
⟪ OTHER NAMES ⟫ 吳世林 (Wú Shì lín)


→  SAE-RIN  a pun of her name, since 'Sae' means 'bird' in english. it's given to her by her friends because when she complains, she can talk a little bit too much and fast. but recently her dad and the members call her by this name too.
→  GIRIN  another pun of her name which literally means 'giraffe' in English. It's given by her friends because she is taller than most of her friends, and she is even slightly taller than some boys in her school.

⟪ BIRTHDAY ⟫ December 30th, 2025
⟪ BIRTHPLACE ⟫ Seoul, South Korea
⟪ HOMETOWN ⟫ Beijing, China

⟪ ETHNICITY ⟫ Korean-Chinese
⟪ NATIONALITY ⟫ Korean & Chinese (dual citizenship)


→  FLUENT KOREAN  Well, Korean is her first language as she was born in South Korea. It also the language her parents used to communicate with each other. Even after she moved to China, her parents still made sure to speak in Korean when they talk to her
→  NATIVE MANDARIN  It's her second language as her mother is Chinese despite of being fluent in Korean. It also became her native language as she moved to China around June 2028 and continuously lived there until she graduated from elementary school
→  ADVANCED ENGLISH  Since she moved to China, she began to attend International School since her nursery until she graduated from elementary school, as she wasn't that fluent in Mandarin back then.

⟪ FACE-CLAIM ⟫ Kim Dani
⟪ BACK UP ⟫ Kim Saeron
⟪ HEIGHT, WEIGHT ⟫ 172cm, 55kg

⟪ APPEARANCE ⟫ Due to the heritage of both her mother and father's bright toned skin, she possesses pale complexion. Her skin is pretty much flawless, she doesn't appear to have any traces of scars, probably because she is a princess(?). Her long hair is now dyed in the shade of brown. She doesn't have any piercings nor tattoos. She doesn't even wear ear rings. She finds it uncomfortable. She often feels itchy when she wears earrings nor piercings.

⟪ FASHION STYLE ⟫ Serin doesn't really like something too girly nor cutie. She usually just wears a short sleeved tops and a shorts in dorm. Sometimes she also wears a sleeveless tops and a legging. For practice, she would usually wear a long sleeved shirt and a shorts. She would wear the thicker one if the weather is kinda cold, and will wear the thinner for the opposite.


⟪ PERSONALITY ⟫ Bold, Strong-willed, Decisive, Tsundere, Stubborn, Weird, Obscure, Sceptical, Fussy, Impatient

Serin is a person who does things boldly. She doesn't fear risks, and she doesn't hold back. It sometimes can also makes her seems rebellious since she is stubborn at once. When she wants to do something, she will do it earnestly all she wants, but she will refuse to do something she doesn't want to do, or something that she sees as nothing to benefit or profit her. She is clear to her decision. Strangers might see her as someone who is mean, arrogant and unapproachable, but actually she is kind hearted, and tends to take care of someone she cares to secretly. It's because she doesn't trust someone easily. She needs to make sure that she doesn't get close to just anyone. However, once she trust someone, she doesn't stop to.

When someone gets to know her, they can see that she is kinda weird. She is obscure and can't really express her true self well, so sometimes she uses the expressions that are kinda hard to understand, yet she hopes that someone will. She also is fussy, which actually comes from her decisive trait. She can't stand to see someone being impulsive. However, sometimes she also is being fussy when she argues or complains. She talks much, fast and endlessly when she does so. She aso isn't someone who is used to wait for someone. She can protests them for a week for making her wait. She is intolerant. For her, when someone is given a second chance, they will ask for more chances so she can't let it happen.


AFTER THE SEPARATION — Starting from his days as a member of EXO, he has been trying to enter the acting industry. He slowly went up until the day of the separation. He continued to pursue his acting career after the separation. Which was how he met with Serin's mother. Serin's mother had been living in South Korea since her College year. She was an exchange student for the acting department. She was going to go back to China after her exchange program ended, but her plan changed as she was casted by SM so  she stayed in Korea longer. After receiving some more training, SM debuted her as a Korean actress in 2017 who went by the name 'Jang Yehwa', which became her Korean name. Sehun and Serin's mother met officially on 2022, when they starred in the same drama. They became close since then, and began to date after the second time they starred in the same drama again on 2023. They dated for a little over one year, and then decided to marry each other after the signs of her existence began to appear

LET'S GROW PRETTILY — Serin and her parents moved to Beijing, China on June 2028 due to both of her parents' business. Her mother was going to do her acting debut in China, and her father also planned to inaugurate his academy's new branch there, also SM planned his debut in China around the short period after her mother's debut. As Serin had grew big enough to be handed to a babysitter, she mostly stayed with her babysitter, that's why her mother decided to enroll her to a pre-school earlier, just a few months after they moved. Being an only child in the family, she was being quite spoiled. Furthermore her parents weren't around that much, so she was pretty free to do anything she wants. On the early November 2037, she moved back to South Korea just as her parents planned.

A LITTLE BIT OF REBELLION WON'T HURT — Without her parents knowing, Serin actually had an interest on music since she was 10. And she started to fond into hip hop since then, and had been practicing rap by herself. At first, she followed and memorized the rap from the song she heard, and slowly, she began to write her own lyrics. So since then, instead of diary, she had always been writing lyrics and practice by herself. She search for hip hop music from all over the world, which ended up finding YG Entertainment's songs, and made her idolized that company's artists so much. So when she moved to South Korea, she thought that her chance had come, and ended up auditioning for YG Entertainment without her parents knowing. Well yeah, you gonna admit that she wasn't that good back then, but the staffs there said that she reminded them of G Dragon, who started to rap around her age, and thought that she could probably grow big like him, and eventually accepted her as a trainee. Thanks to both of her parents' tight schedule back then, Serin managed to keep receiving her training in YG up to a year and a half.

TO THE OTHER PATH —  One day, her father accidentally heard her practicing her rap in her room in the night. Sehun actually already had a thought to lead her into the idol life by introducing her to dancing since she was younger, but it didn't work that well as she seemed like having a lack of interest on it, which made her skill didn't really grow, and that kinda put him in a wormwood condition. That was why Serin was the last member who was added. Sehun thought he need more time to make sure that Serin is prepared enough to be in the group, or at least good enough to receive her train well. However, after saw that side of her, he immediately drag her to the company (SM's) building. Well, not really drag her there, since Sehun just brought her there by deceiving her a bit, saying that he had somewhere to go with her without telling her where will they head to. He just actually drag her after she got what was going to happen. Serin then quietly quit YG Entertainment after receiving a bit threat from her father who firmly told her to train in the company.


— Milk
— Rain
— Music
— Bread
— Coffee
— Chocolate
— Spicy foods
— Scented candle


— Flies
— Seafoods
— Dirty room
— Raw foods
— Mosquitoes
— Being underestimated
— Too hot / too cold things
— Onion, garlic, and its' friends(?)


— Rapping
— Swimming
— Skateboarding
— Playing dumb (?)
— Playing Basketball


— She is ambextrous
— She likes to be soaked in rain
— No one in the group knows that she can speak mandarin
— She gets hungry and full easily, so she doesn't eat much at once
— She tends to tilt her head and stare into her sides when she thinks
— Whenever she talks when she is still half asleep, she will ends up babbling
— When she gets in contact to either cold or hot things, her heart tends to beat fast
— She gets intimidated by someone who is too kind. Someone like that confuses her
— She doesn't really like pizza because she ate it too often before she entered the company. She is sick of it

⟪ SPECIAL DICTIONARY ⟫ (sh*ts Oh Serin says)

— My ears become hot = Stop nagging
— My head becomes heavier = I'm sleepy
— I sure am cursed = You are so damned annoying
— I think there is a party inside my stomach = I'm hungry
— Something is making a ruckus inside of me = I need to go to the toilet
— I think the hell's doors and windows is open wide = It's freaking hot here
— Should I report it to the police? = It's so messy here, I thought a thief tresspassed


⟪ FAMILY ⟫ sehun.jpg
DADDY, OH SEHUN – 47 years old; Actor & Founder of Eureka Dance Academy

Well, Oh Sehun isn't the best daddy in the world, but at least he knows what he needs to do. Sehun can be both busier and less busy than Serin's mother, because sometimes he needs to go abroad to see how his Academy is growing, as the academy is spread to Korea, Japan, China, and even Taiwan. As he is not as active as Serin's mother in acting, sometimes he would have more time in home so at least, he has more time to observe his girl more than his wife can. He is more firm to Serin, not like his wife who will lecture her endlessly when Serin makes trouble, he usually will attack Serin right to her weakness. Confiscate some of her stuffs, makes her can't do something she wants, threats her, etc.

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MOMMY, ZHANG YUEHA – 46 years old; Actress

'Lecture Queen'. That's how Serin sees her mother. Well, her mother is kind and caring. However, being an actress and a mom at once sure isn't an easy thing. As taking care of Serin isn't something she can do  that often, lecturing became her form of care to Serin. Because she can't take care of Serin often, she needs to at least make sure that Serin takes care of herself well. Well, Serin is an only child, so she is just like a crystal in the family, and whenever she has time, she usually would bring Serin to go shopping, or at least to have a meal. Because even that she didn't really spend much time with Serin, she knows that Serin doesn't really like to go shopping for clothes.



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CLOSE FRIEND (might possibly be love rival), JUNG CHANHEE– 16; YG Trainee

Chanhee, the son of Jung Chanwoo of YG's disbanded group iKON, is Oh Serin first ever friend in South Korea. They got to know each other as they met numerous times both inside, outside, nor in front of YG's training centre. As YG has a tradition to train their girl trainees and boy trainees separately, they didn't get to get close, but then they turned out to attend the same school, and furthermore they actually are classmates. They used to always go straight to the training centre buiding right after school, so they rode the same bus everyday, which is the same thing with them walked together almost everyday. So they just slowly talk about stuffs which made them eventually got close. They even contact each other often until now

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Dabin is Serin's high school friend. They are classmates, and also neighbors at the same time. This little girl is the second daughter of Sehun's high school friend, Jung Daeun, who was the member of disbanded girl group 2EYES, which made Sehun treats her differently. Both Sehun and Daeun treat each other's child pretty much as they treat their own child. So Dabin and Serin eventually got close due to the incentive circumstance.



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'COUSIN', KRIS' BOY– 22; Idol (Astral)

Being the first boy of Astral she met, it's kinda hard for her to admit, but he is the one she is closest with in the group. Good for them(?), they met when Serin was still bright and approachable not a sassy little brat like she now is. Serin used to visit his house quite often when she was in her freshmen year of middle school. She stopped coming afterwards since he became a senior in high school and needed to focus on his study. They became pretty much as close as a real sibling. The older takes care for the younger and sometimes dotes her at the same time, while the younger enjoys the love from his older brother while returning some of her brother's love by annoys him(?)

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'COUSIN', LUHAN's BOY– 21; Idol (Astral)

The second oldest, and the youngest. Their just doesn't let them to be close to each other. Well, the other reason probably is the fact that both party don't really try to get close to each other. Well, with their , what's there to discuss or talk about? They do often meet in the composing room with the composers and the other rappers in the group to discuss the theme and further details of the song they're going to make. However they don't really talk much to each other and just exchange a couple of words sometimes, and that's just when they really need to.

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'COUSIN', LAY's GIRL– 20; Idol (Astral)

Serin actually is not close with her at first, just like how she is with the other members. However, she keeps taking care of her. Probably because of the fact that Serin is the youngest. Serin keeps distance from her at first, but Lay's girl keeps caring for her and even takes care of her. So Serin gets somehow intimidated by it, and finally gives in and opens up to her, which made the two ended up being close. Well, Lay's girl is probably the one Serin is the closest with in the group apart from Kris' boy.


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'COUSIN', PARK MIYA – 17; Idol (Astral)

Miya unni, miya unni, miya unni. As much as she doesn't want to call her that, Serin holds a jealousy towards Mia. That's what keeps them from being close, or so she thought. Carrying her special title in the group, Serin sure is aware that it's something which made her gets all the attention in the group like she is now. Of course it's not like Serin completely disliking those attentions, since she actually also didn't get much of her parents' attention, but it's just that.. Serin thinks if only she was the second youngest she will still get the attentions as well as giving her attentions to the younger. She doesn't have both younger nor older siblings, that's why she hoped that she was at least the second youngest.


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'UNCLE', KRIS WU – 51 years old; Actor (most probably)

Long after the separation, both Sehun and Kris matured, and they reunited after Kris found out the fact that Sehun has moved to China. He met the little Serin who was still in kindergarten. Like a fate, Kris and Sehun got an offer in the same movie. That was when Serin grew a little older, which was approximately 3 years later. Serin and Kris became quite close since then, probably because she was younger and still innocent so she is still easy to approach, furthermore because she knows that Kris was Sehun's friend. Well, she actually didn't know that he was Sehun's bandmate, because she did know that Sehun was in a boy group, however she didn't know the further details. So she just naturally opened up because Kris did adore her back then

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'UNCLE', KIM 'KAI' JONGIN – 47 years old; TBA

Used to be known as the maknae line along with Sehun, Kai is just simply close to Sehun. Serin first met him when she was 2. Well, Kai actually visited when he heard that Serin was born, but you know a newborn doesn't have that ability to remember something, right? They didn't meet again since then for years, until the time Sehun opened the first branch of his academy in China. That was when she was on the 2nd grade of elementary school. Because of the same case with Kris, when she was still innocent and bright, Kai just easily got close to her. They then met again after Sehun moved back to South Korea. That was just a month before she turned 12. Good for Kai, she still remembered him and remained the same



Ahh... Seriously.. I supposed to be in the other company, though. *she sees Sehun's widened eyes* Umm.. Well, I mean that I actually was going to audition for the other company, but it was such a relief that he helped me to find a company. *she shows her awkward smile and inverts her stare* 'He didn't even tell me anything but... Aaahh.. I'm screwed...' *covers her face with her hands* 'Didn't he at least had to tell me about that damned contract if he was going to involve me to that?!' 


*she tilts her head a bit, staring to her left. a sign that she is thinking* I don't even have- *she feels Sehun's glare which makes her getting chills, she gets what he means and clears to say another answer* Um... Well... Kinda? Ummm.. Yeah... They... seem like adoring me as I'm the youngest so don't you think that we will get along well? *she glances at Sehun, but seems like Sehun isn't satisfied with the answer* Well, It hasn't been long since I entered the group, so I think we need more time. *she shows her awkward smile again*


Well.. We're under SM Entertainment, and furthermore I heard the group my father was in was no-joking-ly popular, and that group was under SM Entertainment too, right? So don't you think that we will be popular too? *this time she decides to ignore any signal from Sehun. a slight smile formed on her face* Yeah you know, rising little stars high into the beautiful sky is SM's speciality, isn't it? *she is being arrogant this time* 'But still.. The one who has an ability to raise a little star into a dazzling little star is YG.'


note : the ones in normal color + italic is what is on her mind, which is the real answer

kai's boy

⟪ AGE ⟫ 17
⟪ BACK UP ⟫ Kris' Boy ⟪ BACK UP ⟫ Chen's Boy



Starting from a tom and jerry relationship, they began to develop feelings for each other. Serin doesn't call him as 'oppa' despite of him being older than her. They like to tease each other, and sometimes if they argue, they have to be separated by others because we don't know when will they stop. And sometimes, they might argue over the same reason for three days. Until they begin to realize their feelings for each other, they start to be awkward around each other.


They met for the first time during her first day of training. However then, they turned out to be classmates (Serin started school a year earlier than she supposed to).

⟪ LAST COMMENTS ⟫ Hey there! Nice to know you ><. By the way I'm kinda taken aback when there was an applicant who used Oh Serin as his love interest name, because I exactly was going to use that name as I always do whenever I use Dani as face claim ><. So in case you misunderstand, I didn't collab with that applicant, but I'm rather being shameless by using a used name(?) Well... I'll be waiting for your updates. ^^ Ah yeah, about the interview section, I did it for fun and... no offense to SM, so I hope there won't be misunderstanding


— Unexpected loveline from unexpected pairing

— The oldest line (Kris' boy & Lay's girl) lock 2 members (boy-girl) who are in an awkward relationship in one room to make them closer, they also install a hidden camera there only to see a deadly awkward scene

⟪ PASSWORD ⟫ Sky + #6699FF


⟪ POSITION ⟫ Main Rapper, Maknae

⟪ STAGE NAME ⟫ Serin

⟪ SINGING ⟫ TWICE's Tzuyu | GFriend's Sowon

⟪ DANCING ⟫ TWICE's Tzuyu | After School's Nana

⟪ RAPPING ⟫ Jennie Kim | Moon Sua (Unpretty Rapstar)

⟪ OTHERS ⟫ Acting, Writing Lyrics



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