Time of confusion

As many of you know, I'm currently enrolled in my school's pharmacy program and I'm in my second year. I have my progression interview coming up and honestly, I'm just feeling so conflicted. Like there are requirements we have to meet in order to move on to the professional years and I'm really stressing out about it. Obviously, besides passing the interview, we have to keep a 3.0 GPA in math and sciences and I'm right on the cusp but somehow, things are just not going my way this semester.

I have never had such crappy grades and before you say anything, yes I do study. I don't study all the time though. I'm just your regular college student who procrastinates till the last minute and panics while trying to frantically review like 3 weeks worth of material in one night. But I still sit down and study when I need to.

But ever since my accident, I've been having a harder time. It's been a little over a month since getting hit by a car and I have been in pain ever since. I have to go to physical therapy and I actually have to get an MRI done soon to see if there's anything wrong on the inside (most likely there is but I won't know until I get the results). But sometimes it's really hard to study when there's a constant pain in my lower back or hip or when it sudden creeps up my back and my shoulder.

The pain and therapy are slowly affecting my grades and I feel like it'll be the reason why I can't go on to the third year. Of course I'm going to talk to my professors to let them know about my circumstances but still, I feel like I need a backup. Which is why I've been thinking.

Even before I got into my school, I didn't really have much of high hopes and had a backup plan of going into nursing because regardless, I really want to work in the medical field. And right now, I'm kinda not enjoying myself. My professors are boring and they don't really seem to enjoy what they're teaching—except for a couple. And I'm working in a pharmacy but it's so boring and repetitive. Then again, I am only working in one type of setting so it might be different if I worked in retail or a hospital but it's kinda boring.

So I've been thinking: would it be better for me to become a nurse or stick to becoming a pharmacist?

Being a nurse is just as tough since there are many things to learn but I feel it's not as stressful as being a pharmacist. The amount of time I spend in school would be a lot shorter and also, I would get to interact with patients and doctors more than if I were to be a pharmacist. And it's funny because I don't like interacting with too many people but I'm choosing a profession where I'm forced to interact with them.

Anyways, this rant is getting a bit long so I'm just gonna end it here. If you read all of this, thanks. If not, that's fine. But yeah, just wanted to get this off my chest. 


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