missxox — ayana — five out of ten.

basic profile.

name — Tsukiyomi-Hart Keiko

nickname(s) — 

»  PEDO BEAR 배도곰 keiko is very dirty minded. when she makes a dirty minded comments, she always finish with a pedo smileright after. | the members and fans uses it. 

» KERRY 케리 it is her english name. | mostly used by her friends.

» KOKO 코코 it is a cute nickname made with her name. they use it more often than her own name. | the members. 

» KIWI 키위 annoying nickname by the members who mispronounce her english name sometimes. she hates it because she is allergic to kiwi. | the members uses it to annoy her. 

» MIDGET  깔따구she is the shortest member / the members + ceo.

birthday & age — september 8, 1993 // 22 years old

birthplace & hometown — montreal, canada

ethnicity — japanese - canadian


» french, native | born and raised in montreal, canada

» korean, fluent | she learn in her trainee days. she also has been in sk for long enough to be comfortable with her korean.
» japanese, advanced | japanese was used as soon she was home with her parents. keiko understands it more than she talks. when she talks she tends to mix her words in her sentences and has a slight accent.

» english, advanced | she went to an international middle school and she had to improve her english quick. she moslty undertands it.

face claim & backup seungyeon - clc // youngji - kara

me, me, and me. 

style & Appearance — 

keiko's natural hair colour is black. she likes to dye it dark brown. recently, she has been rocking red-brownish hair. she always cut them mid-back. her eyes are dark brown. her body is quite toned because she used to the an athlete and she still go to the gym when she has time (her body is like soyou). her bra size is a late b cup (36b). she has a mole on her left collarbone and another on her ring finer right on her first line. keiko isnt tall she is 160 159.7 cm and she weights 50 kg. her ears are pierced once plus, she has a tattoo of her birthdate in roman numbers behind her left ear. she wants to get another tattoo of a moon on the back on her shoulder because of her family name, tsukiyomi. tsuki means moon.

keiko's style is pretty much girly, dressy and classy. she's loves wearing sneakers or nice little boots. she would add a touch of colors or adding a floral pattern or polka dots. she loves accessories. she wears black hats or a y gold man watch on her wrist. sunglasses is never an option when it is sunny outside. she loves them. when it is time to dress up, she would totally go for a ier look. 

(links. click on the numbers) 

one  practice (imagine without bags and jacket) 

two  mostly casual 

three  colder seasons

four  this is mostly her dressy side (except from the jeans one. it is like casual for her.)

five  her overall look!



positive : confident, athletic, funny, caring, strong
neutral : dirty minded/y, independant
negative : envious/jealous, blunt, rude, possessive

— ( 
confident ) keiko is a girl full of confidence and very strong. she's the girl who's not scared of anyone. she's confident and everyone knows it around her. because she's the type of girl who comes to you at first with a bright and warm smile. you're never going to see her as someone sensitive and shy. sometimes, she seems to be the type of girl who can turn you down any moment by not. she's a real wonder woman.

— ( 
funny & y ) keiko is a funny girl. most of the time, she uses sarcasm in the funniest ways. when she's totally in a good mood, you'll see a girl who has a lot fun. she's totally a real sarcasm queen. most of the members are sometimes shocked because of her sarcasm but she still loves it. the moment the most shocking is when keiko is being a real byuntae (.) even thought that she's a girl who seems mature and polite like a real woman. she's can be pretty dirty minded. she can be scary but she's simply joking around to scare the members.

— ( 
caring ) keiko is a caring girl. she's someone who tends to listen to people instead of talking a lot. she is there to listen to others and give her personal thought about the situations. she's the one who can be found helping cleaning around when she sees something is messy. she loves giving kisses on their cheek (even if they hate it). she also loves hugging them and taking care of them like her sisters. she treats them like her family.

— ( 
independant ) keiko is very independant. it can be a good thing or a bad thing. let's start with the good things of being independant. she's able to take care of herself well. since she has been "living alone" because of her trainee days. she took care of everything for her. she does things by herself and rarely ask help. which can turn into a problem. there's the bad side of being independant. when she is struggling to do something, she never ask help. she'll be struggling by herself and if someone is proposing help, keiko would refuse totally and keep trying, trying and trying.

— ( 
blunt & rude ) keiko can be a girl who can react easily to something. she can be pretty blunt by moment. everything is black or white for her nothing is in between. if she doesn't like something, she'll be straight up and say that she doesn't like it. when you ask for an opinion, do not be scaried to hear what she really thinks. when she's annoyed, she might hurt you because you are being too noisy or you are in her personal space. she might tell you harshly then, when she found out that you are hurt by her words, she's always the one who comes to say sorry. because of her bluntness, the manager scold her that everytime that she's being too blunt. few times, keikomay be considered rude by moments. she can give super short answers that you are wondering why she's being like that. it happens when she is one extremly shy or when she's being jealous.

— ( 
possessive ) - possessive, yes and that's a reason why she can be jealous easily. do not touch what it's hers. she would totally flip your face. she doesn't like much to give away her things or share with her friends. don't give her things easily. you'll have to cry and roll on the floor then, she will give it to you. for example her love interest is one of the thing that she is even more possessive. do not dare to try to flirt with him or you are going to find a angry keiko behind you, ready to make you eat some rude words.

— ( 
envious/jealous ) keiko is a girl who's the jealous type. her friends, best friend and family know about it. when she's jealous, she'll not even hide it. she'll totally be jealous and it's going to be obvious. she hates to be negliged and ignored. if she's being negliged, she might be very mad at you. she can give side glares or simply give super short answers. you'll see that she doesn't want you around her that all.

— ( 
stage idols ) on the stage, the fans meets a y keiko. with a big smile, she'll give her 110% and dance like it's going to be the last time of her life doing it. she's totally enjoying every moment of it. the fans can totally feel her joy of being on stage. even if it's a small crowd or a big crowd, she'll give the same energy!

— ( 
variety idol ) on a tv show, keiko is the one who's pretty much awkward at the beginning making her the victim of the mc. as soon as the show starts to get crazy, she'll turn out to be funny, crazy and sometimes she'll show her moments to make the other laughs. if the show requires a good physical condition, keiko will totally rock this game. she's a real athlete!



likes +

— action movies // action movies are full of explosions/gun/police. it is super interesting. plus, the effects are always so good. she loves them so much.
ice tea, lemonade and ice cappucino // ice tea and lemonade are her two refreshing drinks that she goes for during very hot days. it reminds her of beaches, summer, sunny days and beach volleyball. ice cappucino was her favourite drink back in canada. she loved going to tim hortons and by one. she tried starbuck's one in south korea and it didn't taste like her expectations. she whine about missing tim hortons all the time. she says that when they'll fly oversea in any province of canada, she'll totally stop at a tim hortons and buy the largest ice cappucino.
sports // sports is like a passion for her. she has been a cheerleading for years and it helped her to have a good stamia. she's very good at many sports ; soccer, volleyball, ice hockey, basketball and she even knows how to snowboard.
 rnb & hiphop music  // rnb music is full of emotions and it litterally wants her to fall in love over and over and over again. she can't get enough of it. hiphop music has to many sub-genre that she loves. it can go from hard to slower. the beats are addicting, plus extremly powerful messages are hiding behind.
black and white  // those are her two favourite colors. you might call her boring because she loves those two colors. she says that the world for her is black and white. there's good and bad. she thinks those two colors goes with everything and you can never go wrong by choosing those two colors.
sneakers // sneakers? she has an obsessions with them. she has a lot of shoes. she started her obsession with sneakers back in canada when she was a cheerleader. she matched her shoes with every sports bras and spandex shorts she has. nike, jordans, addidas, few converses. she has them y'all. she can stop someone in the street to ask about the sneakers.
healthy food // she says that you are what you eat. if you want to feel good, eat good. her eating habits are very calculated. she thinks of everything and how many calories she's going to eat for the amount of energy she's going to need today. everytime she's eating junks her stomach get upset. her body feels the best after a very healthy food. (no she doesn't just eat salad. she loves meat too haha.)
winter. autumn // winter is her favourite season for few reasons. she is a winter baby. her birthday is in winter. she can go snowboarding and laugh at the members who's dying in the cold. her body is quite used of super cold temperature. autumn is her favourite season too because she can wear her y leather jacket, black boots and the fashion during autumn in on point. the temperature is perfect for her. no too hot for her and not too cold for everyone. she loves autumn too because of the leaves. it reminds her back in canada when she would go to a chalet in a forest with her dad and her sister.
babies/ kids // they are her weakness. the innocence of babies and kids make her want to have 1000 babies now.
matching underwears // this girl always matches her underwear with her bras. people thinks that it is because girls is planning having "fun". keiko says that she feels more confident and y when she's matching it. it is like when a girl is wearing heels and, they feel y.



— neon colors // the passion of hate she has of neon colors is real. she says that neon colors burns her eyes and it is making her blind.
aegyo // she can't do aegyo, do not ask her to do one. she can't, plus, super high pitched voices and acting cute annoys her a lot. she'll feel like punching the person. only kids and babies can do aegyo.
being ignored // this girl is going to be mad af. she loves attention from people and she will not like being ignored. you must love maya.
unhealthy food // why? it makes her stomach upset like no tomorrow. she can eat junk sometimes, but not in a big quatity or she'll not keep it in her stomach.
diets // everytime that the ceo mentions diet, she feels her body going into a squeleton. she doesn't want anyone controling what she is eating. she can take care of her own body well. she isn't going to follow it anyways.
— rock music // she thinks that rock music is tasteless and is too loud for her lovely ears.
insects // insects goes everywhere, on , in the toilet, on flowers then, they go on you? do you know how many bacteries they have? they craw, jumps, fly, dougie, shuffle, whip and nae nae. they ain't cute!
rude people // lemme tell you that if you are about to go rude in front of maya then, you are going to regret it. she'll be ready to make you eat your words back in your mouth.
strawberries, bananas // she simply hates the smell of bananas. she thinks it doesn't taste that good. she doesn't understand why people loves strawberries. she thinks it doesn't taste that good.
summer // summer is too hot to do anything. she can't with the extreme humidity and sun always in the face.



— midnight snacks // even in the middle of the night when she wakes up, she has to eat something. she says that she sleeps better when she's full rather than empty.
she drools and smiles in her sleeping // tends to open itself when she sleeps letting the saliva escape from . she wakes up with a white line of dried saliva on her cheeks almost every morning. also, her 200 facial muscles just decide to contract itself to make a small grin when she sleeps. so a lady-alike.
talks to herself in french // she has a lot of mental conversations with herself. she thinks out loud in french and no one understand what she is talking about. so, it is mostly how she can make her decision without anyone stopping her.
lock herself in a room to cry or hide her face with her hands plus hair // she hates when people looks at her when she cries. she doesn't want any pity or anyone seeing her in her weakness.
 touches her ears then, put her hair behind her ears when she lies // she tries her best to not show that she is lying. so, that move is a way to keep her calm.


Trivia +

— has a phobia of butterflies ; lepidopterophobia // this is her ultimate phobia. people thinks that butterflies are cute and . keiko is deadly scared of them. when she was around 8 years old, it was raining outside and she decided to go outside to "eat" the rain drops. she opened and suddenly, a butterly went in . by reflex, she closes . the butterfly was still in "flying". she ended up coughing it out and ran back home with huge tears. that's why she's so scared of butterflies. so when she sees an actual living butterfly flying she would run her life out or end up crying like crazy. she fainted once because a butterfly flew too close from her.

— she has an instagram that she opened few months before debuting. @pedogom is her account. she posts on instagram often around twice or three times a week. she loves liking funny pictures or fans' picture. plus she makes memes of her derp faces. she sometimes answers fans. but, her twitter @pedobear096 is very active. that's where she can spazz along with fans sometimes, especially with international fans. when someone mention her like "omggg i love yooou~" keiko would totally be like " let's spazz togetherrr!!!" sometimes if she sees her favourite artist *cough* jay park post a shirtless picture on twitter. keiko would totally be retweeting it and be like "is he trying to kill me?" she also has a vine account, trolling bear. she mostly uses it to film her trolling her members or make up funny pranks to the members around.

— she loves underground rappers music, she spazz a lot about them. she seriously wants to meet andup, swings, yoon mirae, jessi, tiger jk and also loco.

— she has a teaccup pomeranian puppy called it barry allen (the flash reference). that was her sister who gave the name to the puppy. it is a puppy who loves cuddle and kisses. her sister brought it for her as a gift for her debut.

— her music selection is quite surprising. especially her playlist that she named it "eargasm" it is full of dirty minded/ual songs. her top favourite are "slowmotion-trey songz" ; "mr. steal your girl - trey songz" ; "doucement - makassy" ; "do what we do - jay park" ; "turn off your phone - jay park" and lastly "birthday - jeremiah". she loves them y'all. she sings them out loud in the dorm, in the backstage, in the waiting room, in the car, in public~ everywhere she won't be scared to sing them.

— she's a huge fan of the canadien of montreal (nhl) plus, the female national team too. she has a lot of hockey jersey. she always cheer for the canadian team in the olympics and everyone in the company calls her betrayer because of that. she'll totally be cheering for canada at the next winter game in south korea.

— her ultimate talent is cheer tumbling and making stunt. she has been a flyer and a tumbler during her allstar cheerleading years. that's why she's considered a very athletic girl, plus has a very goos stamia. she started it when she was six years old and she was supposed to go co-ed, but she got accepted as a trainee under starship. if she didn't debuted this year, she would totally be crushed because she would be too old to join the co-ed. the age limit for her team is 20 years old.

— she's allergic to apples and kiwi. when she eats them, her skin turn super red and it starts itching like a . plus, when she eats kiwi, her tongue get super big. the manager always has her epipen.

— the most beautiful people of the world for her are keri hilson, zendaya coleman and kendall jenner. she follows them on instagram. she prays that one day they'll follow back.

— her favourite groups are block b, epik high and bigbang and the only girlgroup that she loves with passion is sistar.

— keiko is probably the one who doesn't follow the diet often. yes, she eats healthy food like 90% of the time, but when the company decides to put the group in a one meal or a limited portion of food, keiko would totally go eat the food then, add other things to make it a nice healthy portion. it drives the manager crazy because they say that she'll gain weight, but keiko wants to keep her healthy line, not go into a very skinny girl.

— keiko always sleeps with an oversized short with a spandex shorts under. it is super confortable for her.

— her hand writing in hangul isn't pretty that all so she writes very straight or people won't understand what she's trying to write.

— she seriously wants heartfelt to be the first kpop group to go in montreal, canada for a concert because no idols went there. it was always toronto or vancouver and never montreal.

— the countries that she wants to go are thailand, australia, tanzania, south africa, uk and spain. she wants to visit them all especially south africa and tanzania because no idols went there and they don't really think of africa. she seriously wants to go there and visit, learns about the history and culture. she wants to eat the food too.

— her ideal type is someone who loves her for who she is. physicallly someone taller than her and a super cute smile, plus a nice sense of style. also, a manly looking guy. she always says that daesung is her ideal type.

— her favourite korean shows are hello conseltor, weekly idols and running man. she also wants to participate to the idols ahletic championship to win every games haha.

home is where the heart is. 

background — 

— ( THE BEGGINING OF A LIFE ) keiko was born in montreal, canada. she was the second child of a japanese couple. keiko grew up with her older sister, kimiko. keiko was the one who loved sports a lot. she started to be a cheerleading at the age of five. her parents saw that keiko had a lot love for dancing. keiko danced everyday of her life and her parents enjoyed to see that their daughter had a dancing passion. cheerleading is a mixing of dance and gymnastic. she loved it! she went to a famous gym in montreal . it was fun and she liked cheerleading more than everything.

— ( 
WHAT CHANGED ME ) that moment shock her life when she heard the group the grace. she enjoyed listening to their songs and made a decision. she wanted to be like the members of the grace. it was the moment when she wanted to be a singer too. sadly she in singing. her horrible singing could have been hear all over the house everyday and all day. she thought that she was good. then, few years later, keiko heard tvqx for the first time during vacation in japan in the hotel's tv screen on a korean channel. that's when she started to gain attention in kpop. she started to learn how to dance. she took time to learn their dance and improved with time. with the help of cheerleading, she had good rythm in her to keep following their complex choreographies.

few years later, her parents knew that she was too good to keep her talent for herself so they told her about to be an idol in korea since they knew how popular kpop was getting in japan. at first, she refused. she didn't wanted to be an idol because it was something that she couldn't see herself in and was scared of people's reaction since she wasn't korean and didn't knew the language. it took around a year when she saw that sm entertainment had an international audition in toronto. she auditioned, but she got refused. she also tried jyp the same year and she got refused. she was about to give up when her aunt called home and asked keiko to come to visit south korea with her korean husband. keiko's parents accepted and told her to go. it was her first trip in south korea ever. she was lucky to have someone who knew korean for her. her uncle would translate things for her and show her interesting places. he even brought her to see performances in music bank. she saw stages and idols. that's when you could see her eyes sparkling. she wanted to be on that stage. this stage is going to be hers. after that, her uncle told her to try to audition. yg had an audition during that time so, she went for it. she auditioned for 
yg entertainment with her family members cheering for her behind the doors. after few rounds, keiko got accepted as a trainee under yg
 entertainment at 16 years old. she trained under the company for three years before debuting in 2012 with heartfelt.


family — 

FATHER / tsukiyomi natsume / 45 / police officer / he treats her like his baby. he's always there for her. keiko loves him so much. they have a really funny relationship. he always calls her my little bunny and she calls him fat daddy. sometimes he boss her around the house driving keiko crazy and ends up yelling like a crazy child. he always makes sure that keiko has everything she needs. he was always there when she had competitions for her cheerleading and he was like her number one fanboy. he would always scream to cheer her. he's very protective toward keiko. if anyone hurts her, he'll be willing to take the next plane montreal to seoul and hurt that person back.

MOTHER / hart emily / 42 / practitioner nurse / with her mother, keiko loves making crazy pranks and jokes. they make pranks on natsume and kimiko. they have a close mother - daughter relationship. she's always the first person that keiko calls when she's feeling down or when she needs advices. when they see each other it is always them hugging each other and keiko kissing her mom. they cry everytime they see each other at the airport.

sister / tsukiyomi kimiko / 24 / university student -> personal gym trainer / her sister is very close with keiko. during their childhood they used to fight a lot for no reasons. when they both joined cheerleading, they were always in the same team. they started to share everything together and even little secrets. even now, kimiko lives in south korea in seoul. she's working as a personal trainer. she texts keiko everyday and they talk on the phone often. when keiko has free time, she would go meet kaemi at the gym. they share so many weird stories together and inside jokes. they are very close.


friends / others — 

» friends, Kim Jiwon/ Bobby | 19 | iKon | funny, dorky, confident | He's one of Mino's close friends. That's how they know each other. Keiko and Bobby have a very weird relationship. They always end up dancing crazily to music together or crack up lame jokes. Also, Keiko loves to "bully" him since he's younger than her.

» BEST friends, Min Saenah  | ?? | Heartfelt | ?? | They are like two sisters. Both are two original members of the group and they were one of the first members chosen of the lineup. They tends to stick together often. Keiko loves to drive this girl crazy by pulling pranks on her or simply by being crazy like usual.

» CLOSE FRIENDS, Kang Seungyoon | 21 | Winner | funny, kind, hardworking | The oshem leader of winner~ They met few weeks after Winner debuted when Heartfelt came to encourage them after performing on stage. They became close later on because he became Keiko's favourite person to joke around and pull pranks on him all the time.  He's like Keiko's favourite victim. 

» FRIENDS, Lee Hayi/ Lee Hi | 18 | Soloist | shy, kind,funny | With Lee Hayi, they tends to make up jokes around and also they have a lot of inside jokes together. They are very close. They text each other everyday. 


stage name — keiko

persona — your girl crush

plotline & backup — the sincerity // the friendship

solo activities — 

▪ Remix of Born Hater [ click here

▪ Dating Winner's Kang Seungyoon - false. She was hanging out with him. Then, someone took a picture of them and it looked like they were kissing, but she was trying to take out a lash in his eye. ( -.- ) 

▪ Rude toward a member of Heartfelt - true. She wasn't getting along with that member in particuliar and it was caught. 

the one and only.

love interest — song minho / winner

birthday & age  — march 30,1993 / 22 years old

backup  — kang seungyoon  / winner 


— (awn that cute boy) mino is the type of boy that koko dream to date. he's someone confident in himself. he doesn't like to show any weakness. when he's totally mad, he'll not show it. he will just tell you that he didn't liked what you did. he's pretty honest with everyone. he prefers to tell the truth without to be too harsh or rude. he's very patient. he can wait one hour for you and he'll do it without to complain except if you totally exagerate. he's very honest when he doesn't like something, he'll tell you that he didn't like it. he's a goof ball, he's can pass from the serious guy to a goofy boy in 0.3 seconds. His humor is no jokes. He never fails to make people laugh around him. He's also dorky and full of aegyo when he wants.


— (that damn. babe) on stage, he's charismatic, he loves showing his nice and patient personality. he shows to everyone that he's a good person who's confident in himself. in an interview, he shows to his fans that they are important for him. around his friends, heis dorky and he likes to tease them a lot. he is like a little trouble maker. he has a funny personality which it makes him even more unique.


— (why so bad bae?) beside being a good guy, mino can be pretty jealous. when he saw that someone is being too close to someone he likes, he will actually be really jealous. like aein, he refused to see that someone is trying to take the most important person from him. also, when he doesn't like to be ignored or negliged and he will feel jealous to the one who has more attention. he can be also rude when he's mad. sometimes it takes you by surprise because he is always nice but when he's mad. be ready to meet a pretty rude boy. he might do some short answers and when you are trying too much to calm him down, he can shut you up.

 THE TRUTH   actually, they are both best friends each other ,but they have feeling for each other. all members of heartfelt and winner sees the fact that they have feeling for each other. keiko and minho doesn't even realise it right away. the members would try to tell them, but they would deny it. they both feel like they conect in a way, but they only sees it as a strong friendship and nothing else. the thing is that they aren't aware that they like each other. they actually do looks like boyfriend-girlfriend. they getteasily get jealous and having skinship. around each other, they are joking around, talking, having silly conversations.
 PUBLIC  in public, they are looking like two friends mostly because they don't want any crazy rumors about them. yeah, you know, crazy fangirls who doesn't want oppar to be close to a beautiful idol. they are both careful about both groups' reputation since heartfelt just debuted. they don't want a big scandal to appear and ruin everything. so, they act like two close friends. they make up jokes together and laugh together like two crazy people.
BROADCAST  when they are both on a tv show, they act like two best friends. sometimes, they have jealous moment but still. everytime that the mcs asks who's their favourite, they will tell each other's name.. (which is the reason why the fans are shipping them haha :p)
FUTURE PLANS the members of heartfelt tries to make her realise, but despite to be an hopeless romantic and knowing it all, keiko deny it all. she doesn't want to admit that she feels him. she literally force herself to think about it as a friendship. this is the same way in the boys' side. then, slowly, minho was the one who realised it first and tried everything to make her see that their friendship isn't just about that. it has more than friendship involved. but, he'll have a hard time to make her see that. then, later on, she will realise when her close friends along with saenah will shake her and finally make her see the reality. 

status  — "confusion stage ;; " they aren't dating, but they aren't even sure what they are. ;; they always just claim they are best friends when someone is asking what is their relationship. [ they are very close to dating yet, nothing is happening ]

conclusion  — public dating (?) 

couple trivias 

— matching shoes

— they are called the dumb&dumber couple because of their funny humor and their dorky personality. 

— keiko always steals his caps and beanies whenever she sees him wearing it. she just somehow randomly takes it from his head and puts it on her own.

a song that describe their relationship  — some (?) haha ;; 

last messages.

comments/suggestions  ay! hope youl liked my application. sorry for my horrible grammar, english isn't my first language. 

scene request 

— Since Keiko debuted with the group in 2012 and they are well-known. Can you make an idol confessing to Keiko on a TV show ? It would be interesting to see how Minho will react and how Keiko will react ;;

— Little vacation so they can get closer to the new members c: 

— Meeting Bigbang and hanging out with them. Lowkey so Keiko can fangirl on Daesung's handsomeness /cries.

— WEEKLY IDOLS so Dony&Cony can make them tell their ideal type and do a video message to them. Literally forcing them to say "i love you to them haha." Like imagine her saying "i love you" to Daesung and saying like "Now, I got to hide myself if I ever see him in the building" lololol

— iKon&Winner vs. HeartFelt with funny games. 

— Keiko being scared of a butterfly bruuh.

— A fight between Keiko and Minho ?

password Tsukiyomi-Hart Keiko.

turn inback to story


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