『방탄 소녀 단』— 남여진

Yeojin : Nam Yeojin
Ygsmjypfam : Mei : 9
full name : Nam Yeojin 남여진
other NAME(s) : n/a

nickname(s) : 
Jin This is just a shorter version of her name that she got when she was in grade school. Her close friends are the ones to call her this usually.
omma nam Because she cares so much for their members and other trainees, they started calling her with this endearment. Being one of the older ones, she naturally takes good care of everybody and sees to it that everyone's fine. she's not scared to express her unconditional love for them. thus, earning this nickname that she actually felt proud of.
Miss Nam When she entered high school, her classmates called her this as a joke because Yeojin could be a bit formal. sometimes, you'd think she's like in her 30s already.
Yo, jin! /rolls her eyes/ Her classmates also in high school thought of this nickname as a joke because of her real name. She finds it funny too though and after that eye roll she'd reply, "yo, man!" Some of the members in BTS discovered this and also would refer this to Yeojin as a joke.

birthdate : 25 December 1993
birthplace : London, England
hometown : 
London, England (1993-2003)
suncheon, South Korea (2003-2009)
Seoul, South Korea (2009-present)
ethnicity : Korean

languages : 
English Native ; As she was born in England, Yeojin had gotten used to speaking in English. Even when they lived in South korea already, she was still pretty good with this language.
Korean Fluent ; Both of her parents were Koreans and they speak in this language at home. Also, every summer, they go home to Suncheon for vacation so that she will not forget her korean roots.
Japanese basic ;  When they moved to South Korea, Yeojin had elective classes for Japanese when she was in middle school and high school. It came inhandy during her trainee years as well because they taught how to speak and write in Japanese.
To be as calm, still, and beautiful as the river without asking for attention.
faceclaim : Son Seungwan
backup : Ahn Heeyeon
height & weight : 168cm & 50kg
bloodtype : o

appearance : 
yeojin has a long light brown wavy hair that falls down to her stomach. she likes having her hair dyed with different colors. she had tried the hues of brown, blonde, and even red. she has hazelnut brown eyes that complements her fair complexion. she stands 168 cm and weighs 50 kg, making her a bit underweight (even though eating is one of her passion). her lips are naturally pink in color that people would often ask her if she's wearing lipstick. yeojin has a small beauty mark beside her lips, though it's still pretty visible, and her friends would often tell her that it's an asset of hers.

style : 
yeojin loves to dress up with classy, preppy, and sporty clothes. she would go for knitted tops, or loose cotton shirts, and sometimes would go for vintage looks. she likes long sleeves and also cardigans and hoodies. she's in love with skirts. all kinds. pencil skirt, flowy skirts, or even the balloon style of skirts; name it. she owns lots. she'd pair it with any of her blouses. she also like dresses that are simple. she collects different kinds of hats but most especially beanies. she'd wear them every time she thinks it suits her clothes for the day. she also like to wear crop shirts and pair it with high-waist shorts or skinny jeans. yeojin likes to wear shorts as well. may it be denim or not, she still likes it. she just want to dress simply and doesn't like loud accents and such. yeojin doesn't like going out with just using slippers, so she usually wear sneakers, boots, a pair of mary jane's, or even oxfords. but, she collects lots of different colors and designs of sneakers. she just feels so comfortable wearing them. she's not much of a collector of jewelries or accessories. yeojin prefers wristwatches and anklets though.

Are we ever satisfied with what we have and where we are?
traits :
Positive : adaptable, observant, loyal, dependable
neutral : emotional, unpredictable
negative : clingy, Oversensitive, self-pitying, strict

personality : 

Throw Yeojin to different groups of people, be sure that she'd be able to mingle well with others like she belonged with them from the start. She doesn't find it hard to adjust on certain circumstances and she's very patient and accepting to change that she'd be able to feel comfortable at once. Yeojin is also highly intuitive, has a sharp memory, and a great observer. she can easily read other people and if they're intentions are good or not. somehow, her co-members think that she's kind of scary because she could tell if you're lying and they believe that she's a mind reader (haha). but even so she's like that, do know that Yeojin is a very loyal person to the people who treats her like a sister and a friend. she will do her best to protect them and treasure them for a long time. even if they are far apart, she will try to keep in contact with everyone she holds dear to her. hence, everybody knows that Yeojin is someone they can surely depend on. She will not hesitate on lending her ears or shoulders to anyone who needs someone to talk to and she'll do her best to help them out. She also has her own way with words that can make people feel better about themselves that's why they appreciate Yeojin very much.

Feelings and emotions are the hallmarks of Yeojin. she is very emotional and sensitive because she cares so much for the people she loves. she feels empathy towards others and that's how she would comprehend one person's feelings. this is why most people always go to her whenever they have problems; they know she'll understand them. Despite this, Yeojin can be an unpredictable young lady as well. she is somehow full of contradictions that makes other people don't exactly know what she really is feeling or thinking. She may be emotional, but she can't talk about her true feelings. She wants comfort, but then again, she also seeks adventure. She's very helpful to others and yet, she could be cranky and indifferent the next. She may come off as strong, but deep inside she just wants to run away. With Yeojin, there's always something more than meets the eye as she doesn't fully open herself up. she may actually look like the kind of girl you should feel intimidated with because she exudes of confidence, but she's actually a softie that hides behind that firm exterior because she doesn't want to get hurt.

As most people know, andthey attest to it, Yeojin is a very clingy person especially to those whom she allowed to be a part of her life. There was even a time wherein she felt really annoyed towards the other trainees because they didn't wait for her to have lunch. She just pretended that everything was fine, but they can tell that somehow she was hurt. She may come off as possessive and easily jealous too, most especially with her family and friends. Also, she tends to hold on to the past and she finds it difficult to let go of things or people close to her heart, making it difficult for her to move on. She is not only clingy, but Yeojin is an oversensitive person too. Hurt her for even the slightest reason, then she'll sulk there somewhere. others, who don't know her well, will think that she's too dramatic but that's just how she really is. There are times even where she won't listen to her logical reasoning because she's too caught up with her emotions already. And whenever something bad happens or her plans won't go directly as she wanted to, Yeojin can have this negative outlook about life, that she thinks it's too difficult for her and miserable. she will feel greatly depress about everything and will let herself be swallowed by self-pity for a long time. but, amidst these self-issues she has, Yeojin is known to be the strictest person during training. No one will see her joking around whenever they are practicing and she'll be all serious and formal with everyone. she doesn't play favorites even though this other trainee is her close friend. others feel like there's no time to have fun because she seems to be very serious and kind of creepy as she's too focused in what they should do, forgetting the fact that they should be enjoying it as well.


background :  

What happened before Nam Yeojin was born on a Christmas night in London, England to both Korean parents who had been living there for a long time. her father and mother were very successful in their jobs in England that was why they decided to raise a family there. though, every summer vacation, the whole Nam family goes to South Korea (to her grandparents) so that she can still learn how life is in their homeland. growing up, their family was a happy and loving one that Yeojin didn't understand that problems may arise in the long run too. She always believed that she had the perfect parents and nothing could go wrong with them. But, behind the loving facade her parents showed her, their relationship was actually little by little deteriorating. until they finally let her see that they were constantly fighting while Yeojin cries alone in her bedroom. her parents usually fought with each other because her father became a drunkard (influenced by his friends in his office) and usually went home late at night, forgetting his duties as a father and a husband. In 2003, her parents finally got to divorce and she and her mother, went home to Suncheon to live with her grandparents. During the early times after the divorce, her father would call her to ask how she was until eventually, he stopped calling her and she didn't know what happened to him anymore.

Her love for music Yeojin started to learn about music ever since she was young as she always watched musical kids' show even before she got to attend school. She loved to sing and dance with the shows' host and her parents knew she had the talent in both singing and in dancing. When she was 7 years old, they enrolled her in a ballet class which she enjoyed very much at first, but later on she found singing better for her than dancing. So, after 2 years of ballet classes, she stopped and she asked her parents if she could attend voice lessons instead. with a couple of persuading and a little bit of aegyo, they finally agreed with what she wanted. Sadly, she was only able to attend voice lessons for a year since she and her mom moved to South Korea. During this time, Yeojin learned to play the violin from her grandmother who knew how to and used this as a distraction from the problems she was facing because of her parents. She never got the chance to attend voice lessons anymore at that time and it was a shame since she still wanted to pursue that. It's not that her mother didn't allow her to, but she just didn't ask anymore as she felt distant with her ever since the whole divorce thing happened. none theless, Yeojin still got to practice singing because of her best friend, Gong Chansik, who was their neighbor and they became the childhood best friends ever since Yeojin's family goes home to Suncheon. They both shared the same passion and they loved doing duets. Chansik played a big role on how Yeojin became a trainee as he was the one to encourage her to audition for companies to become an idol. He was already a trainee from Key east that time, but he encouraged her to target the big three instead as he knew that they can help her improve and hone her skills.

start of a new phase In 2009, Yeojin asked permission to her mother if she can audition for the big three and luckily, she was permitted to and Chansik  went with her during the auditions for SM Entertainment in Seoul. unfortunately for her though, Yeojin wasn't accepted because they told her that she still has a lot to improve on and she lacks the talent for both singing and dancing. She almost gave up her dreams because of the rejection and went back to Suncheon, heartbroken. her grandmother then told her that she should not give up on her dreams just because of that and she really has a long way to go to achieve her goals. Yeojin knew her grandmother was right so, she decided to try again. The next day, while she was walking to the mall together with her grandmother, someone approached them and told her that she was an agent from YG Entertainment. Yeojin got invited for an audition and took this chance once more. This time, she became successful and officially became a trainee under YG entertainment. She moved to Seoul then and continued her studies in Seoul School of PErforming Arts where she became classmates with Gong Chansik again. Yeojin stayed as a trainee in Yg entertainment until the early year of 2014 when she decided to leave the company as she felt that there was no growth for her there because the competition between the trainees was really high and YG wasn't planning to debut another girl group any time soon following 2NE1's. in the same year, she auditioned in Big Hit Entertainment and since her six years under YG helped her, all of her hardwork paid off when she was accepted in Big Hit.
likes : 
music her love for music developed at an early year and was hone thru the lessons she took and all the trainings she had. Yeojin had always found it  relaxing when there's music. she believes that she lives for it.
the sea Yeojin had always loved visiting the beach during vacation. when she wants to think for a while, she will go here. she also loves collecting seashells and has a bottle full of small ones in her room.
books this may not be obvious but, she also likes to read. she goes for any genre but she loves inspirational and mystery the most.
horror movies she loves a good scare and she enjoys watching horror during her spare time.
skinship she loves it a lot. sometimes, she would joke to everyone about how she's actually getting their energy thru skinships. but, of course, that was the weird Yeojin talking.
doodle notebooks because she had always focused more in performing, Yeojin never got the chance to try drawing and she became a frustrated artist because of that. she keeps a lot of doodle notebooks and never showed anyone her doodles because she knew she was the worst in it. she just like doodling to relieve stress.
snow she was born on a winter's night during christmas and so, she had extra fondness for snow. she may love the sea but her favorite season is winter.
night time she just feels more relaxed at night and she appreicates it very much.
ice cream her most favorite dessert of all time. besides cakes and chocolates. :))

dislikes : 
cockroaches especially the flying ones? these insects scare the hell out of Yeojin. she can't kill them because she's too scared. you'll just find her screaming "enemies!" non-stop at the sight of it.
amusement park rides never was she amused with those. Yeojin will get teased by some of her friends because they knew she loves taking risks but amusement park rides? definitely a no no. she doesn't even know why.
stuffed toys a girl who has extreme dislike for stuffed toys. she'd rather own a lot of pillow instead of those.
thunderstorms ever since she was a kid, she's afraid of storms especially when the thunder and lightning were intense.
clowns "just... what's so cute about them?!"
puddles dang, she hates it when her feet gets wet because of the puddles after rain. Yeojin always wanted to keep her feet clean... either that or she's too lazy to wash.
getting sick who doesn't, right? ever since Yeojin was young, she gets sick easily and she hates it to the core. it stops her from having fun and she feels a bit stressed because of it. but, she still can find something fun to do while being stuck in the house like sleeping and trying her best to eat. it's her specialty.
Rejection and insults It hurts her to the core, but she's learning to deal with it because she knows that in this industry, nothing is easy. People will hate on her and she tries her best to accept those.
small holes Yeojin doesn't have trypophobia though, but seeing small holes give her so much goosebumps. Even the word 'trypophobia' gives her one. brrr~

hobbies : 
Walking around Yeojin likes to walk around when she's not doing anything or when they have breaks during practices. She'll find herself going up to the rooftop and will stay there for a while.
Trying to compose songs She exercises her skills with it by keeping a notebook around her and write whenever she thinks of something. Yeojin will play around with words and sentences that sometimes, she does end up writing something good.
Reading books or watching movies This is a form of escape to her from reality whenever life's being hardheaded to her.

habits : 
stares at nothing in particular when in deep thoughts people would mistaken her for staring at them but in reality, she's looking but not seeing. it helps her to think when she's staring at nothing or someone. haha.
pokes the ends of hair to her face this was a weird habit she developed ever since she was young. she'll poke the ends of her hair to her skin. sometimes, when she has friends who have long hair too, she'd do it to them too.
jogs every 5:00am by the han river her groupmates knew about this and sometimes they're scared for her because it's too early and there are only quite a few people around. who knows what might happen to her? but, yeojin insists that she needs to exercise daily.
hugs friends the moment she sees them. sometimes, the girls would feel weird about this but she just enjoys skinship too and somehow, they feel relaxed whenever yeojin hugs them.

trivia : 
Education After graduating high school from Seoul school of performance Arts in 2012, Yeojin pursued her studies in college and she's currently in her senior year in Dongguk university, studying BFA musical Theatre (She's going to graduate this year)
Artist she looks up to Is Kwon Boa. She is her favorite artist of all time and Yeojin aspires to be like her in the future.
food she eats all kinds of food. because she loves to eat so much. Yeojin find it hard to gain weight though. she loves pizza, tteokbokki, jjajangmyeon, bubble tea, coffee, and fruit shakes.
social networking sites after the debut of Bangtan, she opened up her instagram account with a username: @Nyjin25 she's not that active though and she only uses her instagram account to post beautiful photos. she seldom post selcas.
left handed she writes and eats using her left hand. when she was young, she always tried writing with her right. it never worked though.
favorite color is tiffany blue.
British accent Her accent never faded because sometimes she can't help but speak in English too. Most of the trainees and her co-members thought it was adorable.
scared of angry dogs. that's why they never had a pet dog. she isn't much of a cat fan either. that's why she only has pet goldfish and a turtle. their names are kimchi and miso, respectively.
supernatural things excite her and she hopes one day she and the girls would go on a ghost hunting trip.
collects rucksacks, sneakers, and hats.
plant lover she owns three potted plants inside her room in their dorm. she sings to it when she feels like being crazy and talks to them because she believes that they have feelings too.
a big k-pop, j-pop, and mandopop fan ever since she was young, besides loving hime and yoon mirae, she also loves hey! say! jump. for mandopop, she loves listening to fahrenheit and s.h.e. and for k-pop, she's a big fan of big bang, 2ne1, exo, shinee, infinite, and f(x).
driving license she got her own license when she turned 18 years old. She also studied how to drive and really got into it. Her grandmother gave her their old car too.
Violin Ever since she learned how to play it, Yeojin practices as well whenever she can. Being a violinist was a part of her dreams, but she believed that performing was her real calling.
no boyfriend since birth it wasn't her priority at all. actually, she never got the chance to be romantically involved because all her life, she focused on her passion for music and performing. she got crushes though.
box of letters and notes whenever Yeojin receives one, she keeps it inside a box so she can read it again when she feels down and she can't cheer herself up. thru this, she'd be more energized and feel more inspired.
hates marshmallows to the core because she's allergic to it. Yeojin feels bad in hating these fluffy killers though.

We may not have it all together. but together, we have it all.
family :  

 | Oh Eunjung | 51 | Architect
Eunjung's relationship with her daughter slowly withered when they both moved in South Korea. She focused mainly on her work and almost didn't want to talk with Yeojin for the time being because she knew her daughter would ask a lot of questions and she's still hurting because of what happened. This was why when she learned that Yeojin wanted to be an idol, she supported her and gave her permission to pursue it because this was her only way to let Yeojin know that she loves her. Eunjung usually visits Yeojin at her dorm in Seoul whenever she doesn't have projects and they're working on their relationship as they wanted to be close once more.

Grandmother | Choi Dasom | 78 | Deceased
During the times when Yeojin needed a support from a mother, Dasom was there for her. She took care of Yeojin while Eunjung was at work and she showed her how much she loved her. They were pretty close and Dasom almost taught her about everything like how to play the violin and how to drive a car. Dasom was there to cheer her up when she didn't get in in SM Entertainment. Mostly, Yeojin felt Dasom was her real mother. Sadly, Dasom passed away in 2012 and it was one of the hardest times Yeojin needed to cope up with. The worse of it was Both Dasom and Eunjung kept from her that her grandmother had leukemia so the only time Yeojin went home was Dasom was gone already. Eunjung comforted her daughter and this was the moment wherein they knew that they really needed each other. (Yeojin's grandfather passed away in 2004)

friends : 

Soul Sisters | Yoo Jiae | 22 | Idol - Lovelyz
Yeojin and Jiae met when both of them became classmates in Seoul School of PErforming arts. Yeojin knew who Jiae was because she had appeared in Infinite's Pre-debut variety show 'You are my oppa'. Jiae was the first one to befriend her though because they were seatmates and almost in an instant, the two of them clicked and jived very well. Ever since then, the two of them will be seen hanging out together and they became best friends. When Jiae was about to debut in Lovelyz, she told it first to Yeojin and the latter was very happy and proud of her. The two of them encouraged each other and they got each other's backs.

Partners in crime | Kim Jinwoo | 24 | idol - Winner
Known as the 'Jin couple' in YG Entertainment, the two of them were the longest trainees in the company. Yeojin only arrived a year before Jinwoo did and since both of them were newbies that time, they stick to each other. He was very cutesy and charming that Yeojin just had that urge in herself to take care of her oppa. Both of them supported each other well because they had ups and downs being trainees and at the same time, trying to live their lives. Upon knowing that Yeojin was planning to leave, he felt sad and almost wanted to quit too, but Yeojin stopped him because he had a brigther future in YG Entertainment. Later on, he did debut in winner and Even when he was busy with promotions, they remained close and would secretly meet.

English Speaking bffs | Ryu Minah | 22 | Idol - BTS
Minah had been a trainee under Big Hit for a long time already before Yeojin moved there. It was Yeojin's first day and she was walking thru the halls, searching for the practice room when she heard someone speaking in English. So, she approached her and saw that the girl was talking on the phone. Luckily, she was noticed by the other and ended the call because she knew Yeojin was just new in Big hit. Yeojin introduced herself in English and so they usually converse in that language ever since. From that encounter, the two of them became friends as their personalities were somehow similar in terms of taking care of others and during trainings. Also, because they were of the same age, it wasn't hard for them to become best friends. Minah and Yeojin usually talk to each other in English and The other trainees from Big Hit thought their accents were so cute.

baby sister | kim jisoo | 20 | yg trainee
when jisoo first came to yg entertainment, the first person she met was yeojin and because the latter has her motherly nature in her, she befriended jisoo at once. they were very close and they always go out together to eat or shop after their training. as both of them were singers, they usually practice together and jisoo's fine with the strictness of yeojin. when the older girl decided to leave yg entertainment, jisoo became very sad, but nonetheless supported her unnie. even though they both belonged in different companies, they remained close and often hang out together.


Lovely Unnie Mentor | Park Bom | 31 | idol - 2NE1
Being the 4D that she was, Bom befriended Yeojin when she first arrived YG Entertainment. She helped her adjust with the trainee life by giving her advice and telling her some encouragements whenever life was tough. When she discovered that Yeojin's strength was vocals, she would often train her as well whenever they have the time. And when Yeojin needed help with singing, she would immediately ask help from Bom and the older always loved helping her out. Bom was more of a mentor to Yeojin and she will forever treasure and appreciate Bom's guidance.

If you don't do what you love, You'll be miserable.

stage name : Yeojin 
persona : The guardian angel
position : Vocalist, visual (Jin) / rapper, dancer (j-hope)
fanclub : Aegi (Because her fans are her babies haha) +  #89cff0 
talent twin(s) : 
- singing twin : Park Sooyoung - After school / Shin Hyejeong - aoa
- dancing twin :
Jung Soojung - f(x) / Bae Suzy- Miss A
- rapping twin :
Son Seungwan - red velvet (for backup position ^^ )
trainee years : 8 years (6 years in YG Ent. & 2 years in Big Hit ent.)
TRAINEE life : 
Yeojin's trainee life was definitely one heck of a rollercoaster ride. it was fun but yet, very hard to do. she needed to balance her school and trainings. she had mastered the art of time management but, that doesn't mean it became easy. not to mention that most of the trainees in YG are very, very competitive that she found it hard to keep up with them. when she discovered that YG won't be debuting another girl group any time soon, she took it as a cue to leave because she wanted growth in a company. her 6 years in YG entertainment helped her to hone moreof her talents and she was always grateful for that. Yeojin tried auditioning for jyp entertainment as well but the competition was high, she found it hard to get accepted. until one day, she discovered that Big Hit was holding their auditions as well and so she tried.

Yeojin got accepted in Big Hit entertainment. there she met new people who were nice and had friendly competitions which she enjoys. for some reason, she felt more at ease and happier in her new home. the trainings were as hard as she had undergone before, but she enjoyed it though there were stressful times. but this time around, she decided not to give up and push through to reach her dreams until finally, the chance of debuting came to her.

predebut : 

Yeojin had appeared in a couple of MVs of YG Artists (In which she was just an extra):
Big Bang Fantastic Baby
2NE1 Do you Love me
seungri v.v.i.p
PSy Gangnam Style
Taeyang Ringa linga

scandals : 

BTS's yeojin dating Winner's Jinwoo? (late 2016) false. dating each other never passed thru their minds as they are best friends only. during this time, Jinwoo and yeojin made a mistake of meeting up in a bubble tea store in the middle of the day. they thought they were very careful not to be seen but a paparazzi managed to catch them and took pictures of them inside the store.

Bts's Yeojin rude to a fan? (late 2016) false. the fan was harassing another member of BTS and yeojin approached them to stop the fan and protect the other member. the fan exaggerated the story and spread some rumors about what happened. yeojin received a lot of hate from the netizens and then the company took actions about it and released an official statement how everything was fraud and that the fan was actually rude.
To more places and playlists to get lost in and get lost with.
love interest : Gong Chansik 공찬식
backup love interest : Kim Seokjin 김석진
personality : 

Gong Chansik, or better known as Gongchan, is a very matured guy deep inside who still has his fair share of bubbliness and he truly loves to do aegyo. Because of his cutesy image, most people think that he is kind of childlike, most especially when he is with his hyungs. But, they can attest to it that there’s more to Gongchan than what he portrays to be. He is a caring guy who likes to take care of others at the same time, likes to be taken care of. He sometimes uses his dorky side to express that he appreciates someone. Gongchan is also the kind of person who likes to make fun of himself just so others would smile and be a happy kid like him. He has his own sweet little ways to show people that you’re important to him. He’s a very playful guy too and sometimes, he even play or talk with himself whenever everyone’s buys. OTL He may be such a 4d alien, but Gongchan is also a very smart guy. It’s not hard for him to understand what you’re feeling or thinking. He also likes to think about his life and goals and he sometimes do plan ahead of time.

Even though Gongchan may seem like the person who does not have anything negative running through him, he still has some moments where he’s quite indifferent. He may be normally quirky, but there are times that he’s just quietly sitting at a corner. Sometimes, no one knows what he is actually thinking because when he knows that someone saw him with his quiet state, he’d suddenly transform to that happy-go-lucky person. Gongchan may sometimes be secretive as well. If he’s not feeling great, he tends to hide that fact from everyone because he doesn’t want to cause any troubles to everyone. He may also come off as shy at first especially when surrounded by people he doesn’t know, but after that? Ah, the cutesy Gongchan will appear.

background : 

Gongchan and Yeojin met when they were still kids. In the year 1999, the family of Yeojin just arrived from England and the little girl went out to play at the park. On her way, an angry barking dog suddenly came across with little Yeojin and she was already tearing up as she was getting scared because she might get bitten. Suddenly, she felt a hand gently pulled her and she found herself standing behind a familiar little boy. This lad got a stick and threw it far away from them and luckily the dog ran to fetch it. He quickly grabbed her and they ran as fast as they could so the dog won’t see them anymore. She was still crying because she panicked and the little boy wiped her tears and they went to the nearest ice cream parlor. He treated her for some ice cream so that she would feel better. The two of them introduced themselves to each other and that was when they realized that they were actually neighbors. Ever since then, Gongchan and Yeojin were pretty much inseparable. Even when she went back to England, the two of them exchanged letters because they wanted to stay in contact until eventually, Yeojin moved in South Korea for good and they became the best of friends they ever had.

relationship : 

Gongchan and Yeojin still remained in contact even though he was already living in Seoul because he became a trainee at an early age. Initially, both of them wanted to be trainee together, but Gongchan encouraged her to target the big three companies instead. On weekends, Gongchan tries his best to go home to Suncheon so that he could be with his family and at the same time, spend some time with Yeojin as well. When the girl got accepted in YG Entertainment, Gongchan was really happy to know about that and they hang out after as they decided to celebrate it. Upon entering high school, they both enrolled in Seoul School of Performing Arts and luckily, they became classmates and they actually stuck together since they knew each other for the longest time. They also hang out with Jiae most of the time, but usually, Gongchan will leave them so that the girls could enjoy their time together. He was always there for Yeojin when she needed someone to hold on to. When the two of them knew about Yeojin’s grandmother passing, he accompanied her to Suncheon and stayed by her side the whole time. During these moments, Gongchan also hit his low when he had a surgery. Yeojin felt like her world was collapsing because of all the things that had been happening around her but she knew she had to stay strong and she knew Gongchan’s a strong person, he’ll recover from that too. She never left his side and would often visit him in the hospital. They always get through problems together and they get strength and support from each other. In 2014, when Yeojin decided to leave YG, Gongchan was also there for her to support her. He wasn’t able to accompany her when she auditioned in Big Hit, but he waited for her so they could meet up. When she received the good news of being an official trainee under Big Hit, the two, again, celebrated together. It was always like that, Gongchan and Yeojin were inseparable. Even if they have petty fights, both of them will reconcile and talk to each other at once. He knew how Yeojin didn’t like talking about her feelings, but he always tell her to try her best to speak what she feels so that he will know what to do. Eventually, she learned to open up more with him since he’s a part of her life ever since the beginning.

They don’t exactly know when their feelings for each other started to develop because they were pretty used to their set up, but what they understand was that they don’t like it whenever they’re too far apart or not talking to each other. Yeojin was the first one to realize her feelings for Gongchan, but she never dared to confess to him as she was scared that he just looks at her as a sister or a best friend and she can’t handle rejection that much, especially when it comes to him. Gongchan noticed that something changed with Yeojin. Sometimes, she felt awkward and shy towards him which clearly was new. He thought that maybe she figured out that he was falling for her already and she didn’t feel the same. He asked for advice from his hyungs in B1A4 and they all told him the same thing, just talk to her. Instead of doing that, he decided that maybe it was time for him to confess instead and so he did. Nothing fancy, they just meet each other at a bubble tea place, went to the park (making sure that no one will spot them), and bam. He revealed his true feelings for her. At first, her reaction scared him because she just stood there with wide-eyes and suddenly Yeojin hugged him and she told Gongchan that she felt the same. BTS just debuted that time, so they kept their relationship a secret though most people knew that they were best friends. BTS members and B1A4 members though always knew that they were meant for each other. :))) Yeojin first told it to Minah that she and Gongchan were officially a couple and the two girls can’t help but to fan girl over that fact. (haha) who would've thought that even though gongchan says his ideal type should be cute / have a bunny-like face, he actually loved yeojin more? well, at least for him, yeojin was really cute.

I try my best to be positive because the demons in my head get a little bit noisy.
comments : Hi, authornim! I’m finally done with my application. :) I’m really sorry for taking too long. I enjoyed filling in this application, nonetheless. I was too hyped when I saw this and I was like I need to do thiiiiiis!!! Hahaha. And Jin is my bae. I wanted to use him as my love interest, but I’ve decided not to because I usually use him as well. HAHA So yeah. Gongchan it is~ I’m really sorry for all the grammatical errors and misspelled words you’ll find in my app. English isn’t my first language ;n; I had fun! Good luck with this story! <3
P.S. I hope her background isn't confusing >.<

scene request(s) : To be honest, I usually write the same scene suggestions because they’re the ones that I really wanted to include in the story. Hahaha! Feel free to use them ^^

- The girls will do their own Ranking King or Showtime.
- They will have a challenge on a haunted house and Yeojin was so ecstatic and excited about everything.
- Minah and Yeojin will speak in English in Weekly Idol and everyone didn’t want them to stop because they have different and yet slightly similar accents.
- Maybe Yeojin will be casted in We Got Married with a different guy?
- The girls will shoot overseas! :D
- BTS collaboration with a boy group. (Imagine Time to Love by T-ARA and Supernova YAAAS)
- They will have their own web drama.

suggestion(s) : None, thank you!
password : BB JIN!
LAYOUT BY -switzerland


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