How many times have I been making blogposts about coming back? I never felt like coming back during those times, I just feel like I was obliged to update stories. Now, I'm really in the mood in writing. Not really in the mood, but this time I NEED to comeback. It's for a personal gain actually. I was never the type to make chapters on regular basis and have them never read. Asianfanfics was my outlet, it encourages me to write more. My grammar's on a whole different low now since I haven't been exerting any effort on my play of words. I'm trying to get out of twitter and I've been off of it for a good 3 months I guess. Twitter language is very different from the literate Asianfanfics language (I miss that language a lot, enough with 'lol', 'bcs', and 'I, boonon trash')

You'll be seeing more of me this week and maybe a complete comeback on May? I'm working on my regular dose of angst and Seventeen and I guess I'm going to quit the usual AFF graphics and maybe focus on drawing my posters instead now that I have a graphics tablet. I do miss looking for HDs and blending layers, but stock photos have been too time and space consuming. Anyway, time for me to catch up on 3 months worth of K-pop because I've indulged myself too much on Western series (Scream Queens and Sherlock are my favorites by the way) and playing Episode (DL: PTF is amazing, I can't wait to play season 2). Ciao!


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Welcome back!!
ayeeeee same! i've been wanting to ditch the stock photos and everything, and have been tryna use my graphics tablet to actually draw shapes and all ♥ trying to go minimalistic because i can't blend af
welcome backkkkkkk