Miracle's Lee Dana


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Lee Dana
Background information
Age 17
Birthdate December 30th, 2001
Birthplace + Hometown Gangnam, Seoul, South Korea + Gangnam, Seoul, South Korea
  • Korean
Korean Native / 1st language
English Fluent / Attended international school for elementary & middle school degree.
Japanese Intermediate / Took course for 2 years before debuted as model
  • She acts the most feminine in the group. Also, she often speak in formal language even with her members, and sometimes using the form people from Joseon era usually use.
  • The fans, her fellow members, and also Super Junior members call her by this name, because she is one of the youngest, yet she is one of the tallest.
  • From one syllable of her name added by her 'hangeul written' surname
  • A-


  • ACTIVITY LEVEL: eight out of ten.



Beneath it you're beautiful.

  • FACECLAIM: Um Yejin
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  • APPEARANCE: Dana stands at 177cm and weighs 56kg. She has a pair of big eyes and thin double eyelids. Her hair is fairly long and its color is brown. She has a clear and pale smooth skin that got a little darker than the first time she entered the company. Her shoulder is narrow compared to her height. Her lips are naturally red. She has a fairly long legs and arms even for her height. And she still has a baby fat in both of her cheeks. Her hair is currently black with some parts dyed in brown, makes it become kind of an ombre. She never really has a ponytail, and likes to let her hair down

    STYLE: For Dana, she believes that the way she dress reflects herself, whether it's her mood, her favorite, or such. That's why she usually dress differently everyday. When she feels good and in a calm state, she will dress in a soft colors and feminine style*. Such as dresses and skirts in a soft colors such as the light shade of pink color, white, and light gray. And when she doesn't feels really good, she will wear dresses or tops with skirts or shorts in a slightly strong color with a kind of boyish look**. For footwear, she doesn't mind wearing high heels, but unfortunately her members and coordi mind it really much, and they will always tell her to wear flatshoes or sneakers. ( * / * / * / * / ** / ** / ** / ** )

I've got a wild heart.


+ Witty, Bold, Optimistic, Generous, Confident
= Conflict-Averse, Easily Bored, Impulsive , Sensitive 
–  Slightly Immature, Reckless, Self-Centred, Envious

Dana is a type of person who doesn't enjoy silence. She is a witty girl who almost never runs out of things to talk about / discuss. She also isn't they type who hold back. She will express herself freely. She enjoys life without thinking about things much. She hates complicated things and just decide everything by feeling / instict, which sometimes could lead her to being reckless when it comes to decisions since she doesn't think much before making a decision. Dana is full of herself. She believes that anything is possible for her to do, is she wants, and she loves herself more than she loves anything else, because she believes that no one can loves herself thoroughly except of herself, which sometimes leads herself to being egocentric / self-centred. But sometimes, she can also cares about someone, and wouldn't mind to give help both internal and external matters.


Dana is a person who is most likely to ignore and avoid conflict entirely. She tends to say and do what's needed to get out of such situations, then move on to something more fun. However, it doesn't mean that she's ignorant. She actually is a sensitive person who is strongly emotional, and very vulnerable to criticism, that she can feel like she been backed into a corner, sometimes reacting badly / overly, which people could see as immature action. Without constant excitement, she finds ways to create it themself. Risky behavior, self-indulgence, and the pleasures of the moment over long-term plans are all things she gets into a little too often. She changes her direction slightly too often because of this. Beside that, she is also an envious child, who could probably wants anything the people she knows have.

I want to live like it's only me.

Dana was born around 2 minutes before midnight on December 30, 2001. Well, for her, there wasn't something special or interesting in her past life. Just living in a palace-like house, got whatever she wanted without making efforts, and living in a comfortable and peaceful life. But the reality, her background is good enough to be an inspiration for a drama. Lee Dana, the only daughter of Lee Jaehoon and Kim Junhee, actually wasnt' the only daughter of them. That was only limited to what she knew. There was actually someone else who was born from her mother's womb, around 4 or 5 minutes right after she was. Actually her parents divorced just a few months after she was born. It was because they got married by eloping since her father supposed to marry her grandfather's colleauge's daughter on an arranged marriage. But then, her father's father found her parents just a few weeks after she was born, and forced them to divorce, which they eventually did. Her parents then agreed to raise each of them separately, Dana with her father, and her twin with her mother. Her mother and twin then moved to Beijing, China, and began their new lives there.

After her father's ex fiancee's family found out that her father had a child already, they then decided to cancel the engagement between them. Her grandfather who was in anger, disappointment, and shock, then got a heart attack. He was in coma for almost two weeks before eventually died. After about two years later, her kother came back to Korea and coincidentically met her father again. Her father then decided to back together again with her mother, so her mother moved back to Seoul and they both got re-married. However, with an unknown reason, she came back to Korea without her twin. Well yeah, that was why she never knew that she has a twin. She grew up alone and no one tell her so. She was raised as a spoiled kid, both her parents love her and she never really received a 'no' from anyone. Including when she said that she wanted to enter a dance academy. She was interested in dancing since she watched her seniors danced, and thought that they were cool. She danced there for about 3 years, since she was 10 until she turned 13. She stopped attending dance academy after she auditioned to be a model and eventually debuted.

Around late 2014, she stopped at a tteokpokki shop after school. Obviously to eat teokpokki after her tiring day at school. But then, when she was about to enter the shop, she got surprised because she saw a girl who looked EXACTLY like her. She started to think about strage things about the truth of her birth. But it actually reasonable because all she had known was that she is an only child of her parents. She then tried to enter the shop quitely, and sat on a safe seat where the girl won't see her clearly, while she can see that girl clearly. She secretly took a photo of the girl and sent it to her mother and asked her to explain the thing to her. About 20 minutes later, her mother called her and was about to say something before Dana cutted her off by asking whether she had a twin or not. Her mother didn't answer her immediately, and ask her about where did she saw the girl, and seeing that her mother even cared about the place she saw the girl, she knew the answer already. The next day, she tried to kidnap the girl at her school after the school period ended. She still remembered the school that girl attended, as she had a look on that girl's uniform. She barely managed to bring her to her house. In her house, her mother and father had waited for them already. And on that day, she eventually learned the truth.

On 2017, when Siwon discovered her talent and offer her the chance to be a trainee in SJ Label, it's true that she refused it at first, but as she thought about it more, she ended up accepting the offer. Of course both of her parents opposed her decision as she was supposed to inherit at least one of their company, not pursuing music. She tried to convince them to let her do what she wanted to do with any single ways she could. But it changed nothing. It made her grow an envious feeling towards Nana as her parents let Nana to train, while they opposed her to do the same. But, there was nothing she can do, as she didn't know what method that Nana use to persuade them to let her keep doing her training. She then told Siwon about her situation, and sought for his suggestion. Siwon then decided to help her directly. He tried to meet her father and tried to persuade him, suggested him to let Dana do what she wanted to do before made her do something she didn't want to do. That words from Siwon made him shaken, because it reminded him to the time when he had to marry someone he didn't even know for the sake of business. After discussed it with his wife, they eventually let Dana to be a trainee with one condition. It was the same thing that applied on Nana. She had to study hard so that she can enters the SKY University and study business there.


TRAINEE LIFE: As she entered elementary school together with the 2002 liner, she was still on her senior year of middle school when she entered the company. So she used to always does her training right after her school ends. Her training life was also pretty much similar with the other trainee. Dance training, vocal training, rap training, act training, variety show training, and so on. It was just that rapping and acting weren't her thing so she just ended up giving up and just focus to her vocal, dance, and variety show training as she was aware that she entered the company later than most trainees, so she did that in order to catch up. For high school, she didn't attend one after she graduated from middle school as high school life will definitely take much of her time in a day, and just leaving a few hours for her to train, so she decided to stop attending school and planned to just take a ged exam when she is on the age of average high school alumnus.

WHY SHE WAS CHOSEN: Dana was chosen by Siwon on October, 2017. They knew each other since before, because they are distant relatives and they met quite often through family meetings. They officially met for the first time on the earlier 2014. It was a few months before she debuted as a model. They became acquantainced since then and started to contact each other, but they don't contact each other as much after she debuted as a model under ESteem on the second half of 2014. Siwon and her don't really know about each other, so Siwon didn't know about her hidden ability since then. Well, she used to attend a dance academy for 3 years, and for her singing ability, she wasn't that great, but she was pretty good. Around the early 2015, the video of her dancing from 4 years ago was leaked to the internet as she was already pretty famous just a month after debuting as a model because of her endorsement of a uniform brand called 'SMART' along with 2 popular idol boy group, B1A4 and GOT7. He then immediately offered her to enter the company. She didn't say okay right away, though. But after think about it for a few weeks, she eventually realized that her life would probably be too much boring if she doesn't agree the offer, since she probably will have to do nothing but study before doing something that she doesn't even want to do (read : inherit at least one of her parent's company).


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Lee Jaehoon / Father / 44 / Chairman of HNT Group / Discipline, Strict, Perfectionist / Alive / (FC Cha Seungwon)
As a chairman of such a big company like HNT Group in a relatively young age, he rarely comes home and interacts with her daughter. The first time he really talked to Dana was when Dana said that she wanted to be an idol. Of course, being a child with a golden spoon in since she was born made her future became settled. She has to inherit the big companies her parents owned. But she somehow succeeded to convince him, with the help of Siwon, of course.

Kim Junhee / Mother / 42 / CEO of Reluire Group / Hardworking, Caring, Protective / Alive / (FC Choi Jiwoo)
Probably because of the things happened in the past, she always been protective to Dana. She always stays in contact with her. She often calls Dana or at least text her to make sure that she is fine, and nothing bad happen to her. Dana probably feels the most closest to her mom. Her mom also the one she told the first that she was going to be a trainee with a huge chance to debut, since Siwon told her that.

Lee, Nana / Younger Twin / 17 / Trainee (Red Queen) / Reserved, Mature, Rigid / Alive / (FC Um Yejin)
Ever since their first encounter, they never really get along. Both of them never had an idea that the other is existed, thinking that themselves were born to the world alone. They've never wanted each other in their lives. Talking to each other only when there is something that they both see as an important matter. Facing into each other with a cold stare, cold atmosphere seems like always following them wherever and whenever they meet. The other think of them as rival on stage and sister off stage, but seems like they are rival wherever they are.


FRIENDS:  N/A (She doesn't attend school anymore and just focus on training. So she doesn't have any friend outside the group. But I would like to see you make her gets close to someone in the story, just in case you're going to choose her.)

Choi Siwon / Distant Cousin / 33 / Actor, Idol / Humble, Kind / Alive / He monitors her a lot as he is the one who picked her, and fortunately he doesn't regret to do it because she surely is talented. He also gives her lots of feedback to help her improve by all means.

Forget about the little things.

– Plushies (She always needs something to hug, so she often being seen holding at least a plushie)
– Dramas (She especially likes the romance part, but she always skips the conflicts part, because that's she is. Hates complicated things)
– Chicken (She can eat like 11/2 whole chicken with cider. She especially likes the thighs and wings part. She doesn't really like the meat's texture)
– Dairy Products (It's her daily consumption. Cheese, Milk, Yogurt, etc. She always consumes at least one kind of dairy products once a day. If you open her bag, you will find some of it)
– Gum (She can't stand being bored, so sometimes when her jaw feels bored, she will chew it. Sometimes she even chew it during dance practice or when the group is on their way in the van)


– Horror / Thriller Movies (She is chicken-hearted)

– Lectures (Her ear can never stand to listen to it. She will try to escape from it if she gets one)
– Spicy Foods (She really can't eat spicy foods. She will get sick if she force herself to eat it too much)
– Avocado (She once tried to cut avocado, but it turned out that the avocado is rotten and some maggots came out)

– Being ignored (She seriously will ignore someone who ignored her by at least twice longer. If someone ignore her for a minute, she will ignore her/him for at least 2 minutes)

– Shouting 'EOMMA' (Mommy) whenever she's shocked

– Hiding her face behind someone's back when she's embarrassed
– Place her hands under her thighs while sitting in the car when she feels cold


– Listening to music
– Dancing, Singing
– Watching dramas and fangirling after the kiss scene


– She prefers meat over pork

– She believes that she is the cutest member
– She can fall in a deep sleep just 2 minutes after she lays down
– She admits that she had never dated, but once had a 'some' relationship
– She admits that she herself doesn't know how to differentiate herself with her twin
– The most effective way to tell her and her twin apart is by their skin colors. Dana has a significantly whiter skin

– The other member say that they never know that she has a twin. They just find out from the news in the internet
– She believes that she is tiny. "It's just that the other members are too small, so I become the one who look really tall", she said.
– She is kinda hard to be waken up, that's why she wakes up the last and often make the other wait if they're about to go somewhere


And all these little things.


POSITION: Face of The Group, Vocalist, Dancer (SuperGirl)
POSITION: Lead Vocalist


SINGING TWIN: Red Velvet's Seulgi



COMMENTS / SUGGESTIONS: Sorry to not submitting this earlier. Thanks for your kindness to give me an extension. I had fun applying to this and i also look forward to the story. Sorry, in case this made you uncomfortable, but I just think that it will be fun to see a pair of sibling that will be each other's rival, so i made this. Also, I didn't put a love interest because I thought that it will be kinda weird if she is in a relationship with a boy, while she didn't attend school already, and the SJ Label also doesn't have a male trainee, while the Super Junior members have too much with her. And even though she had been modeling, but I think it doesn't really make a sense if two people who never met each other immediately get close on their first meet. I'll be waiting for your updates, btw!


– Truth or Dare between the members
– Dana suddenly disappeared and ended up getting scolded by the members
– Variety show appearance with members. The members are asked to introduce themselves in order of age, and she butts into the 7th order
– The member's get to use the other members' room with the other member they are most awkward with. They play games and the winner may determine the rooms distribution



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