Test Review for TLC

My Little Butterfly by HeadToToesLove

Title (9/10)

It’s completely relevant to the story, first and foremost. It’s also a somewhat sweet-sounding title that gives such an emotional and sentimental vibe. Simple, sweet and easy to remember.

There are probably many titles with the keyword ‘butterfly’ in them. However, My Little Butterfly is still original as there aren’t many fics with the same title.

I personally think that the title would be especially eyecatching among ARMYs and BTS stans. Since ‘butterfly’ holds a strong significance, it’ll definitely attract a lot of ARMYs. As I said earlier, it gives off an emotional vibe, which will most probably attract readers who are fans of ‘deep’ stories.

Description/Foreword (10/10)

Your description is very well-written. It isn’t too revealing, nor is it too bland. It’s short but intriguing; able to make people ask questions like “Okay, so what’s the connection between Hoseok and Taehyung?” and “Taehyung has cancer? Then, if he dies, what’ll happen to Hoseok?” which will prompt the reader to continue reading the story. Appearance-wise, it’s very neat and your colours you used aren’t an eyesore.

Story Plot (20/20)

If I’m to describe your plot in one word, it’d be ‘beautiful’. Really. It’s so painfully beautiful and I think its impact can last for days. As a whole, it’s a simple plot but the way you wrote it out turned it something that’s simple—yet with a very deep meaning.

It’s good how you begin the story with an introduction to Hoseok’s character. It’s revealed through properly done flashbacks on how his bitterness at life came to be. His introduction leads to Taehyung’s brief introduction which then leads to their first meeting. Said meeting starts off quite oddly, since the reason they even interact is because Taehyung initially thought Hoseok is about to jump to his own death. Eventually, though, an unpromised friendship is formed without words.

Soon, it’s seen that their friendship slowly blossoms into something more and their relationship actually seems to progress well. There’s a small part that describes Hoseok’s growing feelings towards Taehyung. Right after, a conversation takes place between them that explains the relevance of the title to the plot—about why there are so many butterfly pictures in Taehyung’s room and why he happens to like butterflies so much.

The next part is wholly heartbreaking. Hoseok’s asked to prepare for when Taehyung would leave, which obviously noone would ever be able to prepare for. Right when Taehyung shows vague improvement, things take a turn for the worst and comes the most tear-jerking part; Hoseok isn’t ready to let Taehyung go but Taehyung wants him to. It’s so sad how Hoseok regained all the hope he lost upon meeting Taehyung, only to lose him to inevitable death not long after.

The ending is five years later, when Hoseok is still pained, yet he’s able to start fresh. He grieves, he mourns, but at least he can stay strong as the memories of his sister and Taehyung stay with him. Although half a decade has passed, he doesn’t forget or replace Taehyung. The final sentence which shows that Hoseok thinks that the butterfly that landed on him resembles Taehyung is simply perfect.

Flow (13/15)

Your flow is at a normal, balanced pace. It’s slightly fast but packed with elaboration and details. However, it’ll be better if there’s more elaboration and explanation on Hoseok and Taehyung’s relationship while it was still in the early phase.

Characters (20/20)

The way you wrote out your characters is amazing. Hoseok makes me feel his pain, while I’m just in love with Taehyung’s bittersweet character.

Hoseok is at first almost a zombie, living a pointless life, having no meaning or aim whatsoever. He develops into a person who learns to accept and be strong after meeting Taehyung. His character shows that no matter how difficult life is, there’s always a reason and a way to make life worth it.

Taehyung, on the other hand, is a bundle of sunshine despite his condition. He’s strong emotionally, though weak physically and doesn’t let his sickness get in the way of his happiness. This trait of his shows that happiness is made, not given. He’s still so bright and friendly, even if he’s hurting on the inside. It’s mostly thanks to him that his relationship with Hoseok managed to grow. Until his last breath, he cares for Hoseok and it’s really admirable.

Grammar/Spelling/Punctuation (20/20)

Flawless, that’s all I can say. There are no major errors, everything’s correct and proper. Your writing style is also on point.

Enjoyment (5/5)

Such an amazing story. I’d be a horrible liar if I say I didn’t enjoy it, and I don’t normally read romance VHope fics. This story made me feel and left an impact on me—rereading it, I’m still so touched and want to cry.

Additional Notes

Total: 97/100! This story is so good, I’d give extra points if I could. A story like this also deserves to be featured; definitely worth one’s time and tears to read.


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