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GOSSIP GIRL it is pretty much milan's job at school, which is spreading rumors and knowing everything that is happening. that's her mini reputation.
MILLY the only nickname that is used by her love interest... he keeps calling her that for fun.
'LAN short nickname that is only used by her friends.


KOREAN fluent... since french was used at home, as soon she steps outside of her home, she would speak in korean. plus, she lived her whole life in south korea. 
FRENCH native... her mom is a french canadian woman. so, french was used at home. she teached her french plus, milan went to a french elementary school and middle school. 
ENGLISH conversational... she learn english at school.


milan was born with thick black wavy hair. she recently dyed her hair dark brown. she has dark brown eyes.


in school, milan wears her uniform clean. She respects the rules of the school about the uniform. she would simply add a small gold chain on her neck. outside of school, she's loves wearing sneakers or nice little boots. she would add a touch of colors or adding a floral pattern or polka dots. she loves accessories. she wears black hats or a y gold man watch on her wrist. sunglasses is never an option when it is sunny outside.

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BIRTHDATE: Feburary 14 (18)
BIRTHPLACE: Jeju Island, South Korea

FACE CLAIM: Nayeon - Twice
BACK UP: Mina - Twice
HEIGHT: 164 cm
WEIGHT: 52 kg

" haven't you heard that i am the craziest over here? "


tumblr_o1ccc9be9X1u0zpyco3_250.png tumblr_o4rz2isxuB1uf953eo1_75sq.png tumblr_o1ccc9be9X1u0zpyco4_250.png tumblr_o4rz2isxuB1uf953eo1_75sq.png tumblr_o1ccc9be9X1u0zpyco2_250.png tumblr_o4rz2isxuB1uf953eo1_75sq.png tumblr_o1ccc9be9X1u0zpyco5_250.pngPERSONALITY TRAITS:

POSITIVES funny, outgoing, intelligent, hardworking, confident
NEGATIVES blabbermouth, drama queen, flirt, dirty minded, backstabber


HELLO, MEET YOUR WORST NIGHTMARE when you first meet milan, you might thought that she seems to be a sensible type of person. her long dark brown hair and her magnificient brown eyes makes her look like a fallen angel on earth. people mostly think that she has a pretty face and a very good personality. even more, some might say that she is a shy and naive personality. her appearence is misleading. she is like a mermaid — mermaids are beautiful from the outside ,but inside the beautiful creature there's a demon hiding. milan is exactly like that. you never know when her inside demon will come out and eat you without mercy.  milan is a confident girl. she is pretty and intelligent. she knows that. she feels good in her body and everyone knows it. she takes care of hier body and make sure that her clothes suit her well. using her pretty face is her ultimate tool. she wears light makeup and let hir hair messy for more volume. that's how milan is. she is confident. everyone around this girl can see that she is feeling good. she isn't going to be the shy type of her person. she isn't scared to be herself and to show no weakness. she is confident about herself and she loves her flaws. 
I MAY BE A NICE LIL' FRIEND milan knows how to have fun. milan isn't a boring type girl. she enjoys herself most of the time. milan is a fun girl. she likes to laugh around her friends. she hang out a lot with them. she is always ready to have fun with her closest friend. making weird jokes and showing weird facial expressions are her unique way to have fun. she has a very sarcastic and weird humors that never fails to make people around her choke on air. she is mostly always laughing and she has a bright smile ,only if she is surrounded of her cool friends. being a young adult means that she can say anything she wants. she is dirty minded. she isn't affraid to make a y comment. she is pretty open to talk about rated things and she often makes inappropriated comments with her friends. she often shocked many person because of her dirty mnded personality. she tends to have weird skinship with her closest friends, but she doesn't mind. ''better have a weird humor sense than to not have any right ?'', that's what she says. milan has the habit to slap her friends when they are in front of her. it's pretty weird right ? she isn't afraid to say something innapropriate.
BUT YOUR SECRETS CAN STAB YOU. gossip, gossip & again, gossip — milan isn't able to shut . whenever she heard someone's secret, expect to hear everyone talking about that secret. she is the source and the one who started the rumors. she can even mess up the secret to something even worst than the original — like we say, "when you heard a rumor, you learn new things about yourself". this is how the person feels. the worst is that it always end up going back to you with a slight different thing — sorry, i mean, a big different thing. even thought you know that it's her who started the rumor, she will refuse to tell you that she is the one who started it. she is pretty good to lie in front of you. she isn't a person to trust, seriously. you can't trust maya easily because it might stab you by behind and you will be stuck in her trap. this sentence is leading us to milan's personality trait which is backstabber. what's a backstabber ? a person who pretend to be close with you and are the source of your downfall. backstabber is pretty self-explicanatory. a person who stabs you in the back. milan has is good at using people. she is going to act all friendly or flirty around you. you will think that she is your real friend or future girlfriend. you will never notice that this personality traits is going to make you fall in her trap and badly. everything that is going to be told, do and thought is going to stab you by behind. a mermaid, like i told you, she is like one — your source of your downfall. she can use you for her benefits — to her advantage. her smile and face is going to betray you — it seems like she care about you, but she don't. sad, right... reasons ? this girl doesn't want to let anyone get better than her. she is mostly the one who think that she can do anything and she will do anything to get on the top. she makes the others feels lower to make her looks higher.
OH! I CAN CALL ME, MRS. STEAL YOUR MAN  welcome in milan's world. this girl can flirt. she isn't the type who goes to every single boys, but she thinks well before going to a guy. he has to have a y body and confident. sometimes, she has fun and start flirting with the most shyiest one. it's making them feeling embarassed, but she doesn't mind. she has a thing for confident and mature boys she isn't the ty one... do not worry. milan flirt a lot with boys sometimes without noticing. she loves skinship and she is not afraid to do this even in public. hugging and simple touches are something natural for her. she knows what she is doing and she totally knows the limit, but sometimes, she likes to play with fire... milan is a drama queen. even though she is a lil' warrior, she can be easily offenced and she isn't going to let it pass. she might scream and yell at you without thinking twice. she might let her tears falls because you went to far but she isn't going to show that she is weak. if you try to argue with her, be ready to meet a drama queen who's exaggerating everything. you might talk to her with a high voice than her and she might yell at you to stop screaming like a damn dinosaure. she also complains a lot — especially when she works, in her daily days or with her friends, she can't stop complaining!
WITH A QUICK PLAN. beside her shocking personality, milan is intelligent. in elementary school in , milan used to be the best student. milan has an impressive logic. she thinks well and make up complicated plans. it always...90% works. she makes those plans to backstab people, to be a real blabbermouth and even to use other people to her advantage. like her parents say she uses her power to the devil for fun. milan is a hardworker person. she never gives up easily. when she wants something, she will work her to be able to reach her goals. if she doesn't achieve her goal, she would even let herself starve just because she wants to achieve this goal. she can even let her friends go party while she is trying to finish what she started. when you give her a work, she will do anythignt to finish it. she can stay all night long to finish what you asked her. if you give her a week to finish something, she isn't ging to say, "oh, i have a lot time to do it." and end up doing it the day before. no! no! milan is going to do it all day long and she only takes a pause when she is hungry. right after, she finished to do her work, she will eat and go to sleep . like that, she isn't going to forgot anything and have a lot free time to party. the next day, she is reviewing everything to make sure that she didn't let a single details go and after, she is showing her work to the one who gave it to her. 


BIRTH OF A HERO. milan was born in jeju island, south korea on valentines day. sadly, because of her parents' living situation and their age, milan had to be given away to a shelter. milan lived at this place until she turned a year and half. then, a couple came to visit this place. the couple came and adopted baby milan. her mom is a french canadian woman and her dad is a korean man. after an hour on the plane, milan arrived to seoul with her new family
YEAH, I'M A CHILD HERO. milan's new family is above average in terms of social status. she was the second child of the couple. she had an younger brother who was the couple's child, his name is hansol(it is vernon /winks.) since she is the oldest and the only girl. she was pretty much spoiled by her parents. making friends with milan wasn't hard that all because of her outgoing personality. it never became a problem for her to make friends. a simple walk outside the neighborhood and she might end up having three new friends. then, when she started elementary school in a korean class. she hated it for one simple reason. she was being picked on just because she had a parent who wasn't korean. after only six months, she mad enough and her mom brought her to a french elementary school. milan's personality slowly started to change. even if she was still the smart child, she would start making fun of some student. then, in middle school things got even bigger. she would spread rumors in the school and miss milan was enjoying it like she was watching a movie. 
ME VS THE WORLD. then, now, high school. after being in a french elementary school and middle school, she went for a korean high school. she knew that she was ready mentally to stand up for herself if anyone tried her. that's what happened. one day, someone tried her and boom! that person became her first victim of a big backstabbing. she gained her reputation of being a gossip machine. it was only after her first year in high school that milan joined the matchmaking club. she says that she can find easily who likes who and be able to create a plan to make sure they fall in love with each other.


CHOCOLATE she is in love with the choco. she can live by eating only chocolate if she wanted.
MATHEMATICS/PHYSICS she is a little nerd in heart with a mean personality. she is literally best friend with numbers.
PURPLE everything is purple in her life. she loves this color more than the creator of this color.
BUTTERFLIES she has a big phobia of butterflies because she got one in her eyes when she was 4 years old.
FLOWERS she said that flower says that it smells like .
HISTORY CLASS she just can't with history class. she usually falls asleep.
FINDING NEW GOSSIP IN THE SCHOOL this is actually her part time job. yet, she is not getting paid for it... she is quite an expert in finding gossips and rumors at school.
PLAYIN' TETRIS ON HER PHONE she is a loooover of this game. she has a little geek side that never fail to come out time to time.
DROOLS AND SMILES IN HER SLEEP i have no explaination. she always wakes up with dried drool on her cheeks. and her parents and the girls told her once that she tends to smile while she is sleeping.
TAPS HER FEETS AND STICK HER TONGUE OUT she does that times to times when she is so focused in doing something.
ROLL HER EYES LIKE A PROFESSIONAL she rolls her eyes like it is her profession when she is so annoyed.
SPEAKS FRENCH TO HERSELF she talks to herself in french all the time. she has no shame doing it outside.
I AM A GOOD FRIEND she is close with the girls. if one of the girls tries her, a little secret might slips into the school. anyways, she is still  nice with them tho.
BOYFRIEND? WHAT IS THAT. despite being a little flirt, she never dated anybody. she simply cannot...  
NEXT YEAR IM OUT she is thinking of going to seoul national university in mathematics and a minor in biology. she dreams to be a mathematician.
BRAINY AND MEANIE HER her grade average is 90%... the only reason why it is not higher than this is korean class... 
SHE GIVES MATH TUTORING FOR THE FRESHMAN ha! you wasn't ready to read that. she does that every two weeks.
SHE IS OBSESSED WITH A CARAMEL FRAPPUCCINO AT STARBUCKS. she has her inner white girl going oooon.
SHE IS THE BEST BODY GUARD. whenever someone tries her friends, she'll be the first one to jump in tho.
BEST GOSSIPER EVER. She is probably the best one who finds who likes who. She finds gossip so quick in the school.


MOTHER chantal bergeron (47) - university french teacher -  with her mother, milan loves making crazy pranks and jokes. they make pranks on sunghoon and vernon. they have a close mother - daughter relationship. she's always the first person that milly calls when she's feeling down or when she needs advices.
FATHER choi sunghoon (54) - lawyer - he treats her like his baby. he's always there for her. milan loves him so much. they have a really funny relationship. he always calls her my little bunny and she calls him fat daddy. sometimes he boss her around the house driving milan crazy and ends up yelling like a crazy child. he always makes sure that milly has everything she needs.   he's very protective toward milan.
BROTHER choi hansol/vernon (16) - hs student - funny, outgoing, shy - her brother is more in the shy side. milan loves him a lot. she is often there for him and when he needs someone, milan is always the one. despite milan's mean personality, he doesn't mind much. when someone complains about her, he pretty much just shrugs and leave them hanging like wtf. milan and him loves to pull pranks at their mom. they are such little devil kids at home.  
CLOSE FRIEND kwon jiwon (18) - student - funny, dorky, kind - he's like milan's close friend. he pretty much doesnt mind with her mean personality. he actually likes how petty and funny milan is. so, he never actually get her in the wrong way. he's often there to listen to her rambling about random people at school or both joking around like two fools in class.  
FRIEND hwang alyssa (18) - student - loyal, shady, confident, dorky, - this is milan's #1 chatting box friend. they talk about everything and alyssa always knows milan's plans all the time. they both create their evil plans together of world domination... i mean school domination of gossips. they text all the time, they are always together in class, in school and they hang out together.




face claim : Momo - Twice
back up face claim : Sana - Twice

age : 17
OCCUPATION : student 

Personality :

Keiko is pretty much the Miss Perfect of the school. She is a foreign exchange student who is intelligent, funny and turns every heads when she passes in front of people. Teachers tends to love her and helps her a lot whenever she doesn't understand something in Korean. She is amazing in sports. She is pretty much a perfect person in school. She helps younger students. She can be goofy times to times with her friends. 

interaction with your character: 

The story between the two girls is quite simple. As soon Keiko joined class, Milan was salty to see that every boys were the floor for this girl. Then, she saw the teachers the floor for her and the worst is that she even saw girls sayin' that Keiko is the perfect girl of the school It drove Milan crazy to heard, "Keiko this, Keiko that, Keiko blah blah blah." She almost threw this girl out of the window... in her head. She wishes to do that in reality haha. Milan tries to find something that can totally chance Keiko's Miss Perfect reputation. Then, one day, she heard a rumor about her liking a guy named Jung Jaewon. That is when the game started. (Read love interest part)

When the game started, Keiko and Milan are pretty much acting two faced toward each other. In class they would speak to each other very sarcasticly and everyone around them would think that they are friend, yet they are killing each other's mind slowly. They in fact hates each other since the game started. They are fighting for Jung Jaewon and none of them is ready to let him go. 

replace with fc
replace with fc
replace with love int




AGE : 18 
OCCUPATION : student 


positive: intelligent, hardworking, humble, mature

negative: introvert, shy, stubborn, clumsy, awkward


It wasn't part of Milan's plan to fall in love with this cute boy. Milan's plan was to find who was Keiko's crush. When she saw him for the first time, her reaction was, "damn... he cute af. why I never saw him?" Her main plan was all about to make Keiko jealous and make Jaewon fall in love for her.

Since Jaewon was part helping younger student in maths on mondays and fridays. Milan changed her schedule for the same days as him and went to talk to him. That same day, Keiko saw them talking and got mad about it. That was how the game started.

Slowly, it wasn't just Jaewon who fell in love. The more Milan was passing time talking to this cutie, more Milan fell in love for him too. This feeling was unknown for the gossip girl and she started to be confused about her feeling for him. Jaewon found this girl interesting. Despite her mean reputation, he saw something way different than what he heard about her.  It is quite funny because they are totally the opposite yet, they are falling for each other. 

STATUS: acquaintance. she doesn't even know his existence...
ENDING: dating;; 


missxox ⇔ ayana

LAST COMMENT: ay! hope you like my crazy girl milan ;) sorry for my grammar, english isnt my first language.



PASSWORD: "Opposite attract each other."  




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yo baby~
Milan's review is up already ♥