「 #NEXT▸SON OF ANT-MAN AND THE WASP (second generation) ➳

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NEXT : mark lang

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BIRTHNAME : Mark Anthony Henry Lang

Ant man Jr. — because he has the same ability as his father, when he suit up and is on a battle, some used to teas him as Ant Man Jr. but he doesn't like it because... "I'M BASED ON A GRASSHOPPER."

Professor Mark — because he is as smart as his grandfather, Hank Pym, they call him as a professor.

DATE OF BIRTH : April 4th, 20
ETHNICITY : American

English —  fluent, because... well... you know why LOL. he doesn't learn any other language because he's never intrested in learning language

FACE CLAIM : Nathan Kress
HEIGHT & WEIGHT :177cm and 65kg


for the face appearance, he looks pretty much a like the faceclaim. Anthony is a nerd. well he's a nerd disguising as a jock. he's very muscular and he usually wears plaid shirts. sometimes wearing a regular t shirt suits him too. When he's at his 'own' lab coughshisroomcughs, he usually wears a special lab coat. and at school, he usually wears jeans and he likes using nike because he thinks it's the most comfortable shoes. he usually brings a basketball to school and sometimes he uses a t-shirt and his basketball pants for playing around in the basketball field.


+smart, outgoing, social, wise, hard worker

-too serious, emotional, easily irritated, moody, stubborn

PERSONALITY : He's smart. he got it from his mom, hope pym. he's very curious in everything around him so he studied everything that give him intrest. and through his experience, he also learn how to be smart and wise in making dessicion, in breaking a fight among his friends. he's also a very outgoing person. he disguise himself as a jock behind that actual nerd image, and through that he learned to easly talk to people to just stay cool to people he actually wants to avoid. and thus he also know how to socialize with people easily. he can talk to someone quiet and make him/her open up of what actually happened to them. he also have intrest in science and he worked really hard to learn the theories that his grandfather ever made. 

but being inside his room too much sometimes made him too serious. he focused too much on his microscope and his computer to know what he's searching for. that made him easily irritated when someone knock the door, either it's his mom, dad, grandfather or even his friends. and when someone entered his room and not coming out while he was in the middle ofdoing something, he gets really irritated, but he just rolled his eyes and nod at everthing that the person who interrupts tells. "Hmm, yeah, okay. so are you done now? i'm in the middle of something." sometimes he likes listening to people's story, but he got too emotional to some sotries that he turned out to be angry at the person who made his friends sad. he's also very moody, having two personality. being serious at times on his little lab and sometimes he can be very friendly and fun, which makes people don't know what his real attitude is. he's also very stubborn especially when talking to other smartlings in the next avengers. "No! i've seen that molecule before, it couldn't be it."

BACKGROUND : New Jersey is the home of the famous Hank 'Henry' Pym or usually known as the famous ant man. well... not anymore, he passed the suit to a smart burgelar, Scott Lang. After working side by side with Hope Pym, the daughter of Hank Pym who is known as the second generation wasp, they got married and had a son. and as goofy as his father is, he named his son after his pet ant who died when he was facing the yellowjacket. well not fully. they opened a bible and it landed on Mark. and thus his name is Mark Anthony, with a special name from his grandfather, henry, and an adition of Scott's last name.

"I can't believe my name is after a dying ant..."

"Hey! Anthony was a real hero!" said his dad.

Mark grew up being mostly taken care by his grandfather. he loves to play basketball, but he didn't have that tall DNA. LOL. he knew about his parent who were ant man and the wasp at the age of 11. and after that, his life was never normal. he browsed about his own family. he knows about ant man. about his dad. about his grandfather. and since then he studied about the pym particles. he thought about how obssesed his parents are to insect so he tried to choose a special incect to study on. he then picked the grasshopper, because it's intresting to see a jumping insect.

he finally started school and as smart as he is, he tried to blend in by joining the basketball team. he passed and well, he's quiet popular at school. it's the only way for him to survive there. but after he went home, he went right on to his little lab, filled with papers, computers, hanging datas and a pet grasshopper, he named him "Gee". he's usually very secretive about his room, he doesn't let anyone enter it. he's been working on using gravity's opposite directions and make a resilince to create a strong push of his shoes so he can jump higher. but somehow it never worked.

one time, right after his graduation at school, his grandfather entered his room and caught him working on his stuff. "I can explain!" he said while panicing. but his grandfather was amazed. and after knowing what he works on all this time, he invited Mark to his lab and introduce him to the pym particles. Hank pym also helped him with his jumping shoes project. he jumped quiet high but somehow when he falls it sorta hurt because of the friction between the air and his body. so he decided to make his own suit and looks pretty much like his father's but it's green. and thus his project worked.

a thief was doing his job during that time and no one was there to help the victim. he used the ym particles to shrink himself and hopped to kick and saved the day. huraaaay. he then leaned using an supersonic device to interact to grasshoppers.

both his parents then knew about him and his dad is proud of what he does. one day someone found out about him and he was recruited as the next avengers.


-science(especially physics)
-classic music(he listens to it to focus even more)
-churros (he eats it as a snack while studying)

-hard core music
-when someone enters his room wihout knocking
-when he did a fail fall after jumping
-when someone refers him as a kiddo, or as ant man junior

-ruffling his own hair when he can't solve a problem
-coming back and forth around his room with a rolling chair

-playing basketball ofcourse
-browsing and analyzing about science
-secretly going to the library to study or just to chill
-practicing wearing his suit in a special field behind Hank Pym's house
-talking to his grasshopper 'Gee'


RELATIONSHIPS : only include those who are important and matter to your character

Dad — Scott Lang(50+) / Avengers member as Ant Man/ sassy, fun, smart / quiet close
His father often works with the avengers and left Mark home with his grandfather, but when he have time, he always plays basketball with Mark. he's very proud of what Mark has become and how Mark use his suit to be a hero

Mom — Hope Pym (45+) / Avengers member as The wasp / strict, intelligent, confident / quiet close
Hope is basically smarter than Scott, sometimes Mark asked his Mom for a science advice, he learns how to make good dessicions from his mother, and he gets his fighting skills from her DNA.

Grandfather — Hank Pym (70+) / scientist / fun, funny, outgoing, wise / really close
He has been a good friend of Mark since the day Mark was born. Mark learned a lot from him. Mark got his intrest in science because of him too. Hank helped Mark on making his suit and his jumping shoes. Hank also helped him in training as a hero.

half older sister — Cassandara(cassie) Lang () / student / fun, bubbly, serious, rebel / not so close
Mark knew he has an older sister, he knew about cassie as his half sister, he met her once and she doesn't really like Mark because his father now rarely sees her, but was because Scott had to work as Ant man. She dislikes her new father and she keep on rebeling her mother just to see her dad. (in the comic book, cassie is rumoured as the next holder of avengers as the stinger)

friends — Odette Maximoff (17) / Nest Avengers member/ Energic / not quiet close
Mark is a little bit amuzed by mutans, but he never gets to be close to any of the mutants there is in the avengers even though Odette is quiet friendly. but Mark always tries to stay outgoing and talk with everyone in the team

friends — Nest Avengers member/ various.
he can get close to anyone, as long as they don't disturb him when he's studying in his little lab. or he can get close to those who have the same intrest as him. you know, the smartlings.


ALIAS : GROUNDHOPPERS, refers to the grasshopper but because he doesn't just jumps on the grass, he changed grasshopper to groundhoppers.

"It says that the grasshopper brings luck"


(PS: it's suppose to be green)

-Pym Particles attached to his suit - he can shrink into the size of an ant and grow to the size of a giant, tho he's now still practicing on the shirnking? same as their parents? elaborate. if no weapons then delete. make sure to add limitations

-Shrinking growing disc. the red disc means shrinking, the blue ones means grow, he threw it at any object and the pym particles wil make it shrink or grow.

-gravity resilince shoes. he can jump higher than normal people can. he can arrange the height of his jumps by giving extra boost with his normal human energy. he can jump faster when he shrinks and jumps slower when he grew. he made his own shoes by using the gravity theory, and flexibility. the shoe is not attached to his suit so he can use it anywhere and when he's about to jump, a green ring shaped light appear under his shoes showing that it's giving a force against gravity.

-Stinger. can generate powerful bio-electric blast from his hands that could cut through a high dencity structure. he got this from the wasp's suit and remake it into his own.

-Insect communication control. He use a special microsonic device as an 'antenne' to interract with insects and grasshoppers.

-Fire resistance suit. after his failed project, he continued to make a suit just like his father but it's green and it's fire resistance. he also made his own helmet



-He can also do high jump, and does martial arts like back flipping, rolling, cart wheel
-playing basketball
-fighting skills(karate)learnt from his mother



I don't know, i guess it's kinda fun? i mean i finally get to use my super suit and not alone in saving the day. as long as there's team work and a leader, we're good to go.


i'm trying my best to be close to all of them and work together just like our parents. let's just hope there's no civil war 2 LOL. but i'm glad i have them as good friends because idk who would be my friends after i graduate from school.


They respect me as Hank Pym's Grandson rather than Scott lang's son, so.. i'm the scientist? the vise leader? and ofcourse... 'Ant Man Junior'


Actually someone came to me asking if i want to be in the team or not. both my parents and my grandpa agreed so it was all up to me, and i guess since it'll be fun, i accepted them

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LOVE INTEREST :Katarina Romanoff Barton (one of the applicant of hawkeye and black widow's daughter)
BACK UP LOVE INTEREST : no love intrest


Quiet, Calm, Reserved, Patient, Determined, Hard-Working, Caring, Cold, Blunt, Harsh, Sarcastic, Insecure, Untrusting, Insensitive


It started out as Mark trying to save the day by catching a thief but he almost failed and Kat was there to helped him and they got the thief. Kat was there to catch Mark and make him entered the next avengers. Mark is easily to interract with all of the team. he can be close to anyone, but somehow Kat couldn't. He had to thank her of what happened before, so he came to her and said thanks but only to get a cold glare from her. it was the first time he's intrested in girls. he then followed Kat everywhere to know her better even if he knew Kat was annoyed, but he kept teasing her and made her finally opened up to each other. since they're both born without superhuman powers, they usually train together and work together to finish the mission.

RELATIONSHIP STATUS :  Best friends who are in love(?)

ENDING :  together


LAST WORDS : OMG i love marvel so much. i used ant man because well... hank pym is still one of the first avengers XD. and i use another applicant as a love intrest :> OH AND I HAVE TOO MUCH FAVORITE QUOTES AND I HAVE 3 FAVORITE HEROESSO THERE ARE 3 DIFFERENT LINKS SORRY. XD


The young avengers fighting side by side with their parents


"Puny God"

"Great powers comes great responsibility"



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