Am I Overreacting?

So, four days ago I was bored in class that I placed a match inside a straw and pinned it with two thumbtacks. I got pricked by one underneath the fingernail and I'm not so sure if I'll be getting tetanus from that. I don't recall it being rusty since it was new, but I'm feeling really paranoid. It's just a small wound and I don't think there's a need to tell my parents because I've wounded myself with rusty metals before (I don't cut, I get them accidentally) and there was nothing to worry about, but my main concern is how will the wound heal underneath the nail? If I do tell my mom she'd get all paranoid and I don't want that. 


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jxnghxbii #1
symptoms of tetanus can show up up to 21 days after your injuries. it's really important to know if you've had your tetanus immunisation/booster within the last 5-ish years, because it should protect you against most minor injuries. i don't think it's serious, just make sure you that if you observe any muscle stiffness/spasms, lockjaw or difficulty swallowing that you check in with a doctor. : )