Youtube Challenge - Alice Thornley


Beauty Vlogger
 Username: MinRin04 || Name: Minnie || Activeness: 8 out of 10 
First Name: Alice
Last Name: Thornley
Age: 25
Height: 163cm
Eye Color: Light Blue
Hair Color: Blonde (naturally dark brown)
Date of Birth: March 28, 1990
Place of Birth: Lacock, Wiltshire, UK
Ethnicity: English
Hometown: Lacock, Wiltshire, UK

• English / Native / She was born and raised in the UK.
• French / Basic / She learn the language when she was in school but he is not very good at it.
uality: Heteroual
Body Modifications: None
(+) Calm, Kind, Caring, Hard-working
(-) Insecure, Anxious, Shy, Cold

Alice is a calm person, she usually doesn't fight with people because she thinks that its more important talking about the problem instead of yelling at each other. She is kind and caring with the people she loves and care about. She is a great listener and she is always here when her friends needs to talk about their problems. She tries to give them advices when she can. She is really sweet with the people she knows well. She is very hard-working and perseverant in everything she does. When she starts something she like to finish it.

As much as she can be calm and kind, if she's anger or hurt she can very cold and harsh towards people. She can give the cold shoulder to the people who betray, lie to her. She is shy when meeting new people, which made her seems cold and sometimes arrogant. She doesn't talk much to the people she doesn't know. 
In that way, youtube helped her a lot because when she meets her subscribers she is less shy. She is quite insecure too, she wants to please everyone even though she knows she can't. That's why she puts a lot of effort in her videos. She gets really anxious when she surrounded by a big crowd or when she knows she has to go somewhere where there are a lot of people . She made a video about it ❤︎
Alice was born on March 28, 1990 in the UK. On September 8, 1991 her brother Ashton was born. Alice had a good childhood. Her brother and her never needed anything as her parents make sure that their children were never in need. She grew up in Lacock, Wiltshire where she attended the Corsham School secondary school and arts college. 
In 2009, she started to work at New Look. That's when she decided to create a youtube channel because she liked make-up and fashion. The same year she moved to Brighton.

She started to post videos regularly on her channel and she gain more and more attention.  Seeing that her channel became more and more famous she created her second channel on September 4, 2012 to share more of her life with her subscribers. As she became more famous on youtube she has been able to go to VidCon and Playlist Live. She also has been able to do meet and greet with her subscribers. She has also done a photoshoot for Seventeen Magazine. She has done multiples interviews and she had the honor to interview the One Direction while they were promoting their movie 'This Is Us'. For Alice, her subscribers are like a second family, she loves making videos for them and one of her favorites types of videos to do are Q&A because she can directly answer her subscribers questions. 
On August 31, 2015 she reached 9 million subscribers. She was in shock because when she started her channel it was for fun and she couldn't imagine that six years later she would have 9 million people watching her videos. She is very thankful and grateful but also proud of her subscribers because without them she wouldn't be where she is now and she wouldn't have the oppurtinities that she has. It's all thanks to those people who watch her behind their screens.  
• Beauty and Fashion 
• Music // She especially likes pop music. Her favorite bands are One Direction, 5 Seconds of Summer and Little Mix.
• Movies // Her favorites are the Harry Potter movies and the Fault In Our Stars.
• Books // Her favorites are the Harry Potter series and the Divergent series.
• Her subscribers // It's her second family <3
Chocolate // She is a chocolate addict. If she could eat one food for the rest of her life it would be chocolate.
• Pumpkin Spice Latte // It's like Autumn in a cup for her.
• Scented Candles // She has obsession for Scented Candles. She has over a 100 candles at home.
• Hot Days // She doesn't like to feel sweaty when it's too hot outside.
• Rude people
• Kiwis // She doesn't like the taste of kiwis, it's too bitter for her.
• Bugs // They freaked her out.
• Filming Videos // She really like filming videos. It's fun for her.
• Editing Videos // She likes the editing part because she can very creative with it.
• Reading // She like to sit on her couch with a blanket over her and read a book.
• Social Anxiety // She gets very anxious when she is surrounded by a big crowd or when people she doesn't know come to talk to her. She often has panic attacks.
• Arachnophobia // She is deadly afraid of spiders she can't stand the sight of it.
• Twitter & Instagram (username is AllyThornley )
• Her second channel has 3 519 095 subscribers.
• She has 2 guinea pigs and a pug as pets.
• Her favorites TV Shows are Pretty Little Liars an Supernatural.
• She loves Watermelon.
• She is a very heavy sleeper. She doesn't like waking up early in the morning.
• She doesn't have any other job beside making youtube videos.
youtube links
• Make-up Tutorial  ❤︎
• Hair Tutorial  ❤︎
• Haul  ❤︎
Father / Graham Thornley / 57 / Dentist / Her father is quite strict with his children but he is also very loving. He has a good relationship with Alice and Ashton.
• Mother / Mary Thornley (née Colborne) / 53 / Teacher / Her mother is very caring and supportive with her children. She is calm, sweet and protective. She is Alice's confident. 
• Younger Brother / Ashton Thornley / 24 / Youtuber / Alice and her brother have a very good relationship. They do have fights just like in any brother/sister relationship.
describe your channel
• She has two channels: her Main Channel ❤︎ and her Second Channel ❤︎
• Her main channel is where she posts make-up and hair tutorials, monthly favorites, hauls...
• Her second channel is where she posts daily vlogs.
youtube username: Alice Thornley
fan: Wonders
plotline: Beauty Vlogger
number of subscribers:
9 208 867 subs
 love interest
 Alice would like someone that is calm, caring , responsible and protective without being over-protective. She would like someone that does kind of the same videos that she does on her second channel. He needs to respect her personal space when she needs it.
face claim #1
Name: Gigi Hadid
face claim #2
Name: Miranda Kerr
scene requests
• The cast of the Youtube Cahllenge doing a video together.
I hope you like my app ^^ I'm sorry for any mistakes, English is not my first language.
Her least favorites channels to watch are the gaming channels. She finds quite boring because she is not much of a gamer.
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