[ ? ] 한해원 / WHAT'S THE PASSWORD?

suspect 003

FULL NAME : haewon han, 한해원 
HAN  it is a nickname solely built because of the unfamiliarity and distance normally people felt around her, thus causing them to just address her with her surname. it doesn't bother her, actually. she's so used to being called han that she's sometimes shocked when people (aside from her family) address her otherwise.
ACE  it was a childhood name but she wasn't sure where it rooted from, either a former friend or a cousin, she wasn't certain. but the only time she hears of it now is in her dreams, implying that the person who used to call her as such is most probably now gone from her life.

D.O.B : 27th of november, 1997 
GENDER : female

ETHNICITY : korean
BIRTHPLACE : pohye, south korea
HOMETOWN : pohye, south korea
KOREAN mother tongue
ENGLISH fluent, she has spent most of her time studying english, and had been enrolled to an english learning institution as a kid for her future. 
MANDARIN fluent, self-studied for years due to curiosity and the idea of being able to talk freely in a language her family wouldn't quite understand

FACE CLAIM : kang seulgi, red velvet 
BACK UP : lee suhyun, akmu
HEIGHT : 162 cm
WEIGHT : 44 kg
APPERANCE : with fair skin and hair dyed blonde that reached just past her shoulders, she was almost like any other teenager out there. what made her stand out though were three things: firstly, it was the way she carried herself with confidence, head always held high and back straightened like a book was sitting on her head, she moved elegantly as if she was trained to be able to do it her entire life. secondly, it was the sharp look in her eyes that held both traces of hostility and knowledge, as if she was always angry and some people can’t help but think that maybe it was because of her knowledge, sometimes ignorance truly was bliss. and lastly, it was that seemed to always curve upward into a trace of a smirk whenever she taunts the people around her, always as if conveying that she knows something they don’t. her figure was slim, deriving from years of planned diet and having an established routine of running every morning due also to her mother having been a former model, it was only reasonable she wanted her daughter to be just as, if not more, fit as her. also, she could never step outside the house with a strand of hair out of place or a simple ruffle made in her uniform, she always had to look flawless, as expected from a han.
STYLE : when given the chance, haewon always preferred to wear long-sleeved tops ranging from shirts to sweaters paired with shorts and sneakers as it felt more comforable than anything. although she normally didn't have that much of a choice with her wardrobe, she only had a few of her preferred clothes in the closet and most of the others were dresses and formal attires like white button-downs, jeans, and heels. nevertheless, due to her status as a student, she almost always never went out in casual clothes.
han haewon
derpnonimous, jam
8 out of 10
killed family members / suspect's victims

STRENGTH : 4 out of 10
AGILITY : 6 out of 10
SPEED : 5 out of 10
INTELLIGENCE : 9 out of 10

her greatest weakness is her lack of sympathy or concern as she usually doesn't care about others. this trait makes her seem psychotic, sometimes being told that she may have been highly intellectual, but she didn't have a heart, this leads many to be suspicious of her.

her strength is that she's in control of herself during times when everyone is in the verge of a breakdown, due also to her lack of emotions. her strength is also her weakness.

their past records?

haewon was born and raised into a wealthy family. she got what she wanted as long as she achieved something great. everyone believed she was the pride of the family, except that she wasn't. her father didn't really acknowledge her and her mother, more or less, hated her. she was still young when she realized her family wasn’t like the normal ones, she was like a marionette, forced to act the way she should. from the food she eats to the smile she portrays in the eyes of the public, all of them were scripted and rehearsed, to create the perfect family for the people who adored and idolized them. for as long as she lived, every step she made was scrutinized and criticized. as she grew older, her need to escape also grew, she was intelligent and had used it to her advantage, she followed every step they wanted her to make, obliged to every whim, every command, pretending to be a happy toy, joyous to be held and controlled. there were certain times she would break from her facade, wanting to express her hostility in any way, other people became her targets, and the skills she acquired were used. because the more she obliged, the more she attained knowledge, and the more she attained knowledge, the more she could feel her sweet freedom. oxford university was her key to escape the world she grew to hate. she was set to be sent on her first year in university. she was supposed to leave, she never intended to come back.

haewon had two past records and none of them were near minor. honestly, if they'd had interrogated her instead of her parents, she might as well have been placed in juvenile prison for probably laughing in their face and telling them she did those things all because they became unfortunate targets of her experiments and she wanted to add a little spice to her life. 

one of them was hacking into police database two years prior, it was a supposed experiment and she didn't really have an agenda, she just wanted to browse maybe a few hours or so. as expected, the police took it the wrong way, but since her family talked them out of it and they convinced them it was just an accident--- which was partially true since she didn't think they'd punish her that bad that she had to go to juvy, she only received nearly two months of community service.

the second one was only six months prior, sending a virus to the school's system, rendering it useless as it shut down everything until she removed it. honestly, the school had just been an unfortunate target since she couldn't find any other subjects in mind. she wasn't sure how she escaped scot-free, well, except for the fact all authoritative figures in the school premises continuously presented their animosity, as the virus actually managed to delete some files that were most probably important. but she thinks maybe her parents did something, they always did. that didn't change the fact everyone seemed to think she was some kind of monster.

but maybe she was actually one.

how dangerous are they?

she was half-human. dedicated, sincere, hardworking, intellectual.

hot-tempered, blunt, egotistical, insensitive. she was half-monster. 

to a spectator’s eye, haewon was an imagery of an intellectual rich girl whose wealth and recognition unfortunately got to her head. with sharp eyes, elegant posture, and the audible clack of the shoes she’s wearing as she walks, she had the aura of power and confidence, never faltering under anyone’s gaze. to the usual eye, she could’ve been perfect, but her attitude had to be in the way.

it begins with her ego, she’s not afraid to flaunt out her achievements and tell everyone just how better she is than any one of them. the fact that she does this often leaves people frowning at her, unimpressed. oh! you passed the exam for the uni you wanted to get into? well, oxford offered me a full-scale scholarship. along with this was the fact that she didn’t care about others, not even sparing them sympathy. your dog died? um, okay, what do you want me to do about it? you sprained your ankle so you couldn’t attend the day we needed to make the school project? is it my fault you were too dumb that it led you to injure yourself? geez, if you wanted to fail so badly, don’t bring us into it, too. this is the reason why everybody was most likely against her, because she’s done nothing to prove to them that she also had her human side. with her flaws, she was most likely perceived a monster, as well. she wouldn’t even deny it herself, this is han haewon, this is the person my parents shaped me to be, be thankful to them.

despite her flaws defining her most of the time, she also had her redeeming factors that only a few knew. even then, they first sputter in disbelief and wallow in discomfort before they realize it was actually han haewon in front of them. the first one was the fact she was dedicated and hardworking, a few who have worked with her once were witnesses. when they usually meet up for school projects, she would already be there working before the designated time of meeting, and even after then, when they’re packing up to leave, she remains unfazed, mumbling a farewell and a wish for safety (although they weren’t sure because it was quite inaudible to begin with) as she continues with what she was working with. despite her usual animosity that renders people abashed, she is also a sincere person whose intentions are never fake, she would never turn her back on the people who truly trust her, although this is normally overlooked and she is always doubted by the people surrounding her.

every single aspect of haewon has its reason, her unfaltering gaze and confidence is to hide her pain, her ego and insensitivity is a cry for help from being choked by the wires holding her in place, like a puppet to her parents. although having reason, she can’t deny that not everything she did was right, she most certainly knows she’s wrong more times than she’s right. but i’ve already started, i’m already ruined, why stop now? there’s definitely more to haewon than what meets the eye, but will anyone ever see past her flaws? when she can’t even see past them, too.


how's love supposed to help anyway? haewon's first love and heartbreak was min jaehyung, a childhood friend who drifted away. she dislikes talking about him because the thought of him makes her remember that she had been happy once in her life and that she could probably never attain that kind of happiness again.

get me the out of here. although unobvious, she has her fears too. she is terrified of amusement parks and having to be forced to go to one can cause a panic attack.

if i wanted to go, i might as well have gone with a bang. sometimes, as morbid and as twisted as it was, haewon liked to challenge people with a game of russian roulette, although no one ever really complies. when they ask her why she wants to play the twisted game of chance, she says it was the real game in the real world, and if she'd go, she'd leave with a bang. besides, she wasn't afraid of death.

my hands weren't made for brawls, these were made for manipulation. despite not having enough strength for hand-to-hand combat, she had extensive knowledge over hacking and picking locks, skills she acquired over the years due to curiosity. she also knew her ways around knives and guns, having been involved in a very powerful family made it a necessity to have basic knowledge over weapons but that didn't mean she was skilled, she still needed further training. but she wasn't in any way fit for physical combat using hands and feet.

why does hell feel so cold? haewon is very sensitive to cold temperature, this is why she's often seen wearing long-sleeved clothes. she also has a strange liking for fire, claiming it kept her warm and made her feel alive, thus, leading her to always carry a lighter in her pocket. many people thinks she's probably a minor pyromaniac as fire seems to give her unexplainable comfort.

when coherent words fail to give light, just say '' and we're alright. she has quite a foul mouth despite her background, due also to her temper, she can showcase colorful words without restraint.

i'm the one going to oxford, not you. so shut your trap before i shut it for you. no one's aware that she'd lost admission to oxford days after the murder, she was accused for homicide after all, it wasn't very good for the uni's reputation if they took in a student like her. but she likes pretending to gloat about it when she's belittling others when in fact, her eyes hurt from having to suppress her tears because she just lost everything in a blink of an eye and her heart can't stop hurting from having something taken away from her right under her feet.


she looks at them and laughs a bit, as if she was laughing at the matter at hand. are you kidding me? why would i kill the people who provided me with everything i needed? in case you didn't know, i was going to be studying in oxford for university, what would i have gained from murdering them? i had a good future ahead of me and i wasn't going to ruin it so recklessly. it's stupid, the idea itself that i would murder them is stupid, this case is bull and if you assume for one second that i'm associated with their deaths, then you're all idiots.

she smiles and tilts her head. i'm many things, but a liar isn't one of them, yes, yes i did. enough to say i wouldn’t stop functioning just because they’re gone and wallow in a corner alone questioning why my life was so cruel, it was unfortunate and rather disturbing, yes, but it wasn't something i'd be depressed over for a long period of time, i'm not a child anymore and life moves on. i hated them, yes, but not to the extent of murdering them. think of it though, i'm not the suspect here, if i managed to hate my own family... think about how much normal civilians could.

she furrows her brows. min jaehyung? she shakes her head, tilting upwards in a bitter smile. i would never. she sighs and leans back on her chair. look, i just want to get out of here.

friends? you must be kidding me! she scoffs in disbelief, her hands briefly ruffling her hair in frustration. this whole ordeal is stupid, do you think we're some kind of delinquent group who have nothing else to do but to kill? i don't think i'm the psychotic one here, why are you chaining our names up together like this?  

she blinks briefly and rests her head on her hands, and proceeds to look at the investigator right in the eyes. i was in the school library, the exams were coming up and i needed to study, my grade wasn't going to be handed to me in a silver platter and i needed to work for it. i studied until the library closed, which was at 10 pm and then i walked home, which was something i normally did, no matter how long the route was, i rarely spent my free time at home because i hated being there. you could ask the librarian or any school staff, the school is practically my home.


she had walked home, hugging two of her textbooks while carrying her backpack. it was dark, it was almost 11, but she was used to her evening walks. she was also used to walking in on her parents pretending they hadn't been arguing or throwing things at each other when they hear her open the door, she was also used to having her father walk out the very door, almost shoving her in the process and not even noticing her as he slams the car door shut and driving away to heavens-knows-where, she was also used to her mother looking at her, eyes filled with nothing but hatred, as she enters the door and then her mother climbs the staircase, never forgetting to push one or two vases so it would break, just so she could tell her daughter, ever-so-subtly, that just as the vase was, her family was also as, if not more, broken.

what she wasn't used to was walking inside the house, which for once, was quiet. without the tension of anger, but rather, a feeling of coldness and an overwhelming smell of something metallic, horridly familiar just because of her many hours watching her father work in the hospital. when she looks down to take off her shoes, she sees it had been tainted with blood. and she screams, everything suddenly seems blurry as she drops everything and her books also gets tainted with blood. she hesitates to scan the living room, but she does, she sees blood everywhere and then she notices two bodies by the white couch, whose blood were staining the white hue of the formerly pure-colored furniture and they looked like they were hugging each other. even until the end, they lie. she doesn't dare move towards them, instead she runs, stumbles outside, tripping over the small stairs provided by her front porch. she falls down the patch of grass in front of her house. she tries to dial the police, the ambulance, anything. it was only until she stares at her phone after contacting the police does she realize she's shaking, her eyes b with tears she doesn't know what was made of: fear, sorrow, anger, frustration? she doesn't know. idiot, idiot, idiot, you shouldn't cry. 

when their neighbors emerge from their houses, the police and the paramedics arrive, she's standing alone, her fists clenched with her back turned away from the house. she doesn't respond to anybody, it wasn't because she was ignoring them, rather, their voices seemed incoherent. what they didn't know was that she was terrified of ever looking back inside that dreadful house. let me mourn for a few and then i'll be strong, i swear i'll be strong. and she breathes, looks up, and goes with the police calmly, as if everything was okay, figuring emotions would hinder anyway,

COMMENTS : sCREAMS---- I LOVE THIS CONCEPT, I HAVE NOTHING ELSE TO SAY EXCEPT I WISH I COULD BE A PART AHE. if i did anything wrong or confusing, please tell me and i'll fix it right away! ^^
QUESTIONS : none atm!
PASSWORD : Long time no see, Jaehyung-ah.




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