8 out of 10
about me.
full name : Choi haewon ; 최해원
nicknames : 
+ haewonnie. it's often used by the choi family whenever they , a nickname she wasn't proud about, but didn't dislike enough to throw a knife to the person who invented it.
+ brainiac. it was a supposed nickname rooting from her intelligent nature, but she despised it. the last time someone called her that, she remembered throwing a hardbound book to their direction. she got suspended for that.
gender : female
birthday :  twenty-seventh of november
age : seventeen
birthplace : seoul, south korea

faceclaim one : kim sohyun
faceclaim two : lee suhyun (akmu)
height : 164 cm // 5"3'
weight : 48kg // 105.82lbs
appearance : haewon had brown curly hair reaching just a bit past her shoulders, but she often ties it in a messy bun. she had slightly tanned skin and a tattoo on her right wrist saying 'bull' in lower caps (one that she wasn't sure how she ended up getting away with). she isn't choosy with the way she dresses herself and has a variety of them but is most comfortable with just shorts and a shirt, her wardrobe is also filled with (stolen) sweatshirts.
a little more.

personality : highly intellectual, open-minded, blunt, easy to anger, indifferent
in a nutshell : haewon was a previously-known genius with a bright future, as much as her gift helped her, it had also become a nightmare. cracking under pressure at a young age, she was left angry at the world, not caring for anything or anyone, not even herself. because of an accident, she feels a bit more free and renewed, but that didn't mean she wasn't angry anymore. she has a tendency to say anything she wants, not caring about other people's feelings, along with it a rather mischievous smile, promising to make them feel the hostility she feels once they make her angry because she's like a bomb waiting to explode. beyond her steely façade is a girl broken because her childhood was stolen under her feet and she was forced to grow up just because her parents saw not a child, but an object usable for their own benefit.

trivia : 
// she knows about seojun and joowon but keeps quiet about it and doesn't really have input about it
// people don't often notice she's actually impaired because she navigates herself really well
// has vivid nightmares about her childhood that wakes her up almost every single night (it's often words from books swirling around her and choking her until she suffocated)
// doesn't really make much conversation, but is often heard making side comments in the household ranging from "what's for dinner? is it going to be the same meal again? we should order take out, instead." to "it's stupid, the decision you made. but i wouldn't be surprised since i already know you're stupid, it's just reasonable you make stupid- decisions too." 
// has a playful side too, steals sweatshirts from her older cousins whom she's comfortable with

my tale.

"it was when i was three when it all started. i remember it pretty well," haewon said, a hint of regret in her voice, "i had gone to my father's shelves, intrigued at the materials resting on it, i didn't know it was unusual back then, to be able to read and understand what the text said, but i did. it was a novel of some sorts, a political novel where the author had written about society rotting before his eyes and his plan to open every reader's minds and hearts to the bitter truth. i didn't finish reading it because my mother had come in, i remember her telling me it's not a book for children, and i remember asking her if it was true, what the writer had written, that there were people in this world who was so greedy they'd do anything, even if it meant hurting other people. she was astonished, and had told all of the family members in the household immediately, she yelled out, 'haewon is reading a political novel! haewon is a genius! Haewon is this and that,' sometimes i can still hear her voice ringing in my ears," she smiled, feeling sadness and bitterness on her tongue. "it was long after that that i realized she was one of those people, the greedy ones who don't care about anything as long as they obtained what they wanted."

"what is it like to be a genius? well at first it's amusing, famous people want to meet you, other children want to be you, and everyone who was old enough to understand that a three-year-old could read political novels and reference books like it was normal adored you, they even give you a standing ovation in talkshows. i could travel to different places i wanted to go to, i could have everything i wanted," and then her fists clench, "but then you grow up. you become tired of the repetitive attention, you just wanna make friends and hang out like a normal kid, but it's like your whole future is already planned out and you were nothing but a pawn to your parent's lives, i'm pretty sure they stopped treating me as their child as soon as they found out i was a gifted child. soon, i had turned angry because i didn't have any control in my life, i was nothing but a marionette, acting how i should. i wanted to be gone."

"how did i get out of that damned place? it was a tuesday actually and i was 10, like every other night, i was angry at the world. i felt empty, i didn't feel alive. so what do i do when i feel so trapped? i escape the house and go for an evening run. i ran and i got hit by a car. the next moment i woke up, the only thing i knew was that there were many people in my room because of their voices. but you know what i also found out? it was dark and i couldn't see anything, i was informed that the lights were on and the curtains were drawn out, it was 9 am. but i couldn't see," she chuckled a little. "and it was the best ing day of my entire life. i heard worried voices telling me everything was going to be okay, they were gonna get me treated, everything will soon be back to normal. but the doctor said there was no hope, it was too dangerous to operate. the only thing they could do was put me into therapy to get me used to the change. and i did, after my therapy, my parents sent me to live with my father's sibling making some excuses about being too busy to take care of me. they're just bummed i couldn't make money for them anymore because i was unqualified, i was damaged and useless. i met real family when i moved,"

"i've been in the choi household for years now. i know them very well, and when i say this, i'm saying i'm also well aware of how ed up our family is," she shrugs, "but i guess it's okay since although we're ed up, we're ed up together. i don't say this often but i'm thankful to seojun, for not kicking me out despite me being such a difficult person. well i guess he can't really kick me out... but i'm still thankful, anyway."

people who know me well.

+ choi hyungwon and choi yerin. parents. she hated them, it was obvious. whenever they called, she made sure to make them feel she didn't want to talk. she wanted them completely gone in her life because she often felt suffocated with their presence, maybe it was developed from trauma or something, she wasn't sure. but she was sure of one thing, she never wanted to be associated with them.

+ choi seojun. cousin. he's the person she feels most comfortable with since he's like the father of the family, haewon isn't afraid to tell seojun the truth or tell him of his faults. although unobvious about her genuine care for her cousin (because she tends to get in arguments with him, refuses to call him oppa, and is more often sarcastic than affectionate), she holds great respect for him because he cares for the family, one trait she has never once felt with her parents. once upon a time, haewon stole a sweatshirt from seojun, he knows but told her to keep it anyway.

+ choi joowon. cousin. she isn't all that close with joowon but she thinks he's okay. she feels as if he was someone that can easily be a friend but it was something she isn't really interested enough to do. she trusts him though.

the end.
a few words : why would i hate you :< you're wonderful and i LOVE this storyline sfjfshksdd i wish i'd get accepted. i'm not sure if what i made was ok, tell me if i did anything wrong/confusing! ^^
scene suggestions :
+ someone in the family witnesses haewon waking up to a vivid nightmare
+ the family goes somewhere and they're just happy and content that they're together

password : scream - do kyungsoo  (listen to it bc it's a gift from the heavens)


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