「 book of life 」魔女の血族. ━ Daxia Zhang。

《あがめる》 : daxia
birth name :  daxia november zhang
nicknaME(s) :
fluffball (of sunshine)
this rooted from her always smiling and being fluffy. there wasn't much reason behind this, except that one day, yixing just spontaneously pinched her cheek and said, "you're my fluffball of sunshine". since then, she's been nicknamed fluffball BY HIM.
this was actually her legal english name that only a few know and use. it was invented originally because of her mother's inclination to the english culture because of her ambassador career.
this is a shortened version of her name and is used by almost everyone since she moved to korea except her family and all the former friends and acquaintances connecting her to china since they found dash appropriate to hear.
birthdate & age : november 27, 1994; 21
ethnicity : chinese
languages : 
born in beijing and having a chinese family, the first words she learned were most certainly all mandarin. 

she moved to korea years ago as a foreign student offered with a full-scale scholarship in college.
if there was anything anyone should doubt about daxia, it was not her love of reading. because of this interest, she had persevered to study the english medium in order to have a great variety of books to read. it also helps that her mother is an ambassador and wanted her to learn the language.
occupation : law student in seoul national university
faceclaim : rv's kang seulgi
Backup :  rv's son wendy
height and weight : 160 cm and 40 kg
appearance : 
you've got a smile that could light up the sky
with fair skin and hair the shade of light brown—which reached just past her shoulders, she was almost like any other person out there. it wasn’t exactly in how she looked like did she attract attention from people, she knew she was beautiful to some extent, of course, but, two things specifically usually help pinpoint just who was daxia zhang: firstly, it was the way she carried herself confidently, back straightened and head high with the elegance of a ballet dancer. lastly, it was in the way her smile had the power to brighten up the room and somehow lighten peoples’ mood. she exuded an air of happiness and light-heartedness. she was also standing at 160 cm, she used to find that a disadvantage, being towered over by many of her peers and having to be teased for being one of the petite ones. maybe she was being biased, she wasn’t sure, but when she’s standing with yixing, it didn’t seem that bad after all. she, of all people knew, that yixing wasn’t the tallest out there, but when he’s with her, the way they stood wasn’t all that bad, and she’s contented that way—more so because thinking that kissing him would’ve been easier without having to pull his neck down drastically, but that wasn’t supposed to be said out loud, so reader, please forget that extra note. also, she has a tattoo on her left wrist saying 'bull' which she unintentionally got when she was angry at 18, she often hides it using her white watch and not many people knows of this little rebellion she did when she was younger.
stylE :
you can never go wrong with monochrome
she liked 2 specific things: monochrome and comfortable. she has a very wide range of sweatshirts and long-sleeved shirts, most of which are all black and white. she also prefers wearing shorts and sneakers rather than jeans, skirts, heels or dresses. but don't really hate them to the extent of not wearing them.
"work hard, work hard, work harder."
personality traits :
( + ) : hardworking, intelligent, spunky, cheerful
( - )distractful, short-tempered, mischievous, possessive
( ? ) : straightforward, adventurous
description : 
mrs. zhang, aka daxia's mum
"as long as this program doesn't hinder my daughter's schooling, then i'm not against any of this. i think daxia's mature enough to understand the consequences of this short delusion if she fails her classes. clearly, her future is much more important than some boy or some show, but i'm putting my hopes up that she can handle this perfectly fine. is this all? i still need to go to a meeting." 
random classmate 
"honestly, there's not much to say about dash. if you were all digging trash about her, well, there's nearly none.  she gets along with everybody, whenever i see her walking down the halls, i see so much people waving and greeting her, some of which were even sunbaes. and everyone ends up teasing her that she's almost like the k-idol version of snu, like the one she liked, i think his name was zhang yixing. yeah, she doesn't stop talking about him."
fei, former roommate
"if you see that girl writing or scribbling and she catches you looking, she will tell you, "there's a ing universe inside my damned mind," and you might not understand her but it's because she literally can't stop writing when she's in the mood. her mind is just so full of ideas that sometimes it even irritates her herself because she can't get one job done if she has a variety of plots/scenes inside her mind all at the same time. i think out of all the stories she's published, it's not even half of all the drafts she's  written. that girl cannot draw for her life but she has a really creative mind that when i read what she writes, i can picture the things she described almost perfectly. it's scary sometimes. she's a wonderful girl, but don't tell her i said that. i wonder sometimes why she never took a program in writing, she'd probably be a bestseller. that zhang yixing inspires her too much."
random asianfanfics reader
"honestly, i haven't been here that long. i only joined aff a few weeks ago and the first story i read was dash's book. it was recommended to me by a classmate and true to her word, dash unni never failed me! honestly, i don't know how she could pour so much raw feelings into words, my heart was aching so much for the characters and i grew to love them so much that at the end of the story, i was wishing they were real people. i think dash unni brings forth truth in her stories that you can't even believe it's only fan fiction. and i'm so proud of her for being recruited in this program, everyone in aff practically knows just how much she loves zhang yixing!"  
former homeroom teacher
"daxia was a bright student, i always knew she had a good future ahead of her. i wasn't exactly aware that she was a writer, but deep inside i think i knew, as she used to hand down wonderful essays and poems, everything she wrote made sEnse and had meaning that would sometimes change your perceptive of things. i remember inviting her to join the publication club but she had declined then, saying she wasn't interested in writing news, she was straightforward and honest, and since i've known her since she started elementary school, i wasn't really all that surprised. i think she loved both freedom and writing, i'm proud she's at this point of her life now. i hope she's happy."
a junior from university
"d-daxia sunbae is a person i easily got along with in my first year here in snu. she had seen me during midterms revising the same subject she'd taken up the previous years and lent me her notes and it helped me a lot... o-oh, this chocolate? i was going to give this to a sunbae," he scratches his nape, ears turning red, "yes, it's her. i-i know i can't compete against zhang yixing, but it's worth a try, right?"
meihua, childhood bestfriend
"i think there's one thing i know that not much people knows about daxia. i'm not gonna talk about her beautiful writing, her easygoing personality, or her admiration for zhang yixing but all OF IT does relate to this. i'm gonna talk about how daxia always wanted to escape, she didn't like the place she was in then, she always used to tell me how she wanted to be somewhere else, i always asked, 'where?', and she always answered, 'anywhere but here,' and then she would smile and say, 'someday.' i think she discovered writing could be an escape, that's why it always feels so sincere, since she pours out all her emotions into paper. i think she's easygoing because she wants to treat life more lightly, knowing nothing would happen even if she's stressed about everything. and i think she admires yixing because he reminds her of herself, hardworking and ambitious. i think they're both works of art. maybe they'll end up together, maybe not. but i hope daxia ends up happy when she arrives at the finish line."
juno, first and last boyfriend
"i think you just invited me to talk bad about her, haha! alas, we didn't realy separate on bad terms, we actually broke up because we realized we loved each other more platonically, than romantically. though if there were negative things i have to say about her-- yes, i'm going to tell you about the negatives because i'm quite sure most people you interviewed already said positive things, and this is what big brothers are supposed to do-- first, she easily gets distracted, one moment we could be talking about the book she recently wrote, then the next second, we're talking about how much it would cost traveling from beijing to shanghai. well, it's not too bad if i phrase it like that, but if you're not used to this, you might just end up confused while talking to her. the next is that she's short-tempred and possessive, she easily gets jealous and irritated, one time when i forgot about a date and came only haLf an hour later with my cousin and her girlfriend, she thought i was standing her up for two girls, she didn't talk to me for nearly two weeks! and lastly, her mischievous attitude, it's not all that bad if you're cautious, because sometimes she'll just randomly stick her foot out and trip you or tie your shoelaces together like it was normal. she may be a kind soul but when she's angry, wow, i'm just gonna go and hide in a hole. nevertheless, i love her for who she is, and please, for my own safety,  don't tell her i told you all these."
zhang yixing, the lover boy
he smiles sheepishly, eyes shining with timidness and hesitance. "...hm, what can i say about fluff-- i mean daxia? in a way, she reminds me of baekhyun, yes, my little brother. (you only see her as a little sister?) oh, no no no! it's not that, but more like she's not afraid of expressing herself freely even with the cameras around her and she's always radiating happiness everywhere she goes. she's a very straightforward person, i honestly agree to some of the people around us saying that we balance out each other in a way, since i'm not all that sure on how to approach this program, my career really limits the frequency of my interactions with the opposite gender, or maybe i'm just me?" he chuckles, unsure. "but honestly, i tend to become awkward at times and she's like a hero of some sort and she goes swooping in taking me by surprise. one time we were walking down the streets during the night and then she just suddenly holds my hand. and then i look at her questioningly, my eyes wide, and she just shrugs, then she's suddenly tugging me forward and screaming "look, there's icecream, let's eat icecream!" i swear she just keeps on surprising me every day, but i'm not really complaining, she's like a breath of fresh air. (what does the exo members think of her?) ah, well, they haven't met each other personally but my members seem to think i'm in love with her after i came home one night with a big smile on my face, baekhyun had thrown a pillow at my face and insisted i was in love. (are you?) aiyo, you guys don't waste time, huh?" he laughs briefly. "i don't think i am, not yet. i don't know if i ever will, but i'm not against the idea, either. i guess it's all up to fate?"
background : 
"i don't want to be anyone or anything specific, i just want to be anywhere but here." 
born in beijing, china to an above-average family, her family prided themselves for being intellectuals. being an only child, she grew up being surrounded by adults, her uncles and aunties had no children of their own. although she was given all the attention, all the pressure was also put onto her shoulders. she never really did get close to her family with much more than a civil relationship. when they realized she was excellent in schooling, they continued to push her to be number one, never allowed to settle for anything less. due to her competitive nature, it was also something she didn't go against with initally. but then they started putting more and more pressure despite her good grades, she couldn't even play outside or attend sleepovers because she had to study, and all she was ever allowed to read were academic textbooks that by the end of the night, her head was drowning with quadratic formulas and english words. she felt choked by her predicament that she started daydreaming about escape, always wanting to be anywhere instead of where she was currently. then she found herself scribbling poetic notes, sneaking in borrowed books from the library and spending long hours reading novels in school even after classes ended while pretending to study, it continued on with her essays at school wherein teachers gave her praises for her writing. she found escape in writing throughout the years.
she discovered exo when she just recently moved to korea for college due to seoul national offering her a full-scale scholarship, the one kpop group that lured her into korean pop, she appreciated the fact they had a chinese version of their songs since she had yet to master the language of south korea. their mere existence gave her a sense of relief, as unexplainable as it may seem. the first and last person she admired was zhang yixing, she respected his talents and loved how he always worked hard at everything he did. in some way, he served as an inspiration for her to work hard, too. she first starts to write fanfics when she comes across ayu's and hanako's writing, in a way, they're like sunbaes to her. their writing greatly encouraged her to also pour her inspiration to writing as well. also, she feels as if she's more connected to yixing and exo, in general, when she's writing about them. she's been slowly, but surely getting recognized ever since. fortunately, her parents didn't meddle as much anymore after they realized she was following their aspiration for her to take up law and that she was still one of the top students in the university.
lifestyle :
"there's nothing wrong with ramen or take-out, it keeps me fed. and when i'm fed, my tummy's happy. and when my tummy's happy, i'm happy. everyone's happy!"
ever since graduating with her bachelor's degree, daxia has moved from her dorm to a penthouse, which was her parents' graduation gift. she was currently a freshman in seoul national's law school. and because she can't cook for her life, is as messy as a rogue wolf-- destroying everything in its path, and has no roommate anymore, her parents hired a maid to clean up after her and cook all her meals for the day in the morning, by the time she comes home from school, everything would be in place, but she was also all alone, the maid already gone. she wonders how she'll survive in the real world if she doesn't know how to cook but when she ends up staring at a ladle and a bowl in the kitchen, wondering if she could do it, she settles for the thought that maybe she could just live off of ramen and take-out. she didn't really have a specific schedule with studying and writing stories, since she carried her laptop all the time, she could take breaks while studying by writing a chapter or a random drabble, since she finds relaxation from writing. although definitely, she spends more time studying than writing, often having to stay in the library late at night to study until the librarian herself has to kick her out. she was really more active in writing before entering law school, but she's currently in semi-hiatus because of having to study. also, she has a lot of friends in the university, almost always getting along with everybody, she wouldn't be able to walk inside the school without anyone greeting her atleast once, but she really didn't have a specific clique or permanent friends to hang out with, more like a nomad, she can be with everybody.   
trivia :  
"i don't care if everyone loves pizza, that doesn't mean i have to love nor like it, too!" she hates pizza without a doubt, she didn't like how it tasted or smelt and is revolted if anyone ever tries to force her into eating one. the hate is real, she ended up vomitting once when they forced her.
"if an apple can 'kill' snow white, a strawberry can kill daxia." she's allergic to strawberries.
"i will ing cut you if you ever attempt to bring me to a damned amusement park, again. you hear me?" as adventurous as she is when it comes to traveling, she is terrified of amusement parks. almost all the rides freak her out even only at sight.
"dude, i know it's 8 in the morning and all, but get that freaking coffee away from me!" it's not that she had a vendetta for coffee or anything, it's just that one sip of coffee for daxia and she won't be able to function well the whole day because of anxiety. she'd be jumpy and nervous, there was even a chance for her to get a panic attack from being so anxious, no one knows how this came to be, but the only thing that could calm her down was if she slept it away. 
"i'm gonna slap you with a fish if you don't admit books smell heavenly." if there was one thing daxia loved as much as zhang yixing, it was literature. she's more of a reader than a writer, actually. and she loves the smell of books.
"when coherent words fail to give light, just say the word '' and everything's alright." she has quite a foul mouth despite her background, and due also to her short temper, she can sprout out colorful words without restraint. she's not afraid one bit. but since she was casted for the program, she's started converting her method of cursing at people into threatening people instead, like saying, "i'll choke you" or "i'll slap you", on a normal basis.
"what do you mean that doesn't look like a panda? yah, i spent the whole night drawing that little ." despite her great imagery in writing, she can't draw for the life of her. and she knows this, that's why she doesn't even try anymore. people often about this, that's why she doesn't like the topic of drawing. she doesn't even doodle.
"holy , you guys are ayu and hanako, right? I'm a big fan! dude, can i get autographs? will you guys be mad if i sell it online?" her inspirations for starting in fanfic were both ayu and hanako. she supported the stories they wrote even more than she supported her own and she spent more time reading their stories than writing hers.
"it's raining, it's pouring, the old man is snoring! let's go dance in the rain!" daxia loved the rain, even when it gets her a cold after playing under it. she does everything, running , dancing, singing because she feels unexplainably free under it.
"hm, if i could eat one thing in the world for life, it'd be chocolate. i love chocolate!" who doesn't love chocolate? not daxia! she lives for chocolate. it's like her very own heaven.
"you, mr. zhang, are no greater in dancing compared to me." before daxia was a law student, before she was a writer, she was a ballet dancer. it was a tiny little detail in her life that no one remembered except her. she once dreamt of living her life on stage, among a crowd of people throwing her roses and praises. but that dream was forced to be forgotten as her mother deemed it too far-fetched to come true. so this is where she is now, she isn't exactly sad about it anymore since it was already in the past and she believed that if you can't hold on to something, you should let it go because it would hold you down. she'd let that dream go. but daxia gets to relive her love for dancing with yixing, even for just a little while.
"yixing, no, you cannot know my username. and no, you cannot read my fanfics. why? because they're all about you! yah, give me back my phone! no, the password is not your birthday! noooooooo!" everyone is aware of just how smitten daxia is of yixing, most of her stories were about yixing, and almost everything she talked about to her friends was yixing. the first time she found yixing, she was stunned to silence. it was to everybody's wonder just how she could control her feelings around him and act like he doesn't affect her at all. little do they know that she's started writing so many drafts of fluff about yixing ever since they formally met.
"you know i love you,right? that doesn't change the fact you sometimes."
catchphrase : "there's a ing universe inside my damned mind."

"don't tell anyone my secrets, or i might have to kill you. and then i'll have to kill myself because i can't live without you." "fluffball,don't be so dramatic."
( daxia and yixing )
what/who is your ideal type like? : ideal type? hm, this may sound weird and all but i seem to get attracted to boys who have dimples. i didn't even notice until my friends pointed out that all the people i've ever liked had dimples! it's weird, but yeah. i also like it when guys are hardworking and are dreamers, since we're kind of alike. all my life, what i've always wanted to be was not to become like a specific person or have a specific career, i just wanted to be successful, you know? she smiles sheepishly. i don't know if my statement's entirely comprehensible. i'm kind of nervous, so i'm word vomitting, sorry! anyway, if you wanted a specific embodiment of my ideal type, then i'd have to say it's zhang yixing. i don't think i could justify with plain words just how and why yixing is my ideal type, i think him himself is an explanation. i mean, he's zhang yixing, man! she pauses as if realizing all the words she said. wait, this isn't going on air, right? i swear i'll just go and hide in a hole forever if he sees this. she starts fanning herself, not noticing her reddening face. is it getting hot in here, or is it just me?
what kind of fanfic do you usually write about? : she tilts her head and chuckles. well, my mind is really not all that good, i tend to easily get distracted and fascinated by everything. i've tried writing almost everything! except horror, hehe, i'm terrified of ghosts. but most of the fanfics i write are generally angst-- which if i were another person, i'd be surprised because daxia is a fluffy person, not an angsty one. but i don't know? i like triggering intense emotions like extreme sadness, anger, love, happiness? yeah, i guess that's it.  
WHAT DO YOU THINK ABOUT YOUR PARTNER? : i don't think this is an appropriate question to ask to a fan. she laughs, humor filling her eyes. but i'm going to answer as yixing's friend as best as i can, without losing my control over my feels. i've done a great job lately, actually. anyway, i think he's great, although still shy at certain times, he's getting used to the sudden skinship i often do, although his eyes still widen comically sometimes, it's really funny, you should see him once! anyway, when we grew more comfortable around each other, we started treating each other like we were long time friends. we kind of give comfort to each other during filming, since i wasn't used to being filmed left and right and he wasn't used to having a partner in a tv program that was a girl, he can get very awkward around girls, and i mean it. if there was one thing i could say to fans about yixing is that he's a person anyone can easily fall in love with. although i don't think i'm in love with him, not yet, i don't know if i'll end up so. it's kind of hard to point exactly if i was idolizing him or loving him, the problem with idols... but hey. this is yixing, if i ended up loving him, it wouldn't be all that surprising. extra trivia for all the fans too, he really does advocate world peace! she says and chuckles and then someone clears their throat from behind her. turning around, she sees yixing and she could practically feel all her blood draining from her face. since when was he here? as if reading her mind, he smiles and says, "since the beginning of the interview, you do know i was invited too, right?she snaps her head sharply towards the interviewer, face showing horror. i was lying, park chanyeol is my ideal type. moving on! "so i'm your ideal type? and i'm easy to fall in love with?" shh, oppa! don't interrupt the interviewer.
DESCRIBE YOUR INTERACTIONS : i think it helps that we're both chinese, since we're more comfortable in our mother tongue, we often use it to communicate to each other. "yeah, and she curses like a sailor," he says laughing lightly. yah! anyway, she side eyes him briefly. honestly, i'm the man in this relationship. i do everything! i was the one who first held his hand, gave him a hug, i even forced him to give me a piggyback ride because he always says everything's okay! he nudges her, lightly frowning and she chuckles. well, that was in the beginning. just look at him now, this guy has no shame anymore, to be honest. she laughs loudly when she turns to a frowning yixing. it's because you don't speak so i'm speaking for you. she sticks out her tongue playfully and he reciprocates the gesture. it's not my fault you don't like my answers, pabo. then she turns back to an amused interviewer, beaming. yixing's not really a big talker, he says it's alright because i talk enough for the both of us, but honestly he's talkative around me and is really mean to me at times, he doesn't really filter his words around me anymore and just says everything as it is, for example, when we see each other in the morning, the first thing he says is, "you're too loud, i should bring duct tape next time," and this was the same boy who blushed the first time i hugged him! but anyway, i like our relationship, i like yixing, i'm glad that i got this opportunity. oh! and one more thing, as much as i admire yixing's hardworking nature, i also hate it, he often tends to forget to eat when he's practicing and even when he's injured, he still continues on! then she turns to yixing, frowning. do you know just how anxious i become every single day worrying about you? stop it, will you? yixing tilts his head, frowning too, "well, you're also the same! you stay inside the library studying until the librarian has to kick you out at four in the morning. do you know how dangerous the streets are? what if you get mugged? or what if you collapse from fatigue in the cold? huh? i'm not the only one!" he says, this being his longest statement after being here for hours.
the interviewer is left baffled as they continued arguing over who worries more and happens to see almost all the couple's crew for the show facepalming, the interviewer then glances at their manager and he helplessly smiles and mouths, "this is normal." "come on, fluffball... please calm down, i'll treat you to icecream after this, i'm sorry." the interviewer continues to stare as the situation ends up with yixing asking for permission to leave since they were already finished, daxia beaming while on his back. the interviewer follows them with her eyes as they walk out from the venue and the manager mutters, "this is normal" again before going after them. 
Comments :
"i didn't know how it would work at first. exo's lay is known to be someone very quiet and respectful in the industry and the first time i met daxia, she was loudly greeting everyone a good morning, she didn't even need a microphone to let everyone hear her. i was on the other side of the venue and i could hear her perfectly clear, she was very lively and enthusiastic. i thought, what if they didn't get along? but then they meet, it wasn't an instant click, yixing was hesitant and i think daxia was near fainting at the sight of him. but we gave them time, it took about one meeting, and then the next, they were already comfortable around each other that they seemed to forget all about us. their friendship was every natural, i love the pair of them. let's all hope they'll truly develop into something romantic."
yixing's manager
"they literally tend to become trapped in their own little world together, like the only people around were the two of them and everyone were outcasts. they could talk all day, ranging from the music they listened to to the shampoo they use at home. i've never seen yixing drop practice just to be able to send someone home and he did that. i think they made a very strong bond of friendship because of having mutual understanding in each other. sometimes i wish i could make a bond as strong as that."
crew member # 1
"they're stressing but awfully cute, it's scary just how much they get along. you see, daxia is a very adventurous girl, she doesn't like staying in one place and yixing just goes along with her antics. so if we don't stay alert, one moment they're in that corner, the next moment, they're already on their way to busan, just because daxia wanted to go to haeundae."
crew member # 2
"i think that if i were to choose two people who fit together perfectly, it would be both of them. you don't get to understand until you see them for yourself, they're both wonderful both as individuals and as a couple. i'm glad i got to work with them."
"what's so wrong with falling in love?"
scene suggestions yixing and daxia gets lost in their own little world that they forget they're being filmed or were with other people and everybody just feels helpless?? lol
comments : i got so hyped up yesterday, i tried finishing it lol but i only finished now i really love this concept, i beg for mnet to discover this too, yes? haha! i really fell in love with yixing (i already am) and daxia's relationship while writing this but there might be mistakes or things that are confusing, please tell me! i'll try to fix it right away ^^ thank you for reading this, i hope you enjoyed lol i think i word vomitted i crei sorry!
password : yixia (you can hear daxia screaming "no amusement parks!", by the corner) to be honest, i thought of daxing first bc dashing couple duh, hAHA! but yixia sounds nicer?? maybe?? what do you guys think? lol
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