Deleting and Restarting?

With current problems surrounding my life and finals currently going on and nearly murdering me, I’ve done some thinking.

I’m considering deactivating this account. Yes, this hopefool account. I just feel like I can’t go on with writing at the moment and having this account makes it worse because there ARE people waiting for updates, waiting for me to continue what I started. Yet I can’t – my passion for writing fanfiction has become dull and I can’t find the spark anymore.

Hence, I feel like I want to deactivate this account and start afresh someday. For now I just want to reconnect with my lost passion before I begin sharing my ideas with the online world again.

I mean, simply going on hiatus is a choice but... I don’t know. I want to start here again as a newbie. New subscriptions, new username, new everything – but I’ll keep in touch with old friends and I’ll definitely use my old story ideas. I just need the feeling of being free from this particular account.

Is this cruel of me? To harshly cut things off and start new like it doesn’t effect other people?

Ah, what should I do? T-T


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thismildspazzer #1
It's entirely up to you, not your readers/subscribers. It's your account and your fics. If you choose to deactivate and open a new account later on, you can just message me, letting me know it's you. I'll probably still have the same account that I have now. lol :)