
For those of you who don't know, NaNoWriMo is basically short for National Novel Writing Month. It takes place from November 1-30 and you basically have the whole month to write a 50,000 word novel. One of my favorite authors, Marissa Meyer, started her debut novel Cinder for NaNoWriMo and holy when that book came out to the public, it was amazing.

Now I've only heard of this a few times before but now that I've really looked into it, I really want to participate in it. There isn't a prize for the best written novel or anything. People just get little trophies or badges online for reaching benchmarks and I think that's great encouragement. Once the month's over, there's a "Now What?" in like January where you can revise your work or even publish if you want.

I think NaNoWriMo is pretty cool if you ask me and I'm so tempted to join Ugh. There's so much work, so many tests, so much studying that I won't have time for it. I'm really sad that I can't do it this year but maybe later in the future I'll try it out when I can manage my time better and come up with a good idea.

I also think you guys should give it a try. It seems awesome and it's a great way to develop your writing skills even further. Oh, if you're 17 and under and you're scared by the 50,000 word count, there's a youth NaNoWriMo where you can set a more reasonable word count and write a novel just like the others participating in the regular one. 

Just wanted to spread the word about this and see if anyone's interested lol

For more info, you can visit their website

P.S. I'm not getting paid for this or anything. I just genuinely think it's cool and that authors on this site who are serious about writing should give it a shot one day when the time comes c: 


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Hey, I joined NaNoWriMo too, and I think it can still be managable with school. I posted about blog about time management, if you want to read it.
Here's the link:

Also, if you do decide to join, here's an AFF community that may help keep you motivated and in the zone.

And, if you make a profile, here's the link to mine and we could be writing buddies ^~^)/

Even if you don't make it to 50k, it's still a fun goal to have and any word you do write is a word that wasn't written before. Set a lower goal for yourself, even if you don't officially win NaNo, you can at least reach your personal goal and feel accomplished.