit, id dignissim lorem rhoncus sed. Fusce nisl diam, aliquam in tellus vitae, vulputate luctus nisl. Nunc ipsum lorem, rutrum malesuada euismod et, convallis eu enim. Mauris hendrerit turpis velit, ac fermentum enim facilisis sit amet. Phasellus quis massa orci. Maecenas molestie massa ac mauris consectetur sodales. Sed eget est et est blandit volutpat. Vestibulum scelerisque justo non maximus sollicitudin. Nam ut sollicitudin dolor. Suspendisse suscipit dignissim justo, a pretium nisi feugiat eget. Nunc interdum id mauris et accumsan.

TRIVIA: (likes, dislikes, hobbies, habits, etc.)

✩ here
✩ here
✩ here
✩ here
✩ here

RELATIONSHIPS: (only the important ones.)

✩ father - shin ahneul (48) / engineer / strict, proud and intellgent / closeness

✩ mother - shin arin (50) / housewife / motherly, caring and funny / closeness

✩ friend (somewhat) - yoon joonkyu (26) / medical examiner / quiet, honest and forgiving / closeness



QUESTION: how long have you been at your job?

✩ "nearly 3 years now?  damn nearly three years and i haven't found a single decent human being in this organisation."

QUESTION: Are you qualified to carry a gun on duty?

"i guess i am, but i hardly ever use it since im usually just there to inspect evidence. but i can shoot real well if ever needed." 

QUESTION: How does your character react in stressful situations? (Shooting, Bomb, intruder in the lab, etc.)

✩ "usually, i would let out a whole string of curses, because really why does the day keep getting worse. then probably bark order at stupidly standing workers to move their asses as i think of a plan."

QUESTION: Why does your character do their job? 

 "i thought it was intresting, unfortunately unlike most girls back when i was 7, i had a strange fascination for solving mysteries and watching people dissect bodies. only i can't dissect  bodies myself."

replace with fc
replace with fc
replace with love int

love interest

back up


✩ Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas ac libero et massa rhoncus efficitur in ut sapien. Morbi neque mauris, finibus a pulvinar ut, pharetra ut lectus. Vivamus vitae tellus fermentum lacus pharetra mattis. 


✩ Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas ac libero et massa rhoncus efficitur in ut sapien. Morbi neque mauris, finibus a pulvinar ut, pharetra ut lectus.

STATUS: here
ENDING: here





✩ here

✩ here





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ringrang is so cute tho tf
can i call u that