zhang daxia
< is in of the murder club. >
haru wasn't chummies with the world. she could go as far as to comically say she somewhat hated it. she often kept to herself and she was content that way. but with exceptional proficiency in hacking and bugging computer systems rooting from her undying fascination of them, she ends up discovering the murder club, a bunch of people who apparently investigates real life crimes. in a place where people wanted either justice to be served for the good or seek vengeance for what they've lost, she was the one of the most suspicious among them all, her mere existence in the club sometimes tend to cause anxiety among some of the members. although as much as she was suspicious, she was also helpful and had managed to aid them because of her strategic nature and knowledge about computers. but was she really an ally? or was it all just a lie?
< 01 / BASICS. >
full name. Zhang Daxia; 大夏
— Haru : the only name she lets people call her (except family and love interest, they all call her Daxia), it's Japanese for Spring and she loves spring. she often introduces herself with, "I'm Haru," and that's it, she thinks that's the only thing they're supposed to know anyway.
— Zhang's Sister : it's known too many that she's the younger sister of the former track and field captain and resident genius boy-next-door, because of that, she's overshadowed by his achievements despite the fact he already graduated.
date of birth. 1999, September 27th
place of birth. Beijing, China
hometown. Beijing, China to Beomjo, South Korea
ethnicity. Half-Korean, Half-Chinese
nationality. Korean-Chinese
— Mandarin : mother tongue, a korean born and raised in China and a father that's Chinese, Haru is more comfortable using the Chinese language rather than Korean.— Korean : fluent, her mother being a Korean, she knows how to speak it as her mother refuses to communicate with her otherwise
— English : slightly fluent ; taught in school and learned by reading books

face claim. red velvet's wendy
backup face claim. rv's kang seulgi
height and weight. 160 cm & 44 kg
she's not very tall and she's slim. what's most notable about haru is the fact that her hair is constantly dyed a different hair color almost every month, they've witnessed it as a striking color blue, lilac, blonde, and even red (she's currently blonde). just one of the several reasons why she's casual friends with the diciplinary teacher. another subtle quirk she has is the tattoo on her right wrist saying 'bull' in lowercaps and blank ink, she also never leaves her house without wearing a watch located on her right wrist. 

— determined, committed, strategic, distractible, blunt, quick to anger
haru has always been someone who made sure she knew what she was doing before she acted on it. once she gets assigned to something, she makes sure she finishes it and doesn't stop until she gets it done. she had several redeeming factors that made her a bit of an asset to the team (e.g. her extensive knowledge about hacking (computers and locks) and that she can disguise herself as a clueless chinese in times of need) but also had great setbacks. because of the fact that she joined the club without any specific reason, she was someone who they found suspicious, although never finding enough reason to conclude if she's an enemy. also, she is easily provoked, one of this being the reasons why she keeps to herself, and tends to sprout out hurtful words at people without care.
among these traits, there is one trait that differed from the rest, this being her distractible nature. haru can be warm, easygoing, and a sincere friend when you decide to befriend her and one thing you'll find as adorable as it's frustrating is the fact that she easily loses focus, blanks out, and at certain times tilts her head, her eyes widened cluelessly, and asks "huh? what?"

// haru is actually terrified of amusement parks because of a childhood encounter when she was forced to ride a massive rollercoaster. she was begging to be let down the whole ride and never had she willingly stepped in an amusement park again, otherwise she'd end up going on a verge of a panic attack.
// haru is more comfortable in the darkness than in bright daylight, that's why she often works in the dark with just a small source of light so she could see rather than having the actual light illuminating the room, because she says she can't concentrate with all the bright light.
// because of haru's chinese name, people often mistake her for being entirely chinese that they signal or make gestures at her when they first meet her, not knowing she could actually perfectly understand and speak Korean
// haru was a part of the swim team, dance team, debate team, and was the drummer in a band in her school in china
// haru lacks a sense of direction, she could literally get lost anywhere
// haru could sleep anywhere, just don't talk to her for a good 30 minutes and then she's dozed off. fortunately, she's a light sleeper.
// haru habitually tilts her head when she's curious and fidgets with her hands when she's nervous
// drinking coffee makes haru anxious, paranoid, and jumpy that she actually needs to avoid them to prevent a panic attack
// haru only moved to beomjo a year ago (where her mother and older brother lived) because of legal matters in terms of custody her parents settled all those years ago
// haru likes reading and gaining knowledge, she learned to read at the age of three and has extensive knowledge about computer systems which helps her be able to hack into them and/or bug them with viruses, also has knowledge about picking locks.
// haru likes playing with fire, literally. she has her own lighter that's always located in her pocket and sometimes people just get startled when they see her playing with the object. of course, she does make sure she's far away from inflammable objects.
// speaks in chinese when frustrated/angry, she just suddenly sprouts out words that seemed unintelligible to those who didn't speak mandarin
zhang kai : the perfect older brother
(song jaerim)
older than her by a few years, kai and her used to be the closest in the family. he was protective like a mother hen and they always had each other's back. however when she was seven, both of her parents got divorced, her father winning custody over her while her mother brought kai back with her to beomjo. they grew far apart as they got older, eventually leaving haru withdrawn from her family, too. kai grew up to be a perfect son, student, and person in general, he excels in everything but had unintentionally made haru a shadow of his greatness. despite this, haru doesn't hate him, but knows she can never be as close to him as they were in the past. kai is now studying in seoul national university.
ha jinwoong : the murder club founder and soccer prince
(got7's jaebum)
people who didn't know of ha jinwoong probably lived in a cave or maybe it was because she just moved in town a year ago and being somewhat of a soccer enthusiast, she was one of the witnesses to his unfortunate accident. haru knew jinwoong didn't know her because she was a mere observant, and even if he did, he probably knew her just as zhang's sister and beyond that, nothing else. although when haru joins the club, he's the first one to get closer to her among the other members (although not that close, just enough to be friends), he's the one who encourages her to open up among the others and stop acting so isolated and hostile-looking so the members wouldn't think she was a part of the bad guys. haru secretly liked having jinwoong as a friend and gradually started treating and talking to him comfortably, since she was never really a people person, it was a big leap, but something she never regretted.

ha jaewon : the porcelain doll-like classmate
(choi jinri)
haru and jaewon weren't quite friends, more like acquaintances since she didn't really socialize unless necessary. the only instance she remembers that they've interacted was that time when they had groupwork to be done and she had been teamed with her and some other people. otherwise they were just two people coincidentally living in the same town. haru didn't dislike her nor like her since she didn't know the girl enough. when she joins the club, jaewon is one of the people who's anxious about her. they don't really argue but they're quite awkward around each other. as they progress though, haru develops some kind of care for jaewon (and the other members, too!). she will never say it out loud but she's willing to take a gunshot for her (and the others, too!) if they're put in a situation like it.
love interest. Huang "Hero" Jia Shuai  [OC; played by Zhang Yixing]
backup love interest. club member! [personality + lovestory not applied if ever]

// enthusiastic : he always seems to be full of spirit and spreads it around, too
sweet : he makes serious efforts for people he cares for
// intelligent : has exceptional marks and helpful knowledge
// forgetful : he can actually forget something he did only a few minutes prior
// stubborn when provoked : doesn't listen to anyone once he gets angry
// tends to become paranoid : that sometimes he attempts to stop haru from going to club meetings
// brutally honest : he's not afraid to tell haru the truth or tell her off when her anger gets out of hand

the love story. 
+ how they met, both of them were childhood friends who got separated when hero moved to south korea with his parents. even then, he was someone who understood her and always stayed beside her. they used to write letters to each other to keep them close, even up until she moved to beomjo, their communication never got lost permanently. the thing was, he only lived a good hour or two from bomjeo and as soon as he found out she was in the same country as him, he made it a routine to visit her every other weekend, sometimes if he's not too busy with his school work, he'd visit every weekend (he's a year older than her).
+ how they are towards each other, haru is seen to be most comfortable around him, she is often seen smiling at the thought of him or whenever she's with him. they treat each other more like best friends, they are frankly honest with each other, and is just one of the many couples in the world who genuinely loved each other. haru's romantic and sweet side is triggered whenever it came to the topic of her lover. hero however doesn't entirely like the fact that she wanted to join a murder club, afraid that she might be put in danger.
+ how they ended up, six months after she moved in town, he had asked her on a date and brought her out for a picnic. they went out for a couple more and started dating eventually. their anniversary is his birthday (Oct. 7, 1998)!
+ how a majority of the students perceive 'hero', they think he's fictitious as he's rarely seen with her, although not many people really knows she's actually in a relationship.
how did you find out about the murder club? let's just say I was- "tell them the truth, daxia!" hero yells in the background. haru rolls her eyes in irritation. fine. i was hacking into the police station's system- but that doesn't really matter. anyway, i was just playing with the cameras around the city since the police station has control over that and was reading a few case files when i heard people talking about some club called 'the murder club'' led by students of beomjo public school themselves. at first, i thought it was just some rumored legend or something, well apparently it wasn't when i heard about it through various students that were talking. you know if you actually try tuning in to the gossips going on in that school, you'll realize there's no secret that's going to be kept there no matter how hard you tried.
why do you want to join the club? i don't know, shrugs. i'm offering my help and i have nothing better to do with my life, like come on. we're in a city where crime seems to be a hobby for the citizens, the least i could do was become of use with my knowledge. i'm not necessarily out for vengeance nor am i doing this for the good of the people, it's just something to do, i guess. but don't get me wrong here, i will work and do my best to help if i get accepted, why would i even join in the first place if i won't, right?
what can you add to the club? i'm a hacker, i have extensive knowledge about hacking, i can pick locks, and i know how to use them to my advantage. one more, i'm chinese and many people seem to think that i'm clueless about korea, i'm willing to act stupid as a faux or something. i'm also a part of the honor students, if that helps. although to be honest, i can't help you much with the defense part (i do have my lighter, though. i'm not afraid to use it if necessary), or the connections, i have a few, but not really, i'm not really a people kind of person.

how are you planning to join the club? i don't really have friends so how would i make anyone pass the message nor do i have money to bribe him since my allowance doesn't come until next month, sorry buddy (kidding!). i'll go for the traditional talking to him, to be honest, i was initially thinking of hacking into his phone to communicate but hero kind of confiscated all my gadgets (that twerp). i don't think not knowing me personally would largely hinder from getting into the club, since i could be of use to the club itself, shrugs.
name. jaz or jam.
comments. SCREAMS. MORE SCREAMING. i really think the plotline's great and i was initially thinking of a more happy, spunky character sahkfhs tbh idk what happened, but i loved the person i formed! i hope you enjoyed reading about haru, too. + dude, if you're curious if haru is a good person or not, squeaks bc idk either!!1!!1 tell me if i did anything wrong or confusing, i'll fix it right away!
scene reqs. 
+ hero scolding haru and the members of murder club getting startled that haru was actually pouting and was just a really big ball of fluff!
+ the members suspecting haru as a part of the crime that happened but ends up actually innocent
+ the members getting surprised that haru actually had a boyfriend
+ they try solving a case they can't find a solution to for weeks, even turning into nearly a month that it makes everyone frustrated and somehow they just end up shouting at each other one day
+ the members realize how much of a fluffball haru actually was when they're all close/opened up and they attempt to squish her cheeks and somehow in the end of it all, they back off when she takes out her lighter (but one member shouts "please do aegyo for us!" and haru glares at that member for the rest of the day)
+ haru gets blinded with rage and proves to them she isn't afraid to use her fire, they actually become afraid and attempt to make her calm, in the last second she flickers back to herself and runs away in fright/shock
password. "i'd say press ctrl+z, but real life doesn't have an undo button. too bad, huh?"


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