WIN, WHO IS NEXT? Season Two #Yeonmi

Lee Yeonmi
311.5 450
applicant. 15annabella
active rate [1-10]. 8
nickname. Amu

plotline. 1
full name. Lee Yeonmi
nicknames. Mimi(called by her friends as a shortened version of her name.) 
Mama bird- due to how she acts like a mother bird around her members
birthdate. March 11th 1994 21
birth place. Seoul Korea
ethnicity. Korean
languages. Korean- Native
English- NEar fluent- due to how she has learnt it in school for seven years and how she worked hard on it for lyric writing. She sometimes chooses to converse with tablo in english.

face claim:
backup face claim:
- iced coffee- her favorite is an iced americano 
-Navy blue is her favorite color
-Iron man- she likes all the marvel movies but iron man is her favorite super hero because hes just awesome and rober downey jr is the best. she knows most of the avengers script by heart.
-the cold- she naturally likes it colder than other and can dress less than others in the winter without freezing to death.
-the light rain- she likes walking slowly through like rain and has yet to catch a cold from doing this more than she should
-writing song lyrics- it destresses her.
-playing the piano- it helps her think
-spicy food- she can eat food that is really spicy
-cooking- she makes really good korean food and likes feeding people.
- white chocolate- way too sweet.
-garlic- like a vampire she hates the smell of garlic
-really sunny days- she burns really easily
-songs with meaningless lyrics that are just a repeat of like three words.
-anyone that messes with her members 
-wearing colored contacts- her eyes are sensative so wearing them for too long makes her eyes itchy.

character history

Yeonmi has loved singing ever since she was 6 and attended her first singing/piano lesson. Her parents were busy people so Yeonmi stayed glued to the piano whenever she felt lonely. From a young age Yeonmi cooked for herself and was rather independent for her age. She often acted as the leader of her group of friends even though she wasn't the oldest. She was rather well known at middle school due to her singing voice. Her parents sat down with her when she was 13 to ask her what she wanted to do in life and she replied that she wanted to be a singer. Her parents agreed that as long as she worked hard they would not try to control her future and she was free to work hard to be a singer. She didn't want to be one of those kids who stayed in companies training since they were 12 because she wanted to be sure that she experienced normal life before she devoted everything to becoming an idol. It was near the end of middle school when she auditioned to JYP and YG she was accepted by both but choose to go to YG due to how she thought that YG would teach her to make her own music. She became an offical trainee on Jan 15th 2011.
For high school she got into Hanlim Arts school and balanced that with training.

Family & Friends

Lee Jaeyeol | 45 | Manager of company | average | Her father is a really busy man who is focused on his job so they didn't spend that much time together when she was a child but he makes sure that she is living well and sends her money so she can live well. He is a bit distant and doesn't offer her much advice letting her decide her own paths.

Kim Haesoo | 45 | Manager of Company| Her mother was also rather busy but she first signed Yeonmi up for piano and singing lessons and is the one who checks on Yeonmi more with a phone call everyone in a while but because she had Yeonmi when she was rather young shes not really that sure of the the whole mother daughter interactions part.

Tablo | 35 | epik high member | mentor/parental figure in company  | They first met when Yeonmi was walking to her training room and noticed someone wandering around the area looking lost. She went over to help him and lead him over to the room that he wanted to go to. She didn't look too carefully because she was in a rush but she thought that he was a new trainee (he did have a hat on which covered his face in shadow) so she said "its alright this place is confusing, I got lost too when I was new." It wasn't until after shes said that that she realized he was Tablo who had just recently signed under YG. Surpsingly after that Yeonmi was placed by YG under Tablo's care to learn to compose better. She was there as he worked on Fever's End. Tablo likes Yeonmi's voice which he said "Yeonmi's voice sounds like a nice perosn going through hardship for the first time." She's close enough to him now that she can joke with him but she still looks up to him. 

Krystal Jung| 20 | member of fx | ex classmates/girl friends 4eva | They met due to both attending Hanlim Arts High school in 2010 and through the years they managed to get to know each other even though Krystal was busy with her group. Yeonmi ended up copying a lot more notes so that she could give them to Krystal. The two often spoke in english (so that yeonmi could improve on the language and that it made kyrstal feel more comfortable.)

Kim Heechul | 32 | Super Junior member | Mom/older brother | She was attending Kyrstals birthday party when Hee Diva Chul spilled the whole of his drink over her. He then made a big fuss over it seeming to think it was her fault and so Yeonmi got quite angry and gave him a scolding to which then led to them be coming very close. Yeonmi is known to Heechul to be both the cutest and scariest thing ever but she is honest which he really likes. Heechul gave himself the position of her mother/older brother, checking up on her and giving her tips on how to act on to make sure she doesn't get cut out of the show. She doesn't always listen to him but finds it really sweet when he does that.

Lee Haru | 5 | Tablo's Daughter | Besties | Yeonmi has known Haru since she was 2 and Haru always had a certain liking towards Yeonmi (sometimes Haru would open up more to Yeonmi than to Tablo. ) And Yeonmi finds Haru to be the cutest thing ever. Yeonmi babysits Haru sometimes when Hyejung(Hyejung told Yeonmi to call her unnie) is busy and Tablo is either recording or performing. Haru has proclaimed Yeonmi to be her favorite unnie which makes Yeonmi happier than ever. (although shes pretty sure that she heard Haru say that to Soo as well so...)

Kim Jonghyun | 25 | Member of SHinee | friends | Jonghyun called up Tablo to ask about the singer for "We fight Ourselves" so Tablo introduced him to Yeonmi. Jonghyun really likes her voice which fitted one of the songs for his album. After recording Jonghyun was even more impressed with her voice and wanted her to hurry and debut so they could have a proper collab. Yeonmi has always been impressed by SHINee so it was a nice experience working with Jonghyun and to become close with him. The two text each other a lot and seem to always be able to keep a conversation going between them. They have common values and common ideas so they are able to give each other advice.

Yeonmi has been training in YG long enough that she is quite close with most of Yg family although she doesn't hang with them too much in her free time. She is closer to Epik High than to 2ne1 or Big Bang.

character personality

Once Yeonmi sets her mind on a goal she will do her best to make sure that she sticks towards it and works 200% so that she can achieve that goal even if she ends up half dead trying. She believes failure means that its either not meant for you to succeed or that you were't trying hard enough. Thats why when Yeonmi gets in the zone she is very demanding of her members and makes sure that none of them slack off the tinest bit. She pushes them but she also pushes herself to the point that her health starts to deteriorate. But as any good leader she makes sure that her members and the people watching don't know. 
Yeonmi might sound extreme but she is not a devil leader. She knows when to hold back and makes sure that everyone still has enough energy to keep going and she takes care of them by preparing a healthy lunch for them or ordering them to rest when its almost gone too far. [but she at getting herself to rest.] She is very observant immediatly can tell if something is wrong or there is something bothering someone and she will be by there side if they need help or someone to talk to. Shes been described as "someone who becomes a shoulder to lean on for other while refusing all shoulders herself." She tends to keep things to herself in order not to worry others and only those really close to her can tell if something is bothering her.
She is able to keep her temper quite well so she can help settle arguments and knows how to stand neutral to calm things down but every elastic band will snap if stretched too far. She gets mad at people hurting her team members or putting the blame on others when things are obviously their own fault. She doesn't shout or scream but her voice drops low and she gives them a stern speaking to that is actually very scary if you are on the recieving end.
Yeonmi is not envious of others and instead of moping around she tries to improve herself in order to be able to compete with others at the same level. She is humble and can't take compliments too easily since she wants to improve more but she can turn to a doting mother and compliment others a lot especially the maknae of the team.

Fashion style

You will never find Yeonmi under or over dressed for any occasion.She knows what matches and what doesn't so shes the one to go to for fashion advice. Her own style is to keep things in style and not too complicated but she can add some flair if the occasion calls for it. Yeonmi tends to wear shorts a lot, even in the winter [shes not easily cold] but shes not the girl that usually wears short shorts or mini skirts because she finds it incedibly hard to move around in them. Shes not too fussy on brands but she knows how to wear a cheap jacket so that it looks as fashionable as givenchy.

YG events   

behind the scenes

questions? None
stage ideas. Make Bigbang and 2ne1 take one group each to train for a week and then the two groups compete
each member of the teams calles in someone and they must make a collab with that person to perform in front of live audience. Yeonmi would call in Jonghyun.
each group told to come up with a concept they want to work with and then the concepts are switched so they have to work with the concept the other group picked. 

last comments. hope you like her
Yeonmi collapsing after a performance
The girls having a party and inviting over their friends
Yeonmi online checking to see that a lot of people are talking about how she has an unfair advantage due to her idol friends which makes her upset.
During team training she sees that some of her members are scared of appearing on stage so she brings them out to perfom on the streets to cure their stage fright.

PASSWORD. champion5 (champion 5 or champions)

-She is able to knit well and makes scarves or hats as christmas presents.
-Called hidden sm trainee online because most of her idol friends are from sm
-She spent the main two years as a trainee focusing on dancing only to debut with a ballad. 
-She does yoga to improve her dancing.
Predebut {vocal twin younha}
Solo DEbut single 
괜찮다 It's Okay (in 2013(
Vocal in epik high's we fight ourselves 2014
Wrote and composed Super Junior's Evanesce 2014
featured in love belt by shinee jonghyun 2014
sang you, who came from the stars for the one from the stars ost. 2014
featured in and cowrote the lyrics to gdragon's without you (first offical job) 2012
she wrote and sang the song Passionate to me which is one ost for pinnocio 2015 (this job was taken specifically to hype up for the show)
Vocalist for Epik High's spoiler during some YG concerts

love interest
love interest. Lee taemin
age. 22
relationship. not quite dating
Back Up:

PERSONALITY. He seems like he would be full of himself due to the image he has on stage but in reality he is quite shy around people hes met for the first time. he sometimes acts way older than his age and people say he is like a dad but other time he jokes around like a little kid. he is good at looking innocent due to his smile. he's extremely well tempered and its almost impossible to make him angry. he works really hard at the things he likes but sometimes when he doesn't like something he will try his best to get out of it. hes very willing to do stuff and if something sounds right to him then he will act on it right away almost without thinking it through. he doesn't like conflict so instead of fighting for something he will quietly back down even though he wasn't in the wrong. he is easily subdued by others with bigger personalities when he is offstage but when he is onstage he truly shines. He's not the best with words and sometimes says some random things that he finds funny but no one else understands. He can be like a huge child since he spent most of his childhood training to debut. 

MEETING. What happens when Heechul, Krystal and Jonghyun feel like playing matchmaker? Yeonmi gets stuck with Lee Taemin backstage of mcount down after being 'forced' to go and support Jonghyun. They spend the first ten minutes in awkard silence before Yeonmi starts off with a topic and the two then spend the whole time talking to each other non stop. When Jonghyun came back he didn't even have to do much suggesting for the two of them to exchange numbers. Both of them left with warm feelings.

INTERACTIONS. Their relationship is in the area of its complicated because Taemin really wants Yeonmi to be his girlfriend because he fell head over heels for her right after he met her but he knows that Yeonmi wants to focus on debuting. Yeonmi likes Taemin but she doesn't want to date because she wants to work hard and debut first. So even though almost everyone that is close to the two can see that they are in love, the two of them don't label things and dont tell each other their feelings. The two of them stand very close together when they are in the same room and end up doing skinship without realizing it. They text each other and cheer each other on quite a lot but don't really say mushy things in front of each other. Taemin knows the feeling of training very very hard and is one of the few people that knows how to get Yeonmi to rest.  Yeonmi knows how to cheer Taemin up and sometimes ends up acting older than him to take care of him.

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layout designed and coded by flamzfox at Cerulean Themes



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