Royal High School Host Club✖️Song Cheonji ❌The Right Twin


song cheonji

ColdGirl • Ara • 9/10


the basics.

name » 송천지 (Song Cheonji)

nickname(s) »

– 온지 (Onji) : Nickname from Cheonsa and only allowed for Cheonsa. Cheonsa used to call her like that as her pet name, while Cheonji calls her as Onsa. She won't stay still if someone else call her by this name. You have to prepare for her fist or feet, or at least you should know that something might fly to you(?)

– 싸가지 (Ssagaji) : a Korean word of ''. It used by her middle school friends because she used to always break school rules, and she also says anything she wants without thinking about it twice, which made her appear as 'rude'. This nickname somehow spread into the Royal High School, but they ended up doubting that the '' is Cheonji instead of Cheonsa.

– 천계 (Cheon-gye) : a pun of the word '체온계' (Che-on-gye) that means thermometer. It sounds like '천계' (Cheon-gye) if being said quickly. It because of her personality that could change slowly yet definite. Just like how she could change from being cute around Cheonsa but slowly turns into a real gangster when the times call for

birthplace & birthday » Seoul, South Korea & 02.14.1997

hometown » Seoul, South Korea

ethnicity » Korean

language » Native Korean & Intermediate English (only learned at school)

face claim » Jane of The Ark

backup face claim » ZN of Laboum


appearance » Cheonji is quite an average girl in height, she stands 3cm taller than her twin, Cheonsa, at 163cm and weighs 49kg. She is quite chubby and everybody can absolutely know it by looking at her face. Her hair is currently dyed brown, and it isn't actually long, but still considered as long. Her pale and bright skin mostly make people want to pinch her, and she know that. (or probably they don't?) She doesn't like to have a bang because she thinks that it bother her vision. She mostly let her hair down, but sometimes she ties it up when she feels like she wants to. And this is when the school residents can relax their mind instead of thinking hard about which twin is she.


style » Cheonji pretty much wear anything in her wardrobe, and sometimes even wear Cheonsa's clothes. She seriously doesn't know anything about fashion. So as long as the clothes she chooses is presentable, she will wear it. Hoodies, Jeans, Leggings, Shirts, Sneakers. Those are the items she usually wears. When wearing her school uniform, she will usually roll up her sleeves for a few inches. She usually also wear shorts inside of her skirt because she is pretty active and wearing skirt without wearing anything inside it will be dangerous for her.

" What did you said? "

" Cheese... "


the girl next door.

plotline » The Right Twin

personality » (+) Intelligent, Witty / (=) Observant, Protective / (-) Short-tempered, Ignorant, Envious, Stubborn


Cheonji is actually an intelligent girl. She always manages to be in the (at least) top 10 in her school. And also in everyday life, she has a strong consciousness. She can sense that something is not right and odd. You have to prepare much if you want to deceive her, because it's not an easy thing to do. She has a sharp observing skill which is the one that shape her strong consciousness. However, despite of being observant, she is quite ignorant. Not that she is really ignorant, but she purposely being ignorant. She always tell herself not to help someone too much because she knows that people might be ungrateful and there's a possibility that they might pay her kindness with the opposite. But sometimes if it gets too much for her to pretend not too care, she might force herself to get involved to it. However, after the problem is settled, she will act as if she doesn't really care about it.


She is a quite witty pie that she almost never run out of things to talk about. If you're the type who prefers silence, I suggest you not to be near her. This cute little girl may be clingy and acts all sweet to her twin, Cheonsa, but she actually won't even hesitate to use her fist and feet to speak with someone. She even thinks that in some conditions, conversing with fists and feet is more effective than conversing verbally. Yeah, she is quite quick-tempered. But well... She actually doesn't get mad immediately, but rather slowly yet definite. Fortunately she always sticks with Cheonsa, so there is someone to control her to not getting too far. She also is a type of person who is kinda envious, she can be envy with even a slightest thing including when a dating couple flirting and act all lovey dovey in front of her eyes. She could even throw something to the couple.


Little did people know, she actually is quite two faced, but rather than two faced, it's better to say that her personality can change depends on the person she deals with. In home, she tends to be an older sister who often care for her even though she is a bit like a boy. However with her parents, she will act all tough, arrogant, and sassy as a form of rebellion because she always feels that they care less about her and her twin, Cheonsa. While in school, she will act all sweet, naive, cute and tamed around Cheonsa. Spreading her aegyo anywhere, acting all loving and being clingy to her younger self but it might not last for long because she could change to her true shape(?) as a monster girl(?). She is really protective to Cheonsa and she may use her fist if someone bothers her younger twin. Well, she sometimes do the same if it involve those who she cares about. She also can't stand to be apart from Cheonsa for too long. She might stop anything she was doing just to call her twin to make sure that she's okay.

likes »

Martial arts, Sports (she likes to be active since she was younger)

Coffe (she has an acute insomnia, so she tends to get sleepy during class. that's why coffee is her friend)

Bread (she gets hungry fast, so she always brings some breads with her. she sometimes eat it secretly during class period, but fortunately she is accomplished enough to not getting caught)

Milk (because she gets hungry fast, she usually also brings some milk with her. it helps her to get full just by eating bread. she doesn't have any particular flavor preferance, so you can find several flavors of milk in her bag)

dislikes »


Foul (it's obviously a dirty way of playing / competing. so it's just wrong to foul when the other play fairly)

People who bothers her younger self (anyone who hurt Cheonsa will have to prepare to deal with Song Cheonji)

Bullying (her sister was a victim of this kind of thing, so seeing it right after her eyes isn't something that she could tolerate)

People who flirt with her Cheonsa (if there is anyone who have a thing for Cheonsa, it won't be a big deal for her if he confess to her. but flirting her younger sister when he is dating someone else, or flirting her younger sister without having any feel for her aren't the good choice even if you want to feel Cheonji's fist)


habits »

– Chewing bubble gum during class

Greeting someone with actions instead of words

Unconsciously slaps the person who make her surprised

– Rolling up her sleeves when she is going to fight or argue

Showing her lazy face and scratch her neck when being lectured / scolded

– Taking off her hair tie (if she tied her hair) before a physical fight with someone

– Sometimes not looking into someone's eyes even when she is talking with them. Some people might think that she is blind, because she often look into a random direction. Ex. staring blankly into the front while she is talking with someone who is beside her


hobbies »

– Reading

– Watching dramas

– Clinging into Cheonsa

Sleeping during the lessons she doesn't like

Cycling / take a walk late at night when she can't sleep


trivias »

– She has an acute insomnia

– She has a motorcycle driving license

– She had learned Taekwondo for approximately 10 years

– She has never dated before, and she doesn't even have a first love

– She will speak gibberish-ly if you talk to her when she is half-asleep

– She will slaps anyone's hand that touch Cheonsa because Cheonsa is hers(?)

– She is the type of person who rarely fall sick, but is she do, it will be a severe one

– She usually dislikes a subject not because the subject itself, but rather she dislikes or likes a subject according to whom is teaching it



home is where your heart is.

background » Song Cheonji, the older twin of the SongCheon siblings. She was born 5 minutes before her twin, Song Cheonsa was born. Well, she was born in just a fine family. However, because her mother and father usually are busy, she has no one but Cheonsa on her side. It makes them grew closer than average twin siblings. They were born with golden spoon in their mouths. They've never experienced such things like poverty nor any difficulty in finance. She lives in comfort inside a big mansion with maids and other workers all set to do anythings she and her twin commanded. However, they used to live just the two of them in the house with the cold atmosphere because their parents will most likely to be busy for most of the time. It made them have no one but each other to rely on.


Song Cheonji grew up just fine. It's just that she used to feel that she didn't get much attention from her parents, so she used to always make it, by making troubles in school so that the principal would call for her parents. She was quite a troublemaker who liked to skip school, fight with the boys in her school, and breaking other school rules. It can be quite surprising that she knows how to fight because the residents in Royal School see her as the dependant one between the twins. But she actually used to learn Taekwondo for a little more than 10 years. She didn't have much friends because she thought that she didn't need anything as long as she has Cheonsa by her side, which made her tends to depend on Cheonsa. She used to always cling into Cheonsa, which made them ended up doing things together. She wasn't as dependant (to Cheonsa) as now. She used to take the older role, but it began to change during their senior year of middle school.


The twins are already known for being inseparable ever since they were young, however unfortunately they were in the different classes and they began to be more independent and they didn't depend towards each other too much. Even a twins are a different person. Everyone might be aware of it. Despite of being raised in the same environment, they have a different personality. Cheonsa is the calmer, tamer, and more dutiful one, while Cheonji is the rebellious, short-tempered, and delinquent one. During their sophomore year, Cheonji became the top dog in her school, while Cheonsa... Unfortunately she was a kind of outcast. Cheonji thought that because she is the older one, she should be the one who protects Cheonsa, that was why she became delinquent in order to make anyone don't dare to bother her and Cheonsa. However, seemed like it didn't work like she wanted.


"Unnie, can I not go to school tomorrow?", Cheonsa said. The older gasped, she was worried at the time. "Why? Are you sick?" She quickly reached for the younger's forehead and put aside the phone she was using just a few seconds ago. 'The temperature is just fine.' she thought. The younger brought her hand down gently. "I just don't feel well. I will be okay after a little rest." Cheonsa said. Cheonji just replied her sister with a simple okay, but she sensed something strange. 'Something doesn't feel right' the older thought. 'They were a 'senior' at the time, why did a dutiful student like Cheonsa suddenly wanted to stay home when she wasn't that sick to skip school?' that was what she thought. She was just going to let it slide but, she can't sleep, and was going to play with her phone for a bit, then she remembered that she put her phone on Cheonsa's bed.Cheonji tried to find her phone as quiet as possible, but the thing she found wasn't only her phone, she found another thing at the time. Cheonsa's scars. It was an incision scar.


The older twin became sure that something did happen in her absence. She then planned to pretend as Cheonsa for the next day to dig out the truth. And she eventually did. Cheonji found bunch of notes with gibes, and it even written on Cheonsa's desk. And furthermore there was even some girls in her younger twin's class that approached her and bother her directly, thinking that she was really Cheonsa. Unfortunately that day, Cheonji was too furious to control herself. She gave the girl her lesson, making the girl suddenly realize that they messed with the wrong person. And right that night, she came to Cheonsa with her serious face. "Why didn't you tell me?", the older's words made the younger confused, made the older reached her limit and roughly grab the younger's arm to roll up her sleeves. "Anything is clear enough for me now. But you still have the debt to tell me." With the older's serious words, Cheonsa finally opens up and told the older about what she wanted to hear.


After learning the truth that day, Cheonji became even more protective to her younger twin. To the extent that she can't do anything without her presence because she would worrying about her that it destroy her mind. She won't help but keep worrying about her that she will stops anything she was doing. She then unwillingly have to ask her parents to make sure that they will be in the same class in high school no matter what. Seeing that her parents joke around even when she said it seriously, she unconsciously told them about the things Cheonsa went through. Their parents freaked out, and have no intention to disapprove their oldest daughter's will, because it was a serious matter and wasn't a favor with no reason. Cheonsa did wanted to be on her own instead of being sticked to Cheonji, but even so, at least Cheonsa can make sure that no one will bother her ever again, and Royal School wasn't a bad idea. Umm, well.. She actually didn't even care would it be Royal High School or whatnot to be the school she attends. As long as she is with Cheonsa, there won't be any disapprove from her.


family »

Song Jaehyun / Father / 53 years old / CEO of Echo

As a busy head, her father rarely comes home and usually comes home really late when he could. The twins became distant with him, and it was the reason of why Cheonji used to make trouble a lot in her middle school. She felt that he doesn't care about her and her twin, and she became like that in form of rebellion. Both Cheonji and Cheonsa thought that he would probably know the difference between the two. Well, he is their father, and he is related to them by bloodline, and also is the one behind Cheonji and Cheonsa's birth. But in reality, he can't even tell them apart, just like any other people the twins know. That's why Cheonji doesn't really like him. Like, 'What kind of father can't tell his twin daughters apart? Well, how alike they are, he should know how to, right?' she thinks.


*Cheonji studies in the living room* / *her father comes home and passes her*

Why do you come home? (monotone)

Song Taeyeon / Mother / 48 years old / Fashion Designer of Echo

As a daughter, she and Cheonsa would probably be closer to their mother, aren't they? Yeah, Cheonsa thinks that way, but as for Cheonji, she thinks her mother is not that different to her father. Probably because the company is really big, so even though she is just a fashion designer, she is still considered as busy head, even though she isn't as busy as the twins' father. Cheonji and Cheonsa thought that their mother would probably know how to tell them apart even though they themselves don't even know how to, but because she always teases them as if she can't tell them apart, Cheonji really thinks that she can't.


(calls Cheonji) "Oh, Song Cheonsa!"

Aissshhh.. Don't call me! (annoyed tone)

Song Cheonsa / Younger Twin / 19 years old / Student of Royal High School

Usually if you see twins in real life, they would probably be awkward to each other, right? But Cheonji and Cheonsa are an exception. If you are their schoolmate, you will be a fool if you don't realize that they almost never be separated. Whenever you see Cheonji, Cheonsa would be somewhere near her, and it's really rare to see just one of them. Cheonji is really clingy to Cheonsa. Despite of her being the older, Cheonji will always act all sweet and cute to Cheonsa at school. Cheonji may look tame most of the time. But when she throws her tantrum, she seriously won't hesitate to use her fist. And whenever this kind of things happen, Cheonsa will be the one who stops her because no one beside the teachers dare to.


*clinging into Cheonsa*

Aih, eonni.. We're at school. (tries to get Cheonji's hands off her)

Aiihhh... Cheonsaaa~ (whining)

friends/rivals »

Hard Cinnamon Roll / Schoolmate & Club Buddy / tba years old / Student of Royal High School

She is one of some students in Royal High School that Cheonji picks on the most. Cheonji usually will pinch her cheek and pull it up, or pull down her hair to call her or gets her attention instead of using the nicer way like call her name or at least poke her. She is one of some people in the school who doesn't get affected by the hard cinnamon's resting face. Because well, she already knows that her real personality is the opposite. She thinks that the cinnamon roll's reaction after she picks on her is amusing, she won't mind if someone call her weird because of it, because she really thinks that way. Cheonji will sometimes get into a small argument with Cheonsa because of her. Cheonji is aware that the cinnamon roll is close with Cheonsa and sometimes she gets jealous over that.


"Aissshhh.... Can't you just call my name to get my attention instead of torturing me?"

You should be thankful, I 'greeted' Hanbin by head-locking him from the front gate to the class for 4 days in a row.

Bobby Kim Jiwon / Brother-in-law aspirant Schoolmate / 20 years old / Student of Royal High School

Are you an introvert? Do you prefer a peaceful life? I suggest you to make sure that they don't meet by any means. After sensing that Cheonsa has something between herself and Bobby, she begins to yell her heart out to him. Cheonsa begins to skip classes and often go out and whenever Cheonji follows her secretly, it turned that she always with the bunny guy. Well, Cheonji just followed her twice, but both times it turned out that she was with Bobby. Whenever Cheonsa starts to not accepting her phone, Cheonji will explode and yell at the boy the next day. Whenever she sees the boy, she will starts to yell and nag him. Sometimes she would even throw something to him to get him out of her sight. Just the sight of him will turn her into a tiger, so it's best to make sure that Cheonji doesn't see him.


Aihh.. This won't do (rolls up her sleeves)

Follow me, you brat. (dragging the boy to the rooftop)


the one and only.












love interest » Kim Hanbin

backup love interest » Choi Seungcheol


personality » Hanbin is pretty much the same with other boys. He has a playful and mischievous side of him, yet he also can be serious when the times call for. He plays well when it times to play, and study seriously when it times to study. He is the class president in his class, which coincidentally is also the twins' class. He has an exceptional skill in leadership, also he has a quite strong will that make him tends to be hardworking which is quite surprising for Cheonji because the Hanbin she knows is the playful, prankful, gullible, and friendly Hanbin. Cheonji usually finds it amusing to see Hanbin being all serious. Other than that, Hanbin seems like pretty good at controlling his emotion. The opposite with Cheonji, he can still talk with someone over a problem. Once again his trait that is the opposite with Cheonji is that he is surprisingly caring for other.


love story » Hanbin and Cheonji were just like another friends. Sometimes they peacefully talk and joke with each other. And sometimes they quarrel about things even for the slightest one. But that's what makes them close. Not many boy-girl friends quarrel as much as them. Even though they aren't dating yet, but if there are any random people look at them, they might probably think that they are dating. Hitting each other is their basic affection, the next are hair patting, cheeks pinching, headlock, and such. Yeah, their skinship is not usual for an only friends relationship. Hanbin was the one who seems like having a feel towards her. He fell for her unexpected charms. Just like how she can live like a sweet cotton candy but then change into a total gangster to protect those she cares for. Hanbin also acts as Cheonsa's subtitute, sometimes, to control Cheonji to not being in trouble.


last words.

comments/suggestions » Hey, I'm doing a collab with meimei13, hope you enjoy reading it >< And... I didn't mean it, but I just realized that she is has a bit portion of 'the fighter' and is also the same yet different with 'the hard cinnamon roll'. I'm sorry that I didn't submit this sooner. I'll be waiting for your updates

scene requests »

– (It's a scene from Sassy Go Go, but well..) Cheonji and Hanbin somehow bumped to each other and ended up falling to the ground with Hanbin fall on top of Cheonji. They hold their positions until Cheonji says "You only have two choices...". "One, you get off me first" (a pause) "Two, I'll break your precious bone." then Hanbin adds, "Three, I'll kiss you first." -I'll leave the rest to you-

– Cheonji does something that can make her get into trouble, but Hanbin drag her to prevent Cheonji doing something worse. (probably this)

– Cheonji accidentally witnessing a couple's romantic moment (probably they're going to kiss? or their lips already touched when she comes?). Surprised, she let out an 'Oh My God' and ended up interferring them.

– Truth or dare played by the clique

password » One Piece (I only know this lmao)


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