RED QUEEN's Celine ♔ The Death

lee, nana the death

"nothing is eternal"

coldgirl ara activity rate — 8-10

birthname: zhang mingzhu


shally ( the trainees | it sounds similar to 'ce' of celine combined with her surname 'lee' )
jinju ( her sibling | it was her korean name, which was a conversion of her bithname. zhang mingzhu ⇔ jang jinju. due to the huge secret which may leaked because of it, no one beside her sibling call her by this name. )
nooby / baeni ( the trainees | nooby stands for 'noona + baby', while baeni stands for the korean pronounciation of 'baby' + eonni. it's because even though she's one of the yg baby, she has the aura of an older girl even for someone who actually is older than her. many older trainees in yg called her noona and eonnie, probably because of that older girl aura, or might also caused of her university entrance which was earlier than average people. )


birthday: december 31, 2001

age: 17

birthplace: gangnam, seoul, south korea

hometown: taipei, taiwan


mandarin — native ( first language )
korean — fluent ( second language )
cantonese — advanced ( third language / father(?) language, but is rarely used )
english — fluent ( attended international school for approximately 9 years )
japanese — intermediate ( learned during training period as yg ent also enters japan market )

stage name: celine ( means sky or heaven )

fanclub name: stars

fanclub colour: #ffff33

singing twin: yg trainee-jennie kim

dancing twin: hip hop : glam-park jiyeon-ny shirt, modern : Lalisa Manoban

rapping twin: yg trainee-jennie kim

training years: 3.5 years (counted from july 2014 - february 2018)

trainee years: just like the other trainee, she trained in yg to improve her vocal, rap, and dance ability, and also tried to find her own color in those aspects. just like the other rappers in yg too, she always practiced her lyrical writing skills by writing some lyrics for the song that she's going to use in the monthly evaluation, and improve it by following the feedbacks the juries give her. she also learned how to compose song by observing the older trainees who do it. she usually observe them while she is writing her lyrics, so that's why she always sits next to the others who are working in group to compose a song together. 'to get inspiration about what should i write, from what the other composed' that's what she always says whenever someone ask her about why does she always sits on the composing area instead of the writing area. sometimes she also helps the other members to coreograph and deciding formation, as she's one of the dance line. well, for dancing, don't underestimate her because of her age. she started dancing when she was 8, and she did it for a little over 4 years by doing ballet for 2 years, since she was 8 until she was 10, and street dance for 3 years, since she was 9 until she was a little over 12.

other than training to improve her rapping, dancing, and singing skills, she also gets trained to act. her trainer thought that she has a great potential in acting. however, she had never appeared in a dramas nor movies, but she appeared in ikon's apology mv as bobby's partner (original by ellis ahn soyeon), instead, which made her became close to the ikon boys especially bobby. yeah, even though she didn't really act in the mv, but her trainer said that it will be better if she gets to experience acting in a real field, so that she won't be too nervous nor pressured when she gets to actually debut in acting. as she is also able to memorize script quickly, her acting trainers usually put her with some other boy trainees and make them practice together as a pair or in the other name, as a love partner in acting, which made her be fairly close to numerous boy trainees. as for girl trainees in acting, she is just close to some of them, and those girls include yg trainee kim jisoo, who made her acting appearance in drama 'producer' as a cameo and hi suhyun's i'm different mv. also ygk+ model lee haeun who just debuted as an actress on earlier 2015.

for the special  thing which only her did during her training period was that she used to always does her training after school ends since she entered the company when she was on her senior year of middle school. well, it's questionable that she's on her senior grade of middle school at the time, instead of sophomore, remembering that she was born on late 2001, which made her being coeval with the first-half of 2002 born children. it was because she entered school together with the 2001 born children, which was more than a half year before she turned 6, so it made her supposed to be in sophomore, and the thing which made her been a senior at the time was because she attended an international school in taiwan which the elementary school degree was through 1st-5th grade. she also still studied hard everydays after she graduated from middle school because she had to prepare for her ged exam. she studied hard for almost a year for it, which made her passed the exam with the score of 194/200. she then decided to entered university at the age of 16.

face claim:  um yejin

back-up face claim: chou tzuyu

height & weight: 177 cm and 58kg

appearance: standing at 177cm tall and weghing 58kg, nana looks thinner than she actually weighs. when people look at her, they will probably think that she's less than 55kg, because she looks really thin. it's probably because of her muscle mass since she started to work out after she entered the company. she has a pair of long legs which is acknowledged as her best figure. her shoulder is narrow if you compare it to her height. on her face, she has a pair of big black eyes with thin double eyelids and long eyelashes. when people look at her, they will probably mistaken her as 2 or 3 years older than she actually is, because she not only has a mature face, but she also has a mature figure. despite of being a minor, she has a body of average girls who are 3-4 years older than her have, with slim stomach and a noticable curve on her body, she can deceive anyone and makes people question her age.

style: nana isn't really into girly stuffs. she mostly stays away from skirts, dresses, flat shoes, and high heels. she personally thinks that those are uncomfortable and is not safe to wear, so her clothing styles are mostly have boyish-like feel. such as denim, jeans, shirts, leggings, and shorts, with sneakers as her footwear. also with some simple accessories such as snap back and beanie. for other accessories, she doesn't really like to wear it except for anything related to performing and appearing in front of camera. for the outfit she wears in dorm, she will wear simple piece of clothing such as shorts with short sleeved tops for summer and legging with hoodies for colder weather like winter. for the outfits she wears for practicing or for everyday attire (outdoor), she likes to wear jeans and long sleeved shirt with a beanie, or short sleeved shirt with sleeveless denim and shorts, or short sleeved shirt with jacket and jeans, also beanie for the accessories

personality traits:

positive traits mature, caring, intelligent, independent, calm

neutral traits reserved, perfectionist, secretive, observant

negative traits stubborn, grudge-holder, blunt, rigid, moody

despite of being the youngest in the group, she probably is the one with the oldest mental age. she is a person who is considerate and caring towards her surroundings. not like the other teenager, instead of thinking 'work hard play hard', she believes that people should word three times harder than they play. she also is an independent girl that is capable to do things some people doesn't usually do. she will mostly takes care and do anything by herself that makes her mostly prefers to work alone, but she works well in teams when the situation demands it. She likes to be accountable for her actions, and enjoy being in positions of authority. She is an independent type who resist to be controlled and rarely cares about what others say, which sometimes could lead into her stubborn trait.

she will work for long periods of time and put tremendous amounts of energy into doing any task which she sees as important to fulfilling a goal, and wouldn't even think to quit in the middle. However, she will resist putting energy into things which don't make sense to her, or for which she can't see a practical application. She also is the type of person who doesn't tolerant any mistakes nor lack. if the temperance isn't present, she will probably take the lead naturally without she even realize, makes her be the invisible leader in the group. she probably is the only maknae in korea who get on her older's nerve. despite of being the youngest, when the practice is started, she will mostly to be the temperance's invicible vice.

she is a reserved person who is interested on security and peaceful living, however she still talks much enough to those she is close with. She hardly express her feeling and tends to keep anything to herself, including her anger and disappointment, which makes her can hold a grudge for someone for a long time.When she feels like reaching her limit, she would talk it directly to you. However, rather than exploding, she will be even colder when she's angry nor annoyed, Saying every words calmly (which sounds more like cold for the others, rather than calm). she also is quite moody. she can keep shut for a whole day when she is not in a good mood. she also gets more sensitive when she isn't in a good mood. but when she is in a good mood, usually there aren't much difference with her usual self. except that she would probably smile more.

despite of being a reserved girl who is interested on a security and peaceful living, she isn't that kind of quiet, heartless, and ignorant coldies. she actually is a warm and kind person who hides behind her cold mask to protect herself from those who might probably use her because of her kindness. yeah, you know, these days not many people we can trust. and this girl knows that well enough. it probably could make her be kinda hard to approach, but actually it's not as hard as you think. as long as she can feel that you really want to approach her, and as long as she feels that even your worst trait doesn't bother her much, she will be open to you little by little.

she is a girl with strong mind and memories. inured herself to work hard, she always studies like crazy since she was young, made her brain works above average. she memorizes things quite well. yeah, well enough to memorize about 3-4 phone numbers by read it once, if counted by stopwatch, probably about 20-40 seconds. her well educated brain leads her to think before speak, which makes her always win over an argument. this smartass believes that there are no irrelevant actions, that every shift in sentiment, every move and every idea is part of something bigger. To satisfy her curiosity, she'll try to notice all of these things, and to never miss a moment. Her sharp observing skills make her can know whether your mind and verbal match or not. She can know if you hid something, lying about something, or such. Her curiosity can leads her to find and dig into the truth.


horror & thriller movie, thrill rides ( it somehow boost her endorphins )
sports ( she grew up doing some kinds of sports, so she just kind of bond to it )
books ( she always reads to increase her knowledge, and it also for her lyrics' inspiration. )
chocolate ( She likes the bitter yet sweet taste of it, but she prefers the one with higher cocoa percentage, because it's more bitter )
music ( It's quite a healing for her. She always listens to it while writing her lyrics, while reading books, even sometimes when she has a meal. )
coffee ( It's her 'alcohol'. She always needs it to calm herself when she's stressed/depressed, and it also kinda energize her. She always drinks it at least three times a day. )
milk ( it helps her get full quickly, that's why she also brings it along with her and her bread anywhere. she doesn't have any particular flavor as her favorite, so you can see a variety of milk along with her breads if you opens her bag )
bread ( she always gets hungry easily, so she always brings it with her anywhere in case she suddenly gets hungry when it isn't possible to have a meal. ex. when she gets hungry even that she ate already, when she gets hungry in the middle of a short break of practicing / composing. )


sprouts ( she thinks that it is tasteless )
being underestimated ( she has quite many exceptional abilities, so it doesn't feel good to be so )
someone touch her belongings without her permission ( it's not that she is possessive towards her belongings or what, but she sees people who do this as rude and impudent )
too much attention ( she enjoys doing her things alone, and sometimes prefers to not getting any attention at all when she's doing something private such as when she is answering a call )
nosy people ( it's understadable if someone is curious about some kind of things, but the ones who is overly curious and nosy is the ones who will most likely to invades someone else's private life )


— writing lyrics

— skateboarding
— choreographing
— listening to music
— taking a walk at night
— reading books / studying


— sighing inaudibly (without a letting out a sounds)
— suddenly appear without any answer when being called
— touching her earlobe while tilting her head when thinking

— answering something with gesture before answer it directly
— take a short walk around the room when she sits for too long
— poking someone to get their attention instead of calling their name

— answering someone or talking with someone without even looking at their face
— tying / fasten her shoelaces by bending from a standing position with her legs straight
— sniffing a food before eat it. she always refuses to eat foods which smell strange for her

— expressing her worry by squeezing her hands instead of expressing it with words / facial expression


— she somehow tends to get close to boys faster than to girls
— she has a phone, but she always lets her phone in a silent mode
— she never dated, kissed, nor had a crush towards someone, before
she hates to hear someone curse (except for a curse in a song / rap), and she never do so
she had learned wushu and taekwondo for approximately 7-8 years before she entered yg ent
— even though she speaks quite many languages, she is bad at translating when she is asked to do
— she doesn't really like to eat spicy foods, but she can eat it as if she likes to (she eats spicy foods well)

— she can understand japanese and read japanese character quite well, but is still lacking at speaking in japanese
— she admits that she is close to all of the red queen's members, but the others say that she actually isn't really close to all of them
— she was a left-handed, but her parents accustomed herself to use her right hand as well since she was young, so now she is an ambidexter. but she tends to use her right hand to write, eat & drink, shake hands, and take things, and her left hand do the others.

background: nana was born a few minutes after midnight on december 31, 2001. there was something interesting in her life. instead of lee nana, she lived her 12 years of life as zhang mingzhu. she was raised in an upper middle class family with a taiwanese foster father and korean foster mother. well, after her mother moved to beijing when she was only a few months old, a death message came to her house, which her biological mother believed as a threat from her ex superior from the north. the truth is, her mother is an ex north korean spy who used to spy on the south and send some kind of terror. she decided to quit when she was 23. that was when she learned that her family are all dead in the north. her family was the reason of why did her do that job. she did that job to survive and to protect her family, but as they are all dead, she had no reason to continue the job anymore. quitting the job wasn't an easy thing, but she somehow succeed to kill her supervisor and run away to china.

in china, she saved the life of a korean conglomerate. with a thankful heart, that conglomerate decided to adopt her when they learned that she lost her memory at the time, (which actually she just pretended to do) as the conglomerate was coincidentally infertile. she then succeeded to change her identity, from yoon haejung to kim junhee. after officially being the kim's daughter, she moved back to korea 2 years later, as her foster parents were opening a new business branch there. and then she met her husband, lee jaehoon (nana and dana's father) there. and well, after she divorced with him she decided to move to china with nana. but then that death message came a few months after they moved there. the 25 years old junhee had no choice other than hiding from him nor facing him. but facing him with nana's presence will be dangerous, so she decided to hide by herself and asked her best friend, han eunhye who lived in china to take care of nana while she go.

a few months later, her foster family had to move to taiwan since her foster father was assigned to his company's other branch. her foster mother who was going to inform her biological mother, unexpectedly lost contact with her as her biological mother incidentally changed her number without informing her foster mother, left them with no other choice than letting nana lives with her foster family. her foster family consisted of her foster father, her foster mother, her foster older brother, and her foster older sister. all of them push her to have a dream since young, which one day made her realize that she wanted to be an idol. because whenever she felt down, she used to always listen to music to energize herself. she also sometimes wreak her emotion by dancing. so she wanted to  be an idol someday so that she can be an encouragement for many people.

but well, it seems like she was raised well. She grew up to a kind, intelligent, friendly, and polite girl. it just that she was too kind and naive, that her friend deceived her and made her like she is now. that ungrateful wench sought for her kindness by asking her to help her mother who was looking for a job. as nana's foster mother had a quite high position in the company she was working at, she managed to got her to work in the company she was in. little did she know, nana's friend's mother had a severe grudge towards her mother. her foster mother might not remember this, but that friend's mother was actually her high school friend. that friend's mother once had her family bankrupt because her father's piled debt while he got fired from his work, which was the company where nana's great grandfather from her foster mother's side was a ceo at. so one day, she purposely made a mistake in work which made the company got a huge loss, and she pointed all of the thing she did to nana's foster mother. nana's foster mother eventually got fired because of it.

as mother, as daughter. while that friend's mother had a covet towards her foster mother, at the time, that friend also feel the same to nana. actually, that friend and her mother planned to drown both of them (nana and her mother) from a little long before. she also secretly held a grudge towards nana out of jealousy because she thought of nana as her biggest rival in the school, and also, her crush was actually had a crush on nana. so a bit later after the incident befell her mother, that friend did the same thing as her mother did to nana's mother to drown her. she made a problem at school, even made her to get hit by some seniors. but then she said that it was all because of nana. and nana was also the one who hit her. because of that, she got expelled from school. well, nana may be young and naive at the time. but she wasn't that stupid to not get a feel that both of them planned those things, seeing that they (that friend and her mother) did the same ways to nana and her mother. she changed little by little, since that.

she found out that she had a twin sister around late 2014. she was kidnapped one day. she managed to get free by using her martial arts technique when the kidnapper tried to get her to the car. but then she got surprised and don't even budge an inch. that kidnapper looked exactly like her. and that kidnapper tried to persuade nana to follow her. nana then decided to follow her because she also curious. well, you know what this smartass had in mind. on the way, that kidnapper told her to not say a single thing. she was brought to a big luxurious house and saw a married couple who actually was her biological father and mother. the married couple then told her the secret behind her birth. in disbelief, nana called her mother to tell her anything that just happened to her. but just right after she mentioned the word 'mom', the woman in that house asked whether she can talk to the person nana called or not. nana let her be, and at the end, nana found out that she was adopted by the people she thought as her family, and her real family are those people in that house.

why she entered yg ent.: nana chose yg entertainment as her shelter because she thought that it was the best company who can shape their artist well. we all know that yg artists had their own exceptional skills and they all have their own color. she also knew that yg is a jungle. her independent and stubborn soul that refuse to be controlled too much will be comfortable, there. she also knew that yg entertainment tends to keep their artist to focus with their music rather than appearing in reality / variety show. she hates to pretend to be happy when she isn't. while still being a human, she knew it already that depression and conflicts will still flow to her anytime it wants. on stage, she could pretend to be happy just for a short period. but for variety show, it needs at least 6 hours to film it, and to imagining that she will have to do it when she isn't on a good mood, it .


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father / lee jaehoon / 44 / Discipline, Strict, Perfectionist

well, they almost never interact with each other before. the time he actually interacted with her was when he met her for the first time, and after he knew that she was a trainee to be an idol. he asked her to stop training, at the time, because well, about his and his wife's company, she and her twin have to inherit the company by preforce. but she then managed to persuade him to let her continue her training by promising him that she will still study hard and make sure that she will attend a good university to study business there. she also promised that if she has the chance to debut one day, she will quit her career when the time for her to inherit the company comes.

mother / kim junhee / 42 / Hardworking, Caring, Protective

probably the one in her biological family who is the closest to her. after dana reported her encounter with nana, or at the other mean, when she knew that she can meet her other daughter again, she always invites nana and dana at least once in two months for a dinner in a restaurant she used to visit often. she also calls and texts nana often at least to make sure that she is fine, and nothing bad happen to her.

older twin / lee, dana / 17 / confident, impulsive, reckless

Ever since their first encounter, they never really get along. Both of them never had an idea that the other is existed, thinking that themselves were born to the world alone. They've never wanted each other in their lives. Talking to each other only when there is something that they both see as an important matter. Facing into each other with a cold stare, cold atmosphere seems like always following them wherever and whenever they meet. well, nana never thinks of her as a rival even though their groups are each other's rival. but dana always seems to draw a line between them which makes nana can't do a thing beside watching her and protect her from afar.


friend / kim jiwon (bobby) /23 / friendly, kind, considerate

they met the first time during ikon's apology mv shooting as she once appeared there as bobby's partner. they didn't get close just right after the filming ended. but the two coincidentally met several times at han river. well, it could be counted just by one hand, but it probably much enough, as they had exchanged number. they don't regularly contact each other, but they do enough when they are both free.

friend / jung chanwoo / 20 / obedient, sarcastic, bubbly

jung chanwoo was the first trainee she had ever meet after she entered the company. she met him on her first day as a trainee in yg entertainment. because girls and boys trained separately, she got confused when looking for directions an was ended up lost at the boy trainees' area. chanwoo coincidentally met her and eventually helped her to find the place she was looking for. a rumor came out since then, and spread to the other trainees. assuming that they were dating. but it disappeared by itself as the time went by and they also didn't really interact with each other after that, but they got close at the end, during the mv shooting, they talked for awhile and eventually got close. but if it was about to compared with her relationship with bobby, she still is closer to bobby despite of the .

love interest: it can be anyone- an oc, idol, actor/actress, even a fellow group member.

group: if any

age: international age

personality: I (cali) don't know a lot of groups well so explain well please ^^

how you met/meet: a brief description would do splendidly.

interactions: as detailed as you can manage :)

relationship: secretly dating is allowed

Back-up: anyone

comments/suggestions: hey, i had fun applying to this and i also look forward to the story. also, i didn't put a love interest because i just thought that it would be weird if a whole group of idol have a relationship with other artist, while usually idols are forbidden to date, and especially for yg entertainment that monitors her artists and trainees a lot. for the trainee background, on the school things, i'm not really sure whether it makes sense to you or not since i myself entered school at five, which actually a little more than a half year before i turned 6.

scene requests:
– secret camera to three or four participants at once

–  truth or dare by the participants
–  mafia game. three of the participants being a mafia, and she is one of the mafias. one mafia get caught while she and the other one don't get caught till the end.

password: i'm not really sure but i hope this will be fine.


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