{마스크 ; mask } ❀ | ✸ {빵 ; zero} Choi Mi Young. Emily




"Judge me all you want. I'm not changing."


birth name. — Choi Mi Young

other names. — Emily (her american name)


— Emily-lee; Friends and sometimes family ; during her middle school years, she'd say how glad her last name was Choi instead of Lee because then her name would be pronounced Emily-ly. 

age. — 21 in December 2015

birthdate. 03/05/1994 (May 3, 1994)

birthplace. — Eugene, Oregon

hometown. — Eugene, Oregon

nationality. — American

ethinicity. — Korean


— English ; Fluent ; Born in America
— Korean ; Pretty fluent ; LIved in Korea for 5 years. Not a good seller
— Spanish ; not fluent ; Only took 3 years of spanish in school. Wants to get back into it


Grace or turtle / 9 / English


isn't she lovely ?



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face claim. Lee Areum, former member of T-ara

back-up face claim. — nicole jung from kara


show me your looks. —  Right now, Emily's hair is shoulder-length, straight, and black.  emily is 165 cm (5 foot 5) and weighs 57kg (125 lbs). her arms and legs are quite strong and a little muscular, but she's nowhere near "buff" or "athletic". she cannot do any sport for the life of her, but she loves to dance. her figure isn't curvy or feminine. she has angles instead and a slightly boyish gait. she also has flab and fat on awkward parts of her stomach and arms, but she tries hard to keep those off by exercising extensively, though it has only small effects. Her eyes are very dark, almost a black color. On her foot, she has a tattoo. Her mother's name is Sun Hee, so she got it because she loves her mom.

show me your fashion. —  Emily loves baggy, boyish, and stylish fashion. Nothing as tomboyish as Amber from f(x), but boyish enough. She doesn't mind revealing skin, but she prefers to exercise before doing so. She also likes to wear snapbacks and beanies.

who is that girl i see?


personality traits. —  
: Friendly, funny, hardworking, humble, and loyal
Neutral: Tomboy, doesn't judge, adaptable, loves food, and social

Negative:  Impatient, passive aggressive towards select people, quick-tempered depending the situation,  insecure, and a perfectionist
personality. —  
When you first meet her, she acts very polite and friendly. She'll be very nice to you by offering a drink, somewhere to sit, etc. She's also very well-mannered. She'll never judge you. You can approach her first, and she'll greet you with a warm smile. It just takes a lot of time for her to let down her walls and open up to you. Then, when you get to know her, she'll show you her funny side. Her sense of humor is that she'll tease you or herself. Things like: "Aigoo, you're so clumsy" and "When I told my high school friends I was a singer, they laughed".
If you're a good friend of her's then she will have a strong loyalty towards you. She'll take care of you in subtle ways that not many people notice. For example, if you're shopping with her, and you make a little comment saying how cute something looks, she'll buy it for you without you noticing it and give it to you. She'll also make you lunch the day before a big day. Like, if you have a large exam or test, she'll make a good meal. If you're sleeping over to her house, and you seem cold in your sleep, she will put another blanket on top of you.
Emily is very determined. She can focus on one thing for hours and hours if she wants to. If she has the motivation and want to do something, she'll do her very best to do it. She may also seem competitive. She likes to work hard during competition and races.
She wears her tomboy side on her sleeve. When she sits down, her legs are wide open. When she speaks, her voice is huskier than the average girl’s. When she walks, her gait resembles a guy’s. Once you get to know her, you notice that she talks more like a guy. She’ll show you more of her tomboyish side when she feels comfortable around you. If you visit her house, her room is a complete mess. Everything is untidy and disorganized.
If you’re someone she doesn’t like, then she’ll act passively aggressive towards you, but in really small and subtle ways. She cannot bring herself to be rude towards someone, so she acts passively aggressive as her way to show that she doesn’t like you. Sometimes she’ll spill water on you, or she’ll step on your high-heeled feet.
Sometimes, if you examine her closely, you’ll notice that she’s very insecure. Like I said earlier, she’s very polite when you first meet her. That is part of her personality, but the main reason WHY it’s her personality is because she’s scared you’ll judge her. She’s terrified of being judged badly. That’s why it takes a while for her to let down her walls and let you in. Although she’s very insecure, she doesn’t change her personality. She’ll be guarded, but she won’t change herself for approval. What she will do for approval is work excessively. She is a perfectionist. If she's working with someone that she's not close with, or she feels guarded around, and that person is not very good at doing his/her part, then she'll say lots and lots of encouraging words, pushing that person to do better. If it's someone that she's more comfortable with, then she'll push that person harder. She'll show that person the right way to do something, and she'll explain it in excessive detail.
background. —  
grew up in eugene, oregon with a father, mother, and two older sisters. ever since she was little, she loved to dance. her grandfather was the president of a restaurant chain, and her father was to inherit it. he did so when her grandfather retired and when she was 3. less than a year later, her father died in a plane crash. the company went to her uncle, who sent money to her family every month. she stopped dancing for almost two years. her mother got her a dancing teacher when she was in 4th grade because her mother wanted everyone to move on from the incident, and dancing was something Emily loved to do. After a year of taking dancing classes, Emily asked if she could take cello lessons as well. So her mom hired a cello tutor. Emily still plays cello to this day.
years later, when Emily was in 5th grade, her oldest sister, who was in 12th grade, was ually harassed by three older classmates. Emily was extremely angry. it was then that Emily
realized how vulnerable her family could be with only female. so she started to act like a man so that she could protect her family. by high school, her tomboy act became her personality. when it was time for her older sister to go to college, she got accepted into Seoul university, her dream college. their uncle happily paid for the tuition.
after Emily's last year of middle school, during the summer, her grandfather suddenly fell ill. her mother bought plane tickets to visit him in korea because he was not expected to live. plus, they would get to see the oldest sister. he stayed in the hospital for a month, and he somehow lived through it. at this time, Emily's mother was wondering if they should move to korea. everyone except Emily felt comfortable with it. Emily had two friends that were amazing back in america and her korean wasn't very fluent, but everyone else wanted to stay. so they did. she skypes her friends every Saturday.
When she was 18 (international age), she saw a flyer for an audition at Professional Entertainment. She showed her family, and her family didn’t think she’d make it. So she thought of that as a challenge and designed a choreography to a mashup of several kpop songs that she made. She auditioned and was accepted. She was a trainee until a year later. She debuted with 7 other girls in a group called MOA, Member of Asia. Less than a year later, the group disbanded. Viewers disliked the group from the beginning because of the low-quality music video of their debut song. They all were good dancers and singers, practically balls of energy, but the youtube video of their music video was such low quality, and the production was low quality as well. Ever since then, they were not viewed in good light. That was at the end of 2014. Because of the early disbanding of the group, Emily's personality took a turn. She began to feel insecure, and she felt afraid of hate.
A few month later, She got scouted for STS Entertainment. She was very scared. She didn't want to accept. However, her mom reminded her of her love of dancing and singing. With some courage that Emily thought she lost, she did a few audition and got into STS.






—  Mom ; Choi Sun Hee ; 55 ; Manager of a restaurant ; wise, well-mannered, hardworking, and likes to children; When Emily got accepted into Professional Entertainment, she was quick to disapprove. She didn't want Emily to be an idol because it was such a vague career. AFter a talk with her eldest daughter, she realized that she shouldn't be stopping Emily from doing what she wants. After Emily's band disbanded, she quickly offered her support and care; closeness 10

—  Oldest sister ; Choi Sera ; 29; Lawyer ; cold exterior, made of fluff on the inside businesslike, strict, and professional; When they were younger, they were very close. After she left for Seoul University, they became distant. Sera felt sorry that her relationship with her family became distant. She talked to her mom when she disapproved of Emily going as a way to repay her ; closeness 5

—  Older/middle sister; Choi Bora ; 25 ; unemployed ; artistic, gentle, feminine, and optimistic ; Bora and Emily are pretty close. They became distant when Emily debuted, but then they got close again after the disbandment. Bora and her mom helped Emily a lot, but Emily still feels insecure ; closeness 7


—  best friend ; Wendy Valentine ; 21 ; studies at Stanford ; tomboyish, funny, outgoing, social, and smart ; met in 3rd grade. They were both pretty weird, and they were attached to each other like magnets. They loved each other, and it was a great friendship. ; closeness 9

—  best friend ; Megan Johnson ; 21 ; model ; flirtatious, social, passionate, energetic, sassy, narrow-minded, not very smart ; Megan moved to Oregon when she was in 4th grade. She met Wendy and Emily and quickly became friends with them. She's the maturest of all of them, and she kept them from loosing their heads in the sky ; closeness 8.5

—  Best friend ; Eric nam ; 27 ; singer, host ; funny, smart, sassy, humble, and passionate ; Eric and Emily met on a show that Eric was hosting during her time as a MOA member. They both clicked when they found out that they were both from America. During this time, Emily wasn't insecure or shy. She was pretty social, so it didn't take long for Eric to become close to her. They hang out and tease each other and joke around ; closeness 7


—  Boss ; Selena Park ; 25 ; Ceo of sts Entertainment; chatty, optimistic, short tempered, stubborn; Just like everyone else, Emily is guarded around her. Emily isn't sure how to feel about Selena. She knows that she should trust her, and she feels grateful that Selena was able to provide her a second chance, but she's just naturally guarded around her ; closeness 3
 — Manager ; Nicholas Park ; 27 ; Principal manager of mask and overall trainer ; tolerant, meticulous, quick-witted, and easy ; When Emily found out that he was the instructor, she was extra guarded around him. She didn't want to get on his bad side or have him thinking that she had no talent because she was a slow-learner. But as they spent more time outside of the dance room and more time as just two people talking, Emily's walls slowly, slowly faded. She began to see him more as a friend who gave great advice. She feels comfortable around him, and the relationship between the two vaguely resembles the one between a sister and brother ; closeness 6

i don't trust words, trust actions

   stage name. — Emily 

   plotline. — #o1, ex-idol

   back-up plotline. — #o3, ballerina

   persona. — The girl next door 

   singing twin. Lim Kim

   dancing twin. — f(x)'s Luna

   rapping twin. — none

   talking twin. EXID's Hani. This is when Emily is comfortable

 trainee years. — 1 year at Professional Entertainment

half a year at STS Entertainment

trainee life. —   At Professional Entertainment, Emily was not insecure at the time. She was pretty social and outgoing. She got along with many, and she enjoyed dancing and singing.

After MOa, and when she got into STS Entertainment, she was very cautious. She was very shy, more shy than she was no. She focused more on her classes and singing and dancing. She worked to improve herself more and more so that less people would hate her. This is where her perfectionist side came in. She thought often that she didn't meet the standard. Doing excellent, and exceeding the expectation is a standard for her. IF she just did average or a little above average, she felt disappointed, but never showed it.

pre-debut experiences. 

—   2013 ; extra for the kdrama heirs

—   2014 ; debuted from Professional Entertainment as 1 of 7 members of group MOA

sns accounts. 

—   twitter : officialmaskedemily

  instagram : officialmaskedemily



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i like the way you move


   name. — Ji Songjun

   group. — He's one of the staff

   age & birthday. — 24 & dd/mm/yy (idk)

  personalityStraightforward, wary, brainy, and coy. He's a fashionista, and dislikes skinship. He's often misunderstood by his uncommon behaviors

 how you met/meet. Selena introduced him and Emily to each other. Emily didn't think much of him, and the same vice versa64622393201202081541451498830338269_025.

interactions. — They haven't had many interactions, but when they do, it's usually because of clothing. Emily has seen him disapprove of her clothing, and she feels pretty insecure about it, but she does nothing to change it. She acts slightly passive aggressive towards him, acting as if she doesn't know anything about clothes to bother and annoy him.

how you act around other people/variety shows.  — They act professional. If they were on a variety show together, somehow, Emily would probably try to subtlety annoy him so he could embarrass himself on camera. She might lightly. He'd probably just act professional, nothing like a friend.

   status. —  acquaintances/co-workers

   others. — Shipping name: somily. Later in the book, could they get couple cellphone decorations and couple earrings?







i like the way you move


   name. — Wang Jackson

   group. — GOT7

   age & birthday. — 21 & 28/03/1994

  personality— Jackson is a very funny person. He likes to make people laugh, and he's often referred to as the "mood-maker". He has both "no-nonsense" and natural slapstick humor. He's very affectionate as well. He likes to call older people hyung and noona even though they could be his grandparent. Even if he's not close to someone, he'll call them hyung/noona. Most of the time, he'll act clingy towards a person he really likes. He might act like a child sometimes, but he'll act serious when the situations calls for it. He likes being involved and not missing out on anything. He feels extremely loving towards his family, especially his mom. When he likes a girl, he won't be able to talk to her because he's too shy. He likes pranking people (like hidden camera), good friends, cheese, food, his mom, having fun, and gaining approval/compliments. He dislikes spicy foods, feeling helpless/useless/abandoned, dark atmospheres, his friends being hurt, spending money, and waiting.

 how you met/meet. — Jackson and Emily met when they were both trainees. It was in 2013, so Emily had not yet debuted as a member of MOA, meaning she wasn't insecure or shy during this time. They were both invited to this small party where the only people invited were trainees. Emily approached Jackson first since he looked a bit awkward. They hit it off instantly because they were both not born in Korea. They spoke in English to each other the entire time, getting to know each other. They exchanged phone numbers and have been texting each other ever since.64622393201202081541451498830338269_025.

interactions. — Before their MOA debut, she and Jackson texted each other a lot. They met up a few times in cafes. Then they both debuted within a month of each other. Their schedules suddenly got full, and they couldn't see each other. Their texts decreased significantly. Eventually, they stopped texting each other.

how you act around other people/variety shows.  — If they were to run into each other in the street, Jackson would act like he was reuniting with an old friends. Emily would be on her guard. Being on her guard is almost like a mechanism for her. Jackson would act more formal, thinking that their relationship was now distant. So they'd act like co-workers. If they were to be on a variety show, Jackson would try to become closer to her, trying to reestablish their relationship. He might reveal on camera that they knew each other before their debuts, and that they had each others phone numbers. She'd still act formal/polite, maybe a little cold.  

   status. —  right now, acquaintances

   others. — shipping name: jemily. later in the book, could they get couple cellphone decorations and couple earrings?



"Family should always come first"


  • Korean dramas
  • Fruits, especially oranges
  • a guy who can cook
  • horror films


—  Judgmental/dishonest people

 Hamburgers/soda. It doesn't settle well in her stomach

 not seeing her family in a long time


—  readjusting her hat/beanie or fixing her hair even if nothing's wrong with it

 cracking her knuckles

 chewing straws 


—  running/doing weights

 reading a good book

 drawing in her sketchbook. She's not very good though.



  • she has arachibutyrophobia, which is a phobia of getting peanut butter stuck on the roof of your mouth.
  • Plays cello
  • Once called a kid a "swan racist" when he said that white swans are prettier than black when she was in elementary school
  • Favorite color is mint green
  • still skypes her two best friends in America every Saturday
  • Favorite kpop songs are "If you do" by GOT7 and "ooh ooh" by Eric nam



"It's not about the destination. It's about the Journey."


comments. — Ugh, it's 1 am on a school night. I stayed up just to finsih this >.<  Can't say I regret it though. It was fun making this, I hope you have fun reading it!

song suggestions. — if any

scene suggestions. — 
  • Mask going on running man, weekly idol, Youth over Flowers, any variety show
  • Cute love interest scenes
  • The members pranking one member, like in this video
  • A hater and Emily interacting. It can be on the internet or in real life
  • Rumors of ERic and Emily dating

password. —  Miss A's Touch


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its my fault because i didn't reveal all the chosen girls already and i should have put songjun and nick as taken until i decided at least ;; so can you give me a back-up love interest/love story? sorry for this trouble :(