grandeur 。 — Choi Jisoo

Choi Jisoo
NAME » Choi Jisoo
Soo aegi - As she was the baby of Choi family, they gave her this nickname and it was just stuck there forever.
— SOOngtanjeol - Because her name ends with 'soo' and she was born on a christmas (seongtanjeol) day, her friends combined her name and voila! they got 'soongtanjeol'.

BIRTHDAY » 25 December 1995
BIRTHPLACE » Seoul, South Korea
HOMETOWN » Seoul, South Korea
Korean - This is her native language.
- Jisoo has advanced knowledge in english because she had been learning this ever since she was in pre-school and she continued learning it as she believes that this is a universal language.
Japanese - Her level of proficiency is basic as she got interested with this language ever since she was young and learned it through books and the internet. she also has basic japanese subject as an elective during high school.
ladies room
APPEARANCE » Jisoo has a long brown wavy hair that falls down to her stomach. She likes having her hair dyed but she sticks with the hues of brown. She has hazelnut brown eyes that complements her fair complexion. She stands 169 cm and weighs 50 kg, making her a bit underweight (even though eating is one of her passion).

STYLE » At home, Jisoo prefers to wear shorts with over sized shirts sometimes tank tops too. She thinks that wearing those makes her more comfortable. If they have trainings, Jisoo usually wears leggings or workout shorts partnered with sweatshirts or t-shirts. Then she'll also use a pair of Nike with it. She feels more free to move with this outfit and it's perfect for practices. When going out, she loves to dress up with classy, preppy, and sporty clothes. She would go for knitted tops, or loose cotton shirts, and sometimes would go for vintage looks. She likes long sleeves and also cardigans and hoodies. She's in love with skirts. All kinds. Pencil skirt, flowy skirts, or even the balloon style of skirts; name it. She owns lots. She'd pair it with any of her blouses. She also like dresses that are simple. She collects different kinds of hats but most especially beanies. She'd wear them every time she thinks it suits her clothes for the day. She also like to wear crop shirts and pair it with high-waisted shorts or skinny jeans. Jisoo likes to wear shorts as well. May it be denim or not, she still likes it. She just want to dress simply and doesn't like loud accents and such. Jisoo doesn't like going out with just using slippers, so she usually wear sneakers, boots, a pair of Mary Jane's, or even oxfords. But, she collects lots of different colors and designs of sneakers. She just feels so comfortable wearing them. She's not much of a collector of jewelries or accessories. Jisoo prefers wristwatches or anklets though. Sometimes, Jisoo would clip ribbon on her hair as well but it would just be small.

Kim Jiho
be natural
POS : Kind, sweet, loyal, hopeful, confident
NEU : Determined, dreamy, emotional, unpredictable
NEG : Dominating, obstinate, self-satisfied, arrogant, melodramatic

Jisoo is a girl who is really nice to people despite sometimes having that cold aura around her. She is very friendly that people practically likes to talk to her and be with her. She is very charming in a way that she doesn't have to try hard because it just comes out naturally. Jisoo is also a sweet person. Others wouldn't actually think of her as this because she really looks like she doesn't care but Jisoo's unpredictable, people do not know what's running inside her mind. She would unexpectedly do something for others that they do not imagine her of doing. There was an instant that one of the trainees got sick, and you'd expect that she wouldn't go near that person as she is a health freak and wouldn't want to get caught fever as well. But what she did amaze everyone else. She took care of the trainee without hesitation. Even went out to buy medicines. That's when they knew how sweet of a person she is. Jisoo is a loyal person as well. She has shown deep faith in SM Entertainment. She is very faithful to them that she doesn't want to break any rules. She feels like she owes a lot with the company that's why she had devoted herself to the institution. Jisoo is also the kind of person who is very sanguine. Expect her to be cheerful at difficult situations as she wants to succeed in everything she does. This is not just for herself, but for her friends (co-trainees) as well. She would do everything for them not to feel discouraged if they are faced in trials. She believes that if they're together, they can conquer anything. Jisoo is the kind of girl that others would feel like she's really oozing of confidence. This may cause others to feel intimidated by her but for some they appreciate this personality of hers as she lets them feel that they can do anything. Truthfully, she really is an assured and outgoing girl. She stands up high and looks like nothing may faze this lass.

Give her a task, then she'll do it with 100% determination. Whenever they're practicing, she won't joke and would just be serious in what she's doing as performing is her passion. She always like to see the endings or outcomes of all things she does that's why she would always do her best. She had always been like this ever since she was young and giving up is not in her dictionary. Nothing can faze her as she believes that anything is possible. Jisoo loves to daydream especially when she's free and she has nothing to do. she likes to imagine things and sometimes she's stuck in her own world that other people are becoming curious on what's happening inside her otherworldly mind. She thinks that this is her way to relax herself despite all the things that she has yet to accomplish. Daydreaming is one of her favorite past time and sometimes when she's in this state, no one could actually talk to her or could make her snap out of it (well, on some occasions only though). Jisoo can be emotional at times too. She can easily cry with whatever reasons she has. She would cry if she felt touched or moved because someone had done something good to others or to her. Jisoo is just like that, she's really weird. But the good kind. Jisoo would cry if she feels really sad about something even though she doesn't have to feel to. There was this one time where one of her friends confided to her about her sad life, and found Jisoo crying instead. Even though she's like that, Jisoo can be amicable too. She likes to listen to other people. When she feels that someone is sad, she'd gladly lend her ears to listen to others, lend her shoulders for others to lean on, and lend a helping hand for them to feel better and be guided. She doesn't like the feeling of being abandoned, so as much as possible, she doesn't do that to other people as well. Jisoo would love to offer anyone a hug when they need it. That benefits her too though since she really love warm hugs~! Oh, Jisoo is a very unpredictable person as well. Whenever people try to talk to her, sometimes she can't help herself but blurt out things that are weird that others would freak out for life. But other times, she would be really sweet and understanding. She can be kind now but later she'd do something mischievous that others might actually hate her for life. For her, it's all about fun and happiness but she knows when to get serious and when she is, she is really formal and won't joke around that bothers other people as she is not normally like that.

As strong as she may be, Jisoo is a born leader. She knows her limits but that doesn't mean she can't lead as well. She is controlling at times that others would really feel annoyed at her. Sometimes others would think that who does she think she is because of this personality. She doesn't want others to be telling her what to do and can be very rude if others try to dominate her as well. Although, the trainers the company are an exception to this. (There are still times that still she doesn't want to listen to them. Haish. Jisoo really is unpredictable.) But for other people, she can be very hard-headed and at the same time influential as she would try to talk others out with her ideals and principles and would impose it on them. With this, Jisoo can be a stubborn person as well. She will not change her opinion as she truly believes that what she knows are far much better than other ideals but she would do this to other people. She knows that she has this weird personality but as much as she wants to change it, she doesn't know how to. Ah, Jisoo can be a little smug about herself too. She wouldn't hesitate on sharing her achievements as she is very proud of herself and thinks that she is also an important person that others can't live without. Uh huh. Too conceited that others would love to smack her head hard on the wall. But despite being an obstinate and arrogant person, she still is a nice girl that's why others would just let her be. Jisoo can be overly emotional as well that sometimes she'd do dramatic acts over little problems to which others would just roll their eyes on her. A true melodramatic person at heart. Jisoo is also the kind of girl who is self-assured, yet can still be sensitive. Jisoo doesn't like critics so much and would take it in and bury it deep inside her heart. She may seem that it doesn't affect her, but if people would just dig deeper, they would discover how she has a lot of insecurities. That's why she would masked it up with her self-confidence. She forgives but definitely not forgets. Jisoo is just really thankful that despite having so much flaws and shortcomings, she couldn't be more grateful because her friends have accepted her of who she is.


 Her idol is T Yoon Mirae. Jisoo found her so amazing with her rapping skills and someday wishes to be like her too. She also thinks that no one can beat yoon mirae in rapping.

 A health conscious and really neat freak. She dislikes junkfood, sodas, and messy places. It's like she can't sleep if she sees the dorm in a total disaster. Expect her to clean up first before resting.
 Has this huge crush on oh sehun. She'd actually make a fool out of herself whenever she sees him. Way to go, Jisoo.
 She has fear on lightnings, clowns, and amusement park rides. There's really no deep reason to it. She's afraid of lightning because of the news where people die when struck by one. Clowns, because they just freak the hell out of her. Amusement park rides, because of those documentaries where people also die while riding one. It just terrifies her.
 She was one of those girls shown in Red velvet's MV of Happiness.
 Despite being a health freak, she doesn't mind eating jjajangmyeon and tteokbokki. Or drinking bubble teas and fruit shakes.
 Dislikes stuffed toys.
 A leftie.
 Never had a boyfriend or romantically involved.
 She's allergic to marshmallows. ;A;
 Owns three potted plants inside her room in their dorms.
— Has a pet turtle and goldfish. Their names are miso and kimchi, respectively.
— She loves to walk around the SM Entertainment's building and sometimes would go at the rooftop to relax.
time slip
background »  It was a cold Christmas dawn in the year 1995 when Choi Jisoo was born. Her parents were so happy that they finally have a baby girl in their family. Her father was an Engineer whilst her mother worked as a Theater Actress (whom Jisoo believed she got her talents from). Jisoo also had two older brothers who were 5 years and 3 years ahead of her. Her two siblings were so excited to know that they had a baby sister as apparently, 2 boys were chaotic and not that fun at all. She belonged to a happy and loving family, she was given things that she needed and wanted. Her two brothers would also spoil her with sweets as these were the only stuff that they can afford in giving her.

Before Jisoo even attended school, she loved watching kids shows that were musical. Together with her older brothers, they would sing and dance to the songs. As she grew up, she still was interested in music while her brothers fell out of interest with it. They would still encourage her to hone her talents though as they believed that this was her “calling”. When she attended school, she also participated in performing (dance) in events and festivals. Though, her first chance was just she got chosen by her teacher and since then she would always be included as they noticed that she has the passion for performing. When she was 12 years of age, Jisoo heard the song of T Yoon Mirae “Black Happiness” and she was totally drawn to the song. Not only because of the message, but also because of its rhythm and Mirae was rapping! Jisoo was so amazed with that that she had shown interest with it. During those times, Taeyong was becoming musically inclined as well and Jisoo asked him to help her out in rapping. Because Jisoo was becoming more passionate with the music industry, she entered School of Performing Arts together with Taeyong in hopes of getting better with their talents. Good thing her parents allowed her to attend this school as well as they knew how much she wanted this. Though they have a condition to her that she needs to finish her studies too and Jisoo promised them she will balance her acads and trainings.

In 2011, Jisoo tried auditioning under SM Entertainment but she wasn’t very successful with that. She wasn’t chosen to go to the next step and she felt so sad and embarrassed with that. Yes, she may not have received professional training in performing but she was doing her best. SOPA was a big help for her too as they also trained their students in the field that they were best in. A year after, Taeyong convinced her to try one more time and miraculously, she finally passed. Maybe a year had improved herself too and since then she had dedicated herself in trainings as she wanted to get better with it. Jisoo mainly focused in rapping as her interest with it never faltered. Though of course, she still had dance and vocal trainings. When she graduated high school in 2014, Jisoo proceeded to college and entered in Dongguk University where she majors in Musical Theater.

friend » 


Best Friend || Lee Taeyong || 20 || SR15B || Intelligent, caring, arrogant, moody || 10/10 || They have practically known each other for a very long time already. Being, their parents were friends and as the two of them were born in the same year, they actually clicked. It's like they are each other's perfect half... Taeyong and Jisoo have a lot of things in common when it comes to their personalities and interests. Both can be arrogant, but both are loving. They also love music and rapping in particular. Whenever Jisoo's down, Taeyong would always be there to the rescue and vice versa. The two of them even auditioned in SM Entertainment and luckily, they got accepted. During the times where Taeyong was facing scandals, Jisoo never left him behind and comforted him. Some other trainees thought that they're going to end up with each other and they actually looked good together... But nah, they won't cross that line. BASICALLY, THE TWO ENJOYS THE PLATONIC RELATIONSHIP THEY HAVE. (Unless they're 28 years old already and they made a pact that if they're still single that time, they would just marry each other.)


Frienemies || Ahn Hyemi || 20 || Trainee || Supportive, Caring, Blunt, Opnionated || 8/10 || As Hyemi and Jisoo sort of exudes confidence, they kind of hated each other's guts. Though Hyemi was kinder, Jisoo can just be a bit bossy at times that they irritate each other out. But they have moments were they would agree on something and would start teasing their dongsaengs. The two know how to have fun around each other but there were just times when they don't like seeing each other. Despite this, what Hyemi didn't know is that Jisoo has high respects for her because she's pretty talented and has the qualities of a perfect older sister which Jisoo didn't have. They're also sort of close, sometimes they would confide to each other when they feel like they don't have a choice anymore =)) But both were always willing to listen and keep secrets of each other.


Close Friends || Byun Baekhyun || 23 || Idol - Exo || Witty, Funny, mischievous, noisy || 8/10 || How the hell the two of them became friends, they do not know. It just happened. There was this time when they just came across each other in SM entertainment's hallways and boom. They just started teasing each other. Alright, they just skipped some info about their meeting. Jisoo was new then and was walking around that time when Baekhyun was speeding for his life because Kyungsoo was sort of chasing him (But Kyungsoo was just bluffing and didn't chase him) and Baekhyun happened to bump into Jisoo and both of them fell flat on the floor. Jisoo had a bruise on the knee and Baekhyun kind of panicked. Oh, she was annoyed but kept her calm when she saw that it was her sunbae. He apologized and accompanied her to their clinic. He even treated her for bubble tea and then From there, their most unlikely friendship started.

family » 

Father || Choi Hyunseok || 56 || Engineer || Hyunseok's a crazy and mischievous one. He never fails to make his family laugh. Though he may be overprotective over Jisoo, he also understands that she's a young lady already who needs to learn to make decisions for herself. He was also the culprit why Jisoo's somewhat arrogant as he would always praise Jisoo and would give stuff for her to make her happy. Sometimes, Jisoo's older brothers think that his favorite was Jisoo but really, she was just a daddy's princess.

Mother || Moon Dasom || 54 || Theater Actress || If Hyunseok was the moodmaker of the family, Dasom was on the reserved side more. Despite having her career as a theater actress, she was always seen prim and proper and she actually hoped that Jisoo will be like her. Even though Jisoo's lady-like, the rapping scene was a bit odd to dasom as she pictured Jisoo of more of a ballet dancer. She was the one to come up with the condition that Jisoo needed to finish her studies alongside trainings. Jisoo won't complain with that though as she knew education was important. Dasom and Jisoo were pretty close as she can freely tell her mother everything but dasom was just strict for the welfare of Jisoo. She would also ask her mother stuff about theater as she was majoring that now.

Older Brother || Choi Dongsoo || 25 || Engineer || Dongsoo's the older brother who grew up to be more reserved like their mother. He still had his own fair share of mischievousness but he was more quiet. Just like their father, he was very protective over Jisoo. In fact, he did't like Taeyong being the latter's a guy and Dongsoo thinks that Jisoo needs more girl best friends. Now that he was finished in studying, he would often buy stuff for his parents and siblings. Sometimes, he would even sneakily give Jisoo extra allowance as he would tell her that she needed to eat more. he was very supportive with Jisoo too and she told her that he was actually Jisoo's biggest fan. Haha.

Older brother || Choi Kwangsoo || 23 || Now, Kwangsoo and Jisoo were more of the noisy type and sometimes Dongsoo would refer to them as the evil siblings. Kwangsoo's a fun guy, like their father, and he would often tell funny jokes too during their dinner or while they were all watching the television. Kwangsoo tolerates more the mischievous side of Jisoo. He was also the first one to know that Jisoo got accepted in SM entertainment and that same day, he treated her for bubble tea and celebrated her successful audition. Kwangsoo's often teased by his father, sometimes Dongsoo too, that he was a stage brother to Jisoo because in every performance of Jisoo, he was always there to support.
shine on me
stage NAME » Sooae - Her stage name came from her nickname "soo aegi".
introduction » /RAps her intro/
Annyeonghaseyo! Konnichiwa! Hello! Grandeur's Rapper, Sooae Imnida~! /goes back to normal voice/ Hangsang useuseyo!

trainee years » 3 years
trainee life »
— Jisoo's trainee life was one heck of a rollercoaster ride. She admits that it wasn't easy but it was not that hard as well as this was her passion and her goal. Whenever she didn't have classes, she's likely to be in SM Entertainment practicing and/or training with her co-trainees as well. She became friends with her co-trainees as they were all charming and kind but sometimes they would feel annoyed with Jisoo whenever she's in her egotistical mode on. She didn't mean to be rude or anything, but she can really be conceited at times that people around her would just feel irked with. Although, as time passes by, they already know the real warm-hearted Jisoo and they've accepted her fully despite having flaws. Jisoo would often cheer everyone on whenever they train so they would always feel motivated and they would focus with their dreams and their goals. She also admits that her trainee life was a real challenge and criticisms hurt her, but that didn't stop her to move forward as she really wanted this. Basically, her co-trainees and her would always be eager to be greater and learn from their mistakes as well.

talent twins »
singing » Kim Jiho (0:35-0:38)
— dancING » Park Sooyoung / JOy
— rappING » Son Chaeyoung

Specialty » Rapping
Other skills » Acting, Imitating bugs bunny & tweety, quick thinking of words (rapping-wise)

why did you join grandeur.? »
— My primary reason in joining grandeur is because of my passion for performing. I really think that talents are meant to share with everyone. I may not be talented in every aspect, but know that i have worked hard for it. I'd also like To inspirE aspiring performers that with hard work and perseverance, we can achieve all our goals. We need to act on our dreams so that we can reach it.

WHat makes you stand out from the rest of the contestants? »
— Aha. /flips hair/ What makes me stand out? I guess, my very aura that I am confident with what i am doing. I honestly do not intent to intimidate others, but sometimes if you show people that you are sure of your strengths and you acknowledge your weaknesses, you're becoming a better and optimistic person and they'll see that in you. I guess if you believe in yourself, people will also have faith in you.

do you think you can stay until the end? »
— /smirks/ I would really claim that i will stay until the end. Giving up is never an option and I will do my best, while enjoying it, to be rightful for that position.

do you have a message to the viewers? »
— /throws hearts at the camera/ Annyeonghaseyo! Please support everyone and me in our journey! I hope everyone will believe in our talents and please don't give up on us. We're going to do our best!

a message to you fellow competitors? »
— /smiles/ Girls, I want you to know that I care about you and I love you all. No matter what happens, I know we will be there for each other to cheer on all of us. Let us do our best in everything we do but let's not forget to enjoy it as well. Together, we will all achieve our dreams. /pumps fist in the air/ Hwaiting!
huff n puff
COMMENTS/SUGGESTIONS » Hola! Pleasse call me "Mei" :D Yey! I am so happy I was able to finish this already. ^^ I apologize for the grammar mistakes and just mistakes in general. >.< Anyhoo, this was fun! Thank you! Fighting to your story! :D
— Is it okay if I have none? Kkk! Please and thank you!
PASSWORD » Sandara park <333


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