

NAME : Lee, HyunJae
Rose: It's not a secret to anyone that Hyunjae loves flowers - which is where this nickname was derived from. Yes, it's cliche for a girl to choose roses as her favourite flower but Hyunjae couldn't help herself - roses represented deep love and affection, and were beautiful to top it all off - becoming one of Hyunjae's favourites. 
Little Angel: A nickname reserved for Yixing. Why he calls her that? Hyunjae doesn't know. But in Yixing's eyes, Hyunjae's kindness and gentleness embodies that of an angel.  
BIRTHDAY (AGE) : 07/30 (seventeen)
GRADE Senior at Sonho High School
Welcome to Sonho High School and here we introduce to you our most popular , talented and beautiful clique composed of the beautiful and flawless Jessica Jung, the talented and friendly Kim Taeyeon, the top of the class A plus student Tiffany Hwang and... the average wall flower Lee Hyunjae? (Wait are you sure Hyunjae's suppose to be here? .... Oh she is? Oh... okay.)
How Hyunjae ended up in the most popular and sought after group of girls was what she once described as luck but as her male (and sometimes female) classmates began to approach her to try and win over the hearts of her friends, she began to doubt if she's really lucky or not. Always being overshadowed by her better than her friends, Hyunjae prefers to spend her time watering the plants outside of 3-b's classroom to have some temporary peace of mind away from being her role as cupid. Outside of school, Hyunjae can find solace in accompanying her friends to cafes and shopping trips in the city. Even though her friends may be better than her in every aspect of life, they still treat her as one of their closest friends and Hyunjae can give her luck a little bit of thanks for how genuine her friends are.
BIRTHPLACE / HOMETOWN : Seoul, South Korea
FACE CLAIM & BACKUP : Gong Soo Ah & Jung Minhee
APPEARANCE : No tattoos at the moment (but Hyunjae does want several ahem)
When she's not clad in her school uniform, Hyunjae is someone who appreciates good fashion, layering and matching. Wearing the right outfit helps to give Hyunjae confidence, so sometimes you'll see her wearing something that doesn't suit her personality but it makes her feel strong and confident. Her fashion inspirations inclue Jenn Im, Fernanda Ly and Yoobin from the Wonder Girls. She enjoys shops such as We Go, Stylenanda, Mixmixx, Zara, Top Shop, Brandy Melville, Oak and Fort, H&M and Forever 21.
Positive ( + ): Kind, Optimistic, Friendly, Humble 
Neutral ( + / - ): Simple, Virtuous, Sentimental
Negative ( - ): Pushover, Insecure, Untrusting, Naive 
"I'm nothing special." In a box full of krispy kreme donuts, Hyunjae is the forgotten unglazed donut that everyone reaches for last admist the sprinkles and the strawberry filled and the chocolate covered delights. She is the filler character in every Anime that you see in one episode just to stretch out the plot, and then her existence is gone forever. Growing up, Hyunjae was surrounded by people who were prettier, more talented, smarter or just to put it simply, better than her. Got straight A's? Her friend has straight A pluses. Well... she can play the piano. Ehh... her friend knows how to play the piano, the guitar, the flute and she can sing. What about her face? She's pretty right? Not pretty enough to be scouted off the streets by SM Entertainment like her friend, that's for sure. In any one else's stories - Hyunjae would've been the protagonist. Hardworking, decently smart, not uglypretty with a talent - she's special enough on her own but she just happened to be placed into the wrong story. In this story, none of her accomplishments matter as she is always overshadowed by her friends.    
"But there has to be something that makes you special." "I don't know, I'm just a girl who waters the flowers every day." Hyunjae has been humble since day one, mainly because she never expected anyone to notice her and her accomplishments have always been downplayed by her "better than her" friends. As a result, she's used to thinking that she's just adequate. But underneath her shy smile and quiet demeanour is a girl who is undeniably kind. Even though she doesn't quite enjoy being treated like the wing woman between her male classmates and her friends, it doesn't mean that she won't help them out. She wants to help them find happiness, even if that means it's at the expense of her own. If she really deems the boy worthy, then she'll go even further to try and help them. Hyunjae is the kind of girl who will pay for a stranger's coffee, volunteer her time at the animal shelter or pick up trash off the ground. If she can't be the best, she can at least be kind. To her friends, she is even kinder. If her friends are short on cash, she'll cover them without expecting to be paid back. If they're sick, she'll deliver them a copy of her notes and some warm chicken noodle soup. When they're all studying together, Hyunjae will treat them to coffee and snacks. Her friends care about Hyunjae just as much as Hyunjae cares about them and she makes sure to treat them like so. Hyunjae strongly believes in expressing her love to the people she cares about because you'll never know when they'll be gone. She lives with an irrational fear that God will take away the people she loves and as a result, she never hesitates to take the risk to show the people she loves that she loves them.         
"Ladies, we (are not) flawless." Hyunjae's most prominent flaw is that she is deathly insecure. And who would blame her? Being surrounded by girls who were prettier and smarter than her has lead to Hyunjae feeling inadequate and as if she's not good enough. After the 17th time that a boy asked her for her friend's number and not hers did Hyunjae realize that she was the ugly friend in the group. Therefore she spends a lot of time criticizing her looks and dedicating her time, money and efforts into becoming prettier - whether that be through face masks, make up, manicures, or  skin bleaching - she's done it all. She's even insecure to the point where she's contemplated getting plastic surgery just so she could have guys chase after her too. Hyunjae is so insecure and lacks so much confidence that it is normal for her to put herself down and to believe that her achievements mean nothing. There is a fine line between being humble and just being mean to yourself and Hyunjae has far crossed that line. She's really not humble. She's reached a point where she's just putting herself down and not believing in herself or her skills. She's someone who really doubts herself.  
Jessica Jung / 18 / Senior at Sonho High School
"Make room for the ice princess." Jessica Jung, one of the prettiest girls in school. Rumours have it that her hair is insured for 1 000 000 won and that she is sponsored by crest. Truth is, beneath the smiles and outfits is a girl who is cold and distant. She's grown tired of boys appraoching her for her looks and not appreciating her as a person. She doesn't give guys any time of day because, well, if they're after her for her looks then they're all boys any ways. But to her friends she is very trustworthy and reliable and is like  a second mom. 
 Taeyeon Kim / 18 / Senior at Sonho High School
"The voice of a goddess." Sometimes nicknamed Ariel, Taeyeon has a voice of an angel. When she sings you can literally see people fall in love with her - hence the nickname. On top of that, she is very friendly and outgoing, with a dorky and quirky personality to match. Her humour is very clever, and she knows how to make others laugh and smile. She is a social butterfly, the center of the party. It's hard to hate someone as adorable as Taeyeon. Everyone believes that she's going to go far in life with her looks and her talents. The only downside? She's a bit of a ert. 
 Tiffany Hwang / 18 / Senior at Sonho High School
"Brains and beauty, she's got it all." Tiffany is one of the smartest girls in Sonho High. Growing up as a foreign service kid meant that she travelled the world from a young age, and attended some of the top schools in the world. When she finally settled down in Korea she was filled to the brim with knowledge. Heck, she could take the high school final exams right now and graduate if she wanted to. Tiffany, like Taeyeon, is a social butterfly. She is very friendly, kind and open to meeting new people. She's always smiling 24/7.  
Baozi: Not because he has chubby cheeks that remind you of a dumpling, only because that's the only word that Hyunjae can pronounce properly in mandarin.  
BIRTHDAY (AGE) : October 7th (18)
Positive ( + ): Kind, Respectful, Humble, Calm 
Neutral ( + /  - ): Romantic, Funny, Hardworking
Negative ( - ): Dense, Forgetful, Pushover, Clueless
"Wait.. what?" Yixing's defining trait, the one word you would use to describe him, whenever you hear the word you think about him, it's the only way his friends describe him - forgetful. For someone as popular as Yixing, you'd figure that he wouldn't be as forgetful as he is. Dammit... I forgot my earphones at home... Sorry I know I already asked this like 12 times but when are we meeting again? ... wait... what do you mean the assignment is due tomorrow?! Yixing is generally a very forgetful person. It's not like he does it on purpose - it's just that he can't remember. He has a system in place where he repeats a fact he wants to remember to himself over and over again so he won't forget - like someone's birthday or an important due date that's coming up.
"Every parents' ideal boyfriend." If a girl were to bring home Zhang Yixing and told her parents that he was her boyfriend - no parent would not be ecstatic. With a charming and handsome smile, a very respectful and humble attitude, and the brains and talents to match with it - who wouldn't want their child to date Zhang Yixing? He is very respectful to his elders and always shows his thanks and manners to them. On top of that, he's very hardworking and takes care of his family - cooking occassionally, keeping the house clean and bringing home some pretty good grades. In a parents' eyes, he's perfect.
"Nobody's perfect." It's hard to believe that someone like Zhang Yixing would have flaws - but he does. His forgetfulness is one of them. But he's also dense and clueless. If someone's mad at him, there's a high chance that he wouldn't notice. Sometimes you need to go up to him and tell him that you're upset before he'll realize that, "oh ... so that's why they were ignoring me." He's not very good at reading people or the mood, so he won't realize when there's tension in the room or if someone is actually very upset. It has to be really obvious for Yixing to catch on, or else he just won't.
HOW THEY MET : Yixing first approached Hyunjae during one of their lunch breaks while she was watering the flowers. From there, their friendship (and love) began to bloom. (lmao flower puns)
RELATIONSHIP : Initially, Hyunjae and Yixing were simply classmates who rarely interacted with each other despite the fact that Yixing occupied the desk behind Hyunjae's in the back corner of the classroom by the windows. They both knew of each other's existence but never spoke to each other. That was until one faithful day that Yixing noticed Hyunjae watering the flowers outside of their classroom at lunch did he become interested in the quiet girl who sat in front of him.  
"Flowers for you." Yixing makes it a point in their relationship to deliver flowers to Hyunjae every few weeks. He knows how much she loves flowers which makes it easier for him to give her a gift.
"I'll sing for you." Hyunjae was suppose to go karaoking with her friends, Yixing, and Yixing's friends but it was all just a scheme (unbeknowst to Hyunjae's knowledge.) Yixing had told all his friends and Hyunjae's friends not to show up so he could have alone time with Hyunjae. Here, Hyunjae begins to truly open up to Yixing.
"You are beautiful." When Hyunjae confesses to Yixing that she feels inadequate and wants to get plastic surgery he is devastated. To him, Hyunjae is one of the prettiest girls in the world and he can't understand why she would want to change herself. Since that day, Yixing makes it a point to make Hyunjae feel like the queen that she is.
"I'm not actually sick, I just want to be with you." One time when Yixing was sick, Hyunjae came to visit him with some soup and a copy of the notes he missed that day. And since that day, Yixing has abused her habit for his own selfish (but loving and genuine) needs. He would much rather spend one on one time with Hyunjae alone, away from where people could gossip and spread rumours, and have the true Hyunjae all to himself.
"Do you even understand my feelings?!" Hyunjae's not very good at expressing herself and Yixing is clueless - not a very good combination in a relationship. There are times when Hyunjae is visibly upset and Yixing won't notice - which has lead to misunderstandings and fights between the two.
"I'm not good enough for you." Due to their differences in social status, and Hyunjae's insecurity, there are a lot of times where Hyunjae doubts if she is even good enough for Yixing. Out of anyone he could have, why her? 
"Can I borrow this?" Hyunjae loves to raid Yixing's closet because, her inner fashionista, loves to test out different styles, cuts and fits - and there's no better way to experiment than to steal your friends' clothes! Sometimes Yixing tries to "accidentally" match with Hyunjae beacuse he wants to. 
Hi, my name is Hyunjae Lee and I am a senior at Sonho High. Something interesting about me? Well... I like the colour pink and I have a pet rabbit and corgi.
I don't know if I'm the right person for you to be asking what love is. Hyunjae laughs shyly, rubbing the back of her head. But if I were to give it my best shot... well growing up, I always thought that love was what it was in fairy tales, you know? Like... prince charming is going to come and sweep me off my feet and save me from my troubles Hyunjae giggles sheepishly, but that hasn't happened to me yet, I don't know if it ever will.
And oh, distance in love? That sounds so sad. Hyunjae laughs again. Well, again, I don't know much about love so I can't really say. But I would assume that long distance would definitely be an example of distance in love. When you're separated and can't be together. I also feel that couples can create their own distance too. I remember watching "Her" and one of the quotes was... how did it go again... something about two people growing, but not growing apart. I guess when we grow up we begin to change - sometimes for better and sometimes for worse. But our signficant other also has to grow with us or else they'll end up growing apart from us...? Hyunjae her head to the side, looking a bit unsure about her answer. So I guess in that way, there's a distance there too? Hyunjae shrugs her shoulders. I'm sorry, I'm not very helpful. I'm just a seventeen year old girl who doesn't know much about love.
Hyunjae blushes. If I tell you it's going to be obvious who I like... you promise you won't tell anyone else, right? Hyunjae looks down and fumbles with her fingers, biting her lips nervously. However, she looks back up into the camera with a gentle smile. There's definitely someone that I like... he's.... he's pretty amazing. Her smile grows bigger and for a moment she seems genuinely happy, until she realizes something and the spark in her eyes dull. Her smile seems sad, now. There's... definitely a distance between us though. He's too good for me. I'm just... well you guys know - I'm Hyunjae Lee. Jessica's sidekick, or Tiffany's shadow, or Taeyeon's follower... I'm really nothing special but him? He's like every girls dream. He's so popular and handsome and talented and... and I'm just... I'm just Hyunjae. Plain and simple Hyunjae. Hyunjae looks up and realizes that everything she said was recorded, and tries to brighten the mood by smiling. I'm sorry, I don't want to downcast the mood or anything. We can move onto the next question though!
THEY SAY YOU CAN LEARN A LOT ABOUT SOMEONE THROUGH THEIR SOCIAL MEDIA. CAN WE SEE YOUR INSTAGRAM? : "Of course you can - oh- I really like flowers by the way..."
Post Count: 21
Followers: 423 ("Oh... all the boys who want Jessica's number follow me so they can see photos of her...")
Following: 380
Username: hy_nj.ae
Profile Picture: The top left photo
Bio: Hyunjae Lee. "Storms make trees take deeper root."
(Hover your mouse over the photo for instagram caption."
Bloom for me - flower emoji -The amount of ignorance that exists in this world is truly terrifying. To have people believe that a whole religion is the cause for terrorism is ignorant and shows how little progress we are making as a society. The actions of a few does not dictate the actions of a whole group of people. I will say it loud, and I will say it proud - terrorism has no religion. So stop saying that it does.Enjoying the last few moments of Summer with this little guy.
:^)))Coffee date with friends - no better way to end Summer than with the right people.
#ootd before Summer break ends.LOOK HOW CUTE MOCHI IS I'M SCREAMINGGGGG- cloud emojis -
ALRIGHT, THANK YOU SO MUCH! : Thank you guys for the time and effort! I hope you guys ace this project! Oh! I brought some cookies up since you guys are working so hard. I hope they taste alright. Hyunjae smiles sweetly, bowing politely before rumagging through her bag to hand Yoji some chocolate chip cookies.
COMMENTS? CONCERNS? QUESTIONS? : Sorry I kind of half-assed this application just to get it finished. I will probably edit it throughout before the deadline so stay tuned.
SCENE REQUESTS : I haven't really thought of any yet but I will update this if I do!
PASSWORD : "S-stop calling me that..." (In regards to Little Angel)







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