❝ 나의 가계도!
ayana · missxox · five out of ten

park baylee is now a parent!



BORN NAME  park baylee 박배이리 


bay this is a shorter way to say her name. only her friends and teammate calls her like that.

baby bay her boyfriend call her like that.

perfect capitain her fans and her teammate loves to call her like that for fun. because she is the captain. 

omma bear nickname of the little family used by fans of the family.

AGE 24 years old / 26 years old 

DATE OF BIRTH may 1st, 1991

PLACE OF BIRTH seoul, south korea

HOMETOWN montreal, canada
ETHNICITY full korean

korean native :: she was born in sk, but korean was very used at home. it was the first language she ever talked. 

french fluent :: her family moved to montreal at the end of elementary school until first year of college. eventually she got to learn the language pretty quick. 

english : semi-fluent ::  semi-fluent - she studied english since elementary school but, she only got better in high school. thanks to her bilingual friends plus, she went to an english college before getting recruited in the team.


FACECLAIM  yoon bora - sistar 
BACK-UP FACECLAIM  kang jihyun/soyou - sistar 

HEIGHT 171 cm

WEIGHT 54 kg


baylee has long dark black hair that are dyed in honey blonde. she mostly wears them down when she isn't training. her eyes are dark brown. baylee's skin tone is slightly tanned, thanks to her outside practice she had during summer. her body is quite toned because of her job.



positivity is the key of success  confident, caring, funny  

neutrality makes you understand more things  independant , blunt

negativity makes you even more real  possessive, jealous, dirty minded 


yes girl, i slay with that confidence and caring side of me. baylee is a girl full of confidence and very strong. she's the girl who's not scared of anyone. she's confident and everyone knows it around her. because she's the type of girl who comes to you at first with a bright and warm smile. you're never going to see her as someone sensitive and shy. sometimes, she seems to be the type of girl who can turn you down any moment by not. baylee is a caring girl. she's someone who tends to listen to people instead of talking a lot. she is there to listen to others and give her personal thought about the situations. she's the one who can be found helping cleaning around when she sees something is messy. she helps the one who needs first and loves cooking for the one she loves.

of course, i've a special humor baylee is a funny girl. most of the time, she uses sarcasm in the funniest ways. when she's totally in a good mood, you'll see a girl who has a lot fun. she's totally a real sarcasm queen. most of people are sometimes shocked because of her sarcasm but she still loves it. the moment the most shocking is when baylee is being a real byuntae (.) even thought that she's a girl who seems mature and polite like a real woman. she's can be pretty dirty minded. she can be scary but she's simply joking around to scare her teammates. yet, baylee knows when to drop her weird comments and when to not do it.

you can call me miss independant and the truth box  baylee is very independant. it can be a good thing or a bad thing. let's start with the good things of being independant. she's able to take care of herself well. since she has been "living alone" since she moved to south korea. she took care of everything for her. she does things by herself and rarely ask help. which can turn into a problem. there's the bad side of being independant. when she is struggling to do something, she never ask help. she'll be struggling by herself and if someone is proposing help, baylee would refuse totally and keep trying, trying and trying. she can be pretty blunt by moment. everything is black or white for her nothing is in between. if she doesn't like something, she'll be straight up and say that she doesn't like it. when you ask for an opinion, do not be scaried to hear what she really thinks.

ok, do not touch my thangs possessive, yes and that's a reason why she can be jealous easily. do not touch what it's hers. she would totally flip your face. she doesn't like much to give away her things or share with her friends. don't give her things easily. you'll have to cry and roll on the floor then, she will give it to you. for example her love interest is one of the thing that she is even more possessive. do not dare to try to flirt with him or you are going to find a angry baylee behind you, ready to make you eat some rude words. baylee is a girl who's the jealous type. her friends, best friend and family know about it. when she's jealous, she'll not even hide it. she'll totally be jealous and it's going to be obvious. she hates to be negliged and ignored. if she's being negliged, she might be very mad at you. she can give side glares or simply give super short answers. you'll see that she doesn't want you around her that all.elaboration of your traits starts here




  volleyball (obviously...)

  hiphop music


  spicy food
  healthy food




  waking up early


  horror movies



  baylee is a professional volleyball player for the samsung blue fang.

  she also does sports related cfs. she recently did a nike and adidas cf.

  baylee was supposed to be studying as a mathematician if she wasn't in the south korea professional volleyball league team. 
  baylee is planning to join the volleyball team for the next summer olympics. 
  she wants to have four kids and adopt one or two in the future. she always wanted to get married at 25 years old, but now she thinks she'll get married around 30. *coughs* if bae doesn't propose... *sips tea*

  she has a huge obsession with sport clothes and shoes. her shoes game in strong af and has a huge collection of sport bras and leggings/shorts. 

  she is mostly a front player and she is the captain of the samsung blue fangs volleyball team.
  she is an impressive cook and bake. she makes awesome receipes that never fails to make your mouth water. 
  she has a phobia of butterflies. it never fails to make her friends and teammate laugh like crazy. she just can't with butterflies and she cried once because one was on her leg when she was doing a jogging with her bff. 

  meet aurora her baby girl a teacup pomeranian

  her second child is none than mr. chu, the bunny, who act like a puppy and he loves to cuddle. 

  every months, baylee sends money to international charities and also to charities back in canada for sick children. 



we are family~ meet the one who gave birth to baylee back in 1991, her mother. her name is park sujeong and she is working as a lawyer. with her mother, baylee loves making crazy pranks and jokes. they make pranks on maylee and kyuhoon. they have a close mother - daughter relationship. she's always the first person that baylee calls when she's feeling down or when she needs advices. when they see each other it is always them hugging each other and baylee kissing her mom. they cry everytime they see each other at the airport. oh! her mom has no problem embarassing baylee tho. you'll see that is where baylee got her personality from. who is the donor? it is none than park kyuhoon. he is called dad most of the time. baylee's dad is a business man who loves his girl like a baby. even if she is 25 years old, he treats her like his baby. he's always there for her. baylee loves him so much. they have a really funny relationship. he always calls her my little bunny and she calls him fat daddy. sometimes he boss her around the house driving baylee crazy and ends up yelling like a crazy child. he always makes sure that baylee has everything she needs. he was always there when she had competitions for her volleyball and he was like her number one fanboy. he would always scream to cheer her. he's very protective toward baylee. the girl who made baylee's childhood a hell. this is none than miss park maylee aka. baylee's older sister. maylee is a year and seven months older than baylee. she is working as a choreographer under yg entertainment. baylee and her are very close. during their childhood they used to fight a lot for no reasons. now, since they both moved to south korea, baylee and maylee are very close. maylee kept cheering baylee when she felt like leaving and she'll be the first one to come to her whenever baylee needed her. she texts baylee everyday and they talk on the phone often. when baylee has free time, she would go meet maylee. they share so many weird stories together and inside jokes. they are very close.


the real friends in my life who is baylee's beautiful best friend? her name is park sojin. because of the same family name baylee likes to call her sister #2. anyways, sojin is the awesome leader of the girlgroup, girl's day. they met on a tvshow around four years ago when baylee started her career as a volleyball player. they seriously clicked like two best friends. they made jokes on everything and they dissed each other for fun. for sojin, baylee is like a sister she never had. ha! this gentleman is known as the charming boy best friend. his name is kim himchan. the handsome b.a.p member who's in charge of being a derp on stage. sassy himchan who never stop bragging how handsome he is. he pretty much is the one who likes to make fun of baylee because she is the shortest of the volleyball team, but baylee loves to reminds him that his aegyo makes her want to break her necks. they have competitions about everything. my dream baby sister, choi seungyeon, the beautiful singer and rapperokay! let me talk about seungyeon. seungyeon once told on tv that her favourite athlete of the moment was baylee. she is like baylee's #1 fan and kept fangirling about her. you should have seen seungyeon who's shocked face and the mcs was all on her case. baylee seriously sees hyunjoo like her baby sister. after that funny meeting and how seungyeon was happy to see her, they became friends and ofc, they act up like two dorks together and baylee calls her the fluffy thing because how adorable she is. oh! on social medias, somehow, baylee comments on her pictures like "ohmygodgirl. gimme some of your prettinesssss~" then, seungyeon will be like " naah i keep it for myself :p " 


meet the samsung blue fangs. ah you might have a headache after seasing all those people around baylee's life. so i won't put every single team mates in this. i'll give you the two important girls of the team. meet woo somi! somi was the first one who started to talk to baylee. she was the maknae of the team when baylee joined four years ago. somi is a girl who's always ready for new adventure and try out crazy things. she loves trying to set goals to reach every volleyball seasons. they are quite good friends. they go to the gym together. the second girl is joo raeki. raeki the shyiest team member. raeki is french-korean and she is quite shy and reserved. she doesn't like much extreme attention from everyone. raeki joined when baylee was doing her second year in volleyball. when raeki joined, baylee saw that she had difficulties to integrate the team. baylee approched her and started to try to get along with her and try to get to know her. that's how they became good friends. despite raeki's shy and reserved personality, they have quite a nice friendship. baylee is always there for her when she needs. their conversations are always in french. 

this is MY children'S FATHER

PARTNER NAME  bang yongguk

BACK UP  kim himchan


DATE OF BIRTH march 30, 1990

AGE 25 years old // 27 years old

RELATIONSHIP  dating since august 2014.



from  his outside look, yongguk seems like he's someone intimidating. despite his look, he is a total teddy bear inside. he's someone very passionate when he loves something/someone. he'll give all his attention for it and he'll do anything for it. he's also very patient. he doesn't get mad fast... it takes a lot of time for him to loose patience. the glass won't break until someone does it. he is also very kind. he gives to charities when he receives his pay and he thinks about people's happiness before his own. even if he looks like he is super serious, he has a dorky side that comes out around the one he is comfortable around. he makes weird faces and act funny. he never fails to make the one around him laughs. like baylee, he's pretty blunt. he won't think twice and he'll say things straight up the way he thought it.


they both met about three years ago. thanks to himchan who bragged about his awesome friend that was a newly athlete. himchan and yongguk went to see the final match of baylee's team. during the whole match, himchan was cheering like no tomorrow for baylee everytime she was hitting the ball. baylee's team won and everyone was hyper. after the match, there was a small party to a restaurent and baylee invited himchan to come if he wanted. himchan took yongguk with him. he introduced them to each other and that's how they met. they became quite friends. baylee knew the group b.a.p because of himchan. she watched few of their videos and without lying, she thought that yongguk was perfect af. (typicalbay) anyways, they became closer throught the year and started dating about two year ago. it only decame public few months before b.a.p's comeback in november.


✕ ALONE  they are the kind of couple to be like they are the only one in the world. you'll love watching them and not being like 'awn'. they are two clowns together. they can have crazy competitions against each other or make each other scared for no reason. sometimes, they can be cuddling to each other or simply enjoying each other's presence. sometimes yongguk would be sitting and baylee would put her head on his laps. he would be playing in her long hair and sometimes tickle her. or they can be cuddling. if they are on a date, yongguk would totally be cheesy to her which it making her laugh a lot or just her being like wtf u doing boy. they do a lot of natural skinship together. overall, it's a couple who enjoy each other's presence a lot while being lovey-dovey, crazy and dorky together. baylee is often the one acting weird randomly and yongguk would be giving her weird looks. he compliments her a lot.


✕ IN PUBLIC  they are less all over each other. they would hold hands and hug each other sometimes. even that, they are very funny and bay would totally be pulling a weird move that will making him laugh a lot. skinships in public isn't his thing, but bay is the one to do skinships in public.


✕ AROUND THE SQUAD  around friends that is when they give each other space. i mean, yongguk doesn't need to be 24/7 with his girl. they go from lovey-dovey could to two annoying best friends. they would totally make up crazy jokes and being loud with their friends. they leave each other space to breath too. sometimes, bay would make diss comments to each other which it makes their friends crack up a lot. if they are walking all together, bay wouldn't be afraid to go and give a little tap on his bum or poke it which it annoys him and she'll look back at him with a huge devil smile. yongguk would sometimes give a small kiss on her cheek or hold her hand.


✕ FAR AWAY  haha! this. when they are both busy with their work, they would sometimes send each other's snapchat or text each other. they doesn't call each other unless if it is necessery. their texting goes from 1. food pictures to 2. cheesy conversations to 3. weird conversations that no one understands. as soon bay sees that he is overworking over night, you'll totally see her going to see him and drag him home to sleep.



  baylee is the professional sweater/hoodie thief. you might see yongguk searching for it then, all he sees is baylee wearing it. [thisgirltho] 

  they got a lot of shoes that are the same. they match their shoes game often, that's the only "couple" thing they have because baylee find it overly cheesy. 

  baylee likes to imitate his voice while trying to rap his part all the time.
  he imites her everytime she laughs super loudly

  rap battles happens often on random moments of the day and " disses " each other. then, all you see is baylee faking being hurt and it ends up by a kiss

  everytime he postes a picture on instagram somehow she is the first commenting and she... fangirl hard on her own boyfriend which makes a lot of fans laugh at their weirdness. also, on her phone his contact name is "[gun emoji] & [blueheart emoji]" and on his phone her contact name is "bay baby [pinkheartemoji]" on twitter they have a lot of hidden jokes. 
  playing in baylee's hair is yongguk's favourite thing to do when they are cuddling.

  they have a lot of deep talk together. he even told her once that he wanted to meet her mom and baylee was like "if you think that i'm weird, then, you'll cry when you are going to meet the one who made me a weirdo too"

  everytime he comes to see her after practicing, baylee is the one who gives him a massage. if it is her who comes from a practice, then she is the one receiving a massage. then, if they both come from practice, then, they are both sleeping

  yongguk and his twin brother once tried to make a prank on her to twitch each other but, as soon she saw yongnam, she was like "you ain't my bf! bring it back" [trouble dude] then after she killed him twice xD
  when they eat together, yongguk tends to steal in her plate and he always got that look from baylee.
  everytime baylee takes his phone, she has to take 100 selfies. so his phone is full of baylee's selfies.


KID NAME(S)  kim yebin / kim dobin

BACK UP  shoo twins

PLOTLINE  free plotline

DATE OF BIRTH december 28th, 2012 // feburary 21st, 2015

AGE 3 years old :: 4 years old // 1 years old :: 2 years old



yebin is a child full of energy. she has a very outgoing personality. she doesn't have much problem to get along with other people. as soon she sees that you are someone nice, she'll have no problem with you. she is always ready to try something new. her vocabulary is quite good for a three years old child. she talks talks and talks about anything and everything. she don't have much problem to express herself. despite her bright personality, yebin has a love for attention. she seeks for attention a lot. if she sees that you are focusing on something else while she is trying to do something, she'll cuddle to you or maybe cry. she doesn't like when she don't have the attention she needs. also, she is very kind. she always shares her food with older people and younger. she gives it first without even taking a bit by herself. she never fails to go into a crazy mode when she is eating. when she loves it, she might scream, "i love ittt!" she eats a lot. her tantrum tends to take a longer time to calm down. you only have to ask her what is wrong and she'll simply stop herself of crying and say what is wrong. most of the time, yebin is a fun little girl who has energy, funny and adorableeee. 

dobin is quite a young baby. he's a child who loves food more than anything. when he sees someone eating, he'll be the one to crawl to that person to get some food. if you refuse, then, you he might end up crying. he's more in the sensible side. he cries more than yebin at his age. he is a baby who needs more attention and he loves when someone plays with him. thanks that his sister plays with him sometimes despite their age difference. he also sleeps a lot. he sleeps like three times during day time one around 10 another time around 2pm and again around 6pm. his naps tends to last about thirty minutes to an hour. dobin is very curious. trying to stand up as soon he can grab on something. if he sees something suspicious, he'll try to go and see.


as usual, yebin didn't had difficulties to get along with the couple. as soon she met them, she didn't much had problem to be with them. but for dobin it was harder for him to be with someone he doesn't know that all. he cried for quite a bit until his mom gave a bottle of milk to baylee to feed him. then, his mom left them. in the beggining, dobin was glued to baylee. everytime she was leaving the room, he was crying while crawling to her direction. unless he was playing with yebin. as for yebin, she was trying to help the couple she would often say, "oh! dobin like this or dobin prefers that." then, the couple had to find a way [author-nim...you have to find it xd] to make him stop being glued to baylee.

after that horrible beggining with dobin, he seemed to enjoy his time with them. he was playful and he liked to go out with yongguk while baylee would go out with yebin for girl things. when they were together, the kids were fun to be around all the time. dobin would smile when we ask him question at one point, he started to call baylee mom and yongguk dad. yebin loved cooking time with baylee and playing with yongguk. when yebin was acting up, it was yongguk's job to make her stop. yebin would play games or coloring her books. story times was her favourite moment of the day which was around 3pm after the nap and during snack time. they actually looked like a family. dobin would cry there and there which it is normal for a baby. they try to teach him how to walk proprely.



 yebin is learning english so, her mom suggested to baylee to speak in english with yebin once or twice a week.

 yebin prefers baylee for one reason, "omma bear is the prettiest."

  dobin prefers yongguk, boys be boys. it took quite a long time for him to call baylee mom. he would always call yongguk dad, but he never did with baylee until he passed the whole day alone with her.
 dobin is in font into baylee's snacks.

 dobin loves to show affection. he kisses baylee every morning when he wakes up, but he never does to yongguk.

 the couple gave to yebin a new nickname which is binie bear and dobin is doo bear. the second nickname that yebin has is sojin jr. because she looks like a mini version of sojin. 

before the casting finishes


hello! i've re-applied to this story with the same gir, since you haven't reviewed her. btw, sorry of typos or grammar mistakes. english isn't my first language that all. i wanted to make a professional athlete as a character instead of going for an actress/idol/model since most of the characters are. i decided to go for another type of celebrity. oh! yebin is a baby who got viral because of a video click here. she has multiples video on youtube here's the channel click here. my current favourite video of yebin is this one. yebin's mom has an instagram for yebin and her little brother that has around 384k followers click here.i did a gallery if you needed pictures and gifs. anyways, hope you don't mind! hope you liked baylee!any concerns or comments?


 sojin visiting baylee and yongguk to see yebin and dobin.

 yebin and dobin going to see yongguk perform and cheering backstage with the other b.a.p members.

 yebin and dobin watching baylee playing a match of volleyball. and yebin trying to play with the team too.

 since it is winter, maybe going sliding and ice skating.

 the zoo 

 hide and seek in the house.

 cooking competition yongguk vs. baylee and yebin and dobin has to choose the winner.

 maybe visiting other families haha.

 oh my gosh, maybe baylee's mom calling that she is coming to see her it was a surprise. so her mom will see the kids and meet yongguk for the first time *dramatic music* [crazy mom part one starts.]

 baylee being scared of butterflies.*im so evil*

PASSWORD baeguk? yonglee? bangbae? banglee? . i'll go with banglee.


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