beat&seoul -- Wei Ya Yin

Wei Ya Yin (Yami) 
dovicecharge | Jun | 9/10

My name? I will give you three guesses.

stage name: Yami
full name: Wei Ya Yin 
other names: n/a
nicknames: Yinnie | by other trainees and her brother |
position: Lead Vocal,  Maknae, Lead Dancer (voilet)
back up position: Main Dancer (green)
trainee years: 3 years and 3 months
birthdate: November 18th, 2000
birthplace: Beijing, China
hometown: Tianjin, China
ethnicity: Chinese
language: Fluent : Manderin, Korean -


Do I think I'm beautiful? Do you?

faceclaim: Cheng Xiao of Cosmic Girls (gallery) |because Cosmic Girls is so new, this is the best I could find for a gallery|
talent twins: 
Singing - Sunny of SNSD
Dancing - Luna of F(x)  
height: 164cm
weight: 52kg
blood type: B
appearance:  She is short and slim, a little muscular though as she used to be a gymnast. She has long honey brown hair that cuts off just after her hips. She has thin bangs, stopping right after her eyebrows, which are the same color as her hair. She had dark brown eyes and a small nose. She has thinner lips and a dimple in her left cheek. 
fashion style: Her favorite color is grey, so that is the main color of her wardrobe. She loves jeans and knitted sweaters. She likes boots and sneakers, but it all had a girly flair. She loves neckalces with big pentants, knitted hats and bracletts. She doesn't like to wear earrings but will if she has to. They get in the way of her dancing. 


There is a lot more to me than a pretty face.

personality traits: 
Open Minded
personality:  Ya Yin is very kind. She was raised to treat other's the way she wants to be treated, so she really gets nothing out of being mean or rude to another person. She doesn't really talk to other's first, but when she is approached, she has a very sweet demenour and is easy to have a conversation with. She does her best to have a good attitide, which can be very difficult sometimes in trainee life. She still finds reasons to smile even if she's going through hardship. It may not be a big one, but people more often than not see her smiling.

Ya Yin is always open to new things. Whether it be to new foods, people, expiriences. She listenins to new ways of thinking and doing things. She believes herself as someone with room for improvment and constructive criticizm, so she is always open to hearing someone else's opinions and ideas. A lot of the trainees turn to her for help. Not because she is super good at anything, but because she likes to help people. Put simply, people ask her for help because she'll pretty much do anything for someone else, ecpecially if she cares about that person. 

Which is why she is catagorized as a push-over. She will do whatever she is asked without question and without fail, and it has lead to a lot of people(trainees,) taking advantage of her help. Sometimes she acts more like a servent than a friend. The biggest problem with it is that Ya Yin doesn't see what's happening to her. She's a little too naive and trusting to understand that her help is now being taken for granted and she is becoming a laughing stock amongst trainees. She simply sees is as helping. 

Ya Yin happens to be seriously shy and reserved. She never approaches people, she stays behind everyone when she's walking in groups, and during training she is seriously quiet. She is often seen by herself in the corner of the room either reaing or listening to music. She isn't shy to the point where if someone talks to her she cowers, she does enjoy talking to people, but she doesn't make an effort to be a part of conversation. Despite her shy demenour, she has a habit of being come across as arrogant. She has a slight air about her that says, "I'm a better performer than you, and I know it."
And it's simply a cause of her being alone and isolating herself during training, as if she is too good for anyone else.
background: Wei Ya Yin was born in Beijing, China on November 18, 2000. Her parents were excited to have her and for three years, they made life work with a daughter. They were both working in a restaurant at the time, and were just getting by. When her brother was born, things started getting financially difficult, they weren’t making enough money to support them and their two children, so it forced them to move from their home in Beijing to a smaller on in Tianjin where her granparents were living. Ya Yin can remember going to school and not being able to pay for lunch and studying while hungry.

She and her brother were close despite their difficult life. She always went out of her way to keep him fed and clothed. Her parents couldn’t make ends meet and ended up sending her little brother live with her grandparents so they all could eat. It wasn’t the easiest decision for them, but it was the only solution they could think of.


One thing that used to get her through her days was gymnastics. She had a natural flexibility most gymnasts would kill for and excelled on floor routines and vaulting. She started the sport when she was five and worked at it until she was just turning twelve. Unfortunately, she had to give up the sport due to a wrist injury that occured a week after she turned twelve. She was in the middle of her floor routine when her foot slipped out from under her and she took a hard fall onto the floor, her wrist breaking.


One of the worst days of her life was when she was told that she should no longer do gymnastics. She dived into her studies head first as a way to try and take her mind off of the sport she could no longer do.


When she was thirteen, an SM Global audition came to Beijing. It was unfortunate that they didn't show in Tianjin, but then again SM has a habit of traveling to the most well known places and calling it good. She at first didn’t think anything of it, but was actually convinced by her brother. She had a little bit of dancing skill from her floor routines and she was flexible. Maybe they would look twice at her. Also, by being an idol, she would be able to make money that she could help the family be honest, that's what really swayed her.


So, she skipped a day of school to get on a bus to Beijing and fill out an audition form. She walked in with a group of four other girls and waited. The singers went first after they were finished, she was asked to come dance. They a random song and she did a slight rendition of a floor routine she won a silver with, adding a cartwheel to go with it.

They didn’t say anything to her that day, but she was contacted a few weeks later and asked to be a part of the company. She didn’t know what to think of it at first, but all she really wanted now was to debut and make some money that she could send back to her family. She accepted the offer and was flown out to Korea to start her training.
 trainee life: Ya Yin’s life as a trainee has been seriously hard.

She arrived in Korea not knowing how to speak any of it, and before she could make any friends or make a place for herself in this foreign country, she needed to learn Korean. So she spent many weeks in with a teacher, showing her the basics of Korean so that she might be able to communicate with trainers an trainees a lot better.


She didn’t get the hang of it for seven months, but when she finally did, she was actually able to have conversations with her trainers and get some real vocal training done.


During the seven months she was training, she got a chance to do a lot of dancing. You don’t have to know Korean to do that. So for a long time she was a better dancer than she was a singer. She took vocal training of course, but it was difficult to make headway when she had to be preached about pronunciation the entire time.


She finally got the hang of basic Korean and was able to start singing better. She however, didn’t make much headway in the form of friends. She spent a lot of her training time in the back corner, away from any of the other boys and girls. She didn’t know how to approach them. She didn’t really get to talk to her family that often so for about a year, she felt really isolated. That was until she found out that she wasn’t the only trainee from China. She made quick friends with another trainee from China, but it didn’t last very long, may eight months before the company dropped her for underperforming, weight issues she refused to fix, and not taking the opportunity seriously and she was flown back to China.


So, for the next year and a half, she trained alone and sometimes really feels like an outsider in the large group of SM trainees. But, the company has applauded her quick learning of Korean, and her trainers applaud her hard work in improving her singing and dancing.

  • Ramen
  • Learning
  • Skype
  • Platform shoes
  • Fireflies
  • Cherries
  • Flowers
  • Traveling
  • Stargazing
  • Driving
  • Getting rained on, rain in general
  • Fairy Tales
  • Big or flashy jewelery
  • Bees
  • She likes to paint
  • She likes to play cards
  • She has seen her family twice in three years
  • Carries around a picture of her brother everywhere she goes
  • Hums to herself when she thinks no one is hearing
  • She's a huge fan of EXO, BTS, Boys Republic, B1A4, and VIX
  • Does tumbling in her spare time
  • During practice, she wears a wrist brace.
  • Prays alone before every performance
  • Enjoys doing makeup, just for fun
  • Selfie Queen -Has over 100 pictures of just herself on her phone
  • Enjoys taking selfies with others
  • Back-up dancer in Super Show 5
  • Always in the audience during idol olympics.
  • She is deathly allergic to bees


Home is where the family, friends, dog, refrigerator, wifi, and of course, the heart is. 

Wei Yu Jiang | 50 | strict, hardworking, to the point | her father | she loves her father very much and misses him very terribly. Whenever they talk however, it's always about how hard she is working and how close she is to debuting.
Wei Xiao Fen | 50 | Strict, hardworking, loving | her mother | as she misses her father, she misses her mother, but she enjoys talking to her mother more than her father. She wants to know how her daughter is feeling, if she has friends, if she's eating well, if she will be able to come home soon.
Wei Sheng Yin | 13 | Funny, Optomistic, Curious | younger brother | She misses her little brother and loves him most in the world. She doesn't get to talk to him as often as their parents, and whenever they get a chance to talk, she rarely ever gets words out without crying. She promises him that she will come home and buy him a giant ice cream when she sees him.
Gu Xing Han | 17 | Lazy, Funny, Kind | They met as SM trainees | She was the fellow trainee that Ya Yin was friends with as they were both from China. And they had the potential to be close friends, but she was a quick aquaintance as she was kicked from SM.
Zhang Yixing | 24 | Humble, Talented, Happy | They met backstage at an SMTown show | They are close friends, but don't see each other as often as they would like. She will however text him and give him a call if she ever needs anything or she's on a variety show and she needs to choose a friend to call.  One of the only people she can actually talk to in Manderin.


 Relationship? Aren't I too young?

love interest: n/a
personality:  n/a
background: n/a
how they met:   n/a
relationship:  n/a


And I'm so close, I can taste it

comments: Hey, just letting you know that originally my charcter was going to be much older and I wrote out the love interest before I made a bunch of changes and didn't account for the as I edited. I edited everything, this will probably suit much much better.
scene requests:  Some SMTown scenes and idol olympics.
other suggestions: n/a
password: r 24hours by the girls from Make Some Noise.  (Produce 101.) --link--
layout by CutieSica101


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