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NAME han eunhwan; 한은환
ALIAS the so-called prodigy, with a fatal injury to the hip at fifteen, her prodigial status as a figure skater quickly diminished in a blink of an eye, reputation getting lost in the past. leaving the word prodigy more as a mockery, than a praise.
hannie // nickname used by her close family except her dad
doll // when she was four, yixing says he thinks she looks like a doll while they were saying their goodbyes. it stuck with them ever since.
xuehua, 雪花  // her chinese birth name that no one usually used aside from her father. it meant snowflake and it became her stage name when she debuted.
BIRTHDATE september 21, 1999 
BIRTHPLACE changsha, china
HOMETOWN beijing, china but moved, to gangnam, seoul, sk at fifteen
ETHNICITY chinese-korean
chinese // mother tongue 
korean // fluent // parents are korean
english // conversational // had been required to study it because of her international competitions
AIN'T A PEASANT han eunhwan's whole life revolved around figure skating, eventually making it her whole identity. there was no person who distinguished her and figure skating separately, those two terms practically coexisted together. that's why when she loses her career, she loses her identity as well. and when you were known your whole life as the girl who skated, who do you become? no one. besides from being the daughter of a wealthy hospital tycoon and famous model, she was irrelevant. eunhwan didn't like dependency nor irrelevance, but she feels more hopeless than determined– the thought of loss weighing heavily in her mind– so she continues living on without recovering, leaving her bitter, uncaring, and unambitious. now she's just an empty shell of who she was and she figures that's alright. it was even alright that gossip girl was ruining her life, just a little more stain, a little more pain wouldn't hurt all that much.

QUOTE when you're on your knees, head uncapable of holding up your so-called crown, i'll be there to watch you burn.
FACECLAIM kim sohyun + 
BACKUP FACECLAIM   rv's son wendy

HEIGHT + WEIGHT 44 kg and 163 cm
APPEARANCE  with slightly tanned skin, brown curly hair, and full bangs, eunhwan had her own charms and is considered to be pretty by the public eye despite not always giving attention to the way she looks. she doesn't usually use make-up, more comfortable bare-faced, it was fortunate she didn't really get pimples all that frequently. eleven years of training molded eunhwan's walk to be elegant and graceful just like how she was in ice. back straightened and head held high, the way she held herself indicated just how powerful the family she came from was. she had a pretty smile- although rarely seen since the injury- her eyes crinkling into crescents, genuine happiness engulfing the ones surrounding her.
SENSE IS NOT FOR SALE  eunhwan didn't like altering much of anything that's been given to her, if she was required to wear a tie or a ribbon, she would. she was more of a conformist, not breaking any rule unless she had to. although she did pair the uniform with sweaters or blazers occasionally, naturally being attracted to long-sleeved clothes. she would usually put her hair up in a messy bun, other days, she'd just let it down. her most notable accessory would be the cartier watch ( 1 ) she owned and usually never took off, other than that, she would wear simple earrings ( 2 3 ). her footwear would usually alter between ankle boots ( 4 ) and mary janes.
outside school, her usual wardrobe would be monochrome and long-sleeved clothes such as sweatshirts, blazers, and cardigans, sometimes she just wears t-shirts or croptops on their own. she also prefers to wear shorts more than skirts or jeans, but isn't against them in any way and wears them occasionally too. she also likes wearing rubber shoes and sneakers over heels any casual day. she usually just wears dresses when she's required to attend formal parties and prefers to stay comfortable during normal days. ( 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 )
she's half-human. logical, sincere, committed, humble
short-tempered, unambitious, hostile, mildly morbid, withdrawn. and half-monster
they say that life molds who a person becomes, that’s just what happened to han eunhwan. her eleven years of living were honestly a blur, all those years dedicated to figure skating, everything that occupied her mind was mostly that. there were no sleepovers with friends, no childish fights in school, she didn’t even have time to grow close to family. she was conditioned to treat the iceskating rink as her home, even to the extent of being homeschooled just so she could focus more on the sport. there were two critical parts: pre-injury and post-injury.
pre-injury eunhwan was a lot more naive. sincere and committed— when she says something, she will do her best to accomplish it, not letting the trust given to her be wasted. everything she dedicates herself to is made with sincerity and hard work. and most of all, she is humble, from the start until the end, she never threw her achievements at anyone’s face, even to the extent of not talking about it at all. if anyone were to look carefully in all her past interviews, all she had always said was she was thankful for everything she received and was hopeful that she would get better than her old self every time she showed herself on the rink, as a result of her unwavering commitment to the sport.
imagine living your life like that, then suddenly, your thrown away from your sanctuary, being forced to take shelter and adapt to a world you weren’t used to living. having her dreams taken away from her, post-injury eunhwan is left unambitious, with no exact plans for the future, she’s just breathing through days, months, and years without motivation. in a survey provided by the school talking about ‘what you want to be in the future’, she once answered, “i don’t see a future,” which leads us into her mildly morbid personality, if anyone in school were asked about her, some would say that she was a bit frightening, talking about death as if it didn’t faze her, someone even once said they saw scribbles on her notebook talking about oblivion and death, a scary drawing of huge flames reflecting on someone’s eyes while that same someone smiled maniacally, and under it were the words, “…and the world burns.”
she is evidently hostile and short-tempered, this being shown through her words and actions as she had the tendency to say anything she wanted, uncaring of the people around her when her temper gets ahead of her. sometimes she even smiles maliciously, her eyes glinting with the promise of showing them just how wrong they were of even thinking of crossing her. although otherwise, she doesn’t meddle with anyone’s business as long as they don’t try to stick their noses in to hers, too. despite this judgment built by her colleagues, eunhwan is also logical— yes, maybe a bit twisted with the way her mind works, but she’s not one to do things recklessly nor act without reason. she proceeds through life in a logical manner, swallowing regrets and not wallowing in what-ifs. she often persuades herself that there’s no reason to hold onto the past, and if you can’t hold on to something, you must let go. the only thing she can’t swallow down was the fact that she can’t skate anymore, but then again, every person has their faults. and she’s good at hiding this fault, acting as if didn't matter to her anymore, especially when she doesn’t allow anyone to get closer to her, both physically and emotionally—except for one. when she said she dedicated her whole life to iceskating, she meant it. she didn’t really allot time for friends or family, that’s why she’s withdrawn, with no intention to get closer to anyone, always seeming distant even in the eyes of strangers. what good would friends do anyway? it’s apparent just how her setbacks overshadowed her good traits—not that it particularly mattered to her. but they often forget or miss that she wasn't always this bitter or angry, she had once been innocent and carefree like most. but then again, people tend to overlook all the good things in a person, if they see just one little flaw.
THE STORYBOOK everything started in changsha, with parents who were never really in love and an unplanned daughter on the way, everything was bound to crash and burn. even with the money or eunhwan herself, her parents were a pair who were more destined to live separately than together. it wasn’t noticeable at first, but as she grew, the cracks slowly but steadily showed. at three, her parents’ arguments would keep her up at night, even when she didn’t know why they shouted, she would cover her ears, her eyes void of emotion, not wondering why they were shouting, but instead, when they would stop shouting. as a result to her parents’ relationship and life themselves, she didn’t really grow close to them as a normal child would. after all, if they weren’t arguing, her father would be at the hospital— since he was a reknown surgeon, and her mother would be gone for days on end—because she was a famous model, eunhwan was always alone with maids or butlers, along with a kid who lived next door named yixing, who was relentless in befriending her. when she grew older, she realized acknowledging them as parents felt more like an obligation than a privilege. before she turns four, her mother walks out the door, suitcase on her hand, and eunhwan realizes the woman would probably never come back, she watches as her mother rides a car, the man on the driver’s seat kissing her on the lips—it wasn’t her father, but she watches anyway, she follows the car with her eyes when they drive away until they were gone from her sight, never to be seen by her again until years later.
at four, her father carries her by his large hands to the airport, telling her they were moving to beijing, the flight wasn’t long, she easily settles in and continues with her life. she also starts figure skating at four, feet surprisingly able to glide smoothly through the surface and body able to move elegantly like she was attuned to the wind—it was supposed to be that one day out with her father, an attempt to get closer, but she was surprisingly better than he will ever be at skating, and little did they know, it’s the one thing that will truly drive them apart—everything starts then, that han eunhwan begins to make her world revolve around figure skating. she debuts at 6— at a large mall in beijing, everyone watches carefully, scrutinizing, trying to find little mistakes, but are awestruck by the time she finishes her last twirl and bows. the day after, she’s featured in the sports newspaper, a perfect capture of her last twirl as the image, headlines saying “han xuehua, 6: figure skating prodigy”—she doesn’t wallow over the fact her father didn’t watch her at all that day, instead, she continues forward. everything continues on through the years, she was homeschooled to focus on her skating, she spent more time skating than studying actually. that didn’t matter at all, because she was the apple of everyone’s eyes—eunhwan doesn’t miss the fact that her father liked gloating about her everywhere he went despite not attending any single event, and she thinks it’s probably because he wants to prove to her mother that he was the better parent and he raised a perfect child—she shrugs it away. at 10, she’s recognized worldwide, having been able to compete in different countries at least two times every month, always being flocked by journalists even in the morning, cameras flashing left and right, and all she does is smile a little before continuing to practice the whole day. she works harder and harder every day, always testing her limits, always surpassing her own records. she starts feeling the pain at 13, having collapsed during practice due to a pain on her hip, her doctor and coach says she needs to rest for a week—she rests for a day, and continues on. at 15, three months before a big competition, she’s offered a scholarship abroad to train professionally, enough to get her to compete in the olympics in the future. two months before the competition, her doctor tells her she needs to stop overworking herself and tells her it might end her career if she does, but she wanted to win, she needed to win. she works and works and works. so at the day of the competition, at 15, she loses everything to a permanent injury to the hip.
stricken with loss— her whole life stolen right under her feet, her father doesn’t know what to do with her, not with her withdrawal from everything, the stars in her eyes were nowhere to be seen, and she seemed to live, only because she had to. everybody believes she had to go, stop seeing the things that reminded her of everything she used to be. so he sends her to her mother in south korea, who gives her the penthouse she owned in gangnam-gu, not wanting to have to deal with her when she already had her own family. though in her parents’ defense, they did contact her occasionally and even hired a maid and driver for her, even then, she was left all alone. at 16, she swallows down everything and persuades herself to bury everything in the back of her mind. enrolled in an actual school—seongnam high school—after so many years of homeschooling, she starts to live life the only way she knows, by swallowing everything and just trying to live in the present.
EFF IT, I'M GONNA WRITE MY OWN STORYBOOK eunhwan lives in a penthouse by herself, with the maid going to her house to clean once a week while she’s at school, although technically, she spends more time at yixing’s than her own, so she can’t say she really ‘lives’ in her penthouse, having stained her bestfriend’s living quarters with her own things more than she did her own house. she’s used to living a routine life, waking up at an early hour, doing the same thing every single day, she’s done it her whole life, only a few years ago, it was a bit different. in the present, eunhwan usually wakes up before the sun rises and goes on a routine jog around the district for at least two hours, then she goes to her penthouse to wash up to go to school with yixing—who was always waiting by his car in front of the penthouse building she lived in, an hour before her classes start (despite already studying in university). often times, they go for take-outs because he knows she doesn’t eat breakfast if he didn’t insist. then she would go to classes, quietly complying and going through the day if no one ticks her off. sometimes she stays in the library until the librarian herself has to kick her out, her driver would be in the parking lot, knowing yixing had varying schedules of dismissal in university.
she didn’t really like parties, deeming it too loud and destructive for her taste, it risks the chance of her losing her temper around people. but she wasn’t so uptight that she didn’t go to ones, sometimes she does, sometimes she doesn’t, it was always based on her mood. unlike other wealthy kids, she didn’t really have much of an obligation to go to formal parties due to the fact that the family she came from weren’t really in the business scene. eunhwan doesn’t really like socializing with people and often chooses not to meddle with affairs of other people.

HIGH SCHOOL ISN'T FOR LITTLE KIDS with nothing to do other than study, eunhwan pretty much excelled in every subject she took, being included as one of the top students in school. she spent most of her time in the library not for the desire of getting good grades, but instead, to put her mind into something that wasn’t her past. she especially excels in literature, having taken interest in reading books extending from novels to reference books themselves, she writes prose in her free time although only treated it as her hobby despite getting praises from the teachers and getting an invite by the publication club. she didn’t partake in clubs and is often seen in the library, she’s like every other student out there except for the fact she exuded an air that kind of frightened everybody. especially since she isn’t afraid to show her feelings of disgust and ridicule at the students who dare disturb her sense of peace—even if it doesn’t directly concern her, or just plain out think they’re all that, standing as if they had crowns on their heads. she believed that when you’re at the top, the only place you could go was down. and she knew one day, they will fall.
— she's terrified of amusement parks, attempting to even make her step into one would trigger a panic attack
— you would never get her to drink coffee as it makes her anxious and paranoid throughout the day
— she comes from a family of doctors (father's side), owning hospital chains around the world, her father was the owner of hospital chains around the world, but he was   based in beijing, featured in TIME's 100 most influential people
— she hates pizzas, sodas, and strawberries and can't bear to eat nor drink them; otherwise, she'll just vomit them out
— her favorite dishes come from the western cuisine, she also loves chocolates
— she dislikes children because she has a hard time getting along with them, but don't really dislike them to the extent of hating them
— she goes on a routine jog every day before the sun rises at least two hours since she was 12
— she goes to a dinner with her mother and her new family at least twice a month, she has two stepbrothers who are twins and are younger by 5 years— pretty much the only kids who like her
— she once attended her mother's fashion show after-party and got stuck with rich, snotty women who talked about nothing but clothes and make-up that she swore to herself never to go to an event like it again
— she loathes the act of smoking and feels like she's being suffocated whenever she smells it on someone
— she knows how to play drums a little bit, something she learned from her former coach who treated her as a daughter
— she likes and dislikes snow because it reminds her of everything she had and lost
— she goes to an ice skating rink by herself at least thrice a week, randomly gliding through ice by herself late at night, it was a little secret she owned with her mother's new husband— who was close friends with the owner of the rink; she has her own key, now, although unsure why the owner trusted her so easily despite not meeting— she wants to believe she can go back to her old self, even when she sometimes still feel the apparent pain on her hips
— once in a blue moon aka twice a year, her family hosts a charity ball that she's obliged to go to, everyone who's rich or famous is invited; when that time of the year comes, everyone is talking about it, the event being one of the most remembered formal parties of the year
— she can write exceptional prose when she wants to, her mind often swimming with words
— she automatically converts to speaking chinese whenever she's extremely angry, often sprouting words nobody really understands, but they're sure it's not good things she's saying
— she usually doesn't eat breakfast, her tastebuds not working properly and everything tasting bland until it's 9 am in the morning; she usually doesn't get away if yixing's there

father ; han xi zhao  ; 43 ; owner of han hospital chains, based mainly in beijing  ; hardworking, loyal, intelligent, impassive, greedy, short-tempered  // he tries, believe him, he does want to— to some extent, get closer and get to know his daughter better. he's willing to give her all that she wants, if she just said so, but he’s not really good at being a father or even acting like one. he thinks that if he just lets her be and not control her decisions like his parents did, she’d be happy. he let her prioritize skating over school, go decide on her own, grow up on her own, and for years, he believed he’s done a good job, he saw stars in her eyes whenever he sees her pictures in magazines, he finds a smile on her face whenever he comes home from work to bid her goodnight even when she’s asleep. and then it all comes crashing down when she loses it, at first, he thinks that she’ll eventually cope, so he continues living like he used to, but she doesn’t get better. so he sends her away, hoping she’d be happier if she wasn’t reminded of everything, although eunhwan mistook it for throwing her away and became even distant than before. he was supposed to be the happiest man in the world, being one of the wealthiest and most influential, this was all that he wanted even back when he was a child. that’s why he never stopped to work and work even to the extent of his former wife leaving him and his daughter growing up without a father figure. he was on top of the world, but why wasn’t he happy? 
mother ; kim mina ; 41 ; former model, now co-owner of a famous fashion label ; selfish, ambitious, passionate, sophisticated, deceitful // kim mina is called eunhwan's mother only out of obligation, they don't really have a relationship past the obligatory phonecalls or the invites to fashion shows just to show off her former figure skater daughter, after all, to adults in the world, she was still someone who made a mark in the world, even for just a short time. if eunhwan were to decide, she wouldn't want to associate herself with her mother at all. but she swallows that down and in front of each other, they act civilized and pretend they care for each other. but when they're on their own, they were nothing but strangers whose obligations are dictated by fate and paper.

— stepfather ; kim eunwoo ; 44 ; reknown juridicial lawyer ; friendly, fun-loving, discontented, controlling // so far, eunwoo has been a nice person to her. she doesn't have an exact opinion of him and doesn't really think of him all that much, but she's thankful that he keeps their secret to just the both of them,. she doesn't exactly trust him, but respect him, in some way.
— stepbrothers ; kim kangjoon, kim haejoon ; 12 ;  middle school students ; boisterous, creative, fun-loving, slightly arrogant, intelligent // eunhwan had easily gotten along with the boys, although she's unsure how. they often address her hannie noona and calls her at least once a week to talk to her about school or their new games, everything that happens in their life in general and she patiently listens. she isn't overly sweet to them, but is usually more easygoing around them, smiling and laughing naturally. she usually treats them to icecream after dinner when she visits their home.
(second) cousin ; yoo seunghee ; 17 ; student at seongnam high ; charming, extraversion, daring, loyal, unpredicatable // both of their fathers are cousins and are very close to each other, meeting seunghee was inevitable. especially since the latter's father found it a good idea that he invited eunhwan to formal events he hosted, often persuading seunghee to accompany eunhwan. they weren't exactly friends, nor were they rivals, they were more like acquaintances who greeted each other with a subtle nod of the head and often started and ended the conversations with 'how are you' and 'i'm fine, thanks for asking', since eunhwan wasn't really one to socialize, it was expected that her cousin would find someone who was more willing to talk than just stand beside her. but all in all, she doesn't think too bad of seunghee and doesn't really have an exact opinion because she didn't know her all that well.
eunhwan's former coach ; huang lei  ; 34 ; ice skating coach ; hardworking, narcissistic, overimaginative, passionate  // one of the few people she trusted was huang lei, from when she was four to when she was fifteen, he was there to guide and train her to the star that she was becoming. huang lei treated her like a younger sister and often treated her out to eat or just go to a park to breathe, he even brought her out to see the first snow and ice skate on a frozen lake. when she gave up her career, she also shut him out, never talking to him even until she boarded the plane to south korea. currently, he's based in beijing, still training people who wanted to become figure skaters, but coincidentally, a former student of his who now owns an iceskating rink in seongnam informs him of han eunhwan skating every week.
*open for collaborations?? (eunhwan is a friendless and rival-less lil )
NAME zhang yixing (i'm trash)
BIRTHDATE october 7, 1996
OCCUPATION sophomore in yonsei, major in medicine and surgery
positive: humble, passionate, dedicated
neutral: adventurous, sensitive, selfless
negative: stubborn, forgetful, unconfident
ABOUT zhang yixing grew up in a wealthy household in changsha, he was much closer to his grandparents more than his parents. nevertheless, he still grew feeling cared for and had a good relationship with family. he was 15 when he moved to seoul for boarding school despite not knowing the language to establish independence and let him be decisive on his own, they said. nearly five years later and he already treats south korea as his home. he graduated as valedictorian of the batch in seongnam high. now a sophomore in yonsei, he's a surgeon in the making whose idol was eunhwan's dad. although considered one of the brightest and most hardworking student in the university, he is still doubtful of hiw own capabilities.
FIRST MEETING technically, eunhwan has been with yixing since she was two and he was five— since they were neighbors— he had been lively as a child and had relentlessly accompanied the girl everywhere she went to or whatever she did even when he usually got ignored. it takes for yixing accidentally falling down the pool to have eunhwan notice him, and they’ve been friends ever since.
RELATIONSHIP in a way, she seemed like an open book to yixing, since he always seemed to understand the way she thinks and he always knows what to do with her when she's upset or sad. despite being older by three years and being in university, he always makes time for eunhwan, they even had friday night marathons that lasted until four in the morning, he sent her to school every day, and she practically lives in his flat. with yixing, eunhwan doesn’t have to be lonely or sad, in a way, yixing was like ice skating, she feels at home, like she belonged. around yixing, she can joke around and laugh naturally, accept everything as is and just feel blissful even for just a short while. this boy is the only person she trusts most. to many and sometimes even to her own self, it’s questionable just how capable she is to love another person, but yixing’s the living proof.
THE STORYBOOK 2.0 although separated at four when she moved to beijing, he begins writing letters to her when she was 10, often congratulating her on her achievements and telling him of his life in changsha, and eventually seoul. they continue writing to each other until she’s 15. at 15 when she's sent to korea, he welcomes her with open arms in the airport silently telling her everything's gonna be okay. they don’t exactly have a label and was just basking in each other’s lives comfortably.
STATUS i'd walk through fire for you, even if it meant burning myself
SO, WHO ARE YOU? — han eunhwan, can i get out now?
YOO SEUNGHEE IS BACK IN TOWN, HAVE YOU HEARD ABOUT THAT? WHAT DO YOU THINK? — oh, well, i guess that's nice? seunghee and i aren't really as close as our fathers are, i don't really think i have to meddle with how she lives her life.
UNDER THE WATCHLIST OF GOSSIP GIRL, HOW DO YOU FEEL RIGHT NOW? — ...was i supposed to feel something particularly? i've spent nearly 17 years of my life being scrutinized and judged by the public eye, i don't think it's as big of a deal as everyone thinks it is, everyone's always looking for entertainment in other people's lives, clearly because they don't have their own. it isn't something new, but i'd be more comfortable not being under it.
WHAT'S THE FIRST BLAST ABOUT YOU ON GOSSIP GIRL'S BLOG? HOW DID IT AFFECT YOUR LIFE AFTER THAT? — it was when i first moved here to seoul, they made a big deal out of my arrival and seemed to have found fun playing with words. it didn't affect me largely, they don't matter to me, but the nickname they dubbed me as hasn't been forgotten by any citizen of south korea.
THOUGHTS ON DRAMA? ARE YOU A DRAMA MAKER, LOVER OR HATER? — i'm not fond of drama at all, but because it's inevitable in the world i'm living in, i just try to stay out of it the best i can. but drama seems to like me, everybody keeps trying to drag me in.
HOW DO YOU EXPLAIN YOUR RELATIONSHIPS WITH EVERYONE ELSE AROUND YOU? — the adults are somewhat fond of me, especially athletes and social climbers, athletes often tell me they admire me for the past work i've done and social climbers often come up to talk to me and praise me, i don't think they even know i don't skate anymore. people my age either aren't really fond of me or don't really have an opinion of me, i don't have enough will to stick my nose into other people's lives. let them think what they want to think.
WHEN THERE'S A BLAST ABOUT YOU, HOW WILL YOU ACT? — i don't particularly act ballistic whenever a blast comes up, as long as it doesn't damage the current relationships i have now, it doesn't really matter to me. after all, my name's already stained the moment i stepped foot in seoul and everybody already thinks i'm somewhat psychotic, what's a little more harm, right? it's not usually me that gets angry, it's the people around me.
LAST BUT NOT LEAST, HAVE A NICE DAY BEFORE GOSSIP GIRL RUIN IT. try doing something better, love. i eat insults for breakfast.
SECRET #1 she consumes drugs through injection, no one knows this, not even yixing, but she's desperate to feel alive and forget the past, to feel something when bad days come and the shadows try to drag her in the dark. it's not true that she can't feel anything, she's angry, frustrated, upset, and hates herself and the people who keeps meddling in her life, sometimes she even feels like she's choking on air, she wants to give up. sadly, sometimes yixing isn't enough.
SECRET #2 she has a mild eating disorder, brought upon by her former model of a mother who never fails to tell her she had to lose weight because she would look ridiculous and plain unworthy of even appearing in her shows— this pushes her self-esteem to lower despite pretending it doesn't affect her. she tends to willfully skip meals, sometimes not even eating the whole day at all. and she's underweight.
SECRET #3 she almost sent someone to the hospital after getting into a catfight in school after losing her temper to a girl who was talking to her friends about seducing and using zhang yixing, the unbelievably hot but gullible sunbae, because she believed she was surely more 'desirable' than eunhwan will ever be.
E-BLAST #5003 we only used to see her on the ice, too bad the sports world's already moving on without her! han eunhwan more recognized as xuehua, the so-called prodigy and daughter of former popular couple han xi zhao and kim mina, was seen at incheon airport today. looks like she's been thrown away even by her father. of course, what do you do with things you can't use anymore? throw it away... i wonder what she has in store for us during her sweet stay in our beloved seoul.
E-BLAST #5027 so-called prodigy losing her mind? maybe we should learn to keep distance. han eunhwan was reported to have gone on a sudden rage and punched the school's female comfort room mirror. her hands were bleeding as she screamed bloody murder while looking at herself on the broken mirror. 
E-BLAST #5070 spotted: so-called prodigy and-- wait, isn't that the sunbae from seongnam everyone adored, zhang yixing? why were they entering yixing's flat? looks like they've got something going on if han eunhwan has keys to his own home. think they'll last long? has yixing even heard about the gossips surrounding this girl?
E-BLAST #5102 uh-oh, better be careful around the so-called prodigy even more, someone has seen her drawing of fire engulfing something indistinguishable reflecting on maniacal eyes with a scary smile which we speculate is a drawing of herself. watch out, she might just literally start a fire and watch you burn if you ever strike at her wrongly.
"everything that goes up, must eventually come down"
COMMENTS i think i just word vomitted, please forgive me CRIES but i did my best! i hope you enjoyed reading anyway! i took longest in the short description idk anymore lol
QUESTIONS none, really??? but if i did anythin confusing or just plain wrong, please tell me! ehehe ^^
ACTIVITY RATE 8 out of 10 (bc school screAMS ㅠㅠ)
PASSWORD scream - d.o.


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