kim serin
kim serin
< is in the murder club. >
to most people, kim serin appears as a cotton candy freshmen of beomjo high. however you can't look down on her just because that. what you see on her might not be anything. you have to keep that in mind. this girl is all about strength, she has a strong sense of justice, she is physically and mentally strong, also above it all, she is a genius. despite of being the youngest, she has an unexpectedly large knowledge in psychology which helps her to read someone as easy as reading a book. along with her keenness, it leads her into having an exceptional skill on profiling someone, which allows her to see through someone, that brings a quite help to the group
< 01 / BASICS. >
full name. 김세린
other name. gracelynn kim-wilson, 金美秀 (jin meixiu)
싸가지 means in english. it's from the seniors of the school who doesn't like her. actually it isn't that she's rude, but she can't stand seeing someone doing something wrong and she wouldn't hesitant to stop anyone who do it. and when she is arguing, she does have this kind of annoying vibe which actually appears more like sassy instead of rude though she doesn't realize it herself
김기린 a pun of her name 'serin' that is changed to 'girin' which means giraffe in english. well, it pretty obvious as you can see that she is really tall. almost every one who knows her call her by this name. her seniors, fellow classmates, and even her older sister call her by this (because she is even taller than her older sister, even though it's only 4cm difference)
깡패녀 means gangsta girl in english. well, it's come from the rumor at the school that saying that she is a gangster. it does have a leading, though. which was the scene of her in a physical fight with a boy on the rooftop. well, who expect that she actually is a good fighter. that's where it all starts, furthermore some students claim that they see her outside during midnight quite often
짱후녀 it's from the word '짱-후배녀' which means the top (strongest) girl junior. it's given by her seniors, while the fellow freshmen just simply call her '짱' (strongest). despite of being a freshman, some students already stamp her as the one who they have to keep distance with. it comes from the same reason of her other nickname '깡패녀'. yeah shortly, won over a boy in a physical fight explain it all
여우배 it's a pun of '여우' which means fox, being put together in '여후배' which means (girl) junior. from how it heard, it's obviously from her seniors, while her fellow freshmen call her as '짱여우' (strongest/best fox). it's because of her friendly trait which doesn't fit her image as 'gangster girl', which made the seniors think that she is a sly two faced fox
영애님 the name '영애' is a common nickname to refer to someone's daughter who has a higher status in a respectful way. her family's household worker and her parents' employees address her by this name. it was the same to her sister, aerin. but her sister refused to be addressed like that, and prefered to be addressed as '아가씨' (ms.) instead
date of birth. december 30, 2000
place of birth. los angeles, california, usa
hometown. shilin, taipei, taiwan
ethnicity. korean-american
nationality. taiwanese
Fluent English despite of the fact that she moved and lived most of her life in taiwan, her first language is english as she was born there and she only moved to taiwan on january 2004, when she almost turned 3. besides, she also spent most of her school life in an international school. also, her mother is american. however still, she didn't speak english as often as she speaks mandarin
Native Mandarin despite of not having any chinese bloodline, she grew up in taiwan, where her grandparents lived for long. mandarin is her second language after english. she did spend most of her time in school, and she did mostly english, there, but she also spoke mandarin as much, or probably more, because it's the official language of her hometown
Advanced Korean despite of having a korean father, she had never taught to speak korean when she was in taiwan. she only learned it by taking lessons when she entered middle school because her parents already had a plan to move together to south korea. she she still makes some pronounciation mistakes, but she still can be cosidered as pretty good as only learned it for 2 years
face claim. kim danielle
backup face claim. jeon somi
height and weight. 176cm & 58kg
appearance. standing tall with her height, people will usually think that she is older than she actually is, as she doesn't look that young either. nothing really special from her appearance other than that, but probably her outstanding height and long legs would do. she was born with a pale skin, however she got a bit tanned while she grew up in taiwan, and get much paler after she moved to korea. her hair is of course black, but she started to dyed it brown after entering high school. she doesn't have any piercing nor tattoos, but she has a quite noticable scar on her left cheek. well, the result of her fight during her middle school period.

look at her perfection. friendly, intelligent, keen, calm, independent, objective
observant, reserved, secretive, alert, tough .look at her gray shade
see through her mask.
artificial, sly, possessive, greedy, rough, stubborn
kim serin, is similar to how she looks like, warm and friendly smile, or fresh and sweet smile follow her whenever she goes. she is quite friendly to everyone, but only up to what people see. she is really intelligent. not only she got high grades in her previous school, but she also is knowledgeable as she likes to spend her time studying nor reading. because actually, in contrast to her friendly appearance, she doesn't really like to socialize with people. she doesn't really like to talk much, either. she's secretive. she doesn't like to expose herself too much to anyone. she even tries to prevent anyone to knowing many things from her. she also is a tough person. she is not easy to be shaken. she rarely get down, either. she also is objective, she is not someone who will take someone's side just because that person is related to her.

kim serin tends to be calm at any situation. she knows that she needs to control herself in order to make sure that she won't do something careless. it's the thing that piss the people who argue with her. she is able to react calmly while her opponent is getting seriously mad. she also tends to not getting to her point immediately, and it provokes them even more. despite of her tendency of being calm, she also knows the time of when she should use her fist when her words are not enough. despite of being calm, she is always alert, though. she also doesn't trust people easily, that's why she rarely seek for someone's help and mostly do her things alone. she is indeed an independent, and it might be her positive trait, but she is an independent type who refuses to be controlled, and it tends to lead her to be stubborn
even though people see her as someone who has a high sense of justice, she actually prefers to ignore something that doesn't bother her. she doesn't like to get dragged into something that don't even appeal her. however, in order to keep her lamb mask, she needs to act like one when someone know her presence. she also is sly. she can plot something pretty perfectly as she usually will plan everything she gonna do before actually doing it. she doesn't easily get attracted, but she is quite greedy. she likes to have many things in her hands. and she usually just use the way she likes to get what she wants, whether it be the instant way, or the more exciting way for her. and she is possessive. she doesn't like it when someone touch her belongings, as well as if someone put her position in danger.

¤ her unusual habits are when she is thinking about something, instead of frowning, she would stare blankly to her side. and when her blood is boiled, she would usually crack her neck while maintaining her straight face

¤ this girl doesn't know anything of love. she has never dated, or even just fall for someone before. she doesn't like romance things as well. she doesn't usually watch dramas or movies, but when she does, she would usually watch the ones that contain mystery, thriller, or crime

¤ serin was naturally a left-handed, but her grandparents accustomed her to use her right hand, so she used to use her left hand for writing and drawing (she actually can't draw, but you know, she will have no choice but to do it if she get an art assignment). as time goes by, she becomes an ambidexter

¤ as you can see from her nicknames, she is a good fighter. she learnt wushu for 5 years and taekwondo for 2 years. it sounds like a short period, but for your own sake, you can't look down to her even that she will be pleased if you do. because serin will think of it as her advantage if she is going to against you, in any means

¤ despite of being known as beomjo's friendly cotton candy, she actually can't really smile properly. she tends to smirk instead of smiling. pulling the corner of either her left or right lips slightly. and strangely enough, it does look like a smile. a sweet friendly smile. she herself doesn't know why can't she smile properly, but it seems like she habitually smile like that which made her can't do a proper smile

¤ her father is both a ceo and a heir of a conglomerate multinational company called 'BNG Group'. it comprises numerous subsidiaries such as BNG Electronics, BNG automobile, and BNG Life Insurance. while her mother is currently a chairman of Reluire Group, which is a fashion and cosmetic company that has their own department store in some country including south korea, japan, china, and hongkong

¤ she sits on the back left corner of her classroom, and she tends to read book during break time when she doesn't feel like wanting to eat / drink something (she tends to eat or drink when she wants to, not when her body needs to). it's mostly a mystery / crime genre, but when she feels mad or just simply in a bad mood. she can't really express her anger to someone, so if it's piled, she would usually go to the rooftop and listen to a music to calm herself

¤ serin has always wanted to have a younger brother, but it somehow became a difficult thing as her parents are both busy to handle their own company. that's why she always treats a boy nicely. especially those who are visually younger than her. she literally treats them as if she is their own older sister. but the thing is that her actions are too sweet to be compared to any other older sister's, which sometimes leads into a misunderstanding

¤ despite of being a heiress of one of the two big companies her parents own, that fact is unknown to the students. even probably the teachers don't know about it. well, not all of them don't know about them, because some of the school residents know it. they are her sister, aerin, the senior she is close with, yongwon, one of the teacher who actually has a family relation to her even though it's a far one, and some students whose have a parent or two who works for her parents' company.

¤ no one in the school except her sister and a senior called lee yongwon knows her birthday. that's why she doesn't address anyone as unnie nor oppa beside those two. (she addresses her seniors as senior / sunbaenim). she calls her fellow graders by their names even though she knows that she is probably younger than most of them, that's why she also can't adress anyone who was born around '99 and '00 as oppa / unnie even outside the school too, unless they are a senior of her in terms of grade

¤ serin has a hidden room inside her own room. the entrance is hidden inside her fitted wardrobe. door inside a door, something like that. the secret room's door is hidden behind a built in wardrobe. of course that won't be there just like that. but one thing that is certain, is that her mother probably had been observing her when serin was still in taiwan. and it also seems like her mother found out about the fact that serin won't talk about anything, won't hear about anything, as well as meeting anyone when she is down. so probably she gave serin that hidden room linked to her bedroom because of that reason

¤ serin and her sister were raised by their grandparents (from father's side) because of her grandfather's (from her mother's side) sudden death which made their mother have to take over his company as the sole heiress. it made her mother became too busy to raise 2 children at once. at first her mother used a babysitter, but after her grandparents from her father's side found out about it, they suggested her mother to hand serin and her sister to them. but they moved to beomjo a year ago because their parents thought that they are big enough to take care of themselves, so it would be fine even if they don't see their parents often

lee haeun lee haeun lee haeun
kim aerin; model lee haeun ; the queenka.
kim aerin, or also known as catherine kim-wilson who was born 2 years and 2 months earlier than serin, is kim serin's older sister. she attends the same school with serin and is currently on her senior year. unfortunate to serin, her sister is a sociable butterfly. she talks much and is considerate, which actually is a fortunate because if she is the same as serin, everyone would probably see them as strangers. aerin will be the one who approach serin first and showing her affection and care. she even sometimes invites serin to go shopping together.
lee haeun lee haeun lee haeun
lee yongwon; actor lee wongeun ; the kingka.
yeah, as how it sounds, he is a kingka in the school. he even has a fangirls either it from his junior or fellow graders. he is also known as kim serin's aspiring brother-in-law kim aerin's boyfriend. the couple is known to the school as both of them are popular. but what the school residents don't know is that the fact that their mothers are close friends. and their mothers even had a thought of matching them. serin and yongwon even knew each other and they're pretty close. yongwon also treats her as his own younger sister
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ha jinwoong ; got7's jb ; the big boss.
ha jinwoong might not be the most popular and handsome senior in the school, but you can call him special. he is one of some seniors that she actually look into. well, it might be because he is the founder of the club she is in, but the other reason is that he is the first boy that aerin mentioned in front of serin. well, aerin does like to talk about the school new grapevines, but he is still the first boy that aerin mentioned directly. furthermore, serin doesn't want to admit it, but she does impressed at how he could have the thought of making that kind of club depite of the dangerous risk.
love interest. boy member of the club
backup love interest. n/a

personality. tba

the love story. tba (but most likely to meet at the club)

how did you find out about the murder club? *laying back comfortably to the chair's back* from eavesdropping? you know, girls just can't keep their mouths sealed when there is something new. *her lips form a light smirk, but it slightly looks like a smile*  'of course it's from the always-updated-queen, kim aerin. but of course you know that i don't really have to say the truth. it doesn't lead into something bad, though'

why do you want to join the club? *changes her sitting position from keeping her body straight into tilting her body to the left* well... solving mysteries is my hobby, also profiling is my strength. i just can't let my special skills being wasted. *she cracks her neck* 'i need to do at least one thing i want to do before i forced to inherit that company. this club at least can be the one'

what can you add to the club? *a slight smirk forms again on her face. but once again it does look like a soft smile* my criminal mind and my profiling skills can't be ignored. you know, if you're going to catch a culprit, you have to know how do that criminal tends to think. you have to know their mind, and profiling is the way to do. you can even predict what will the culprit do next. i can be the one who can do that.

how are you planning to join the club? *she stops for a few seconds. she stares blankly to her left before actually answers it* i haven't think of it, though. but firstly, i would need to know more about the club. like what does it require, how do they work on their case. i also need to think of the risk, since the true culprit might do a move to us for dig into the crime they did. you know, we all are just a teenagers, soo...

what is the actual answer : 'by making a play? well, it's quite complicated but it's more exciting this way. i'll find out about the case the club is working on, then i'll secretly investigate it too, well... i only need to profile the culprit and leave that clue secretly to the club's room, and it's just a matter of time before the club members know that i'm the one who do it. after that, won't they offer me to join them?'
name. ara
comments. first, fyi in the interview section, the sentences on regular font are serin's answer to the interviewer, while the ones on italic are the actual answer which she only answer in her mind. i also hide serin's actual answer for the last interview question. i had fun making this app and i like the plot so much. ah, right! i'm kinda pessimist because of the increasing applicants. it indirectly means that my probability to get chosen is decreasing. but get luck on choosing the final line up. and hey, i kinda confused about the age. from what i know, this year in korea, high school seniors are those who were born around '98 to early '99 (january-february) but then i saw an applicant's chara who was born on '97.

scene reqs. 
¤ serin takes care of jinwoong too much (tidying his clothes, combing his hair, tying his shoes lace, it makes the other mock them and reminds serin that jinwoong is ahn seul's but serin just can't help it, it's her habit. kind of the almost impulsive one, so instead of listen to it, she just keep taking care of the boys. well, probably it would be more fun if the boy is the taken one. his girlfriend would probably protesting, right?

¤ a student of beomjo high committed suicide by jumping off from the rooftop. unfortunately that day, serin is not in the good mood, so she goes up to the rooftop at the same time with that student's body's discovery. (and you know what i mean, right?) fortunately jinwoong was in the phone with her when she is going up through the stairs 10 minutes after the time of that student's predicted death time, and jinwoong himself heard her steps

¤ serin gets too much stress to the point that she doesn't want to meet anyone, so she suddenly disappeared for a few days. even both aerin and yongwon don't know where did she go. all of them think that she is kidnapped, because serin received a strange delivery which they thought was a threat, so they try to investigate on her. but then, the next day after their first investigation on her, she comes to school. well, she actually hid inside her secret room.

password*tapping jinwoong's shoulder and staring right into his eyes* "make sure to keep your emotion separated next time. you shouldn't let it controls you too much."


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imnayoungs #1
hi!! just letting you know i'll send you a more detailed review sometime this week, or maybe next week if i'm unexpectedly busy!