☁️ g u r e u m 。h i g h : c h o i。 y u r i 최유리 ☁️


Mei / Ygsmjypfam / ACTIVITY LEVEL 9
FULL NAME. — Choi Yuri 최유리
( ♚ — 百合; ) This is her name in Japanese.
( ♚ — 
Lily Choi; ) Her English name that she used when she was still living overseas. Her name Yuri (Japanese) means Lily in English that's why she decided to use it.
( ♚ — Yuyu; ) A childhood nickname that she got from her parents and other relatives. This just stuck to them and up until the present time, they still refer to her as Yuyu. Also, a couple of close friends from Class 2-B calls her this.
( ♚ — Gwisin; ) Amongst the fun and bright Class of 2-B, a very weird girl is different from that sunny image. Yuri is known to be the scary weird girl who hides behind her long hair. Because of this, other students started calling her with this nickname because it means ghost. Class 2-B didn't like it at all and Seungcheol had forbidden them to call her this.
( ♚ — Madame Yuri; ) There is more than that creepy ghost-y aura of Yuri that Class 2-B had discovered. She is known to be fascinated on predicting futures and teaching her classmates charms and simple spells that usually, as they would like to believe, come true. And since then, she earned this nickname that her classmates would call her if they need her help.

AGE — 20 (International age) & 21 (Korean age)
BIRTHDAY — October 31
BIRTH PLACE — London, England
London, England (1995-2006)
Seoul, South Korea (2006-present)

CLUB. — Art
( ♚ — Japanese Classes; ) Yuri had wanted to learn this ever since she was a kid because her mother's a full Japanese and she wanted to acknowledge the fact that she has a Japanese blood too. And because her mother can't teach her, Yuri had been attending lessons. She didn't choose the extra language club in school though because she also wanted to attend the art club. She has classes ever Saturday in the morning. (7:00am-12:00nn).
( ♚ — Part-Time Librarian; ) There's a big library near Gureum High that Yuri had been visiting ever since they've moved to South Korea. One day during her freshman year in Gureum, the librarian told her that they would need a hand in the Library and since she always visits it, the librarian asked her if she wanted a job. Yuri can't say no and her duty is every Friday night (8:00pm-10:00pm) and Saturday afternoon (3:00pm-10:00pm)

ETHNICITY — Korean-Japanese
♚ — English; ) Native / As she was born and raised in England, this has been the language she grew up with. Constantly changing at home, since her parents belonged to different ethnicities. Nonetheless, this is the language she usually used while living in England.
♚ — Korean; ) Fluent / Her father's a Korean and he taught her how to speak this language even though they were living in England. Also, they do pay South Korea a visit every Summer vacation.
♚ — 
Korean Sign Language; ) Advanced / This language was to taught to her by her father as well because Yuri's mother is speech-impaired and it would be easier for them to communicate this way. Her mother's a Japanese who also lived in SK that's why she was fluent in KSL too. Also, KSL is related to Japanese Sign Language.
♚ — 
Japanese; ) Conversational / Her mother is a Japanese and because she can't teach Yuri this language, the young girl had been taking lessons because she also wanted to learn Japanese for her mom.
— " Would you want me to predict your future? "


FACE CLAIM — Kim Yerim
APPEARANCE — People remember Yuri for her simple physical features. She has a long brown wavy hair that falls down to her stomach. Yuri likes to hide her face with her hair, constantly her head is in a bow mode, especially around strangers. She has hazelnut brown eyes that are a bit rounded. She stands 170 cm and weighs 50 kg, making her a bit underweight. Her lips are naturally pink in color that complements her fair complexion. Yuri has a small beauty mark beside her lips, although it's still pretty visible, and she also has a dimple on her right cheek. Whenever she speaks or whenever she does a simple facial expression, it would appear and sometimes, some of her classmates would want to poke it. She has a birth mark on her right thigh that's usually hidden by their school uniform.

FASHION SENSE — Despite the weirdness that envelopes this young woman, her fashion style actually varies and are usually fashionable. Unbelievable, right? In most shows where a girl is a tad weird, they'd wear anything that they'd look like they're in a cocoon. Not that Yuri liked revealing clothes (eeek!!), she just wanted to look decent and presentable. Yuri is usually seen wearing black blouses which she partners with skirts or skinny jeans. She loves to wear black dresses as well. She likes stockings and jumpers. Yuri loves beanies too and collects them. Although, she also owns a lot of different kinds of hats that she always uses whenever she goes to school. A red velvet one (sometimes black) to be exact, so it would complement their uniform. Yuri has a lot of chokers too for she thinks that they are the best accessory. She also loves wearing boots, sneakers, oxfords, and Mary Janes. Yuri can be quite weird in personality but she certainly likes to dress up normally. But she would usually just go with black clothings (Sometimes white too or even red then she would pair it with any of her black clothes).

— " You've dreamt about a pig? Money is on its way to you. "


POS : Calm, intelligent, observant, reliable
NEU : Soft-spoken, quiet, unpredictable
NEG : Aloof, passive, insecure, superstitious

Yuri in a nutshell Most of the students in Class 2-B would say that Yuri is the perfect definition of an epitome of an enigma. She's your typical weird girl who prefers to be alone but, whenever she's with the people she's comfortable with, she'd mutter a lot of weird things that may or may not creep their life out. In the long run, Class 2-B had gotten used to the fact that she's unique and they've accepted her on who she is. Besides, she's always there ready to help them out when they have their own dilemma. She's just not the type to be expressive but know that when she at least talked to you once, you're important to her.

Yuri; the good side Yuri is usually seen just sitting on the farthest corner of the classroom, reading a book or shuffling her tarot cards or even just watching her classmates go crazy. She's not used to display any emotions but, when she's really happy, a smile would form in her lips and this is not a very usual thing to happen. She has always been the peaceful kind of girl who doesn't panic when everybody does. She will not show any signs of anger or worry and she believes that she can think easier whenever she stays calm. Hence, whenever there's a problem or a trial, expect Yuri to think of solutions at once. She's quite the fast thinker and most of the time, if Class 2-B has problems and she has a solution in mind already, she'll quickly tell that to Seungcheol so she can help him with the decision making. She'd weigh all the pros and cons of every action that they may do because she dislikes it very much if she'd act rather in a rash way. She always sees the need to plan every step. Because of this trait, Yuri had learned the art of observing her surroundings as she could learn more from people's actions on certain situations, what their personalities are, and even their simple gestures. She always pay much attention to her environment and most especially with her classmates. She could easily tell if one of them is having a problem and usually, she would come for their aid even if they don't ask it. Since then, most of the students in Class 2-B would go to Yuri to ask for help. May it be a serious problem or a light one. She will always do her best to help out because she doesn't like it when one of them is sad. She'd even offer a simple charm for them to repel bad luck and because they trust her, they do think it works.

Yuri; the neutral side If you hear someone with a gentle and soft voice, expect that to be Yuri as she finds it very, very hard to speak in a louder voice. It takes her too much effort to speak louder and sometimes even their teachers could be frustrated with her whenever they have graded oral recitations. They don't get angry with her, of course since she usually excels academically, it's just that sometimes it's hard to hear what she's saying. So, most of the time, the teacher would just sit there near her during recitations. Yuri's also the kind of girl who doesn't like to make noise. She thinks that her classmates would feel annoyed with her if she makes one that's why she'd rather stay silent. She does things quietly too which somehow usually surprises her classmates whenever she'd appear suddenly out of no where. Though, in some circumstances, when Yuri feels comfortable with someone, she can't help but blurt out things that would freak everybody out. To strangers, she'd be all like, "Uhh... I-i'm sorry. W-what?" But to her classmates, "I just saw a girl jumped from Seungcheol's shoulders and ran to Mingyu..." Or suddenly she'd go, "Hana, want to learn a new charm today?" She's yet another mystery that needs to be solved.

Yuri; the bad side Flaws what makes someone perfect but for Yuri, it makes her rather creepy. You'll actually feel it in her aura if she wants to be alone or doesn't want to talk anybody. It's like a black arua surrounds her that scare mostly the younger girls in Class 2-B. She could be a tad detached whenever she feels like it and no one would dare go near her when she's in this kind of mood. There's just an urge inside her that she needed to stay away from people for a while. Maybe a form of recharge before she could hang out with everyone again. She just sometimes need to be alone but, there's always an exception and that would be whenever a classmate needs her help. She'd still not be in the mood (personal issues, maybe?) but, she'll help out. If someone would feel pissed whenever she's in her aloof mode and then would confront her, Yuri would just stay quiet and she'll just let things happen without her fighting for herself. She usually adjusts for other people because she doesn't like confrontations nor arguments. That's one thing she really doesn't like. It's just that, she's afraid of getting hurt both physically and emotionally. She'd choose to be mum than cause trouble for everybody. It's really not in her nature to debate or be confident because Yuri always thinks lowly of herself. She doubts herself too much and she just have confidence with tarot reading or when the topic's all about ghosts. She honestly envies her classmates because they all somehow exudes self-confidence that she does not have. She tries her best to be more open to other people, be more positive, but she finds it very hard to do. She just accepted the fact that there's nothing really special about her thus, thinking about this would lead her in a very sour mood. Despite being one of the intelligent students in Class 2-B, Yuri actually believes in superstitions. She sometimes forgets to think rationally because of her deep faith with superstitious beliefs as she grew up to these and somehow got accustomed in following these beliefs. For her, there's no questioning these because no harm will happen if you follow it anyway. There was even a time when Chan was whistling at night during their study sessions and Yuri approached him suddenly (making him jump in surprise) and said, "Please stop whistling... The spirits are attracted to whistles. I can feel one of them is on the way here now." Boom, everybody shivers with her words.
— " There's a kid hiding under the teacher's table. "



It was a cold Halloween Night when Yuri was born in to this world. Her family had been living in London for quite a while already and they've decided to stay there for good. They had an average lifestyle and their family came through with all the finances whilst her father was able to provide for Yuri and her mother. Her father, Choi Taewon, works as a Doctor in a hospital in London. Her mother, Minami Aiko, was a full-time housewife. Aiko was speech-impaired that was why she had a hard time looking for a job. She stopped eventually and decided to just take care of Yuri. Taewon would often teach Yuri to always be a kind girl who should do good for others without expecting anything in return. This was where she got her helpful trait. The words of her father would always echo inside her mind and this just stuck into her. Taewon's also the one to teach her the logical side of life and the weighing of every actions. On the other hand, Aiko was the one who taught Yuri all about the superstitious beliefs that she knew of (May it be in Japanese or in Korean, she often teaches it to Yuri) and also fortune telling. She even passed down to her daughter her charms, spell book, and tarot cards so that Yuri could practice it. Her father didn't like the idea much but, what can he do? It's the bonding of Aiko and Yuri. The young girl had experienced to get bullied by her the other kids because first of all, her mother can't speak and second, she had a different hobby which they found it very weird. They would call her a witch or even a devil and this was why Yuri had become a quiet girl. She never told her parents about this but then, she also learned to not really care about what others would say. In 2006, the hospital where her father works, closed down and Taewon decided for him and his family to just move to South Korea. Yuri didn't have a hard time adjusting because they've been visiting SK ever since she was a kid and the culture of Koreans was taught to her by her father. Aiko was also pleased with this decision as she grew up half of her life in SK as well and missed the country. Yuri was glad with this idea as well because she wanted to start a new life where she hopes that the people are much friendlier than in London.

LIFESTYLE — Yuri lives alone in an apartment near Gureum High because her parents decided that it's safer for her to live near the school because of their schedule. They didn't want Yuri to travel home late at night. So instead, they've rented a unit for her. She wakes up at 6:00am everyday to water the plants by the patio and then she'd prepare a simple breakfast since she's no cook. Yuri can only fry eggs and hotdogs and cook rice with the help of a rice cooker. At 7:00am, she will already take a bath and prepare for school. She usually blow dries her hair so that it would just fall down smoothly. She would double check her uniform and she makes sure there isn't a single wrinkle on the clothes. She goes to school at 8:00am as she disliked being late. Most days, after her schedule in school, she'd go to a small store where they cook homemade food to take her dinner as, again, she cannot cook. But, every Wednesday, her mother would visit her and make dinner. Her mother would stay in the apartment until Friday and so, after school every Fridays, Yuri will proceed to her duty at the library near Gureum High and it would end at 10:00pm. On Saturdays, she has Japanese classes at 7:00am-12:00nn. After that, Yuri would go home and relax for a few hours before her duty in the library starts again at 3:00pm and then it would end at 10:00pm. Every Sunday morning at 7:00am, Yuri will go home to her parents to spend the day with them. She goes back to the apartment every Monday before classes starts.


Books Yuri likes to read books but, her genre mostly would be horror, mystery, thriller, and those spell and charm books.
Snow She loves winter so much because she likes the snow the most.
Horror Movies Her fascination with the supernatural started when she was a kid when she claimed that she had met a little girl at their home in London. For some reason, she knew the little girl was a ghost but she never got scared and in fact, she was drawn to it more. Up until today, she sees ghosts.
Fortune Telling As a kid, she was always interested with this ever since her mother taught her how to. Yuri would predict her classmates future but, if it's bad, she wouldn't go specific still, she would warn them about it. Then, she'd give them a good luck charm just so to be safe.
Old Films The art of filmmaking actually interests her and besides watching the horror ones, she likes to watch those movies known to be classics. One of her favorite films would be Citizen Kane.
Watermelon is her favorite fruit. She always eat one whenever it's watermelon season. Sometimes, even at times wherein the fruit isn't in demand yet, Yuri will find a grocery store just to quench her cravings for watermelon.
Night Time She feels more relaxed at night.
Doodle Notebooks Ever since she was young, Yuri loves to draw and doodle that's why she started collecting doodle notebooks. Whenever she feels down, she'd doodle. Sometimes dark and scary stuff but, there are times where she focuses more with nature.
Food Yuri may seem bitter but, she loves to eat every kind of food and that includes sweets. Her favorite food are pizza, tteokbokki, jjajangmyeon, ramyeon, blueberry cheesecake, chips, fruit milkshakes, coffee, and bubble tea. She's not much into soda though.
Violin The only musical instrument that she can play. Her mother knew how to play the violin and so other than those weird stuff, she taught Yuri how to play this instrument. In Gureum High, a violin is also available so, Yuri likes to go to the music room whenever they have breaks and she'd play the violin. Her favorite pieces are Chaconne, Partita No.2 and Violin Concerto No.5

Cockroaches Especially the flying ones scare the hell out of Yuri. Yes, she may be into scary stuff but cockroaches are definitely a no no. OTL
Physical Pain She hates it if she needs to tend her wounds because it hurts to the core.
Stuffed Toys Yuri dislikes these with passion. She isn't sure why? But, she really doesn't like it. She would prefer to own a lot of pillows instead.
Thunderstorms She has astraphobia ever since she was a little kid. Yuri would panic a lot especially when she was younger. As she grew up, she still has it but she would deal with it by herself. It would be either, she'd try her best to sleep or would try to learn some new spells or charms to distract her.
Fireworks and Pressure Cooker She feels like she hears the noise twice as loud as its original one that's why doesn't like these. Sometimes, it surprises her so much.
Summer Heat It's like she can't handle the heat. She feels like dying whenever it's summer. :)) Her exaggeration, of course.
Medicines For some weird reason, Yuri doesn't believe that medicine actually works. She doesn't say this to her father, though.
Bullies As a victim of bullying, she had grown to dislike these kind of people. There's nothing good in having fun at other people's miseries.
Physical Education Yuri knows she's physically weak and uncoordinated... Gooosh, if she'd fail a subject other than math, she'd totally flunk gym. She'd think, 'Please ghost of gym, help me with this.'
Chick Flicks Ah, she'd even cringe at the thought of it.


Predicting Future and Making Charms Whenever she's free and she feels like someone wants to ask her to tell them their future, she'd gladly do it and then she'd even personally make the charms.
Going to the Music Room when no one's using it so she could freely play the violin. Sometimes, she'd make sure the room is closed so that she won't disturb anyone.
Discreetly Watching her Classmates Yuri really is very observant and she doesn't make it too obvious. Through observing everyone, she'd know if someone is feeling down. Then, maybe quietly she'd approach him/her to ask if they want to talk about it. Class 2-B means a lot to her that's why she'd do anything for them.


Bites lower lip whenever she feels so anxious. Yuri thinks that the pain when biting distracts her. She may dislike pain so much but in this case, it's rather an exception.
Fixes her hair in front  So that her hair could hide her face. Just the sides, not the frontal.
Looks at Seungcheol a lot Don't get her wrong, Yuri doesn't feel any romantic feelings towards him, it's just that she'd like to make sure that he's perfectly fine and not putting on a facade.
Covers her lips when she's smiling or laughing. Yuri feels like she isn't use to it that's why she would hide it instead with her handkerchief or her hand.
Takes deep breaths before she'd conduct a fortune telling. It helps her to concentrate.


Favorite color is black.
Left handed Yuri tried learning writing with her right hand... Never worked.
Briish accent Whenever she speaks in English, her accent never faded and she can still pronounce and talk in English well.
In academics she excels in English, History, and Science. She's trying to survive Math and Gym though.
Doesn't find marshmallows friendly because amazingly, she's allergic to these fluffy killers.
Class 2-B will be her favorite class ever.
Not much of a dog and cat lover. That's why, Yuri only has a pet fish and pet turtle named Miso and Kimchi, respectively. She left them at home with her parents because she's afraid they might die if she brings them in the apartment as no one can take care of them with her busy schedule.
Secretly a K-pop, J-pop, and Mandopop lover Ah, it's not pretty obvious but she loves how talented they are. She's a big fan of EXO, Infinite, GOT7, Big Bang, 2NE1, and f(X). For J-pop, she loves Hey! Say! Jump and for Mandopop, she loves Fahrenheit, S.H.E, and Hey Girl. Yuri doesn't make this obvious though. She kind of think that this is out of her character.
Collects tarot cards, spell books, and trinkets that she may use to make charms.
Asmathic This is one of the reasons why she dislikes physical activities.
No boyfriend since birth She's definitely not the romantic type and never thought on loving yet. Sometimes, she can't get the logic of love. Maybe the "right one" hasn't arrived in her life yet... Or maybe she just doesn't know?
Major in college Yuri's thinking a career path in Filmmaking. If not that, she'd really want to be a Professional Violinist.
— " I can teach you a simple spell to repel bad luck. "
Father / Choi Taewon / 55 / Smart, patient, strict, protective
Taewon is the kind of father who isn't afraid to be sweet around his family. He would give everything to Yuri even though she isn't asking for anything. They're really close with each other because ever since she was a kid, it's her father's voice she always hears. Taewon taught Yuri to be a good person and she remembers his words up until now.

♚ Mother / Minami Aiko / 53 / Confident, loving, sensitive, superstitious
Yuri loves Aiko so much and she admires her mother too. Even though Aiko has a disability, it didn't hinder her to be a strong person that Yuri wishes she also got. They're also close, often bonding and talking about predictions and other stuff like that. Taewon just supported the two because he knew these moments were important for them. Yuri usually tells everything to her mother, except for problems and sadness.



Best Friend - Choi Siblings / Choi Seungcheol / 20 / Responsible, intelligent, caring
Seungcheol and Yuri had been best friends ever since they were in freshman years. They were classmates then and he was one of the first person to talk with Yuri. He found her very weird but during his low moments, she was there by his side and that's when he knew that she was a nice person and he started appreciating her more. When he found out that they were classmates again, he immediately called Yuri and told her the great news. For the two of them, they're the Choi Siblings. But for some of their classmates in Class 2-B, they're the Choi Couple. He brings lunch for her, he listens to her suggestions, and they usually make decisions together. Some will say, "Why don't you guys just date each other?" But, no. The two knew they're just the best of friends they ever had.

♚ Close Friend / Hong Jisoo / 20 / Gentleman, funny, pure
The two easily related with each other when Jisoo found out thatYuri can speak English fluently. (Not to mention she has a British accent and somehow he admired it) His first impression towards her was that she was creepy and ridiculously weird but, when one time he needed help in Korean and Hana wasn't around to help him. Good thing Yuri was present and went to his aid. From then on, he likes talking with her. Jisoo also tolerates all the superstitions that she believes in and most of the time, he'd follow her too. They like talking to each other in English as Jisoo finds it easier to communicate in this language and they also like sharing a small box of pizza.

Favorite Dongsaeng / Lee Kristene / 15 / Affectionate, forgiving, outgoing
Despite Yuri having a scary facade, it didn't stop Kristene on making friends with her. The younger girl is seated in front of her and they usually talk to each other whenever they can. Honestly, Yuri can be all weird and a bit talkative around Kristene. Sometimes, she gets afraid with Yuri's ghost stories but, she doesn't really mind as she liked listening to the quiet older girl. She also usually consults Yuri for fortune telling and she had collected a bunch of charms that Yuri made.

Favorite Dongsaeng / Seol Hana / 15 / Bubbly, cute, fast learner
Even though Hana's the youngest, it wasn't hard for her to get along well with Yuri. Her bright and bubbly nature simply complements the calm personality of Yuri and because they're somewhat opposite, they jived easily. For some reason, the older girl felt comfortable with her and she also usually makes charms for Hana. She consults Yuri most of the time as well but, Yuri would often tell her that what she predicts isn't always a 100% accurate because she doesn't want Hana to feel disappointed if ever the prediction didn't come true. She also often goes to Yuri when she has problems because she knows that the other will listen to her and would give her helpful advice.

Favorite Dongsaeng / Shin Hyejin / 18 / Outgoing, optimistic, athletic
To be honest, Yuri is a big fan of Hyejin. The latter doesn't know it that much but Yuri admires her because she's really outgoing and optimistic, unlike Yuri who seems like living in the dark. What made her like Hyejin more was because she wasn't afraid to show her affection towards others, most especially to Jeonghan (Though on another thought, she's trying to cut Jeonghan's hair). Yuri somehow envies that when she discovered her feelings for Jeonghan. She wishes to be like Hyejin too. The younger girl is one of her favorite dongsaengs as well. They also talk to each other and Yuri likes their silly conversations.

Favorite Dongsaeng / Min Jinhee / 16 / Motherly, passionate, tomboyish
Whenever Jinhee's around, Yuri tries her best not to be her creepy self as she knew that the younger girl dislikes horror stuff so much. She can't resist telling her superstitious beliefs though and unfortunately, Jinhee listens to her. Yuri would remind her that it isn't 100% proved so, Jinhee wouldn't get scared. She'll make charms for Jinhee just so the girl will feel safer after a series of creepiness from Yuri. It is her way to thank her dongsaeng for listening to her even though she isn't a fan of horror. Yuri really likes her friendship with Jinhee and besides talking about stars and predictions, they also share the same interest for the violin and sometimes, they would even play together.

Favorite Dongsaeng - Guy Version / Chwe Hansol / 17 / Hardworking, sweet, kind
Ever since he discovered that Kristene and Yuri were close, Hansol would often go to Yuri and talk to her. He would discreetly ask about Kristene and she honestly finds it very cute how he's really shy on asking about one of her favorite dongsaengs. Oftentimes, Yuri would teach him a simple spell on meeting the girl he cares about the most and she would find ways so everything would still end with Kristene.

( ♚ — Angel; ) Jeonghan got this nickname from his fangirls. The reason is not only because his birthday was October 4 but, also because of his good looks.
( ♚ — Hannie; ) Students from Class 2-B usually calls him with this nickname just because most of them thought his name was too long. Jeonghan doesn't particularly likes this nickname because it somehow seems girly for him but, he doesn't mind. As long as it's his classmates then, it's a-okay.

SUMMARY — Jeonghan is the kind of guy who's really shy and quiet towards strangers but, once he's comfortable with someone, be sure that the dork in him will emerge. He's a debonair and he doesn't even know how he has this effect on girls. >.< During first day of class, Jeonghan's pretty quiet because he doesn't know anyone that much but as days progresses, he'd already feel more at ease around them. He's closest to Jisoo as both of them could actually be awkward around girls except for the ones in Class 2-B. He was the first person Jisoo knew in the class besides Hana and they instantly became the best of friends despite the language barrier. Jeonghan perfectly fits his Angel nickname because he is naturally nice and kind as well. He has great vocals that girls fall in love with. It's almost as if he's a perfect guy. Well, except for the fact that he's quite a shy and easily embarrassed person. He's also not the type of guy who easily gets angry and he's a lot more patient that anyone expects him to be. Despite all the good things about this guy, Jeonghan also has his own fair share of flaws that he admits on having. Besides being shy, he's also a very passive person. He's not much of a talker of emotions type of guy and he'd rather keep everything to himself instead of disturbing other people. He's still also working on his awkward personality and he hopes that he will improve in time. Jeonghan believes he can't always shy away from his crush. He knew he needed to take action before someone else could take her away from him.
— " Oh... Um... H-hi? "

— Jeonghan had already seen Yuri ever since they were Freshmen and like most people, his first impression of her was she's a very weird girl. On the other hand, Yuri also knew about Jeonghan because he was quite a popular guy in Gureum and though she doesn't really care about the famous kids in school, somehow Yoon Jeonghan managed to reach her.

How he knew her The first meeting was not the actual first meeting... Still in Freshman year, Jeonghan started admiring Yuri when he happened to pass by the Music Room and heard a sad violin piece inside. He got curious because the melody and tune attracted him more so, he took a peek inside the room and saw the most unlikely person playing the violin. Choi Yuri, the gwisin (Honestly, he never liked the nickname. He didn't use it either). Yuri was oblivious then and she never found that out until they became classmate.

How she knew him The first meeting, again, was still not the actual first meeting. It was a fine day and Gureum High held their annual school festival. Normally, Yuri wouldn't attend any of the events but for some unknown reason (She believes it was the work of some ghost), she attend a very particular one. He was going to perform and it was the first time she heard him sing. If she's going to be honest, Yuri will admit to it that she found him very talented. Yoon Jeonghan, the angel.

The REAL first meeting First day of classes in 2-B, Jeonghan was surprised to see a very familiar girl whom he took interest with for a long time already. Their eyes accidentally met and Jeonghan immediately looked away and went to an empty seat near the blackboard. And so, The day started and for their homeroom class, they had a little getting to know you game by using human bingo. Yuri participated (While crying inside because she doesn't like games much) and Jeonghan did too until they came across with each other. He thought of her when he saw "Plays a musical instrument (Beautifully)" and yes, he added the word inside the parenthesis. Whilst she thought of him when she saw "A great singer". Jeonghan was about to run away because he feels like he's going to faint in front of her but nonetheless, he mustered all his courage up. He knew he can't always hide from someone he absolutely adores. He introduced himself to her and she did as well. They signed their papers for the human bingo and literally ran away from each other after.

RELATIONSHIP — After that weird meeting, they never got the chance to talk to each other again because Jeonghan couldn't really stand it whenever Yuri's around. He feels like a girl when she sees her crush and he couldn't help but be awkward and uncomfortable around her. He's actually afraid that she might misunderstand but he knew she's not that kind of girl. Jeonghan would often ask Jisoo about Yuri because he knew the two were pretty close and because of this Jisoo noticed that his best mate might actually have a crush with his close friend. With that realization, he would usually encourage Jeonghan to talk to Yuri because as Jisoo would like to put it, "Yuri won't eat you and she's actually nice." He knew that, of course. Also, he can't wait to hear her play the violin again. (Sometimes he would follow her to the music room but he'd hide. Quite a stalker HAHA)What he didn't know was, Yuri was actually starting to notice him too but was just in denial as foreign feelings started to crept out on her. Her ghost friends told her that it must be because she's starting to like him but she ignores that instead.

One day, Jeonghan finally had the courage to approach her. He panics deep inside but he'd rather not show it so he would appear confident in front of Yuri. He pretended that he wanted to ask a charm from her and so, she did personally make a good luck charm and gave it to him. As simple as that, it was actually a huge step for the two. Ever since then, Jeonghan tried his best to talk with Yuri even though it silently kills him as he was truly shy. When days became months, they eventually warmed up with each other and Jeonghan saw improvement within himself. Yuri too, actually. And by then, she's actually having her first crush. He even told her that he would like to hear her every day play the violin. Yuri wanted to admit that she loved listening to him sing as well, she just never had the courage. Maybe in time?

CONCLUSION — As of now, they're pretty close friends who are slowly working on their relationship. Both are doing their best to bit by bit improve their interactions and maybe in the next months, Jeonghan will finally have the courage to confess to her. <3
— " I sense another presence with us... "


— Hola, authornim! :D I really had so much fun doing this application. Oh, I apologize for all the grammatical errors and the app became too long~ OTL Hmm, I'm not sure if you'd like a character like Yuri but, just let me know if you don't like it and I'll edit this as soon as I can. :) This kind of character had been stuck in a while with me and I really wanted to use her but, I never got the chance. So, I thought maybe Class 2-B could have a weird creepy classmate? Haha. Anyhow, I'm so excited for your story. Fighting!


♚ Class 2-B goes for an excursion~ That would be very fun. Haha. :)
♚ They'll conduct a Test of Courage at night time but the girls and their love interests won't end up as partners and then some will be lost in the forest. Hohoho.
♚ Class 2-B decides to go ghost haunting and they let Yuri lead them.
♚ Class 2-B swarms over Yuri after a deathly exam to ask her if they'd pass or not. She declines answering those queries.
♚ Jeonghan and Yuri moments, please! Haha!
♚ Gureum High festival :D

PASSWORD — Joshua :)
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Ok first of all, your name is Mei! Do you know the anime Another? The lead female's name is Mei Misaki and I LOVE HER (random ik-).
Her nickname is Yuyu. Like ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ (i'm weird ik-). SO CUTE.
I love how she learned KSL. That's v v lovely of her.
Art Club? Whoa. Hyejin in art but she calls herself Shincasso. #riphyejin
And omg tzuyu- that poor kid :(
And her fav colour is black omg Hyejin and Yuri can be #BlackSquad but I'm guessing Yuri despises Hyejin bcs she likes Junghan???
Also--- pls predict Hyejin's future bcs idk man her future looks darker than Junghan's eye colour-
I don't think I ever said it, but Yuri and Kristene's relationship is so cute!