❀ 꽃미남: Li Eunhwan ❀

"리 은환: li EUNHWAN






— Haru |anyone | She's taken it upon herself to change how people called her once she moved to Changsha. Haru means "spring or new beginning" in Japanese. She came from China and everyone often asks her why Haru, not Chun, she says she read it on a manhwa and liked it. She refuses to introduce herself as Eunhwan nor be called anything but Haru (or Eun).

— Eun | family and  childhood bestfriend | The only people who's been stubbornly calling her by her real name. Her only nickname based on her actual name.

BIRTHDATE/AGE — Sept. 27, 1994; 21

BIRTHPLACE — Seoul, South Korea

HOMETOWN — Changsha, China (to Summerhaven, South Korea)

ETHNICITY — Korean-Chinese


— Korean | fluent | born and lived in Korea until she was 14
— Mandarin | fluent | moved to China when she was 14 and had been living there up until the present, father is half-chinese, grandparents live in china

— English | slightly fluent | studied in an international school where the language was mostly used

Flower Girl

FACE CLAIM — Park Su Eun






— height: 159 cm | 5'2"
mid-length dark brown hair, dyed platinum blonde (that emphasize her pale skin), often left untied

FASHION STYLE — Haru is open to many fashionable options, whether it be dresses, shirts and jeans, stilletos, or sneakers, as long as it made her look good. Most of her wardrobes though, are noticeably in shades of black and white since she deems it attracting to the eyes. Despite wanting to always look good and fashionable, she prefers not to go over the top, her wardrobe being filled with a majority of casual wears. On certain days, where she's going for comfort rather than style, she goes for shorts, a shirt, and sometimes finish it off with a black fedora or a beanie. 

From Bud to Blossom

PLOTLINE — Narcissus


OCCUPATION — Club Silverstone Part-Time Bartender

BACKUP OCCUPATION — Curtain Call Videographer



— positive: spunky, enthusiastic, committed, charismatic
— neutral:  confident
— negative: egotistical, childish, possessive, easily frustrated


Haru is the type of person you mistake for someone always intoxicated (even in the morning) just because of how she always seems to be wild and full of spirit. Also the type to tell you it's not the end of the world when you're slouched down sadly on one corner and you think that everything in the world is against you, she often says, "You're not defined nor judged by the world by how you fall, because everyone falls, I think we're judged by whether we stay on the ground wallowing in our mistakes but doing nothing to change it or whether we get back up to win over the challenges (inspired by Patrick Ness' quote)". She's a passionate person who is committed to the things she engages herself into and is determined to accomplish anything she sets her mind into, she makes sure to never fail anyone who puts their trust on her. She's charismatic, carries herself with confidence, head held high and back straight as if she owned the place, this side of her is often used by her employers to their advantage as it attracts a number of people. She often gets asked out or receivie tissues containing contact numbers of people she'd just randomly encountered.

Despite the positivity of her personality, it is often overshadowed by the negative traits she also possesses. One of her greatest setbacks is her tendency to become egotistical, because of her rough patch in the past, she'd had made sure she was nothing like her past-self. Now she thinks and insists she's better (than herself in the past), although it often comes off that she's flaunting she's better than everybody else. She often tends to talk (rather loudly) about how great it was that she never seems to gain weight and how great her figure was, or that her fashion sense was incomparable to others and that she could wear rags and she would still look majestic, or how she often tends to point out people that she thinks look awful in what they're wearing or doing, "He should definitely burn that shirt," and get confused when people become angry at her when she thinks she's just being honest. She thinks and knows she's 'it', that everybody looks at her when she walks into anywhere, and that they all know her name because let's be honest here, who wouldn't? 

Another negative trait is  her tendency to be childish when she's frustrated, especially in the face of people she trusts, she would really stomp her feet and insist that the people she's talking to isn't listening to her, when in fact, she's the one who wasn't listening, her love interest tends to get mad at her because of this trait since he can't work around her childish nature and tends to get frustrated eventually, leading to fights (there was this one time her childish streak tried making her love interest jealous, they ended up not talking for a week). She's also possessive (she prefers the word territorial) and she's not afraid to confront anyone about it because she knows what's hers. And what's hers will never be anybody else's (esp. her love interest). 



When Eunhwan was much more little and she was still living in Seoul, she often got teased for how she was fatter than all the other kids, how her skin was darker, and how she looked like a boy because of her short hair. It was continuous, the teasing, as if it was tradition to bully her. To normal onlookers and maybe among them children, many would think they were just playing around. But it was different in her point of view, she used to think she was inferior to all of the people around her and that they were right, she was an ugly ducking that would never become a pretty swan. Her emotions of despair remained hidden through the years, the only comfort being her pillow. Always lips pursed, Eunhwan-ah, you're a big girl, you shouldn't cry.


Everything changed when she was 14, she was moving to Changsha because her parents knew she had a better future in China where her paternal grandparents were wealthy enough to sustain and educate her so that she became an honorable Li daughter. She saw nothing but a new beginning, she was finally going to a place where she could express herself without being judged and where putting on a slight pinch of powder on her face wouldn't be called 'trying too hard to be beautiful'. When she moved, she made time to improve herself as puberty kicked in. She became conscious of her skin and always made sure it was in good condition, she slept in schedule, established a running hobby to lose weight, and also made sure to make a video journal about herself for the rest of the years so she could monitor just how better she'd become. Then she discovered a name meaning Spring or New Beginning in a manhwa, Haru, it was just what she was doing, getting a new beginning. Years later and she's known in the international school she enrolled in as Li Haru, The Majestic Swan. She had an ideal life, perfect, even. Everyone adored her, everybody worshipped the ground she walked on. Life couldn't be better. Well, maybe everybody, except Yixing. He's the kind boy who lived next door that she met when she first moved. He had been a very important friend to her when they were younger, he's the one who seemed to always be patient around her despite her personality (he rarely got angry, but calmly told her of the things she's done wrong) and would also be often seen in her past video journals. He started travelling when she was 16 and eventually moved to Summerhaven (where her parents moved).


And then years later, she hears the news that she has to move back to South Korea permanently, not that she never went back. She did, she spent her summer vacations in Summerhaven, where her parents moved while she was in Changsha, it was much better than Seoul and she'd even made a few friends while visiting throughout the years. She wasn't against the idea, but wasn't necessarily eager about it, either. But she had no choice and her time was up. She packed her bags, promised to visit her grandparents, and moved to Summerhaven permanently.



— mirrors | she needs to constantly know how she looks like, tends to check herself every hour
— chocolate | when they say the way to a man's heart is through their stomach, haru says the way to her heart is through chocolate, in all forms 
— rain | something about it makes her feel unreasonably happy, is often caught playing under it whenever there's rain

— fire | she likes it so much, sometimes she's seen playing with it using the lighter she always has. they always said never to play with fire, but whoever said she was one to follow the rules?

— alcohol | it's what started her bartending career in the first place


— pizza | she  dislikes the way it smells and tastes, thinks it's repulsing
— horror | she easily gets scared

— children | she doesn't dislike them enough to say she hates them, she just never seems to get along with them

— smoking | she loathes the act of it

— strobe lights in bars | she thinks it's awful, frustrating, and blinding, but can't avoid it anyway


— dancing | she lives and breathes for it, she thinks dancing is a work of art
— running |it makes her feel free and refreshed, that's why she always wakes up early for a morning run
— videography | she likes to insist there's a difference between photography and the former, since her videos always seem better than the photos she takes


— rubbing the back of her neck | when sad or about to cry
— kicking things or air | when frustrated or angry

— fidgeting with hands | when nervous or anxious

— playing with her lighter | when bored (her friends note out that she must never get bored)


— she can play the drums

— finds jokes funny that even if people don't laugh, she takes it upon herself to laugh and then she gets out of control that she can't stop laughing even if she tries
— becomess affectionate to the people (she cares for) who gets angry at her (and she knows she's at fault) up from refusing to let go of their hands to the extent of hugging them until they soften up
— doesn't like working full-time so she gets jobs that doesn't need her for the whole day and then she spends the rest of the time going to the cafe or making video journals featuring her and the town/everyone

— fears: blood (might just cause a panic attack if continually seen), amusement parks (she really thinks it's out to murder her)

— has been in a few flings in the past

— becomes anxious throughtout  the day when she drinks coffee, so avoids it very often

— long before haru had the nickname haru, she first started referring to herself as 'kim eunhwan', it ended up with her grandparents telling her that she must not be ashamed of being a Li, because the Li heritage was honorable and a phonecall from her parents asking if she was alright and did she not like being a Li (because of course her grandparents told them), her mother told her that her father had started moping, and it was an overall disaster. She ended up changing her nickname instead to avoid confrontation from her (overreacting) parents, since she wanted no one to remember the girl that was her from the past. Surely, no one would recognize her nor will anyone be serious enough to research about her childhood.

— has been introducing herself as Haru for so many years (since she was 14) that no one remembers (except her family and her childhood bestfriend) that her name is actually Eunhwan 

— when people recognize her as Li Eunhwan and acknowledges that she was the girl they always used to tease (read by her as: bully), she tends to become a little more quiet and withdrawn but masks it with a little laugh, a flip of the hair, and a retort along the lines of "well look at me now, i'm the most beautiful swan you'll ever see in the lake". She doesn't want to remember the past, nor did she want people to recognize her from the past.

MY Roots


— Li Hong Lei | 48 | Father | Casa Blanca Senior Chef | Half-Chinese, Half-Korean. He is a loving husband and father, Haru is a daddy's girl. He makes great food too. The calm one in the family, but also had childish tendencies. 


— Li (Kim) Seungwan | 44 | Mother | Journalist | A loving wife and mother. She is playful, goofy, and usually urges the family to dance in the kitchen whether it be the morning or during the night. She's scary when she's angry.

— Kim Junmyeon | Cousin | Book Nook Manager | A cousin she grew up with. She adores him as much as she hates him because of the difference in their personalities. She often condemns him with the way he was so passive all the time. But she secretly loves him (platonically!) so much she's willing to hurt anybody who hurts him. 

Best Buds


— Zhang Yixing | Childhood Best Friend | Florist | Being a fellow Changsha citizen, Yixing was one of the first people to become her friend when she first moved. He was the type of person that was easy to get along with and admittedly, she once had a huge crush on him (that was in the past!). When he started travelling and eventually moved to Summerhaven, they remained close through letters and a few visits. Their friendship as of current had been strong since she also moved in town, she could read him like an open book (as did he), often liked teasing him by telling stories of his embarrassing childhood/puberty memories to his friends since she knew almost everything about him because she used to hang out at his place and talked to his parents all the time (who, by the way, were generous with telling stories about their son). Yixing is one of the people she treasures most and is often the person she runs to when she's sad or angry, he seemed to always know what to do with her.


Byun Baekhyun | Friend | Silverstone Bartender | One of the reasons they became friends were because they co-existed in the same workplace, other than that, Haru wasn't sure how they became friends. They were in a somewhat love-hate friendship that they often asked each other why they even became friends, she hated his distractible nature and he hated her ego, people often think they were going to kill each other. However, they share an understanding between them and actually care for each other. Haru's not going to admit it loudly but she's willing to help Baekhyun whenever he's in need and he also doesn't want to admit it but he was willing to go to great lengths to protect her.


— Yook Seulgi | Friend | Curtain Call Receptionist | Haru met the older girl at Curtain Call since she goes almost twice every week to dance since she arrived, she noticed that Seulgi never seemed to separate from her seat, neither did the girl even do anything aside from her work (didn't even use her phone!). She decided to introduce herself to the girl, they eventually became casual friends after several hellos and how was your day greetings. Haru is almost everything Seulgi is not, the latter is level-headed and mature, while the former is childish and egotistical, but that's what made their friendship so interesting. Because of Seulgi's hardworking nature, Haru liked trying to distract her with many things just so she would get off of work (like showing her videos of the town and telling her what they could do during a wonderful sunny day), she liked nagging at the older girl to take a rest once in a while since she was practically glued to her work (surprisingly like Kyungsoo), she often failed in her attempts.

seemedWhen You Smile, Sun shines


BIRTHDAY/AGE — Jan. 12, 1993; 22


BIRTHDAY/AGE — May 6, 1993; 22



— positive: dedicated, genuine, humble, playful
— neutral: -
— negative: quick to anger, stubborn, blunt


Kyungsoo was born and raised in Summerhaven, his whole life was in there, and he's content that way. Raised in a family where his father was a respected lawyer and his mother was a housewife, he was molded to become a person with dedication to whichever he decided to pursue or do. He had great respect for his parents and he strives hard to make them proud, that's why even if he didn't become a lawyer like his father, he got the latter's blessing to become a chef because he promised he'd graduate with full marks, and he has never failed them even to this day.


Despite being a notable chef in Summerhaven, he never boasted his achievements, and stayed humble despite the overflowing compliments. He's a sincere person who doesn't fear anything as long as he knows it's right. He's known for being hardworking (maybe too much), and is often teased that he needed a girlfriend, but the people who say it to him are often refuted by a fellow worker and friend (namely Minseok) who tells them that Kyungsoo was actually married to his career.


Despite the perfect image of him painted by many people, he also had his setbacks, one of them being his tendency to get angry easily. This is why he wasn't that talkative, because he easily gets provoked and he knows he had to work on that, and the only way to not get angry was to not do things that would make him angry. He was also stubborn, once he gets angry, he becomes hard-headed, almost like Haru, and doesn't listen to anyone. He tends to become blunt too, blurting out words that he didn't always mean which sometimes end up hurting people around him, one of his victims being Haru.



— hates throwing away food | he thinks it's a waste of not only hardwork, but also food that could've been eaten by people in need
— owns an actual stress ball | because anger, man
— uncomfortable with physical affection | he doesn't like hugging people or kissing their cheeks (he never seems to mind if Haru does it to him though, sneaky kyungsoo!)

—  likes to hum songs behind kitchen doors (he has a really nice voice, too!)

— dislikes rats (no, not every chef gets along with them!)

— participates in charity service when he has time



Despite their differences, Kyungsoo easily (read: the poor guy was forced to) became friends with Haru. With her spunky and unrelenting nature, most people in the background believe Kyungsoo probably had no choice but to be friends with her after that day she graced them with her presence in Casa Blanca, a few days after she arrived. She went into the kitchen (she was initially just going to visit her father and remind him that her mother wanted him home for dinner because Junmyeon and his family were coming and he shouldn't be late unless he wanted to sleep on the couch for a week. It was an employees only area but the staff didn't seem to mind as long as she didnt't make a mess, it was a rather slow day anyway and there weren't that many people, perhaps they thought she was as decent as her father, in which they were completely wrong). However, she doesn't find him there and she eventually asks Kyungsoo (who was busy walking all over the place, she doubts he even noticed her coming in, she's been following his movements with her eyes for a few minutes now as she casually sat in a kitchen counter) as there was no one else there. The conversation went like this:


"Hey, do you know were my father is?" He doesn't even look up from where's cutting the vegetables, but she can see him furrow his eyebrows in irritation.


"Does this restaurant look like a place where missing fathers would go to? Do I look like a father-finder to you?" She doesn't know if she should laugh at him or be irritated as well. He looked so genuinely annoyed that she thinks that maybe he didn't even realize he was being funny. She ends up beaming widely and then she realizes that he had looked up and was openly glaring at her. 


No matter how annoyed he seemed and that she thinks he might throw a knife at her some time later, she can't find herself leaving the kitchen. She wanted to talk to him (and maybe her dad just might come any moment, she still had to tell him about the dinner), she found a great sense of amusement in annoying him, besides, she had nothing better to do. Plus his stages of showing his irritation was entertaining because he actually grew calmer every time he uttered a word, and wait, was that a stressball beside the chopping board? 


"What the hell! Couldn't you read the sign? You're not supposed to be here!"

"You know, I was just asking where my father was."


"I'm serious, get the hell out or I'm calling the manager!"

"What are you cooking? Wait, why are you even cooking, there's no one even ordering."


Eventually, he ends up stopping his work and just asks/orders her to leave while she talks to him casually. She eventually forgets why she was there in the first place.

"Why are you here? You're not allowed in here." She just smiles at him, her eyes turning into crescents.

"What's your name, grumpyface?" She swears he heard him curse  to himself.


"Get out," after a few moments, "please."

"Not until you tell me your name!"


And a few more. Until he sighs, looks at the ceiling with an expression saying 'what did i ever do to deserve this', and looks at her again. She pats the empty space beside her on the kitchen counter and she hears him mutter, "chairs were invented for a reason," but he sits next to her anyway, realizing it was a kitchen and there were no chairs near them because the people inside were usually working all the time. "It's Kyungsoo, okay. Do Kyungsoo. And you?" She introduces herself as Haru and before he could ask her to leave again (yes, he did that just so she would finally leave him alone), a staff comes in and says that they should leave now because it's closing time and they're locking up. Both were surprised, Kyungsoo was annoyed that his time was wasted, but thankful he was finally getting away from the girl and Haru was scared because, , she missed the dinner with Junmyeon's family. Her mother's going to kill her. Before she could even say bye though, he had already left. She thinks he's rude, but a smile's left lingering on her face anyway.


Haru starts visiting him almost everyday afterwards (just to annoy him more and maybe get to know him better because duh, he cooks and have you ever seen a face as fine as that?), greeting him with a good morning, a pretty an annoying smile, and coffee from Dream Bean, she eventually finds out he works at the cafe too (good thing, minseok never lets her in his kitchen). Initially, Kyungsoo thinks that maybe it'd have been easier if he just told her his name  right after she asked the first time, maybe he'd have his calm life back because she seemed to haunt him, she was everywhere. But then, he probably wouldn't be able to see her everyday afterwards, which he admittedly became very glad of as time passed by and suddenly, her refusal to leave him became a comfort rather than an irritation he constantly wanted to get rid of, and he became assured that she'll always be right there beside him. He thinks that behind all that annoying, conceited self, there was also someone sweet and a sincere friend and maybe he had developed a little attraction to her.


With their everyday encounters/meetings, she'd tell him stories about her life and he eventually went from "please go away and let me live in peace" to staying quiet while listening.


"Hey Soo, I realized you've gone from 'get out or else i'm calling the manager to kick you out' to 'that's nice' while nodding, you even look at my eyes while I talk at times! It's amazing how I can make you pause from doing your work." He scoffs.

"I know you don't have a life and you keep me entertained. Plus, I don't think you'll be able to harm me since I'm the chef here and I know where all the knives are. I can bare with you." She laughs.

"You so have a crush on me." He tackles her into a headlock just to keep her from seeing that his ears were turning red.

"In your dreams."


They become close friends up to the extent that he actually ends up eating dinner with her family (who knew her dad was that senior chef he idolized! he adored the older but he doesn't understand why the man kept on glaring at him, it was quite frightening really; her mom was just lovely... and insisted that he call her mother) and meeting her friends. 




Before he was someone she loved, he was her friend first. Her honest-to-hell and badass extraordinaire chef, Kyungsoo. He is like the depressant to her overly-eager personality, he's the one to keep her grounded and he's not afraid nor hesitant to scold or argue with her whenever she gets out of line with her negative side. He openly glares at her on certain times when her egotistical side threatens to hurt other people. He's not afraid to express any of his emotions and doesn't hold back on her because their friendship is that close, they're really comfortable with each other (enough to put her on headlocks and give her forehead kisses squeALS) . Kyungsoo likes the fact that this was how good being Haru's friend felt like (despite the ego), she made him feel like he could do anything around her without being afraid that she'd suddenly leave him because of how he acted (even if he honestly did feel annoyed when they first met).


Sometimes, because of their clashing personalities, they get into big fights that end up with both of them hurt after hurtling harsh words at each other, because Kyungsoo was easily angry and said whatever came into his mind, and Haru was never one to back down. And then they stop talking, only to realize that they feel miserable without each other. Their relationship was quite dangerous, but it was theirs, and there's nothing more they could ask for.


Despite the conflicts, they're also often said to complement each other, like ying and yang, peas in a pod, two different melodies that fit together perfectly. They brought the best and the worst out of each other. Her friends often tell her that she was like a storm, and that only Kyungsoo could calm her and make her cuddly instead of a Narcissus (girl version) when they're not fighting, of course. And when they brought out each other's worsts, she was just a big ball of sulky, but angry child who doesn't listen to anyone. While she was the crayons he needed to bring colors to his busy life, only rarely do they see a playful and carefree Kyungsoo playing footsies or nudgies with her. And rarely do they also see Kyungsoo with a deep frown and a deadly look as if he could murder anyone who he hears breathing (this is why he's behind kitchen doors! Haru's the only one to provoke him this much, though).


Many people are witnesses to the changes Kyungsoo does to Haru, as she is often seen hugging him or simply being touchy with him and that sometimes, she's content with just watching him (she doesn't even have the time to judge other people!), it's like the only thing she sees was him. Nobody knew when she started loving him, not even her (she thought it was just a little crush!), she just suddenly noticed the little things like how he seemed to be always mad but was just actually looking out for her, how he'd actually send her home when it's already dark even when his house was on the other direction, how he's not afraid to scold her when she's wrong but wasn't afraid to fight anyone who threatens to hurt her too, and finally, when he's smiling at her and she begins to think that maybe she could keep one, two, or all of it to herself, afraid that somebody might fall inlove with that smile the same way she did. For now, she was content with being friends, as long as he's the one she ends up with. Now all she needed to do was confess to him.


Kyungsoo didn't always see Haru as a potential love interest,. He didn't suddenly wake up one day and realized, 'I'm in love with her'. Before Kyungsoo thought she was quite attractive, he thought she was annoying, bratty, someone who didn't know how to listen, and generally just someone who was so centered on herself that she didn't even care about what people felt or thought, he really didn't want to be associated with her. He swore to himself that he has never met someone as stressing as her. Sure, he was attracted eventually as he got to know that she had her good sides too (like how she was determined and was committed), but Kyungsoo knew attraction didn't always mean love. Falling for a girl like her was a gradual process as he slowly got to know all sides of her, both the good and the bad. He realizes he's inlove with her when she suddenly holds his hand and he thinks that her petite hands seemed to fit perfectly with his, when she's hugging him and he realizes he wants to feel that warmth over and over again for the rest of his life, and finally, when he's staring at the stars one night and then he thinks there's not one star in the sky that shines as brightly or as beautifully as her... but of course he's not going to say that out loud.


COMMENTS/SUGGESTIONS — I'm not sure if I could put Junmyeon as my cousin :< Is it okay? Tell me if not, I'll modify it! :)

— The plotline is very nice! I was checking your other applyfic and I saw this in your updates and clicked on it, now I'm here because I love this storyline! I'm still laughing at Luhan whining (cutely?) because of how Mei said he was punished because of cutting the stalks too short, even if he's been a long time employee, lmao.

— dang, the romance part i edited became long. i was inspired, haha!... and maybe became trash for kyung-haru + i don't know if making her name Li Haru would help (since her father's mopy with the Li thing) but I tried hehe, tell me what you think :)

— i'm not sure if i should've made the things i edited (earlier) black now but i did,  since you might get confused :c sorry, i'm not that used to this, this is only my second time applying... plus about the pictures, i'm not sure what happened to them but i hope you could see them now! ^^ hehe. tell me what you think :)


in which Kyungsoo realizes just how quiet his life is without Haru when she doesn't appear for days because they got into a fight and he's too stubborn to say sorry 
— in which the girls go to a bonfire party by the beach

— in which she argues with Junmyeon on a usual day

— possessive!haru

 in which someone recognizes her as that little girl from the past they used to always tease and she laughs it off and her friends think maybe her laugh  sounded a little sad and the look in her eyes told that she never wanted to be reminded of that past again

— in which haru literally drags kyungsoo (more like tries because the guy is heavy af, but kyungsoo's letting himself be dragged anyway) out of his kitchen to hang out and 'get a life' even if it meant making him hang out with her friends  (i'm a kyungru trash sOBS VIOLENTLY)

PASSWORDbetter than chocolate! home sCREAMS THIS IS SO CHEESY 

EXAMPLE/HAND INback to the story


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